Leslie, MrsRacobsLady114391945 Feb 13 11 R# 3 Logan, iowa
AlfredRadliffMr & Mrs3681923 Dec 12one bad neg.2  R# 3 Logan, iowa
DelbertRadloffMan129571951 Apr 7 1  Woodbine, Iowa
FritzRadloffYoung Man84191938 May 12Grad. Mo. Valley1  Mo. Valley, Iowa (Fred Larison)
W. M.RadloffEileen & Jimmie89651940 Mar 26 1  404 W Huron, Mo. Valley, Iowa Eileen birth Mar 25, 1935 Jimmie birth Mar 2, 1929
AgnesRadtkeLady109111944 Mar 17 1  540 Sixth Ave, Co. Bluffs, Iowa
AlbertRadtkeMr & Mrs112251944 Oct 28 4  Woodbine, Iowa
EdRadtkeMr & Mrs112181944 Oct 24 4  Woodbine, Iowa
Henry L. RadtkeBeverly & Robert109861944 May 23 4  Pisgah, Iowa Send out pictues to Mrs Harrison Perkins, Pisgah, Iowa
Henry L. RadtkeGroup 4109871944 May 23Uniform1  Pisgah, Iowa % Harrison Perkins
LyleRadtkeBeverly93841941 June 26 3  Woodbine, Iowa Beverly brith May 27, 1936 (Ernest Waldemer S.O.P.)
MertonRadtkeMr & Mrs & Baby49021935 Dec 13 1  Logan, Iowa
WorkersRailroad Group Men48571935 Sept 22 Logan, Iowa
 Rainbow FallsWater Fall46091934 Jan. 25Mammota Lake, Calif.1  Rainbow Falls, Calif.
PaulRainerMan3921926 Jan 1 2  Wayland, Iowa
NateRainesMr & Mrs3501925 Dec 6 2  Logan, Iowa
EverettRainsGroup 398561942 June 24 2  Logan, Iowa
EveretteRainsKennie94831941 Oct 2  Logan, Iowa Kennie birth Feb 19, 1939
IvanRainsLeanna132811953 - 4  Orson, iowa
IvanRainsLeanna132811953 Sept 10 1  Orson, iowa
NateRainsMr & Mrs12905? Dec 4 2  Logan, Iowa
NateRainsMan128261950 May 5H.Co Sheriff Campaign1  Logan, Iowa
RamonaRainsLady113291944 Dec 9 2  Logan, Iowa
RamonaRainsLady121121947 Feb 9Grad LHS '471  Logan, Iowa
Ivan MaxineRains SouthernMr & Mrs126211949 May 26Wedding22?Mondamin, Iowa
QuentinRakestrawMrs & son (Quentin)134211955 Jan 19 4  Logan, Iowa Quentin birth 12 - 13 - 1950
G. W.RamigeMr & Mrs104201943 June 12 4  19283 Meyers rd, Detroit, Mich.
FloydRamseyLarry Dean88911939 Dec 16 4  Moorhead, Iowa Larry dean birth Apr. 11, 1939
FloydRamseyGroup 4100551942 Dec 5 1  Woodbine, Iowa
HaroldRamseyMan27381930 Dec 6 2  Magnolia, Iowa % Amosy Steen
LewisRamseyRonald90641940 July 18 2 nLittle Sioux, Iowa %Joe Armstrong Ronald birth May 13, 1939 9064 note July 22, 1940 the Notson Studio, Logan, Iowa Dear Sir: After seeing the proofs of the pictures, I have decided to have one dozen pictures finished up instead of the original three. As I understand it, the pictures are $4.45 per dozen. Enclosed find $2.30 which will cover the remaining amount and also State tax. Respectfully, Mrs Louis Ramsey Little Sioux, Iowa % Joe Armstrong.
Pearl - Mrs HaroldRamseyLady135261956 - Rejects2   
Pearl -Mrs HaroldRamseyLady135261956 Jan 13Beebeetown annual2   
VirgilRamseyMan2771925 May 22 21 Missouri Valley
VirgilRamseyKaren Margaret91541940 Nov 23 2  Logan, Iowa Karen Margaret birth Sept 7, 1939
W. H.RamseyMr & Mrs & Ellinor42441933 Sept 9 2  Persia, Iowa
Laura, Mrs Jennie, MrsRamsey GrimesLadies120431946 Nov 13 22 307 Ely St. Woodbine, Iowa
FredRankJanette43541933 Sept 25 2  Dunlap, Iowa Tie on sleeves Peter Pan Collar
LoreneRankLady43561933 Sept 25 2  Dunlap, Iowa
DavidRannellsMartha Janet89151940 Jan 27 7  Dunlap, Iowa Martha birth Apr 12, 1939
DavidRannellsMartha & Phylis11343no date 16  Dunlap, Iowa Martha birth Apr 12, 1939 Phylis birth Feb 23, 1943
DorothyRannellsLady81761937 Aug 13Beauty Contest1  Dunlap, Iowa Rider & Co.
MargaretRannellsLady81771937 Aug 13Beauty Contest1 nDalley Hdw. Dunlap, Iowa brown dress, white buttons, flare sleeves
RuthRannellsLady81831937 Aug 16Beauty Contest1 nDunlap Savings Bank, Dunlap, Iowa poensettas white on dark background on sleeves too.
