IOWA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. – Dr. Mark Ramey (NOTE: Ranney), of the McLean Asylum, Massachusetts, has been elected Superintendent of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane vice Dr. Patterson who some time since resigned the position, to take effect the first of October next.

Dr. Patterson will remove to Chicago and engage in the practice of his profession. He has a large circle of acquaintances in that city, which coupled with his eminence in his profession will insure him a lucrative practice without doubt.

Dr. Ramey has had several years experience in a similar Institution, and comes highly recommended.

Dr. Dewey, who has held the position of Assistant Superintendent ever since the opening of the Institution, has resigned, and will be succeeded by Dr. Bassett, from Ohio. Dr. Dewey is master of his profession and a gentleman, and we wish him abundant success wherever he may make his future home.

(“Home Journal”, Friday, September 8, 1865, page 3)

Transcribed and contributed by Pat White, July 2024.

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