Iowa History Project
Iowa: Its History and Its
Foremost Citizens
Index of Names
A |
Abernethy, Alonzo--33, 102 |
Adams, Ephraim--87-88 |
Adams, Harvy--88 |
Adams, John Q.--48-49 |
Ainsworth, Lucian Lester--274, 299, 312 |
Albright, George S. --254 |
Albright, R. W.--180 |
Alden, Ebenezer--14, 139, 181-182, 186-188, 229, 243, 314, 321, 339, 385-386, 321, 339, |
385-386 |
Aldrich, Mary J.--223 |
Allen, A. F.--11 |
Allen, Benjamin Franklin--329 |
Allen, James--9, 38, 67, 102, 106-114, 415 |
Allison, William Boyd--231, 282, 290, 308, 311, 318, 321, 337, 340, 352, 372 |
Anderson, Albert R.--348 |
Anderson, Trader--68 |
Andre', Father--13 |
Andrews, Lorenzo Frank--14, 99, 182 |
Angle, H. G.--299 |
Appanoose--43, 45, 52 |
Arthur, Chester A.--290 |
Atwell, Mrs. R. P.--301 |
Audubon, John J.--64-5 |
Augur, General--348, 350 |
Avery, J. C.--184 |
Ayers, Squire--267 |
B |
Babbitt, Lysander W.--242 |
Bailey, Ansel Kinne--182 |
Bailey, Gideon S.--130-131, 134, 156, 158-159, 274, 299, 312 |
Bailey, W. D.--170 |
Bainbridge, M.--318 |
Baker, James--318 |
Baker, Micajah--313, 388, 395 |
Baker, Nathaniel Bradley--299, 316, 318, 338-41, 365, 374 |
Baker, Thomas--197, 217 |
Baldwin, Caleb--318, 368 |
Baldwin, John T.--254 |
Ballard, S. M.--336 |
Banks, Gen. N. P.--412 |
Barker, Winslow T.--273, 329 |
Barker, William--87 |
Bartley, Thomas W.--334 |
Bassett, George--327 |
Bates, Curis--164, 249 |
Bates, J. F.--316 |
Bayley, Mrs. Warner B.--370 |
Beach, John--57 |
Beauharnois, Governor--29 |
Beecher, Henry War--87 |
Beers, F. E.--293 |
Belknap, Alice--365 |
Belknap, Hugh J.--364 |
Belknap, William Goldsmith--363 |
Belknap, William Worth--11, 271, 274, 348, 363-65, 386, 391, 407, 417 |
Bemis, George Washington--314 |
Benjamin, Judah P.--202 |
Bennett, Hiram C.--142 |
Bennett, James Gordon--173 |
Bennett, Martin Van Buren--273 |
Benson, Arthur Christopher--242 |
Benton, Thomas Hart--74, 117, 198, 201 |
Benton, Thomas Hart, Jr.--287, 329, 366, 400-1, 418 |
Bergson, Henri--216 |
Bessey, Charles Edwin--410 |
Bettannier, E. F.--280 |
Bigelow, John--74 |
Bird, Thompson--87, 384 |
Bissell, Frederick E.--194, 251, 269 |
Bissell, Dr. G. R.--296 |
Bissell, Samuel S.--157 |
Black, James--220 |
Black Hawk--31-3, 35-6, 38,40-6, 49, 51-2, 54, 172, 205 |
Blackford, J. E.--297 |
Blaine, James G.--337, 339 |
Blair, John I.--182 |
Blanchard, John--182 |
Boggs, L. W.--136 |
Boies, Horace--300 |
Bolter, Lemuel R.--331 |
Bonham, Smiley H.--225 |
Boone, Daniel--72 |
Boone, Nathan--72 |
Bosquets, The--234 |
Bowdoin, E. G.--313 |
Bowen, Jesse--225, 262 |
Bowdoin, E. G.--313 |
Bowman, George B.--86 |
Bowman, John G.--220 |
Bradley, Philip B.--149, 228 |
Bradshaw, J. P.--214 |
Brandt, Isaac--187, 378 |
Brandt, Quartermaster--70 |
Brannan, William F.--164 |
Brent, Matilda--142 |
Briggs, Ansel--130, 138, 149, 168, 217-36 |
Briggs, John E.--262 |
Brigham, David T.--273, 334 |