DavidRannells Martha95631941 dec 17 1  Dunlap, Iowa
 Rannells & LeeLady4021no date 21  
DavidRannelsMr & Mrs30291931 Dec 19 6  Dunlap, Iowa
AlvinRathRichard Harrison103201943 Apr 7 22 Logan, Iowa Richard Harrison birth 1 - 21 - 1943
AlvinRathRichie113741945 Jan 15 11 Logan, Iowa R# 1 Richie birth Jan 21, 1943
EugeneRathMan119881941 Aug 17 1  Mo. Valley, Iowa
EugeneRathHogs107911943 Dec 16 6  Mo. Valley, Iowa
EugeneRathHogs111861944 Oct 9 4  Mo. Valley, Iowa
EugeneRathHogs117161945 Oct 21Iowa Jr. Champion2  Mo. Valley, Iowa
EugeneRathHogs116921945 Sept 17 8   
EugeneRathHogs H. Co Fair122621947 Sept 11 2  Mo. Valley, Iowa
EugeneRathEugene127441949 Dec 4 1  Mo. Valley, Iowa Eugene birth July 16, 1948
FloydRayMr & Mrs60061936 Sept 25Wedding4  Logan, Iowa
NellieRaylLady29881931 Nov 7 2  Woodbine, Iowa
S. F.RaylMr & Mrs 70371937 Mar 1Golden Wedding2  Woodbine, Iowa
Albert EarlRaymondMan103001943 Mar 27see Frank H. Raymond1  River Sioux, Iowa Box 54
FrankRaymondMan98191942 May 27 1  Little Sioux, Iowa
Frank H.RaymondMan102991943 Mar 27 1  River Sioux, Iowa Box 54
HelenRaymondLady5461928 Aug 15 4 nnote 546 Feb 3, 1931 321 Lynn Avenue, Ames, Iowa Dear Florence: Eva came home and gave me news of your father. I am very thankful he is better. I wanted to write to you and Mid, Cut knew so little of conditions that I had to wait until Eva came back. I am thankful Mid is ther; it must make things much easier for your mother and for you, too, lessening the auxiety when you cannot be there yourself. I want to ask you if yu and Lee can mount three of Helen's pictures on one card, for me. They are 545 - 6, 545 - 5 and 545 - 1. They tell the story of how she tried not to laugh when Lee was taking the pictures but could not help it in the end. I think they would look well in a row on a light colored card like this # # # - though that is rough and inaccurate in spacing. How I wish the pictures Lee took had been taken when her hair was long again! Winifred has the big one, laughing, on her desk and said once that she liked it because she looks so happy. The big one we had in our room (larger head) I had to put away because the eyes seemed to me so sad. Perhaps it was just my feeling. I like some at least one of the snap shots taken last Commencement, but nothing could be done from it with her alone. The picture which appeals most to me now is one taken in Grinnell just before Christmas her Freshman year. We were not satisfied with it then and I remember telling her it would be better of her at twenty eight than it was at eighteen. Though her hair was parted in the middle instead of on the right side. athat makes less difference than might be expected. The expression is very sweet. I cannot bear to look at it yet, but I belive it is going to be a compfort when I can. It was taken in 1916 and I suppose the negative has been destrouyed. the copy I have and there may be others is in good condition, however, and can be framed. It is a very narrow panel. It was very kind of you to offer a reduction but I am willing to pay the full price and sheall be very grateful at that. If Lee is very busy this, of course can wait, you know. Lovingly yours Helen C Raymond.
BillReadYoung Man90401940 may 30Grad LHS '401  Logan, Iowa
Jim, MrsReadLady81191937 July 4 2   
MillicentReadLady70801937 Apr 9 2   
SarahReadYoung Lady70811937 Apr 9 2   
FrancisReardonMr & Mrs & Children122811947 Oct 11 8  Magnolia, Iowa
FrankReardonKathryn Ann88771939 Dec 11 4  Magnolia, Iowa
ThomasReardonYoung Man4561926 May 13 2  Magnolia, Iowa striped tie
Dorothy, MrsReddixLady44171933 Sept 28 2  Little Sioux, Iowa
GlenReddixJackie41231933 June 21 2  Little Sioux, Iowa
Russell, MrsReddixLady44181933 Sept 28 1  Loveland, Iowa
EdRedinbaughMr & Mrs132901953 -Rejects1612 Logan, Iowa
EdRedinbaughGroup 58798no date 14  
Ed RedinbaughMr & Mrs132901953 Oct 18 22 Logan, Iowa
Ed,MrsRedinbaughLady29001931 Apr 15 2  Logan, Iowa
EstaRedinbaughLady105241943 Sept 12Glass Negative2  Logan, Iowa
R. (Ruth)RedinbaughLady26511930 Nov 24 2   
