Watson Bowron, Publisher, Burlington, Iowa

Transcribed by Pat Ryan White



~K~ (Pgs. 51-53)

Karr & McClure, groceries and produce, Main e s
   Public Square
Karr A.M., (K. & McClure) b H. McClure.
Kastor Benjamin, b J.W. Kastor.
Kastor John W., (Rand & K.) h cor White and Pearl.
Kauffman B.C., nursery, h Henry cor Walnut.
Kauffman Jacob, h Henry s s e of Harrison.
Keller John, carpenter, h cor Jay and Henry.
Kelly James, stone cutter, h Jay n of Henry.
Kenderdine Charles S., h cor Main and Warren.
Kercheval J.L., plasterer, h cor Clay and Jefferson.
Kibben James, h cor Madison and Van Buren.
Killpatrick E., County Judge, h Washington s s e of Walnut.
Kinzler Solomon, carpenter, h R.R. e of Chestnut.
Kirkpatrick Rev. Andrew J., h cor College Avenue
   and Charles.
Kitchel Jonathan, h cor Henry and Jackson.
Kock Alexander, laborer, h cor Madison and Chestnut.

~L~ (Pgs. 53-54)

Lang Charles, furniture finisher, h Monroe n s cor Marion.
Larkin L.T., grocery, Broadway bt R.R. and Pearl.
Lash J.G., dry goods and groceries, No. 8 Jefferson w side
   Public Square, h cor Main and Clay.
Lash J.B., h Washington, n s bt Adams and Harrison.
Latchaw Geo., teaming, h Main w side s of Green.
Lathrop & Darnall, forwarding and commission, at R.R. depot.
Lathrop Nelson, (L. & Darnall) h cor Washington & Locust.
Lathrop Russel, with Lathrop & Darnall, h cor North
   Washington and Vernon.
Lawler Daniel, laborer, h Pine bt R.R. and Henry.
Lawrence William, blacksmith, h Jackson bt Warren and Clay.
Lebbins Dr. Sumner, h Jackson e s bt Washington and Monroe.
Leedham W.D., Justice of the Peace, office under City Hall,
   h Warren bt Jackson and White.
Leedham Henry C., carpenter, h Jackson w s bt Warren and Clay.
Lehman & Terrance, milliners and dress makers, No. 4, Jefferson
   w s Public Square, 2d floor.
Lennox John, h cor White and Green.
Leisenring William, daguerrean artist, No. 3 Jefferson w s Public
   Square, 2d floor, h Madison cor Walnut.
Leisenring W.K., with William Leisenring.
Linell Rev. William, h Main w s 3 doors n of Henry.
Lockwood Edwin J., b J.C. Lockwood.
Lockwood J.C., crockery, Monroe one door east of Main, h
   cor Monroe and Harrison.
London E. & J., fruit and confectionary, Monroe n s Pub. Sq.
London William, plasterer, h Jackson bt Monroe and Madison.
Lowe Rev. J., h Madison bt Chestnut and Walnut.
Lowe Rev. Samuel, h Jefferson w s 3 doors n of Henry.
Loy George, h Washington bt Van Buren and Marion.
Luce William T., teaming, h Locust cor Green.
Lynch William N., cancer doctor, h Adams, w s 2 doors
   s of R.R.
Lytle James R., carpenter, h Jackson s of Green.

~M~ (Pgs. 54-58)