Bronson, Charles E.--254 |
Bronson, R.--273 |
Brooks, T. K.--99 |
Brown, Alfred Francis--299, 315 |
Brown, Annie-344 |
Brown, Charles E.--90 |
Brown, J. F.--313 |
Brown, John--277-79, 298, 312, 314 |
Brown, John L.--330 |
Brown, Leonard--384 |
Browne, Jesse B.--129, 136, 217-18, 224 |
Browning, Milton D.--252 |
Bruce, John--244, 417-18 |
Brunson, Alfred--85 |
Bryan, P. Gad--253 |
Bryan, Wm. Jennings--397 |
Bryce, James--230 |
Buchanan, James--168, 202, 269, 288 |
Buell, Gen. Don Carlos--357 |
Bulis, Henry C.--330 |
Bunker, David--162, 267 |
Burdette, Robert J.--209 |
Burgwin, Captain--64-5 |
Burkholder, William--296, 298 |
Burnham, Charles--87 |
Burr, Aaron--47-8 |
Burrell, Howard A.--182 |
Bussey, Cyrus--299, 312, 318, 363, 365-68, 399 |
Butler, Jacob--297 |
Butterworth, Alexander--166 |
Buxton, Alfred G. A.--352 |
Byers, Samuel hwakins Marshall--305, 341, 371-72, 374, 398, 403 |
C |
Cabet, Etienne--379-80 |
Caldwell, Captain--405 |
Caldwell, Chief--62 |
Caldwell, Henry Clay--297, 314 |
Caldwell, Jos. W.--297 |
Calhoun, John C.--100, 124, 190-91 |
Callanan, Mr. Martha Conley--223 |
Calvin, Samuel--11 |
Cameron, John--57 |
Cameron, Simon--51. 53-54 |
Campbell, J. W.--109 |
Caniday, John--98 |
Carhart, Mrs. L. D.--223 |
Carlton, James H.--383-84 |
Carlyle, Thomas--81 |
Carnegie, Andrew--352 |
Carondolet, Baron de--23 |
Carpenter, A. W.--304 |
Carpenter, Cyrus Clay--203, 274, 276, 294, 298, 300 |
Carpenter, Frank G.--364 |
Carpenter, Matt--364 |
Carr, Eugene Asa--367 |
Carroll, Beryl Franklin--397 |
Carroll, John--195 |
Carsner, Jonas--109 |
Cartwright, B. H.--85 |
Cartwright, Peter--84-5 |
Carus, Paul--409 |
Casady, Phieas McCray--229-31, 242, 273, 378, 384-85 |
Casement, Jack and Dan--348 |
Cass, Lewis--51, 70, 107, 288 |
Catlin, George H.--25, 62, 79-80 |
Cattell, Jonathan W.--256, 273, 328, 330 |
Cavanagh, Thomas, 378 |
Chambers, Col. Alexander--410, 418 |
Chambers, John--36, 38, 4, 137, 140-151, 155, 175, 177, 214 |
Chance, David R.--86, 122-23 |
Chandler, Zach--290 |
Chapman, William W.--153-55, 157-58, 171, 182, 281 |
Chase, A. M.--111 |
Chase, Daniel Darrow--328 |
Chase, Salmon P.--294, 201, 283, 285, 308 |
Chatterton, Aaron--86 |
Chipman, Norton P.--354 |
Chittenden, H. M.--62-64 |
Chouteau, Joseph (and heirs)--20-23, 26-27 |
Church, William--295 |
Cilley, Jonathan--190-193 |
Clagett, Thomas W.--273. 314 |
Clark, Dan Elbert--318 |
Clark, Elisha F.--252 |
Clark, George Rogers--13 |
Clark, George Washington--405 |
Clark, Green T. 252 |
Clark, Ichabod--334 |
Clark, Jane--334 |
Clark, John--89, 334 |
Clark, John T.--329-329 |
Clark, Justus--242 |
Clark, Leander--321, 331 |
Clark, Lincoln--225, 237, 273-274 |
Clark, Olynthus B.--318 |
Clark, Rufus L. B.--162, 268, 297 |
Clark, Rush--314, 318. 321 |
Clark, Samuel Mercer--135, 182, 290 |
Clark, William--51-53 |
Clarke, Gov. George Washington--352 |