RubyRedinbaughLady26361930 Nov 16 2   
WillRedinbaughLady28171931 Jan 15 11  
 RedinbaughChildren, Horses230no date 88  
BobReedSusan135411956 -Rejects74 Logan, Iowa
BobReedSusan135411956 Feb 23 11 Logan, Iowa Susan birth 2 - 23 - 1955
BobReedJoAnn, Susan, & Don136741957 -Rejects16  Logan, Iowa
BobReedJoAnn, Susan, & Don136741957 Nov 14 3  Logan, Iowa JoAnn birth 1- 2 - 1953, Susan birth 2 -23 - 1955, Don birth 8 - 5 - 1957
bobReedDon137511958 - 2  Logan, Iowa
BobReedDon137511958 Aug 30 1  Logan, Iowa Don birth 8 - 5 - 1957
DonaldReedMan104011943 May 25 2  Woodbine, Iowa
Geo. H.ReedMr & Mrs95221941 Dec 6 4  R# 1 Dunlap, Iowa
Grace M.ReedMr & Mrs.121951947 May 13 1  893 Eaton St, Dunlap, Iowa (Take Mr off)
Harvey RoashReedArmy Discharge121061947 Jan 25 2  R# 2B Logan, Iowa
James ReedMan48511935 Oct 11 2  Logan, Iowa
JimReedHouse 46771934 July 29 2  Logan, Iowa
M. A.ReedMan48741935 Nov 25see Lester Myers 48741  Logan, Iowa
RobertReedSusan134471955 - Rejects7  Logan, Iowa
Robert ReedSusan134471955 May 19 18 Logan, Iowa Susan birth 2 - 23 - 1955
 ReedChildren5141926 July 22possibly J. W3   
Robert L. VerdineReed ArgotsingerMr, Mrs & Group125531948 Dec 27Wedding88 Woodbine, Iowa Chas. McIntosh
Fletcher, MrsReelLady139781961 Dec 8 1  206 N 3rd St, Mo. Valley, Iowa
Fletcher, MrsReelLady13978no date 6   
DwightReepLarry 125771949 Feb 24 1  Pisgah, Iowa Larry birth May 23, 1948
MurielReepYoung Lady114341945 Feb 12Grad Magnolia '451  Logan, Iowa
RobertReepMan99611942 Oct 14Uniform1  Logan, Iowa
W. AReepGroup 42641925 Mar 25 11nLogan, Iowa 264 note Mr. Notson Photographes, Dear Sir, Please finish 1 dozen pictures of enclosed proofs. Would like them as soon as possible, could you possibly get them finished by April the 8th. Yours Truly Walter Reep, Logan, Iowa
Walter ReepGroup 9122751947 Sept 28 11 Logan, Iowa
CorbettReesCorlyss44491933 Sept 25 1  Dunlap, Iowa
CorbettReesCorlyss44491933 Sept 28 2  Dunlap, Iowa Braclet Collar, plain top on hose
CorbettReesCaroline44501933 Sept 28 1  Dunlap, Iowa
David, MrsReesLady132121953 Jan 24Mrs J. Lois2  Logan, Iowa
David, Rev.ReesMan132101953 Jan 23 2  Logan, Iowa
David, Rev.ReesEmrys, Warren & Lois Kathleen132131953 Jan 24 81 Logan, Iowa Emrys birth 12 - 23 - 1945 Warren birth 7 - 27 - 1947 Lois Kathleen 1 - 30 - 1052
IraReesNorma Jean, Lois, & Charles44481933 Sept 29 1  Dunlap, Iowa
EdwinReeveMan27451930 Dec 7 1  Woodbine, Iowa RR 5
EdwinReeveFrances Mae8848no date 4   
John ReevesJoan Harriett45171933 Sept 30 1 nnote 4517 Full figure, white fig dress, blue & white beeds
Dr. ReicheltCoon Skins60411936 Nov 22also Clint & Max Rosenberger11 Dunlap, Iowa
W. L., Dr.ReicheltFish47071934 July 16 1   
W.L., Dr.Reicheltcoon Skins on barn95471941 Dec 14 4 nDunlap, Iowa note 9547 Dr. W. L. reichelt, Dentist, Dunlap, Iowa Jan. 27, 1942 Dear Friend Barbara - am enclosing a couple of proofs. They are almost identical. I'd like one (8X10) and 4 (5X7) all from same one marked X and none from the other. The smal dog in front has a Croock in his tail, that is it is blown side ways rather. Don't want any from that one. The one marked X tail is straight back. Thats the one I want the 5 pictures from. A few of the prints I received were a little to pale. I'd like them developed and little onlger or just medium, not to light or not to dark. Have one of these in (8x10) but it's awful light (remade). Please send these up as soon as you can and thank you Barbara. Truly yours Dr W L Reichelt.
Walter L., DrReichelt2 Men29741931 Sept 17 1  Dunlap, Iowa
Walter L., DrReicheltFarm122311947 June 25 1  Dunlap, Iowa
DorothyReidingerLady22691930 Jan 18 1  Logan, Iowa
Edward L.ReifMr & Mrs & James115111945 Mar 27 8  Woodbine, Iowa R # 2 %Mike Tiby James birth Dec 24, 1942
RosemaryReifLady137451958 -Rejects5  Logan, Iowa
RosemaryReifLady137451958 Aug 20 2  Logan, Iowa
F. W.ReinhardtBoy27731930 Dec 13 2  Mo. Valley, Iowa R 1
D. L.Reis Man, Lady, Baby3641925 Dec 14 4  Dunlap, Iowa R 4
 Reis vs Gail HoksAccident Road & Truck123861048 Feb 7 7  Farebill Transfer Churdon, Iowa Welch & Welch Attys.
