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 The Journals of Emma Troutman Boylan
© 2023 Linda Hoopes
315 W. Ponce de Leon Ave., Suite 750
Decatur, GA 30030
Emma #10: July 1928
Picking and canning, a Buick, and the Baptist Assembly

MAR 10, 2022
Sun 1. Katharine went back to Cedar Falls today. Daddy drove her to Iowa Falls in the truck. Union service in the evening. Rev. Bock preached at our church.

It looks like Katharine is spending her weekdays in Cedar Falls and coming home on the weekends. I’ll have more in an upcoming post on what she’s up to.

Mon 2. A big washing—always glad when it is done. Mrs. Byam & I went after some mulberries today out at Pethithory’s.

Tue 3. I am canning the mulberries & some goose berries today. Ruth took her lesson. Got a 2nd-hand Buick on a trade today. Went to Eldora for the program “75 Anniversary.”

I don’t know if this is the car she mentions, but I found the picture in some old family negatives, so it might be!

According to an early history of Hardin County, Eldora was established as the county seat in July of 1853, and was named after a woman’s daughter who had died at birth earlier that year.

Wed 4. It rained so hard we stayed all night. Got home this AM about 8. Have ironed, picked cherries for Gerald’s & some raspberries & peas for dinner.

Thu 5. I went with Gerald to Iowa Falls. As we were detained I went to Alden & had a lovely visit with Mrs. Johnson. Stayed with Gerald’s children while he & Miriam, Daddy & Ruth went to a show.

Fri 6. Katharine came home today. Daddy brought her in the truck. I spent the afternoon at the shop.

Sat 7. Mrs. Austin helped me make a dress for Katharine today. I made her a linen dress also. Ruth helped at a Camp Fire ice cream social in the evening.

Sun 8. We were invited down to see Alice Hafercamp today to eat Sunday dinner. We took Gladys with us. Had a lovely dinner. We then went to see Mr. Daggett who is in the hospital at Marshalltown. Came home via Eldora.

Mon 9. Got up at 4:30 to take Katharine to Cedar Falls. Gerald is driving a tractor home. Bought four new goldfish. Stopped in Eldora on my way home. Mrs. Austin is helping me make a dress today.

Tue 10. Mrs. Austin & I sewed, and after noon Tell, Rev. Rowley & I drove to Dow’s to attend a Missionary Picnic. I spoke on “Gardening” (child training). Stopped at Popejoy to see Yeagers’ pool.

Wed 11. Such a busy day! Did a big washing in the AM. Picked & canned enough peas for 18 pints. Picked about 3 qts of raspberries. Had our first ripe tomatoes today.

Thu 12. Today was the SS picnic. Rather rainy. Not many there.

Fri 13. Alice & Nora came over and picked cherries today—I canned 8 qts. We pitted them all.

Sat 14. We canned 26½ qts of beans today. Ruth & I went the EL play Patty Makes Things Hum.

Here’s a description of the play I found. As I go along, I find myself curious about the changing ways in which black characters and voices are portrayed in Emma’s time and place. This was the period of the Harlem Renaissance, with its rich influence on art and culture, but it was also a time when including the “cullud” help as a comedic element in a play was not unusual.

Sun 15. A lovely day!

Mon 16. We did a big washing. Then I picked about 2 qts of raspberries. In the afternoon Ruth & I sewed; finishing up the things she needs to go to Iowa Falls tomorrow.

Ruth was going to the Iowa Baptist Assembly, a two-week gathering held at the Iowa Falls. This was a huge event, including classes, evening lectures, recreational activities, etc. Many youth attended.1 I wasn’t able to find information on when they stopped holding it, but there is an Assembly Park in Iowa Falls that looks like it must be on the former Baptist Assembly Grounds.

Tue 17. We did the ironing and pressed all the things that we cleaned with naptha yesterday. We planned to drive to the Baptist Assembly but the car was not ready so Curley Laye drove. John & Alice came over. Gerald & I picked 1½ bu of beans.

