Henry County, IAGenWeb



Transcribed by Pat Ryan White

From "The Target", dated 25 May 1911, Mt. Pleasant High School, Class of 1911.
Original "Target" located at Mt. Pleasant Public Library,
Mt. Pleasant, IA.
 Name                               Occupation                    Haunt                  Favorite Saying             Can You Imagine                 Creed Believes In

Laura Roberts [Chub]                Posing                        Main street.           Let's dance.                With a date.                    Popular music.
Sarah Curtis [Sade]                 Keeping the children          Salem.                 My goodness.                Slender.                        Heart to heart talks.
Agnes King [Little One]             Flirting with the Preps       Library study.         Have you seen Lee?          Without curls.                  Miss Miller and her only.
Ralph Campbell [Humpy]              Making Cheese                 Supt. office.          You old tease.              With his lessons.               Being a monkey if it wasn't for his folks.
Jessie Purdie [Prudence]            Being good                    Avenue.                I don't see where they get  In a hobble skirt.              Saying something when she talks.
Russell Barnett [Preacher]          Playing chess                 Y.M.C.A.               She's the most charming gir Like a preacher's son.          Getting his eyes full.
Mattie Van Brussel [Babe]           Sewing                        Home.                  I'll just tell you.         Teaching Latin.                 Old Dutch Cleanser and Gold Dust.
Harold Cobb [Ty]                    Squirting soda water          Broadway.              Well I should say so.       Idle.                           Being saved by Grace.
Floyd Duncan [Dunk]                 Making Miss C. laugh          Hershey Hall.          Well, she will some day     Getting kicked off H. Hall fire Trying to be witty.
Vernie Westfall [Vern]              Talking about Frank W.        Father's office.       I know what I know.         Without his locket.             Myself.
Tom Coughlin [Red Wing]             Primping                      Pantatorium.           Let's harmonize.            Getting to school on time.      Free Silver Bryan.
Cecile Smith [Smithy]               Strolling                     Wherever there's boys  I think that's perfectly ri Without an ache or pain.        Flowery oratory.
Howard Moore [Red]                  Getting his face mussed up.   At some girl's home.   You don't say.              With black hair.                Being economical.
Ruth Thorson [Toots]                Listening to Beethoven Sonata Weaver's.              I haven't looked at a lesso Flirting.                       Shakespeare.
Harry Corcoran [Strawberry]         Trimming wall paper.          Weston's.              Well you see.               Without a crutch.               Heavy weights.
Gladys Weaver [Glady]               Entertaining                  Mrs. Stevens' home.    Is that really true?        Getting low grades.             Treating the teachers.
John McClure [Johnny]               Looking at Gladys.            Country.               Nothing doing (he never tal Fat.                            Being good.
Ethel Hunt [Slim]                   Worrying Prof. in Arithmetic. In front of the mirror Oh! my.                     Without any hair.               Looking neat.
Dale Westfall [Westy]               Losing his heart.             Near H.S.              Oh! kid.                    Without a bicycle.              Having a girl.
Frank Colclough [Muscles]           Going over to Jimmy's         Pool Shack.            Holy smoke.                 Explaining electricity.         Being poetical.
Grace Schnurr [Susie]               Steady job with Walker Compan Library steps.         I bet.                      Studying.                       Having a good time.
Ruth Schreiner [Dutch]              Eating                        Ditto.                 Well I don't care.          Staying at home.                Telling all she knows.
Columbla Powelson [Gem of the Ocean Changing her coiffure.        Sunday school.         Got'ure Latin?              Small.                          Woman's suffrage.
Rufinia Cook [Rufie]                Studying                      School library.        Oh!..! ! ! !                Without perfect lessons.        Looking trim.
Edith Barker [Ede]                  Entertaining Tribby's         Candy kitchen.         Oh! land.                   Without a grin.                 Fellers.
Myrtle Courtney [Bridget]           Cooking                       School.                Why kid!                    Without freckles.               Being happy.
Lou Meta Monger [Meta]              Watching the man behind.      Meat market.           You know he said.           Without rats.                   Domestic science movement.
Margaret Donohue [Mag]              Talking.                      Church.                It's just terrible.         Not having a good time.         To be great is to be misunderstood.
Emery Burket [Pop Eyes]             Remembering.                  Bowling alley.         You remember when we, etc.  Flunking                        Talking of past events.
Grace Roberts [Cutie]               Playing a piano.              Home when he's there.  Oh! I have to practice.     Playing ragtime.                High heels. No powder. No rats
Harry Zink [Fink]                   Farming.                      No. 302 N. Main St.    Oh! you.                    Homely.                         Golden rule when he's broke.
Clarence Van Tuyl [Greaser]         Working problems.             Farm.                  My sister--etc.             In a dress suit.                Having a date once in a while.

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