FrancesRemingtonLady49471936 Jan 30 6  Mondamin, Iowa
GaleRemingtonMan124131948 Apr 17Uniform1  Mondamin, Iowa
AceRenderGeorge107111943 Dec 8 2  Mdale, Iowa George birth 12 - 25 - 1942
CeciliaRenderLady107041943 Dec 5 2  116 N 5 th St, Mo. Valley, Iowa
GeraldRenderGroup 6 , Car107031943 Dec 5 1  Woodbine, Iowa
ElizabethRenfoLady119741946 Aug 1 2 nLsVerne, Minn General delivery note 11974 Sioux City, Iowa Dear Miss Notson, I finally decided which one I want finished. There were so many to choose from that I had a little trouble but I marked X on the back of my choice. My friends here thought that they were good enough to give as Christmas gifts, and if it would be possible I like to have you keep the proofs so that if I decided to have some made I could send for the proofs and look them over again. Is that alright? I was thinking about the fact that I am wearing a sun dress, and how it might look out of place at Christmas time. Of course since that is a long way off I needn't worry about it now. Just send the picture to Elizabeth Render, General Delivery, Luverne, Minn.
RonaldRenfroFrances112831944 Nov 21 6  Neola, Iowa RR Frances birth Dec 30, 1942
RonaldRenfroFrances & Salley123031947 Nov 13 6  Neola, Iowa Francis birth Dec 30, 1942 Sally birth Jan 1, 1945
Joe RenzMr & Mrs111161944 Aug 16Wedding16  Dunlap, Iowa Envelope for rejects is empty.
RayRenzGroup & Mr & Mrs114721945 Feb 23Uniform Wedding5   
WalterRenzMr & Mrs118331946 Jan 27Wedding4  Dunlap, Iowa
D. A.ReuhmanDean123821948 Feb 18 11 Modale, Iowa Dean birth Feb 5 1943
DaleReynoldsMan, Lady, Boy99711942 Oct 17 6  Logan, Iowa
Dale, MrsReynoldsCopy Man & Lady941619? Aug 25copy wedding1  Logan, Iowa
JamesReynoldsJudy & Kenneth112631944 Nov 16 4  Woodbine, Iowa Judy birth 9 - 25 - 1942 Kenneth birth 3- 6 - 1944
James DelmerReynoldsNavy Discharge Papers124541948 Aug 17 2  Woodbine, Iowa
James, MrsReynoldsLady117291945 Nov 6 11 Woodbine, Iowa
JimReynoldsMr & Mrs95121931 Nov 29 2  Woodbine, Iowa Farmers Service Station
 ReynoldsDirt Work Machenery6831929 Oct 31 22  
SarahRhotanLady122721947 Sept 25 11 Magnolia, Iowa
SarahRhotenYong Lady114351945 Feb 12Grad Magnolia '451  Magnolia, Iowa
A. L.RiceGirl25111930 July 14 1   
EverettRiceMan & Lady50681936 July 4 4  Persia, Iowa R# 1
D. W.RichardsonMan60131936 Ocat. 15 5  Modale, Iowa
R. W.RichardsonYoung Lady29031931 Apr 18 2  Magnolia, Iowa
R. W.RichardsonMr & Mrs107001943 Dec 4 3  Magnolia, Iowa
SylvisRichardsonMan98211940 May 27 1  Mo. Valley, Iowa
SylvisRichardsonSybil & Gloria109601941 May 5 4  Mo. Valley, Iowa 409 1/2 W Erie St.
L. W.Richey Man97731942 May 22 1  Corning, Iowa 2 shirts - army shirt - tie
Laird Wesley Wm. A Robert Orville C.Richey Mc Clelland Dicks Hobson4 Men10234 10235 10236 102371942 Mar 15Glass Negative4  10234 - 10236 Corning, Iowa 10237 Mondamin, Iowa (Duvall & McKinney)
RobertRichwineGroup & Mr & Mrs131351952 July 22Wedding21 404 S. Park St. Woodbine, Iowa
E. L.RiefMr & Mrs & James Edward101381943 Jan 23 6  Woodbine, Iowa James Edward birth 12 - 24 - 1942
RichardRiefYoung Man129361951 Jan 12Grad LHS '511  Logan, Iowa
HarryRiehlMan104731943 July 27 2  Dunlap, Iowa
CatherineRifeDillon LeRoy113681945 Jan 12 2  Mondamin, Iowa Dillon LeRoy (Shorty) birth 3 - 28 - 1944
Kathryn, MrsRifeLady132641953 June 22 1  Mondamin, Iowa
Kathryn, MrsRifeLady132641954 -Rejects8  Mondamin, Iowa
Lester RifeRichard 44391933 Sept 28 1  Dunlap, Iowa
Lester F.RifeMan & Girl103411943 Apr 21Uniform Army6 nMondamin, Iowa note 10341 Mondamin, Iowa June 23, 1943 Notson Studio, Logan, Ia. Dear Sirs, I would like to have a dozen pictures like this one in the small size with out frames you can write and tell me how much they will be or send them C.O.D. Your & oblidge Lester L Rife
Valetta, MrsRifeLady44411933 Sept 28 1  Dunlap, Ia.