Naptha (or naphtha) is a highly flammable solvent similar to paint thinner. It, and other solvents such as gasoline, were used for home dry cleaning before the invention of perchloroethylene in the 1930s. While Emma may be referring to Fels-Naptha, a pre-treatment laundry detergent introduced in 1893 that used to contain naphtha, I suspect she used the actual solvent. Here’s an excerpt from a 1930s safety film on the dangers of using gasoline for home dry cleaning(!!)

Wed 18. Picked a bushel of peas & canned them. It made 14 pints—one broke in the oven. Makes 32 pints of peas & 31½ qt of beans.

Thu 19. Spent the morning at the shop posting books. Had Gladys & her father for dinner. Went to Rollie Van Patter’s in the PM to the Missionary Society. We are sending a Christmas box to Jennie Jones.

I was wondering why they were thinking about a Christmas box in July, but I found a reference to Jennie Jones as a missionary to China, so I guess they had to plan ahead.

Fri 20. Katharine came home with Agnes Liebenstein this PM so we did not need to go to Iowa Falls for her. Had a class meeting today. My SS girls decided to sell popcorn balls & candy tomorrow night.

Mmmm…popcorn balls! Here’s a recipe.

Sat 21. Ruth will be disappointed that we did not get up to Iowa Falls last night. Have been so busy today. Katharine & I drove to Buckeye today. The girls cleared $1.79 at their sale.

$1.79 in 1928 is almost $30 in today’s money.

Sun 22. A beautiful Sunday morning! After church, we took Betty and Margaret with us to the Baptist Assembly to see the Bonds & Ruth. We heard M. Coleman of the Coleman Light Co. speak in the PM.

Mon 23. A beautiful washday—& a big washing! Picked raspberries & spent the afternoon at the shop posting books.

Tue 24. Had to go to the shop this AM so did not get to iron. Picked several more ripe tomatoes. My water lily has three buds. Tell & I were invited to Nora’s for supper—she had John & Alice, Jessie & Mrs. Earhart.

Wed 25. I invited the Eldora folks & Mr. Strother here for dinner. John & Will were coming to the Cemetery. They stayed for supper too. I went after a load & Tell & I took them back after supper.

Thu 26. I spent most of the morning at the shop. Made or started some vinegar today. This was Mother’s birthday. The new professor’s little boy was accidentally killed today. Letters from Katharine, Ruth, and Berne.

Here is some information on making vinegar from scratch.

Fri 27. Tell & I went to Eldora after Nora & took her to Iowa Falls Baptist Assembly to hear Hymns of the Ages—put on by Prof. Boyd’s class. It was good. Met Katharine at the train & she got to see part of it. Nora came home with us.

Apparently this was quite a production!

Sat 28. We drove the Buick to Eldora. Took Nora home. Katharine & I stayed for dinner. I took a bad cold last night & my neck is stiff. Took some rags to be woven & bought 20 dolls for the Missionary box to be dressed. Had all of Bonds & their company for supper. Gave them $5.00.

Sun 29. Katharine taught my class. I visited Daddy’s. It was very fine. After dinner we took Lucille Tripp & Ruth McCoy & Betty with us to see Bonds. Katharine went back & Ruth & I went to Zearing to a contest. I was a judge. Differed with all the rest.

Mon 30. Had a nice washday but was almost sick when I got through. Stayed at the shop a couple hours & then went to bed. Felt better after supper & took the dolls around to be dressed. We were up at Gladys’ awhile.

Tue 31. Finished my cucumber pickles up. In the PM I went to Iowa Falls. Took Ruth, Margaret Sater and
Wendell for their lessons.
~~In case you haven’t been keeping track, this month Emma picked, canned, or made:
~Mulnerries Goosberries Raspberries Peas Tomatoes
~~Cherries Beans Vinegar Cucumber Pickles
As I write this post, I am sending my thoughts to the people in Iowa affected by the March 5, 2022 tornadoes.  I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s installment of Emma’s journals! See you next week for August 1928.
1. Here are descriptions of the 1918 and 1920 Assemblies from a Baptist publication. They give a little of the flavor of the event.