Henry County, IAGenWeb


All items on this page submitted by Ann Miller White unless otherwise noted.

Mt. Pleasant News – January 2, 1945  


Nancy Rogers was hostess to 12 friends New Year’s afternoon in celebration of her 12th birthday. Games were played and favors were given and bingo prizes. Refreshments featuring the birthday cake were served at one table with flowers, candles, and decorations carrying out the pink and white color scheme.  

Those present were: Josephine Garretson, Mary Brown, Enolla Bainter, Barbara Crane, Diane Dickson, Ann Cottrell, Averill Smouse, Lorene White, Phyllis Cochran, Jolene Lyon, Nancy Jane Winter, and Nancy Rogers, who received many lovely gifts from her guests.  

Mt. Pleasant News – January 4, 1945  

Entertain Group at Pinochle Party

Wayland.—Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Zehr entertained at a pinochle party on Monday evening, January 1, the following: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hileman, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elder, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kauffman, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gingerich, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Widmer, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pritchard, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wyse, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tschantz, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Schantz, Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Haberman. Refreshments of date pudding with whipped cream and coffee were served by the hostess. The high score prize was awarded Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Tschantz.  

Mt. Pleasant News – January 5, 1945  

Winfield O.E.S. Installs Officers  

Installation of the Eastern Star officers was held at the Masonic Temple Tuesday evening. Mrs. Ray Ralston, retiring matron, planned the installation. Installing Officer was Mrs. Russell Metzger;  Installing Chaplain, Mrs. Fred Weirather. Officers installed were: Mrs. Herman Woll, worthy matron; Durbin Chrisinger, worthy patron; Mrs. Ray Huston, associate matron; Les Hollingsworth, associate patron; Mrs. Fank Hull, secretary; Mrs. T.T. Warren, treasurer; Mrs. Floy Deal, cond.; Mrs. William Wintermeyer, associate cond.; Mrs. W. F. Carden, chaplain; Mrs. Allan Haight, marshal; Bernice Green, organist; Mrs. Maggie Lowe, Adah; Mrs. Norris Haight, Ruth; Mrs. Irvin Beauchamp, Esther; Mrs. Elbert Snell, Martha; Mrs. Ellis Crawford, Electa; Mrs. Ralph Gorham, warder; Will Huston, setninel.

Mt. Pleasant News - December 27, 1945

The Prairie Daughters 4-H Club of Jefferson Township met at the Wayland high school last Thursday night with the following girls present: Mary Johnson, Carla Johnson, Dianne Kauffman, Bonnie Elder, Geraldine Kaiser, Meriel McGuire, Ardith Wagler, Lois Nebel, Mary Ellen Wager, and Louise Nebel.

The meeting in charge of Mrs. Robert Zihlman and Miss Maxine Zihlman, leaders of the club, was called for the purpose of making Christmas cards, planning the coming year’s program and election of officers. The officers elected for the upcoming year were: President – Ruth Eigsti; Vice-President – Mary Johnson; Secretary – Dianne Kauffman; Treasurer – Joan Troutman; Reporter – Bonnie Elder; Historian – Louise Nebel.

Mt. Pleasant News – December 28, 1945

Salem, IA---The Christmas program under the direction of Mrs. Florence Nicholson for the Salem Woman’s Club was very beautiful in all details. Mrs. Belle Brown was the hostess. The program was of musical selections and readings, with the following numbers: piano and guitar music by Florence Lee and Ruth Moeller. Radio Skit—“Neglected Opportunity” by Lecta Hallowell and Florence Nicholson; Poem “Christmas Carol—“It Came Upon a Midnight Clear”. Music “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” by Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Moeller. Reading was then given by Mrs. Santa Claus who entered with a little wagon decorated in red and green and filled with the exchange gifts of the members. Also in the wagon was a lovely farewell gift for Mrs. Everett Trueblood who was leaving for her new home in Rock Island, Illinois.

The rooms were decorated in Christmas festoons and the tree under which were placed gifts for the Ottumwa Orphanage, which were later packed and sent out.

Following the program, refreshments of fruit salad with whipped cream, wafers, and coffee were served by the committee in charge.

Mt. Pleasant News – December 28, 1945

At a beautiful holiday part, Mrs. Fanette Lines entertained a group of her former art pupils at her home on Thursday afternoon. A lovely turkey dinner was served followed by visiting and reminiscing. Those present to enjoy the happy occasion were Mr. and Mrs. William G. Jaques, Lieutenant and Mrs. Austin J. Evans, and Miss Betty Lou Evans. Because of illness, several invited guests were unable to attend.

Mt. Pleasant News – December 29, 1945

Chapter A of the T.T.T. society met at the Brazelton Hotel Friday evening. A delicious cooperative supper was served to the 38 members and guests. Supper was served buffet style from a long table laden with food and decorated with Christmas greens and lighted with tall red and green tapers.

Following supper, a business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Lawrence Bogle. The society voted to equip and furnish the pediatric ward for the addition to the Memorial Hospital.

Out of town members present were Miss Louisa Jericho of Muscatine, Miss Edith Whiting of Rockford, Illinois, and Mrs. Phillip Crawford of Ottumwa. Guests at the dinner were Miss Maxine Ollman of Rockford and Mrs. W. F. Seba of Enid, Oklahoma

Hostesses were Mrs. Sam Ewart, Mrs. Don Carper, Mrs. Harold Lamm, Mrs. Charles Jennings, Mrs. Roy Ward, and Dorothea McMillan.

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