Clarke, James--80, 145, 150-152, 175, 185-186, 208, 214, 217, 232 |
Clarke, William Penn--143-145, 151, 175, 177, 237, 259, 267, 308, 317 |
Clarke, William Tecumseh--377, 411 |
Clarkson, Coker, Fifield, 174, 308-309, 325, 237 |
Clarkson, James Sullivan--182. 327. 340. 397 |
Clarkson, Richard Polkinhorn--327, 388-389 |
Clay, Henry--47-48, 177, 193, 200, 286 |
Clayton, Senator--119 |
Clemons, Orrin--182 |
Clemons, Samuel L.--182 |
Clevelnad, Grover--55, 362, 405 |
Coffin, Representative--254 |
Cole, Cyrenus--234-235 |
Conkling, Roscoe--290 |
Conner, Elizabeth--387 |
Connolly, Mary--285 |
Conway, William B.--127-128, 150 |
Cook, Ebenezer--123, 255 |
Cook, Ira--123 |
Cook, John P.--123, 237 |
Cook, Lyman--274, 285 |
Coolbaugh, William F.--252, 273, 275, 299, 304, 312 |
Cooley, E. E.--273 |
Coon, Datus, E.--403-404 |
Coppoc, Barclay--277, 314 |
Corse, Edwar--362 |
Corse, Fanny--362 |
Corse, John Lockwood--357 |
Corse, Johh Murray--11, 206, 357-363 |
Corse, Murray Pichot--362 |
Cotton, Aylett R.--Rowland--205 |
Cotton, Rowland--205 |
Cotton, Samuel--87 |
Cox, Rev. Dr.--205 |
Cox, Thomas--131, 135-136 |
Coyl, W. H.--373 |
Crawford, Trader--68, 99 |
Crittenden, John J.--194, 283, 288 |
Crocker, Charlotte--385 |
Crocker, Mrs. Charlotte O'Neal--383-385 |
Crocker, Frank M.--385 |
Crocker, Marcellus Monro--11, 323, 238, 364, 377-387, 392, 398 |
Crocker, Mary M.--385 |
Croghan, Col. George--72 |
Crosley, George W.--391-418 |
Crum, William, 177, 179 |
Cumming, Charles A. 397 |
Cummins, Albert Baird--209 |
Currier, Amos Noyes--220 |
Crutis, Israel C.--273 |
Curtis, Samuel Ryan--187, 232-233, 345, 353-355, 367, 371-374, 378-379, 388, 392, 398 |
Custer, General--413 |
Cutler, Elisha, Jr.--156 |
Cutts, Marsena Elwell--326 |
D |
Darrow, Clarence S.--409 |
Darwin, C. Ben--273, 331, 358 |
Davenport, Col. George--72, 215-216 |
Davenport, George L.--216 |
Davidson, General--367 |
Davidson, John--157 |
Davis, Garrett--198 |
Davis, George M.--299 |
Davis, James C.--11, 139 |
Davis, Jefferson--49, 54, 166, 192-194, 196, 199, 329 |
Davis, Timothy--226, 269 |
Dawson, James--226 |
Day, Timothy--162 |
Dean, Amos--219-220, 251 |
Deemer, Horace, Emerson, 11, 397 |
Deering, Nathaniel Cobb--285 |
Delano, Columbus--224 |
Dennis, Gen. E. S.--402 |
DeNoyelles--29, 31 |
De Selincourt--421 |
DeSmet, Peirre Jean--62-64, 81, 84 |
Deuss, Mrs. J. L.--195 |
De Villiers--29 |
Dewey, John M.--318 |
Dewey, William--363 |
Dillon, John Forest--324 |
Dixon, Jacob W.--321 |
Dodge, Augustus Caesar--97, 129, 136-137, 144, 150, 172-173, 177, 186-187, 192, 195-203, 207, |
225, 237, 255, 281, 334-335, 385 |
Dodge, Grenville Mellen--323, 342-453, 360-361, 368-370, 372-373, 377, 382-383, 385, 388 |
Dodge, Henry--54, 106, 121-124, 154, 189-190, 195, 197, 242, 281, 415 |
Dodge, Sylvanus--34 |
Dodge, William Wallace--203 |
Dolliver, Jonathan Prentiss--11, 301 |
Doty, James D.--193 |
Dougherty, John--70 |
