Dr. Jackson and his very capable and interesting wife are members of
that fast growing group of people who spice everyday living with a dash
of hobby. The Jacksons employ the candid camera in the field of local
history. Weather permitting, each weekday afternoon off and Sunday
afternoons the Jackson family fill the doctor's car and start out to
take pictures of historic spots in Henry county and also along the many
highways and byways where Nature paints its glorious pictures.
Recently the Jacksons spent an evening with us in our home and brought
along a lot of their camera works in colors. We are not sure just where
to put a finger on the real artistry revealed by the camera, but one of
the two surely has a flair for taking shots at the right time and the
right place. Well on second thought, probably both possess something
which makes picture taking an art.
The Jacksons are covering the county in a systematic manner. They
started in Salem township, then to Jackson and then Baltimore. Historic
buildings were hunted up, visited, the story obtained, then the picture.
Tippecanoe, Center and New London are the present field of photographic
venture. Then will follow Canaan, Marion and Trenton and finally the
three north townships, Scott, Wayne, and Jefferson.
We are very sure the Jacksons will be very happy to receive information
as to the location, not only of places of wide historic values, but also
spots of unusual interest, old homes of distinguished people, old
schools, old churches, rural cemeteries. There is one thing about the
camera. It tells the truth, if given a chance. The Jacksons have been
invited to show their pictures at a number of gatherings and homes, and
a large interest is developing in their work.
But right here within a few blocks from Dr. Jackson's office, northeast
corner of Henry and Jackson streets, stands a small but neglected one
story frame building which commands the close attention of the Jacksons.
It is an historic spot of singular interest and its story cannot fail to
capture the imagination and stir up deep emotions. This old building,
glorified by the years of its service which now number 100, stands
neglected. Dr. Jackson can find no structure in our county that may
command deeper respect and historical interest than this century old
deserted church.
For it was the first spiritual home of the First Presbyterian church; it
was the first spiritual home of St. Michael's Episcopal church and was
later for years the spiritual home of St. John's Methodist Episcopal
(African) church. After the suspension of the colored congregation some
years ago it was used off and on by the smaller and homeless religious
bodies of the community.
This old neglected church was built in 1849 by the congregation now
known as the First Presbyterian church, and on the site of the present
Presbyterian church, corner Main and Madison. In 1858, finding their
church building too small, the Presbyterians built their second and
larger church, the old brick, and on the same site and which in 1897 was
taken down and the present edifice erected.
St. Michael's Episcopalian Mission society was organized in 1856.
Anticipating a church home of their own as soon as possible, they
purchased two vacant lots at Henry and Jackson. When in 1858 the
Presbyterians decided to build a larger church they sold the old
building to the Episcopalians, who moved it to their Parish lots on West
Henry and here they worshipped until 1866, when they occupied the
present Episcopal church on East Washington.
The only major change in the historic old church on West Henry was a new
front with its modified early Gothic pinnacles, the general character of
Episcopalian church edifices.
Just east and adjacent to this old historic church stood, and still
stands, a single story residence, also rounding out its first century.
It is understood, and the evidence seems rather conclusive, that this
one story structure was the first Presbyterian manse, and stood adjacent
to that church. When the latter built its second edifice, and sold the
first to the Episcopalians, the latter also bought the residence and
moved it to the Henry street location, where it served as the first
Episcopalian rectory and later still as the parsonage of St. John's. It
is now used and for some time has been used as a residence, given the
new look and and stands neat and comfortable.
The historic old frame church which for a full century has served our
community, is now neglected. At times recently used for religious
services, at times as a family shelter, it patiently awaits the end. it
probably will be purchased by some home builder, as the location is a
very desirable one for a dwelling. But before that happens Dr. Jackson
should by all means transform the drab that clings to it today into the
magic cameral glow of local history.
If the silent walls of that old church could re-echo the songs, the
services, the prayers, the rites of marriage, a baptism and burial, what
a story they would unfold.
-- "Bystander's Notes" by Charles S. Rogers, Publisher-Editor of The
Free Press [weekly newspaper published in Mt. Pleasant, IA] Saturday,
January 15, 1949 p.2
...."the Churches of Mount Pleasant.
African Methodist Episcopal. Corner of Henry and Jackson
Picture taken 1903
From Donald Young, Historian, Mt. Pleasant, IA. |
"...date unknown. This is a view of the first building that
the First Presbyterian Church built at the intersection of Main and
Madison, southwest corner, in the early 1850s. This building was
moved in 1858 to the corner of West Henry and
North White Street where it became the first permanent home of
St. Michael's Episcopal Church. In 1865 that building was sold
to the congregation of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, who
then occupied the building for many years. It was last used as
the Jay-Cee Hall. The building was demolished about three years
- From Page 52 of "Cornerstones", published
in 1991 by the Mt. Pleasant Beautiful Committee.
The above in red is probably incorrect....it should read West
Henry and North Jackson Street.
1968...Mt. Pleasant Jaycees Home.
From Donald Young, Historian, Mt. Pleasant, IA. |