Howe's Academy Boulder Dedication


Howe's Academy
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Cover Letter
R.S. GALER               PAUL B. GALER


September 5, 1931

Mr. Harry E. Olson, Winfield, Iowa.

Dear Mr. Olson:

I have taken the liberty to prepare a sort of ritual for the memorial exercise in dedication of the tablet and enclose copy herein. Kindly go over it and if you have any suggestions make them as soon as convenient so we can prepare revised copy for use on that day. Enough copies will be struck off so that each one of those taking part can read his part. Will be glad to have your suggestions.

Yours truly,

R.S. Galer


Services of commemoration of Howe’s Academy, Sept. 12, 1931.

The services consist of the dedication of a granite boulder surmounted by a bronze tablet on the former site of the Old Mill in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.


East Monroe Street--11 o’clock.

President Lewis W. Canby, of the Howe’s Academy Association:
Fellow students of Howe’s Academy and friends:

We have assembled here today under the auspices of the Howe’s Academy Association to dedicate this memorial to Howe’s Academy, its founder Samuel L. Howe and its long-time principal, Seward C. Howe. These exercises are held on the exact site where the Academy stood for 52 years and where it won its lasting fame. As former students we cherish its memory and desire to perpetuate that memory as a valued influence in our lives and an important part of the educational history of Iowa. We have come from sidely separated homes to lend our presence and mingle our recollections on this occasion.

Harry E. Olson, Secretary of the Association:
It is a worthy occasion, one we shall always remember and cherish.

President Canby:
A committee was appointed to procure and erect this memorial. We would be glad to have a report from this committee.

C.E. Carnahan, Chairman of Committee:
We have procured, Mr. President, this granite boulder from a site about three miles west of Mt. Pleasant, where it was deposited by a glacier many thousands of years ago. It has survived many geologic changes and we believe it is practically indestructible.

Pres. Canby:
How is it marked?

Mr. Carnahan:
By direction of this association, we have caused the boulder to be surmounted by a bronze tablet bearing the suitable inscription which you see. This tablet is of the best material and is guaranteed to last indefinitely.

By courtesy of the present owner of the premises, Mr. C.C. Stevenson, we have placed this memorial on the original Academy grounds, opposite, or nearly so, the main entrance to the Academy building.

Pres. Canby:
You have done well. The memorial is a very creditable one.

Mr. Carnahan:
On behalf of the Committee, I now present to the Howe’s Academy Association through you, Mr. President, this boulder and tablet. To perform the task assigned us has been both a duty and a privilege.

Pres. Canby:
On behalf of the Howe’s Academy Association, I accept this memorial as a precious and permanent possession of the association. And I now hereby dedicate it to the memory of Howe’s Academy as an institution, to Samuel L. Howe and Seward C. Howe, to the various teachers who labored so faithfully for its success, and to the host of students who for nearly three quarters of a century sought in Howe’s Academy instruction, inspiration and guidance.

This granite boulder will stand long after those here present have passed from the scene of their earthly labors. This tablet bids fair to laugh at the flight of time. Together they fitly characterize the institution in whose honor we are here assembled.

May this marker stand throughout the coming years as a symbol of the strength, the sturdiness and splendid purpose, and the enduring influence of Howe’s Academy.

This is a historic occasion and a record of it should be made and preserved for the benefit of future generations.

Mr. Olson:
A record of these exercises is being made, Mr. President, and will be deposited, together with the historical address which has been prepared for the occasion, in the archives of the Henry County Historical Society which are being cared for in the Mt. Pleasant Public Library.

Pres. Canby:
These exercises will be continued this afternoon at Saunder’s Park where a historical address suitable to the occasion will be given. As we leave this memorable spot we do so with this sentiment uppermost in our hearts,

Long live the memory of Howe’s Academy.

(Howe’s Academy Boulder Dedication, Mount Pleasant, Iowa, Saturday, September 12, 1931)

Resource provided by Henry County Heritage Trust, Mount Pleasant, Iowa; transcription done by Rebekah Stone, University of Northern Iowa Public History Field Experience Class, Spring 2024.


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