Douglas, Stephen A.--192, 201, 314, 238 |
Dousman, Agent--51 |
Drake, Francis Marion--291, 419 |
Draper, Lyman C.--188 |
Drummond, Thomas--181, 273-274, 299-300 |
Dubuque, Jean--22 |
Dubuque, Noel Augustin--22 |
Duncombe, Charles--292 |
Duncombe, John Francis--182, 269, 274, 276, 291-301, 312, 321, 324 |
Duncombe, William E.--301 |
Dungan, Warren Scott--321, 417 |
Dunham, Calrk--176, 181 |
Dunham, Mrs. Marion H.--223 |
Durant, Dr.--348 |
Durham, Samuel W.--155, 164 |
Dye, William McEntyre--419-420 |
Dyer, Martha J.--399 |
Dyer, Justice--27 |
Dykeman, Newton L.--378 |
Dykes, Adjutant--113 |
E |
Eads, James D.--256 |
Eastman, Enoch Worthman--188, 324-326, 328, 392 |
Eaton, Arial K--242 |
Eaton, Joseph P.--321 |
Eaton, Professor--214 |
Edmundson, James D.--45 |
Edwards, James Gardiner--142, 144, 172-174 |
Edwards, John--180-181, 267, 274, 318, 338, 358, 294 |
Eiboeck, Joseph--182 |
Elbert, Robert--366 |
Eliot, President--362 |
Elliott, Washington L.--374-376 |
Ells, George W.--162 |
Emerson, M. T.--179 |
Emerson, Oliver--87, 205 |
Engle, Peter Hill--121-123 |
English, Mrs. Florence--409 |
English, Harvey W.--299 |
Evans, Mrs. H. C.--397 |
Evans, Jeremiah--295 |
Evans, Lyman--156 |
Everett, Edward--52 |
F |
Fairall, Samuel H.--321 |
Fairchild, David S.--11 |
Fales, Mrs. Joseph T.--306 |
Faribault, Jean Baptiste--68, 102, 109 |
Farley, Jesse P.--231 |
Farwell, Sewell S.--330 |
Faville, Oran, 269, 271, 274, 329 |
Felix, Father--63 |
Ferguson, Sergt. Major--114 |
Fessenden, William P.--284, 288 |
Fillmore, Millard--200, 370 |
Finch, Daniel O.--321, 378, 385 |
Finkbine, Robert S.--327, 337 |
Fish, Hamilton--288 |
Fisher, Maturin L.--252, 256 |
Fisk, Clinton B.--354 |
Fleming, Asa--100 |
Fleming, Levi--86 |
Fleming, William Henry--11, 182, 261, 273, 337, 411 |
Fletcher, John E.--156-158, 198 |
Floyd, Charles--59, 62 |
Floyd, Secretary--279 |
Foote, John Graham--321 |
Forrest, General--398, 414 |
Forsyth, Secretary--279 |
Foster, Mrs. Jane Ellen--22 |
Foster, Silas--177 |
Frelinghuysen, Theodore--205 |
Fremont, Jessie Benton--200 |
Fremont, John Charles--9, 63, 73-75, 102, 322, 358, 361, 366, 368, 415 |
French, Alice--11 |
French, General--360-361 |
Frierson, John--134 |
Fry, Sherry E.--45 |
Fuller, Mrs. I. K.--306 |
Fuller, Levi--321 |
Fulton, Alexander R.--182 |
G |
Galbraith, William H.--156 |
Galland, David--161 |
Galland, Isaac--91, 171 |
Galland, Washington--91, 237 |
Gallatin, Albert--27 |
Gamble, Governor--353 |
Gardner (Sharp), Abigail--276 |
Gardner, Rowland--276 |
Gardner, James A.--337 |
Garland, Maj. John--41 |
Gatch, Conduce H.--222 |
Gaylord, Reuben--87 |
Gear, John Henry--143-144, 336 |
Geddes, James Loraine--409-410 |
Gehon, Grancis--153, 155, 159 |
Geyer, Charles--63 |
Giard, Basil--21, 60 |
Gibson, Hiram D.--267 |
Gilbert, James I.--376 |
Gill, J. W.--86 |
Gillaspy, George--267, 269 |
Glasgow, Samuel L.--331, 401-402 |