Mabee Silas T., tailor, h cor Van Buren and Washington.
Malcom John S., stone mason, h cor Adams and Washington.
Malling Jeremiah, h cor Adams and Warren.
Malling O., clerk, W.H. Davis.
Marsh & Craig, attorneys, No. 17, Jefferson, n w cor Public
   Square, 2d floor.
Marsh & Irwin, physicians, Main opposite Brazelton House.
Marsh James E., (M. & Craig) h Monroe s s bt Harrison
   and Locust.
Marsh Joseph, h White cor Webster.
Marsh Othneil, cabinet maker, h cor Harrison and Warren.
Marsh Stephen, blacksmith, h Van Buren bt Washington
   and Monroe.
Marsh Thomas E., student at law, with Marsh & Craig.
Marsh Dr. William S., (M. & Irwin) h Main opp. Brazelton
Martin Charles H., cabinet maker, h Madison west end.
Martin John L., brick mason, h Main bt Clay and Warren.
Martin John, with Martin & White.
Martin Joshua, (M. & White) h Monroe w of Marion.
Martin & White, groceries and provisions, Monroe 2 doors
   e of Main.
Mason Anderson, barber, h Henry bt Chestnut and Elm.
Mason G.W., wagon maker, cor Adams and Monroe
   b R.C. Mason.
Mason Jacob, h cor Madison and Pine.
Mason J.L., wagon maker, Monroe, s s bt White and
   Van Buren.
Mason R.C., wagon maker, h Adams bt Monroe and
Mayhew Nathan, stone mason, h cor Henry and Chestnut.
McCandliss William, h cor Monroe & White.
McCandliss Dr. W.A., h White w s 2 doors n of Saunders.
McClaran William S., blacksmith, h cor Jefferson and Green.
McClelland Thomas M., carpenter, h cor Adams and Warren.
McClelland Rev. A.C., h Adams w s 2 doors n of Henry.
McClure Dr. A.W., office Main e s bt Madison and Monroe, 
   h Main bt Madison and Henry.
McClure Hugh, (Karr & McC.) h cor Monroe and Harrison.
McClure William P., clerk A. Roads.
McCoy & Co., hardware, Monroe s s bt Jefferson and 
McCoy George, h Main bt Front and Charles.
McCoy J.W., (McCoy & Co.) h cor Jefferson and Warren.
McCoy John, res Henry west end.
McDonald John, h Front bt Broadway and White.
McDonald J.W., student at law, with Ambler & Woolson.
McDonald Peter, plasterer, h Washington n of Henry.
McDowell C.N., h cor Monroe and White.
McDowell James, blacksmith, cor. Monroe and Van Buren,
   h cor Monroe and Jackson.
McDowell Rev. Joseph, h Monroe w of Van Buren.
McFarland Samuel, attorney, office under City Hall, 
   h Monroe cor Chestnut.
McGivern Thomas, h Elm n of Henry.
McGregor John S., h Henry cor Adams.
McKee Edmond, carpenter, h White w s bt Clay and 
McLeran & Gill, dry goods and clothing, Main in Brazelton
McLeran James, (McL. & Gill) h cor Monroe and Chestnut.
McLaughlin Michael, h Main n of depot.
McMillan H.H., surveyor, h Madison s s e of Harrison.
McNair T.J., clerk J.C. Estes, b Mt. Pleasant House.
Melcher Peter, stone cutter, h Jackson w s bt Henry
   and Madison.
Mendelson Philip, b John J. Taylor.
Meredith Mrs. Sarah, h cor Washington and Van Buren.
Miller C.C. (M. & Grant) h cor Jefferson and Green.
Miller Dr. A., h Adams e s 4 doors n of Henry.
Miller & Grant, druggists, 31 Jefferson.
Miller Max, carpenter, h cor Wilson and Henry.
Miller O. & Co., hardware, No. 17, cor Jefferson and
Miller O., (O. Miller & Co.) b Brazelton House.
Miller Oliver, b James R. Lytle.
Miller Joseph, carpenter, h Monroe e of Pine.
Miller Rev. S.O., h n of R.R. e of Washington.
Millspaugh B.F., h n of R.R. e of Washington.
Minshall Cyrus B., marble cutter, h Washington n side
   w of Walnut.
Minshall D.W., marble factory, Madison n s bt Main
   and Jefferson.
Mitchell George, painter, h Jefferson w s bt Warren
   and Green.
Moore Rev. Geo., h Main cor Exchange.
Moorehouse Josiah, tailor with A.B. Porter, h cor Jackson
   and Henry.
Moorehead & Hildreth, dentists, No. 13, Jefferson, 2d floor.
Moorehead J.M. (M. & Hildreth) b Brazelton House.
Moorehouse Geo. W., h Broadway bt Charles and Exchange.
Moorehouse C.L., printer, Home Journal, h Monroe bt 
   Walnut and Pine.
Morley Joseph, carpenter, h Main e s bt Clay and Warren.
Moroney Michael, blacksmith, h White bt Monroe and 
Morse Daniel L., blacksmith, cor Monroe and Adams, h 
   Chestnut bt Monroe and Madison.
Morse Charles, b H.C. Fisher.
Morris William, h Clay bt Jackson and White.
Morton Benjamin, h Jay n of Henry.
Morton James, gardener, h Henry cor Elm.
Mt. Pleasant House, Washington n s bt Jefferson and Jackson.
Musgrove Henry, h White w s bt Warren and Green.
Murkle James, carpenter, b Mrs. Vantress.
Murphy William, carpenter, h cor Warren and Jefferson.
Myers William, teaming, h cor Orange and College.