Donald & FloydRigsbyMen50891936 Aug 20 4  Dow City, Iowa
BillRileyMr & Mrs131791952 Nov 16Wedding22 Woodbine, Iowa
E. M., MrsRileyLady139031960 Sept 28 2  Logan, Iowa 322 N. 3rd Ave.
E. M., MrsRileyLady139031960 -Rejects5  Logan, Iowa
JeanRileyLady127711950 Jan 7 21 Logan, Iowa
John RisneyBeth Marie95501941 Apr 13 6  Mo. Valley, Iowa Beth Marie birth Apr. 13, 1941
 Rite-Way LunchGroup People by Building9047no date 1  Logan, Iowa Rite-Way Lunch (Opening Day-Free Ice Cream Cones)
 Riverside InnGas Station123081947 Nov 6Red Brummer2  Woodbine, Iowa
Helen,MrsRoadiferPaul's Desk134311955 Mar 25 2  Logan, Iowa
Mrs.Roadifer2 person by carno numberno date 11  
P. E., MrsRoadiferXmas scene of Home138571960 -Rejects5  Logan, Iowa
P. E., MrsRoadiferXmas scene of Home138571960 Jan 1 1  Logan, Iowa
PaulRoadiferLand Flooded124101949 Apr 4 11  Logan, Iowa
Garland A.RobbinsJan & Renne130221951 Nov 10Taken for Mrs. Claude Davis2  Wayne, Nebr. Jan birth Sept 11, 1947 renee birth May 19, 1951
LawrenceRobbinsMan129191960 Dec 28 2  Logan, Iowa
AlyaRobertsLady43241933 Sept 23 1 nDunlap, Iowa Oct 7, 1933 Mr. Notson Dear Sir: Picture is fine please save proff. As I my have you finish me some more in the near future. Thanking you Again Miss Alys Roberts Dunlap, Iowa
BobRobertsMr & Mrs96401942 Mar 1 2  Dunlap, Iowa R # 1
Parliarmentary LawRoberts Rules of LawSign40711933 Apr 15 1   
EdithRobertsonLady2531925 Jan 14 6  104 Park Ave, Co. Bluffs, Iowa
EdithRobertsonLady253no date 4   
EdnaRobertsonLady44361933 Sept 28 1  Logan, Iowa
Edna, MissRobertsonLady25461930 July 16 2  Logan, Iowa
Geneva, MissRobertsonLady29931931 Nov 16 3  Woodbine, Iowa
HugoRobertsonMr & Mrs123101947 Nov 16 4  Pisgah, Iowa
John RobertsonGroup 7108061944 Jan 30 11 Woodbine, Iowa
John RobertsonMr & Mrs108071944 Jan 30 4  Woodbine, Iowa
LafeRobertsonJacqualine & Sylvia96671942 Mar 30 4  Dunlap, Iowa R# 1 Jacqualine birth 1 -18 - 1937 Sylvia birth 10 - 6 - 1940
LafeRobertsonCarolyn112531944 Nov 14 2  Dunlap, Iowa Carolyn birth 9 - 30 - 1943
LafeRobertsonFamily Group 5130361951 Nov 21 1  Woodbine, Iowa
LucilleRobertsonno negative43531933 Sept 25    Logan, Iowa
TedRobertsonKaren & Yvonne88971939 Dec 19 4  Woodbine, Iowa Karen birth Feb 18 1938 Yvonne birth May 13, 1937
A. L. (Lee)RobinsonDavid Lee117711945 Dec 1 2  Woodbine, Iowa David Lee birth 1 -1945 3 mos.
PatRobinsonMrs, Mychle, & Jim Daugherty132701953 -Rejects17  Logan, Iowa
PatRobinsonMrs, Mychle, & Jim Daugherty132701953 July 13 10  Logan, Iowa Mychle birth Oct 18, 1952
Pat, MrsRobinsonMrs & Michele132991953 -Rejects9  Logan, Iowa
Pat, MrsRobinsonMrs & Michele132991953 Nov 14 4  Logan, Iowa
TedRobinsonGroup 4, Man, Lady99031942 Aug 23 2  Cressent, Iowa
Kenneth VirgilRobisonMan97611942 May 21 1  Mo. Valley, Iowa
Kenneth, MrsRobisonSharon Lee100991942 Dec 15 1  419 N First, Mo. Valley, Iowa Sharon Lee birth 12 - 22 - 1942
Kenneth, MrsRobisonBaby98591942 June 26 2  419 N First, Mo. Valley, Iowa
RobertRobisonMary Ann102901943 Mar 23 2  Portsmouth, Iowa Mary Ann birth 12 - 9 - 1942
LawrenceRobsonBaby45881933 Dec 7 2  Dunlap, Iowa
EdRockJane Anne & James Edward107161943 Dec 8 4  Woodbine, Iowa
Edward L.RockJane Ann88871939 Dec 15 4  Woodbine, Iowa Jane Ann birth Aug 19, 1938
JaneRockLady134181955 -Rejects6  Woodbine, Iowa
JaneRockLady134181955 Jan 8 2  Woodbine, Iowa
BettyRock Lady113991945 Jan 27 22 Woodbine, Iowa
Jane MaxRock PowellMr & Mrs135641956 June 9see Max Powell 135641   
Alice RockwellYoung Lady96931942 Apr 14Grad LHS3  Logan, Iowa
BessieRockwellLady130041951 Oct 1 11 Logan, Iowa
CharlesRockwellMan104801943 Aug 2 1  Logan, Iowa
EdithRockwellLady126671949 Sept 16 32 Logan, Iowa
Mary EllenRockwellYoung Lady118381946 Feb 4Grad LHS '4611 Logan, Iowa
Mary EllenRockwellYoung Lady119321946 May 12Cap & Gown11 Logan, Iowa
O. E., MrsRockwellGroup 4 Children110891944 July 26 1  Woodbine, Iowa R# 2
RubenRockwellBaby Girl30781932 May 1 2  Woobine, Iowa RR 2 % Edie? Ellison
VernRockwellMarjorie128161950 Apr 19CHECK NUNBER12 Logan, Iowa Marjorie birth Jan 6, 1950
Awalt RodaskyMan49081935 Dec 15 2  Woodbine, Iowa
Awalt RodaskyNorma Jean82381937 Nov 28 2  Woodbine, Iowa Norma Jean birth June 1, 1937
Myrtle, MrsRodaskyLady93901941 July 13Atty Wm P. Welch6  Dunlap, Iowa (10:45 a.m.) evidenet 10:30 a.m. Teeth broken, stiches by eye.
