Who's Who inHenry County, 1940 |
County IAGenWeb 1940 Who's Who |
Treasurer & Business Manager College; b Kilbourn, Iowa Sept 14, 1877; s of George W Minear-Emma Pearson; ed Iowa Wes Acad 1894; Iowa Wes, BA 1901, doctor of humanities 1924; Beta Theta Pi; m Dell Downer June 25, 1908 Muscatine; s Robert Bruce, Marvin Downer; d Mary Alice, Nell Louise; 1901-03 asst secy YMCA, Ottumwa; 1903-05 student YMCA secy; 1905-06 traveling student secy internatl com YMCA, New York; 1906-09 on special mission by Pres Theodore Roosevelt to Panama Canal Zone, YMCA secy; 1909-10 special YMCA mission to England, France & Italy; 1910-15 traveling secy natl RR dept YMCA, Chicago Ill; 1915-25 natl industrial secy YMCA, Denver Colo; 1925-36 gen secy YMCA, Miami Fla; 1936-38 asst gen secy YMCA, Chicago; 1938- treas & business mgr Iowa Wes Coll, Mount Pleasant; orgr Estes Park sch for Industrial & Business Execs, 1st of its kind in US & Estes Park Conf on Human Relations in industry; orgr 21 branches of Colo Fuel & Iron YMCA, exec secy, sponsored by John D Rockefeller Jr; 1938- ret from YMCA; Rotary; Presby Ch, mbr commission to gen assembly; Rep; hobbies: interesting personalities; travel; off Iowa Wesleyan College; res 110 W Pearl, Mount Pleasant. | |
Key to Abbreviations From Who's Who in Iowa, by Iowa Press Association, Des Moines: Iowa Press Association, 1940. Transcribed by Alayna Vantiger, March 2021. |
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