~N~ (Pgs. 58-59)

Norcross J.H., galvanized iron roofing, h Asylum Avenue.
Nowlan Mrs. Elisabeth, h Jefferson e s bt Washington
   and Clay.

~O~ (Pg. 59)

O'Brien Thomas, laborer, h Chestnut n of Henry.
O'Daniels Dennis, (Rentchler & O'D.) b C.H. Martin.
Ogden Jasper, clerk, Miller & Grant.
Orr Dr. Joseph, Main e s Public Square, h Henry s s bt 
   Poplar and Jay.

~P~ (Pgs. 59-61)

Packard Dr., h Washington n s e of Walnut.
Packard T., clerk P.C. Tiffany.
Page R.F.G., book keeper, Saunders Bank, h Main e s bt
   Warren and Green.
Palmer L.G., attorney, Monroe, n s Public Square, h Jefferson
   w s bt Warren and Clay.
Pardy Charles, carpenter, h Broadway bt Mill & Harlan.
Parker H.P., residence Presbyterian Church, cor Main
   and Madison.
Parks A.C., agent Stage Co., h Monroe s s bt Van Buren
   and Marion.
Patterson James, h Main cor Henry.
Patterson James S., teamster, h Washington n of R.R.
Payne James M., teamster, h Chestnut n of Henry.
Payne Sanford, farmer, h n of Henry e of Washington.
Pearson Dr. C., homeopathist, Monroe cor Jackson.
Peck William, contractor, b Mt. Pleasant House.
Pelton Judson, h Madison s s e of Harrison.
Penn Edward L. & Co., dry goods, No. 19, Jefferson, 
   h Main e s 3 doors n of Madison.
Pennington & Umstot, dry goods, Main e s bt Monroe
   and Madison.
Pennington W.W., (P. & Umstot) h White w s 3 doors
   n of Saunders.
Penny Henry, deputy sheriff, h cor Clay and Jefferson.
Pepper Albert, h Jefferson bt Monroe and Madison.
Pepper A.R., brick mason, h Henry cor Allen.
Pepper John, h Henry s s e of Allen.
Perkins Jonathan, h cor Adams and Green.
Perry Darwin E., carpenter, h Washington w of Marion.
Phelps Francis, contractor, h White cor Henry.
Phelps Horace W., shoemaker, h Harrison bt Mon. & Wash.
Phillips Daniel, h cor Washington and Locust.
Phillips Daniel, Jun., b D. Phillips.
Pickering Mrs. Susan, h Monroe e of Pine.
Pixley B.F., wagon maker, Monroe cor Van Buren.
Pollock Mrs. Sarah, h cor Warren and Adams.
Popham T. & R., groceries, Main e s bt Monroe and Madison.
Popham Richard, (T. & R. Popham) h Adams e s bt Madison
   and Monroe.
Popham Thomas, (T. & R. Popham) h Adams e s bt Madison
   and Monroe.
Porter A.B., dry goods and clothing, No. 5 Jefferson, w s 
   Public Square, h cor Monroe and Marion.
Porter W.B., clerk A.B. Porter.
Potter Andrew, wagon maker, Madison bt Jackson and
Pownall Henry T., wagon maker, with G.W. Mason, h cor
   Madison and Jay.
Price Thomas, h Chestnut bt Monroe and Madison.
Putman P.D., h Front bt Main and Adams.

~Q~ (Pg. 61)

Quick Charles S., sash and blinds, Main w s one door s of
   Depot, h Washington n of R.R.

~R~ (Pgs. 62-63)