R. H.RodaskyMan40771933 May 1 2  Woodbine, Iowa
R. G.RodenMr & Mrs95171941 Dec 3 1  Orson, Iowa
W. T.RodenDanny Gene & Mr & Mrs82921937 Dec 18 3  Orson, Iowa
W. T.RodenJudy Ann106841943 Dec 1 2  Orson, Iowa
W. T.RodenRoyal G. Jr.119471946 June 1 2  Orson, Iowa Royal G. Jr. birth Jan 31, 1946
W. T.RodenLouis126581949 Aug 11 2  Orson, Iowa Louis birth May 6, 1949
WmRodenDanny84771938 Aug 16 2  Orson, Iowa
WmRodenDavid 130311951 Nov 19 2  Orson, Iowa David birth Aug 10, 1951
WmRodenJoan Elaine133181954 - 4  Orson, Iowa
WmRodenJoan Elaine133181954 Jan 27 2  Orson, Iowa Joan Elaine birth Oct 15, 1953
WmRodenKay Ellen135761956 -Rejects6  Mondamin, Iowa
WmRodenKay Ellen135761956 Sept 21 1  Mondamin, Iowa Kay Ellen birth 5 - 29 - 1956
WmRodenPat137951959 -Rejects4  Mondamin, Iowa
WmRodenPat137951959 Feb 7 2  Mondamin, Iowa Pat birth 7 - 11 - 1958
WmRodenPeggy Lee138731960 - Rejects6  Mondamin, Iowa
WmRodenPeggy Lee138731960 Apr 14 2  Mondamin, Iowa Peggy Lee birth 9 - 27 - 1959
Wm T.RodenDanny103541943 Apr 25 1  Orson, Iowa
Wm, MrsRodenDanny Gene 81911937 Sept 2 2  Orson, Iowa Danny Gene birth June 2, 1939
ArthurRodenburgLois89351940 Feb 23 1  Neola, Iowa Lois birth Nov 30, 1938
 Rodeo no numberno date 1212  
ClaireRogers2 Children28481931 Feb 19 4  Logan, Iowa
Dr. Rogerscopy baby Margaret97201942 Apr 1  Logan, Iowa
E. I, MrsRogersLady9293no dateMasonic Lodge2  Dunlap, Iowa
E. I.RogersMr & Mrs86381939 Apr 1 2  Dunlap, Iowa
E. I. Mrs Ted, MrsRogersLady95991942 Jan 25O.E.S. Composite4  Logan, Iowa
Elmer, MrRogersGroup 6 , Car29281no date 1   
Elmer, MrsRogersLucille & Frances Bradley126331949 June 10 1  Logan, Iowa
FrankRogersSon3901925 Dec 31 2  Logan, Iowa R# 1 boy 5 yrs.