Godfrey, George Lute--331, 348, 395 |
Goodrell, Stewart--230 |
Graham, Harvey--419 |
Granger, Barlow--182 |
Grant, James--147-148, 153, 156-157, 161 |
Grant, Ulysses S.--288-290, 342, 344, 347, 349, 355, 357, 359-360, 364, 367-368, 370-372, 375, |
377, 379, 382-383, 386-387, 390, 391, 397, 402, 407, 408-410, 412, 415, 418, |
Graves, J. K.--316, 336, 356 |
Graves, William J. 190-193 |
Gray, Dr.--215 |
Gray, Hosea W.--162, 264 |
Gray, John H.--385 |
Greeley, Horace--371 |
Greene, George--238, 179 |
Gregg, Thomas H. 171, 180 |
Gregoire, Josephine--189 |
Griffith, Isaac W.--231, 318 |
Grimes, James Wilson--117, 123, 128, 130-131, 133-134, 136, 141, 150, 155, 163-164, 186-187, |
192, 194, 200-201, 206, 209-210, 214, 238, 242, 249-268, 269, 271-273, 280-285, 287, |
289-290, 316, 321, 334 |
Grimes, John--280 |
Grimmel, Dr. F.--73, 259 |
Grinnell, Josiah Bushnell--256, 273, 278, 308, 310, 321 |
Gue, Benjamin F.--31, 182, 187, 222, 257, 273, 279, 299, 314, 321, 325, 328-329, 338, 353, |
370-371, 400, 419 |
Guelich, Theodore--222 |
Gully, Lieutenant--11 |
Gunsaulus, Dr.--209 |
Guylee, John--354 |
H |
Haines, Aaron--85 |
Haines, Matilda C.--406 |
Haines, Robert M.--222 |
Hale, John P.--200, 288 |
Hale, William--329 |
Hall, August--258 |
Hall, Jonathan Chapin--138, 155-159, 199, 267, 269, 413 |
Halleck, Henry W.--322, 357, 388 |
Ham, Moses M.--22, 24, 26 |
Hamilton, Alexander--49 |
Hamilton, A. H.--182, 407 |
Hamilton, Gen. W. W.--255, 390 |
Hamlin, Hannibal--288 |
Hammer, Davied--299 |
Hancock, Winfield S.--342 |
Hare, Abraham M.--382 |
Harlan, Edgar R.--11 |
Harlan, James--137-138, 155, 163-164, 187, 192, 194, 200-203, 238, 255, 257-258, 269, 280, |
284-292, 321, 330, 336-337, 370, 400 |
Harlan, Mary--289 |
Harlan, Mrs. James (Ann E.)--290, 306-307 |
Harlan, John M.--365 |
Harlan, Silas--285 |
Harris, Amos--162, 267 |
Harrison, Benjamin--332, 362, 368, 414 |
Harrison, William Henry--139, 141-142, 191, 193 |
Harrison, William R.--157 |
Hastings, Serranus Clinton--98, 130-131, 136-137, 164, 217 |
Hatch, Edward--374-375, 403 |
Hatch, Joshua H.--321 |
Haun, William G.--240 |
Hawkins, Joseph C.--159 |
Hawley, George A.--315 |
Hay, Mary J.--195 |
Hayes, Rutherford B.--404 |
Hayes, Walter Ingalls--337 |
Healy, George P. A.--138 |
Healy, Thomas D.--301 |
Heath, Herman H.--405-406 |
Hebard, Alfred--175, 226-227 |
Hedrick, Charles M.--407 |
Hedrick, Harry M.--407 |
Hedrick, Howard L.--407 |
Hedrick, John Morrow--406-407 |
Helm, Joseph C.--185 |
Hempstead, Edward--246 |
Hempstead, Eugene Stephen--248 |
Hempstead, James--247 |
Hempstead, Joseph--246 |
Hempstead, Junius L.--248 |
Hempstead, Samuel--246 |
Hempstead, Stephen--130, 134, 153, 156-159, 223, 225, 231, 237-248, 255 |
Hempstead, Thomas--246 |
Henderson, Jane--332 |
Henderson, Paris P.--299 |
Hendrix, H. H.--86 |
Henley, W. E.--305 |
Henn, Bernhart--175, 237, 304 |
