Dear Mom and Dad: Got a V-Mail and the bundle of papers you sent this morning. Fact is we've been having mail call about everyday, now. I enjoyed the papers even though they were old. It is as rainy as ever if not more so. The last couple of days it has snowed some. Two nights ago the area in which we were bivouaced was flooded. Luckily my bed partner and I saw it coming in the evening, and moved on a little ridge in the dary. It was pouring rain at the time and we were pretty wet but slept in luxury compared to the rest. We have given up the idea of sleeping in hills for protection from shrapnel instead we have built a wall of sod around our tent. We found some dry straw in a barn so had a good sleep last night. We had those beautiful moonlight nights about two weeks ago. Many times I've stood motionless on guard because of it. There was an interesting thing that happened while we were up at the front. The Germans gave a talk in English over loud speakers in our lines. They asked among other things, "How would you like to be home in your living room listening to the radio?" Then they played some American music. Telling us to come over and surrender was the LAST STRAW! Right now my hands are too cold to go on writing. That long period when you never got a letter is when we we're doing so much moving. Love, Harold. Later-- In the hospital because of my feet (frozen). The doctor says I go back to duty tomorrow though I don't see how I can make it. I can't walk a step today. Life has been pretty rough lately, but I sure hated to leave the company now that I've gone this far. Yesterday was Thanksgiving. I wondered what you were doing. It was nothing special for us, though we did get one warm meal. Today we had turkey here in the hospital. Perhaps you wondered about my birthday. It was the most miserable day I ever spent. The day before waded a stream to the waist and then without blankets laid down fort har snowed about 4 inches and the night. The next morning we cleaned a timber out and were held up at the edge that day and another miserable night. It rained that night and was a little warmer, but my feelings were gone anyway. At noon we broke out of there, but I won't tell anymore as it is a long story from there till the present position. Later-- The last two days three packages have come for me and sure am happy about it. Two were from you. One with the Bible, billfold and candles, the other with the candy. Don't know which I like best. The candy, for the moment, was delicious and ate it all right away. The billfold is very nice and takes care of the pictures I've received. I've been carrying an old Bible I'd found. The one you sent is much better and I gave the other away. The change in ink that you probably notice is the difference between German and American ink. The "Heinie" ink is so light you can hardly see it. The last three weeks I have been just sick enough with a cold so I couldn't get medical attention. Gradually became worse until I had chills and fever and headache all the time. Still (like a fool) I didn't see the medics till one day and night we walked in the rain. During the night then a time which I can't explain, I felt so sick, got lost, and after a time found a building which was a farm house and barn. This brings me to what I wanted to tell about. The people who lived there--Alsaciaus--realized I was sick and treated me as if I were their son. They seemed to be pretty well off and had plenty of food. They spoke German and some French which isn't hard to catch onto. After a couple of days, I felt well enough to be up so started finding the company again, which didn't take long. Found I was reported "missing." Since then we have been lucky enough to stay in one building and have gotten a good rest and feel as good as ever. This building is a deluxe pig house and must have been run by the government as there is room in it for at least 100 brood sows. Four of us sleep in one pen. An hour later-- Got a bundle of mail I never dreamed of--9 letters and a Dow City paper. Two were from you and Lewis' girlfriend's mother sent him a fruit cake that we both ate. December 20-- This is my second day in the hospital which is quite away to the rear and it seems almost too quiet and comfortable. I'm afraid they're going to spoil me for the front, here. Have a small wound, nothing serious, but very sore right now. Last night they took an x-ray and then took out two small pieces of shrapnel. After getting hit I got a letter from you telling of Vernon Cross being wounded. I considered myself very lucky to be alive. A mortar shell landed beside me, tearing up my pack and putting, a hole through a steel shovel that was on the pack. Some of your letters get through pretty fast and others don't. They say there is too much air mail for the planes to carry so they just take what they can and put the rest on ships, air mail or otherwise. By the way, I get a purple heart, now. Love, Harold