Rabner Henry, cigars and tobacco, Washington s s Public
Rand & Kaster, lumber, at depot.
Randolph John H., h Washington s s bt Main and Adams.
Ray Harvey, h Harrison w s bt Henry and Madison.
Reaves James, with S.D. Swan, h Monroe s s bt Adams and
Rentchler & O'Daniels, foundry and machine shop, Monroe
   west end.
Rentchler William, (R. & O'Daniels) b C.H. Martin.
Richards Thomas, b Brazelton House.
Riggs B.W. & J.S., boots and shoes, Washington s s 
   Public Square.
Riggs B.W., (B.W. & J.S.R.) h Adams bt Monroe and
Riggs Harpin, township assessor, h cor Main and Clay.
Riggs J.S., (B.W. & J.S.R.) h Adams bt Monroe and
Risk Mrs. Jane, milliner and dressmaker, Monroe e of 
   Brazelton House.
Ritchie Jacob, brick mason, h Adams e s bt Clay and Warren.
Roads A., grocer, Main e s bt Madison and Monroe, h White
   s of Green.
Roads Lindley, h Broadway bt Railroad and Pearl.
Roberts H.M., h Main 3 doors s of Railroad.
Roberts N., h White e s bt Clay and Warren.
Robinson Braxton, painter, h Jackson e s bt Clay and
Robinson H.L., job printer and book binder, Main e s bt
   Monroe and Madison, h Madison n s 6 doors e of Harrison.
Rock Francis, boots and shoes, Jefferson w s bt Warren
   and Clay.
Rockhold Elijah, h cor Main and Warren.
Roderick Daniel, carriage maker, h White n of Saunders.
Roderick Mrs. Nancy, h Jefferson cor Clay.
Roderick O.T., printer, Home Journal.
Roderick Simeon, cooper, b Mrs. Roderick.
Rodgers James, h Main s of Green.
Ross William F., insurance agent, in Brazelton block, 
   h n w cor Harrison and Clay.
Rouse A.M., carpenter, h Adams bt Warren and Green.
Rouse John, carpenter, h Jay n of Henry.
Royce A.J., gunsmith, Monroe s s bt Jefferson and Jackson.
Ruble Jacob, h Van Buren bt Madison and Henry.
Rukgaber B., boots and shoes, Washington s s Public Square.
Rudd Henry, h Warren e of Locust.
Rugg Esli, carpenter, h cor Henry and Chestnut.

~S~ (Pgs. 63-66)