Hennessy, John--195 |
Hepburn, William Peters--308, 317 |
Hepner, George--156 |
Herrmann, Richard--11, 26 |
Herron, Francis Jay--316, 355-356, 372-273 |
Hertich, Joseph--197 |
Higley, Mortimer J.--364 |
Hidlreth, Azro B. F.--181, 187, 321, 327 |
Hildredth, W. H.--13 |
Hill, Benjamin H.--337 |
Hill, Frederick--399-400 |
Hill, Henry--400 |
Hill, James Jeremiah--88 |
Hill, James L.--205-209 |
Hill, Sylvester Gardiner--11, 299-300, 413 |
Hillis, Cyrus B.--368 |
Hillis, David Burke--318, 402, 413-417 |
Hillis, Isaac Lea--399 |
Hillis, Mrs. Isaac Lea--368, 399 |
Hilsinger, John H.--327 |
Hitchcock, Allen B.--87, 205 |
Hitchcock, Ethan A.--51, 54 |
Hobson, George--161 |
Holbrook, John B.--87 |
Hollingsworth, Louis--321 |
Holmes, William H.--300, 321 |
Hood, General--360 |
Hooker, Edwin F.--262 |
Hooten, Andrew--156-157 |
Horack, Frank E.--223 |
Hornish, Joseph--321 |
Horton, Charles--374 |
Hospers, Henry--235 |
Hotet, Marie--22 |
Householder, G. R.--106 |
Hously, Noble--89 |
Houston, Samuel--288 |
Hovey, Gen. A. P.--374, 386 |
Howell, James B.--181-182, 255 |
Howell, John--242 |
Hoxie, Herbert Melville--297, 308, 316, 378, 383 |
Hubbard, Asahel Wheeler--297, 318, 321 |
Hubbard, Nathaniel M.--356 |
Hubbell, Frederick M.--254 |
Hudnut, Joseph O.--420 |
Hughes, Thomas--179 |
Hull, Andrew Y.--73, 243, 261 |
Hull, John A. T.--244, 337, 348 |
Hunt, Jefferson--113 |
Hunt, Thomas F.--70 |
Hunter, John D.--182 |
Hunter, R. M. T.--288 |
Hurlbut, Gen. S. A.--390 |
Hutchinson, Horace--88 |
Hyde, Orson--112 |
I |
Ingersoll, R. G.--365 |
Ingham, Harvey--11, 276 |
Ingham, Schuyler R.--318 |
Ingham, W. H.--276, 295, 320 |
Inghram, Alfred B.--123 |
Inkpadutah--269, 276, 294 |
Innis, Judge--47--48 |
Irish, John P.--182 |
Irvin, David--123 |
Irving, Washington--202 |
Isabella II, Queen--202 |
Isbell, Norman W.--255 |
J |
Jackson, Andrew--40, 49, 131, 176, 189-190, 367 |
Jackson, Daniel S.--254 |
Jackson, Frank D.--189, 300, 337, 412 |
Jackson, Nathan--177 |
Jackson, T. J. (Stonewall)--357 |
Jackson, T. Walter--273 |
Jacobs, Cyrus--133, 185 |
James, Edwin--206, 214-215 |
James, William--216 |
Jamison, John C--345 |
Jefferson, Thomas--24, 27, 59-60, 176 |
Jennings, Berryman--91, 299 |
Jessup, Walter A.--221 |
Johns, John--309 |
Johnson, Andrew--284-285, 289-290, 331, 336, 371, 394, 401 |
Johnson, Governor--340 |
Johnson, Col. J. W.--21 |
Johnson, John C.--296, 298 |
Johnson, Reverdy--27 |
Johnston, Joseph E.--106, 346, 359, 379, 382 |
Johnston, Witter H.--186 |
Johnstone, Edward--135, 137, 162, 177, 266-267, 391 |
Joliet, Louis--13, 17, 20, 29, 207 |
Jones, Augustus--194 |
Jones, George Wallace--97, 123, 124, 169, 187, 189-197, 199-200, 225, 237-238, 248, 269 |
Jones, George W. Jr.--195 |
Jones, Dr. J. T.--352 |
Jones, John Rice--189 |
Jones, Mrs. Roy--370 |
Jones, W. A. B.--195 |
Jordan, James C.--254 |
Judy, Squire--98 |
Junkin, William W.--178, 181-182 |