FredRogersMr & Mrs133321954 -Rejects12  Dunlap, Iowa
FredRogersMr & Mrs133321954 Mar 25 2  Dunlap, Iowa
L. F. , DrRogersMargaret Mary87951939 Nov 21 10  Logan, Iowa Margaret Mary birth Sept 24, 1939
L. F. , DrRogersGroup 11 Copy Mother95381941 Dec 11 2  Logan, Iowa
L. F. , DrRogersMargaret & Grandmother94541941 Sept 27 7  Logan, Iowa
L. F. , DrRogersMan96101942 Feb 4Uniform2  Logan, Iowa
L. F. , DrRogersFamily Group 399601942 Oct 11 7  Logan, Iowa
L. F. , DrRogersTimmie128121950 Apr 12 10  Mo. Valley, Iowa Timmie 8mos.
L. F., MrsRogersKathleen105851943 Oct 14Glass Negative6  Logan, Iowa
L. F., MrsRogersMargaret & Kathleen109961944 May 29 1  Woodbine, Iowa
L. F., MrsRogersKathleen10585no dateGlass Negative8   
Martha, MrsRogersLady123181947 Nov 25 2  Logan, Iowa
OscarRogersBaby 25571930 Aug 13 2  Logan, Iowa R 1
OscarRogersMan & Lady99151942 Sept 3 8  Logan, Iowa
RaymondRogersMan10061942 Nov 15 2  Logan, Iowa
Raymond RogersHelen129091950 Dec  2  Logan, Iowa Helen birth Sept 27, 1950
Raymond D.RogersMr & Mrs108971944 Mar 10Wedding4  Logan, Iowa
TedRogersMan83021938 Jan 7 2  Dunlap, Iowa
TedRogersJoAnne & Tom131781952 Nov 16 22 Dunlap, Iowa
TedRogersTommy135871956 - 14  Dunlap, Iowa
TedRogersTommy135871956 Oct 27 1  Dunlap, Iowa
Ted RogersRogersgroup boys see Boy Scouts Camparee110031944 May see Boy Scouts Camaree Leader1   
Ted, MrsRogersJoan & Tommy126761940 Oct 8 22 Dunlap, Iowa Joan age 10yrs Tommy age 5 yrs
Elmer Rogers Group 4, Couple92621942 Feb 18 3  Logan, Iowa RR # 1
TedRogers Mr & Mrs & JoAnne88461939 Dec 4 15  Logan, Iowa
VeraRogers Lady26771930 Nov 26 2  Logan, Iowa
E. I Abe Floyd LouRogers Dungan Carlson Eldred4 Men10242 10243 10244 102461943 Mar 17Glass Negative4  Logan, Iowa (Duvall & McKinney)
FredRohlf Mr & Mrs44121833 Sept 28 1 nPersia, Iowa Hair parted in middle, check tie, purple suit., Black dress, broad white aloe tye button black at top, with set on button, Mern Allen Lt hair, blue tye, lt purple suit full fig , bench
FredRohlfsMerne43161933 Sept 23 1  Persia, Iowa Boy sleeveless sweater
FrankRollisMan113501944 Dec 26 2  Woodbine, Iowa
Sam RollosGroup 5113491944 Dec 26 1  Woodbine, Iowa
Sam, MrsRollosLady90971940 Sept 4 6  Woodbine, Iowa
Helen,MrsRolphGloria, Royce, Rita113111944 Dec 3 9  Logan, Iowa
ConvictRomineMan4361926 Apr 23see Mattwes2   
Emile A Eleanor F.Ronsin FrazierMarriage Record110811944 July 8 11 Logan, Iowa
JosephRosarioGroup 4134681955 -Rejects3  Lincoln, Nebr.
JosephRosarioGroup 4134681955 Aug 12Wedding uniform1  Lincoln, Nebr. 132 North 19th St Apt. 6
RoseRosburgLady111971944 Oct 15 3  Logan, Iowa
PaulRosenbaughYoung Man93421941 May 4 1  Logan, Iowa
PaulRosenbaughMr & Mrs107221943 Dec 9Wedding3  1225 L St N. W. Apt 46, Washington, D. c.
PaulRosenbaughBaby Deceased11529no date 1   
HarryRosenbaumMan93021944 Apr 9 2  Logan, Iowa
Clint & MaxRosenbergerCoon Skins60411936 Nov 22see Dr. Reichelt 604131 Dunlap, Iowa
E. I.RosenbergerMan40701933 Apr 15 21 Woodbine, Iowa
E. I.RosenbergerHouse copy J.H. Johnson 81981937 Aug 29 1  Logan, Iowa
L. D.RosenbergerGroup 4112791944 Nov 19 1  Dunlap, Iowa
L. D.RosenbergerMr & Mrs133911954 -Rejects20  Dunlap, Iowa
L. D.RosenbergerMr & Mrs133911954 Nov 15 4  Dunlap, Iowa
L. D.RosenbergerFamily Group 4134841955 -Rejects2  Dunlap, Iowa
L. D.RosenbergerFamily Group 4134851955 - Rejects3  Dunlap, Iowa
L. D.RosenbergerFamily Group 4134841955 Oct 11 1  Dunlap, Iowa
L. D.RosenbergerFamily Group 4134851955 Oct 11 1  Dunlap, Iowa
PeterRosengrenStephen127291949 Nov 12 11 Logan, Iowa Stepthen birth Nov 10, 1947
WmRosenowJoane43221933 Sept 23 1  Dunlap, Iowa dark straight hair
WmRosenowJean43231933 Sept 23 1   
AllenRossBarbara108171944 Feb 5 1  223 Shawmu I, Mo. Valley, Ia.
E. H.RossMan46321934 Mar 20 2  Logan, Iowa
MarianRossLady50351936 May 30 2  Logan, Iowa
MarianRossLady91451940 Nov 3 3  Logan, Iowa
Kaulen vsRothAccident 10041942 - 5  Atty - Carl V. Burbridge
DorisRotherLady13347no date 1  Persia, Iowa
DorisRotherLady13347no dateRejects3  Persia, Iowa
Meta, MrsRotherMan in Uniform105801943 Oct 9Uniform glass neg.12  
Otto B.RotherMan101451943 Jan 28Uniform 2   
Henry, Rev.RottmanMan42481933 Sept 9 2 nPersia, Iowa 4848 note Persia, Iowa Sept 21, '33 Notson Studio, Logan, Ia. Dear Sir: This picture is better, on eyebrow of right eye is a white line. I did not see those on the first proofs. May be you can remove that. Make the enlargement and one picture for a cut. Will call for pictures. Yours very Truly, H Rottman.