Salmon Joseph, laborer, h Pine bt Railroad and Henry.
Samuels M.C., carpenter, h Chestnut bt Monroe and Madison.
Sargent J.F., watches and jewelry, No. 4 Jefferson, w side 
   Public Square, b Brazelton House.
Sater Aaron, blacksmith, h Chestnut n of Henry.
Sater Ephraim, h Jackson bt Henry and Saunders.
Sater H., brick mason, h Clay cor Marion.
Sater Thomas, h Main w s 2 doors n of Henry.
Saunders A. & W.A., bankers, No. 16 Jefferson cor 
Saunders A. (A. & W.A.S.) h Jefferson e s n of Madison.
Saunders Alvin, (P. Saunders & Sons) b P. Saunders.
Saunders Henry, h Adams one door n of Madison.
Saunders P. & Sons, dry goods, No. 15 Jefferson.
Saunders Presley, (P. Saunders & Sons) h cor Washington
   and Jackson.
Saunders Smith, (P. Saunders & Sons) b P. Saunders.
Saunders W.A., dry goods and grocersis, No. 25 Jefferson.
Saunders W.A., (W.A. Saunders & Co.) h Jefferson w s bt
   Monroe and Madison.
Saunders William G., clerk, Saunders Bank.
Scales John, laborer, h Broadway bt Front and Charles.
Schnor Benjamin, shoemaker, cor Jefferson and Washington.
Schreiner Theodore, carpenter and builder, Jefferson e s bt
   Madison and Monroe, h cor Saunders and White.
Scott Dr. David W., office Brazelton block, h Washington.
Scott R.S., h Washington e of Walnut.
Scott Dr. W.S., h Adams 4 doors n of Henry.
Scullan Bernard, grocery, Main e s Public Square.
Seiss J.J., bakery, Main e s Public Square.
Service Osccola, h cor Jackson and Madison.
Shampenoi Thomas, shoemaker, with B.W. & J.S. Riggs.
Shan David, b D.C. Strang.
Shaup Solomon, h Jackson s of Green.
Shaw & Buck, bakers, Main w s bt Monroe and Madison.
Shaw F.M., clerk, W.A. Saunders.
Shaw J.B., (O. Miller & Co.) h Broadway w s 2 doors n
   of Saunders.
Shaw M.C., (S. & Buck) h Main w s bt Monroe and Madison.
Shean & Strang, watches and jewelry, Washington s s Public
Shean Daniel, (S. & Strang) h Harrison e s bt Clay and Warren.
Shean David, watchmaker, with Shean & Strang.
Sheehan John, shoemaker, h n of Railroad e of Washington.
Shelton Rev. O.C., h Broadway cor Orange.
Shenk Charles, blacksmith, with J. Smith.
Shephard T.K., b Mt. Pleasant House.
Sherridan Richard L., carpenter, h Jackson bt Monroe
   and Madison.
Shields Alfred, carpenter, h cor Monroe & Pine.
Shortridge Rev. Elias, h cor Clay and Jefferson.
Silverman & Co., clothing, No. 27 Jefferson.
Simmons James, forwarding and commission, merchant, 
   at depot, h Vernon e of Washington.
Simon A., (Silverman & Co.) h at store.
Simonds George, h Main e s 3 doors n of Henry.
Slade John, stonemason, h cor Jefferson and Warren.
Smith Jacob, carriage maker, Monroe s s one door e of 
   Adams, h cor Jay and Henry.
Smith Jesse, (S. & Spry) h Madison cor Harrison.
Smith J., h Washington s s bt Harrison and Locust.
Smith Obadiah, shoemaker, h Jackson cor Saunders.
Smith Peter, h Broadway 2 doors s of Railroad.
Smith Simon, cabinet maker, h cor Madison and Jay.
Smith Mrs. Sarah, h cor Henry and Main.
Smith W.L., meat market, flour and feed, cor Main and 
   Monroe, h cor Washington and Main.
Smith & Spry, blacksmith, Monroe s s one door e of Adams.
Smith Sumner, student at college, b W.B. Woodward.
Smith W.P., h Adams e s bt Warren and Green.
Snell Levi, hats, caps and clothing, No. 12 Jefferson, 
   h Green e of Locust.
Snider Charles, druggist, Monroe n s Public Square.
Snyder C.M., grocery, Monroe n s Public Square, h Main
   bt Monroe and Madison.
Snyder O.H., printer, Home Journal, b Mrs. Snyder.
Snyder Mrs. Susan A., h cor Adams and Madison.
Snyder William, h cor Harrison and Madison.
Spaulding Wesley J., prof. in college, h cor Broadway and 
Spearman W.T., city collector, h Madison w of Van Buren.
Spry Elijah A., (Smith & S.) h Jeff. e s bt Henry & Saunders.
Stafford E., lumberman, h Jefferson bt Henry and Saunders.
Starnes Elijah, h Washington n of Railroad.
Stearns Rev. Timothy, h cor Henry and Adams.
Stebbins Dr. Sumner, h Jackson e s bt Wash. and Monroe.
Stephenson Oliver, porter, Brazelton House.
Stevens Andrew, shoemaker, with B.W. & J.S. Riggs.
Stewart Mrs. Elizabeth, h Main bt Charles and Exchange.
Stewart Robert, laborer, h Jackson bt Monroe and Madison.
Stone G.A., cashier, Saunders' Bank, b Brazelton House.
Stowe M.H., books, stationery and periodicals, Monroe 
   n s Public Square.
Strang Daniel C., (Shean & S.) h cor Jackson and Warren.
Strawn Amos, carpenter, h cor Van Buren and Saunders.
Sullivan John, laborer, h cor Railroad and Pine.
Sutton Rev. Milton, h Madison n s 4 doors e of Harrison.
Swan Henry, h cor Railroad and Broadway.
Swinford J.M.C., (Hawkins & S.) h cor Locust and Clay.
Swan Simeon D., livery, cor Monroe and Adams, h Adams
   2 doors n of Henry.
Swan William, h Monroe s s bt Main and Adams.
Sypherd Mathew, shoemaker, h Front bt Broadway and White.

~T~ (Pg. 66-67)

Taft T.V., grocer, cor Railroad and Adams, h cor Main
   and Madison.
Tate S.H., tannery, h cor Henry and Van Buren.
Taylor W.H., Main e s Public Square, h Harrison w s 
   bt Clay and Warren.
Taylor J.J., teamster, h Adams e s 7 doors n of Henry.
Thomas O.A., carriage maker, Monroe s s bt Main and
   Adams, h same.
Thompson Samuel, h Van Buren bt Madison and Henry.
Thompson William, h Boundary e s n of Saunders.
Tiffany P.C., books and stationery, cor Monroe and 
   Jefferson, h Main e s 4 doors s of Railroad.
Timberlake William, tailor, h Harrison bt Monroe and
Timmerman H.L., boots and shoes, Main e s Public Square, 
   h Vernon e of Washington.
Timmerman William, shoemaker, with H.L. Timmerman.
Timplin Isaac, student at college, b W.S. Scott.
Townsend Thomas, h Chestnut n of Henry.
Trimble George W., carpenter, h Pearl w of Broadway.
Troup John, stone cutter, h Henry e of Wilson.
Trout Bernhard, carpenter, h Monroe e of Pine.
Truitt Daniel T., student in college, b J.H. Brown.
Turner A.S., shoemaker, with H.L. Timmerman.
Tymersen Benjamin, clerk, V. Craig.
Tyner John, boots and shoes, No. 21 Jefferson, h Harrison
   bt Madison and Monroe.

