Who's Who inHenry County, 1940 |
County IAGenWeb 1940 Who's Who |
College Dean; b Gladbrook, Iowa June 4, 1898; s of Otto D Hilmer-Dora Hildebrand; ed Independence HS 1916; Morningside Coll, BA 1920; Garrett Biblical Inst, BD 1922; U of Iowa, MA 1929; Phi Delta Kappa; m Pearl Salkeld Mar 18, 1922 Iroquois Ill; s Robert Wayne; 1922-23 recreational dir & young peoples pastor First Meth Episc Ch, Chattanooga Tenn; 1923-25 pastor Meth Episc Ch, Brandon; 1925-27 HS prin, Quasqueton, 1927-29 HS supt; 1930-37 dean jr coll, Centerville; 1937- head dept of edn & dean Iowa Wes U; during World War SATC 3 months; NEA; ISTA, dept of supvrs & dirs of instruction; Soc for the Advancement of Edn; Natl Institutional Tchrs Placement Assn; Kiwanis, pat dir; Lions, Centerville, past pres; OES, past worthy patron; Meth Ch; hobbies: sports, tennis, collecting ednl cartoons; off Iowa Wesleyan College; res 106 W Pearl, Mount Pleasant. | |
Key to Abbreviations From Who's Who in Iowa, by Iowa Press Association, Des Moines: Iowa Press Association, 1940. Transcribed by Alayna Vantiger, March 2021. |
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