Who's Who inHenry County, 1940 |
County IAGenWeb 1940 Who's Who |
Iowa Republican National Committeewoman; b Mount Pleasant, Iowa Apr 17,1868; d of Andrew Wilson McClure-Emily Conway Porter; ed Callanon Coll, Des Moines; Iowa Wes; Alpha Chi Delta; 1920 orgr Henry Co rep party, 1920-24 head Iowa St Central Com, Henry Co; 1924-28 head of Iowa St Rep Central Com; 1928 - Rep natl committeewoman for Iowa; 1932 mbr exec com of Rep party, mbr arrangements com at Chicago conv; past trustee Iowa Wes; past mbr state lib bd 1 term; during World War food administrator, Henry Co, also coun natl defense, ARC & Navy League; PEO, orgr PEO lib memorial to founders, instrumental in getting state PEO Home For the Aged, Mount Pleasant; IFWC, mbr legislative com; Natl Rep Womens Club of New York City; DAR; DUV; Art Study Club; Natl Fedn of Rep Womens Club; Iowa Coun of Rep Women; Presby Ch; Rep; hobby: politics; res 302 E Monroe, Mount Pleasant. | |
Key to Abbreviations From Who's Who in Iowa, by Iowa Press Association, Des Moines: Iowa Press Association, 1940. Transcribed by Alayna Vantiger, March 2021. |
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