~U~ (Pg. 67)

Umstot W.H., (Pennington & U.) b W.W. Pennington.
Underwood R.E., bridge builder, h cor Henry and Jefferson.

~V~ (Pgs. 67-68)

Vancise Dr. E.G., office Monroe n s Public Square, h Henry 
   s s bt Jay and Chestnut.
Vancise E.A., printer, Home Journal office.
Vandoren Lewis, with James Dougherty.
Van Pelt Jonas, h cor Monroe and Pine.
Vantress Mrs. Margaret Ann, h White e s n of Saunders.
Van Voast Nicholas, h cor White and Saunders.
Vanvranken C., butcher, Jefferson w s one door s of 
   Washington, h same.
Viney Charles A., b W.S. Viney.
Viney William S., county treasurer and recorder, h Adams
   e s 3 doors n of Henry.
Virden Jerome, teaming, h cor Jefferson and Saunders.

~W~ (Pgs. 68-69)

Wagner Benjamin, h cor Main and Green.
Wagstaff A.E., printer, Home Journal, h Jackson w s bt
   Washington and Monroe.
Walden C.F., clerk J.J. Seiss.
Walker George, carpenter, h cor Adams and Clay.
Walker H.D., plasterer, h Jefferson w s bt Warren and Green.
Walters Miles, h cor Harrison and Clay.
Walz R. Tailor, cor Madison and Chestnut.
Ward George, stone mason, h Madison bt Allen and Wilson.
Warwick A.S., gardening, h Henry w of Van Buren.
Warwick & Drayer, attorneys, cor Jefferson and Monroe
   2d floor.
Warwick W.I., (W. & Drayer) h Jackson w s bt Washington
   and Monroe.
Warwick James P., clerk McLeran & Gill, b A.S. Warwick.
Washington Hotel, J.B. Jobes, pro., cor Washington and 
   Asylum Avenue.
Weber E.H., R.R. saloon, bt Main and Adams.
Webster Even, shoemaker, h Jackson bt Henry and 
Wells Abner, Monroe bt Adams and Harrison.
White & Hosick, grocers, Main in Brazelton block.
White Isaac W., (Martin & W.) h n of Railroad e of 
White James, clerk, Martin & White.
White Rev. J.H., h Jackson e s bt Washington & Monroe.
White Rev. M.M., h Main w s bt Washington and Clay.
White O.H., (W. & Hosick) h Chestnut bt Monroe and
White William N., h Jefferson w s Public Square.
Whiting J.H., clerk, branch state bank, b Timothy Whiting.
Whiting Timothy, cashier branch state bank, h Washington
   w end.
Whitmore J.R., h Adams bt Washington and Monroe.
Wingate J.S., h Jefferson w s bt Clay and Washington.
Williams Mrs. E.A., h Locust bt Clay and Warren.
Williams H.J., clerk, b W.S. Viney.
Wilson Mrs. Elizabeth, h Adams e s 6 doors n of Henry.
Wilson James, painter, h Vernon e of Washington.
Wilson Robert, h Henry n of Washington.
Winslow E.F., clerk A.B. Porter, b Brazelton House.
Winslow Henry, sup't of insane asylum, res in Asylum.
Wise Samuel M., (Eshelman & W.) h cor Monroe and
Woodburn John G., tailor, with A.B. Porter, b W. Davis.
Woodward William B., brick mason, h cor Front and
Woollard A.G., h cor Washington and Harrison.
Woolley D., land agent, b Mt. Pleasant House.
Woolson Theron W., (Ambler & W.) h Washington w s 4
   doors n of Henry.
Wribal George, h n of Railroad e of Washington.

~Y~ (Pg. 70)

Yeager Jacob S., h Locust bt Clay and Warren.
Yoakam Cyrus, teaming, h Jefferson s of Green.
Yoakam William, h Jefferson s of Green.
Young Thomas, h Main s of Green.