Henry, Rev.RottmanGourp 782241937 Nov 11 1  Persia, Iowa
A. R. , MrsRoundyMan & Lady113951945 Jan 25 22 Woodbine, Iowa
HaroldRoundyGroup 3125261948 Dec 6 1  Woodbine, Iowa
HaroldRoundyMr & Mrs & Ronny125211949 Dec 4 6  Woodbine, Iowa Ronny birth May 15 1941
InezRoundyGirl30501932 Feb 6Bee News Carrier21 Logan, Iowa
J. E. RoundyMan83411938 Mar 22 11 Woodbine, Iowa
N. J.RoundyMr & Mrs27471930 Dec 8 1  Woodbine, Iowa 10th & Normal
EsterRowLady96061942 Feb 1 2  Missouri Valley
ClaraRoweLady118451946 Feb 8Grad LHS 11 Logan, Iowa
Clifford & ClaradenaRoweChildren 41661933 July 29 4  Logan, Iowa (Dean Rowe)
Wm.RoweGroup Men60441936 Dec. 1see Ed Beck1   
Grace E.RowlisonArmy Discharge120181946 Oct 9 2  123 N 7th St, Mo. Valley, Iowa
YoungRoyalMan - Passport97561942 May 21 1  Avoca, Iowa
YoungRoyalMan102491943 Mar 17see 10247 Bert McGee1  Avoca, Iowa Duvall & McKinney
ClarenceRoyerTwins5361926 July 22 2  Woodbine, Iowa R 1
ClarenceRoyerGroup 545931933 Dec 9 2  R 1 Woodbine, Iowa
ClarenceRoyerBoy48321935 Aug 4  RR # 1 Woodbine, Iowa
Howard, MrsRoyerGourp 426291930 Nov 15 4  Woodbine, Iowa
Joe RoyerDavid Lee129141950 Dec 21 6  Woodbine, Iowa David Lee birth Sept 24, 1950
KathrynRoyerLady82521937 Dec 4 2  Woodbine, Iowa send proof - R. H. Roduky
LeoneRoyerLady81451937 Aug 7Beauty Contest1  Woodbine, Iowa send proof to 202 N. 23rd St. Omaha, Nebr.
NeslonRoyerMan421no datesee Royer & Barr in B's4   
RalphRoyerMary Elizabeth49661936 Mar 24 5  Woodbine, Iowa
Chas.RudyMan - Cowboy133611954 -Rejects4  Logan, Iowa
Chas.RudyMan - Cowboy133611954 July 25 2  Logan, Iowa
Clark RuffcornMan108951944 Mar 7Uniform1  Mondamin, Iowa %Hebert Ruffcorn
HeberRuffcornGroup 4100791942 Dec 8 1  Mondamin, Iowa
HeberRuffcornMan - Robert113701944 DecUniform1  Mondamin, Iowa
Robert C.Ruffcorn Mr & Mrs & Group131151952 June 9Wedding21 Mondamin, Iowa
Al GlenRuffcorn ButerMen105751943 Oct 12CAP2  Dunlap, Iowa
RaymondRuffcornMan102041943 Mar 15see Orville Waimer 102031  Little Sioux, Iowa Duvall & McKinney
Alice, MrsRunkleMr Gamet,Macile & Mickee83371938 Mar 12 1  Logan, Iowa
Anna Grace, MrsRunkleMrs & Sandra Ann123711948 Feb 4 21 Box 387, Mo. Valley, Iowa
Geraldine DonRunkle MarshallMr & Mrs126611949 Aug 25Wedding see Don Marshall4  Logan, Iowa
Helen RunkleLady26411930 Nov 17 2  Logan, Iowa
JackRunkleDeborah Kay134061954 -Rejects2  Logan, Iowa
JackRunkleDeborah Kay134061954 Dec 14 5  Logan, Iowa R# 2 Deborah Kay birth 3 - 15 - 1954
MasileRunkleLady88401939 Dec 1 1  Logan, Iowa
MasileRunkleGirl88411939 Dec 1 1  Logan, Iowa
MasileRunkleLady89961940 Apr 21 2  Logan, Iowa
MasileRunkleYoung Lady90151940 May 17Grad LHS '402  Logan, Iowa
MasileRunkleBoyno numberno date 24  
Roy RunyanFrankie, Roy & Veronica133191954 -Rejects8  Logan, Iowa
Roy RunyanFrankie, Roy & Veronica133191954 Jan 30Passport82 Logan, Iowa Frankie birth 12 - 31 - 1946 Roy birth 7 - 13 - 1948 Veronica birth 5- 9- 1951
Roy, MrsRunyanLady132341953 -Rejects2  Logan, Iowa
Roy, MrsRunyanLady132341953 Mar 21 2  R# 1 Logan, Iowa
James P.RussellBible, Birth Records47731935 Mar 19 11 Woodbine, Iowa

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