![]() | Harrison County Iowa Genealogy |
Harrison County became organized on March 7, 1853 by an act of the 4th Iowa General Assembly.
Harrison County Pioneers Settling Before 1854
PIONEER NAME YEAR OF HOMESTEAD TOWN and/or TWP Allen, Orville M 1849 Raglan (Allen Twp namesake) Atkins, Isaac M 1853 Morgan Barnett, Solomon 1853 Magnolia Barney brothers 1847 Bingham, George 1847/48 Calhoun Binnell, Thomas 1850? Douglas Blackman, George 1850 Magnolia Brady, Peter 1852 Jefferson Branson, William H 1853 St Johns Brimm, Alfred 1853 Union Brooner Family 1850/53 Cincinnati? Brown, Daniel Apr,1847 Calhoun Burcham, Andrew J 1853 Morgan
Butler, Lorenzo D Feb,1851 Boyer
Card, Rev. Kirtland 1850/53 Cass
Carvelho, Charles 1852 LaGrange
Chase, Amos S 1848 Clay
Chase Seth 1853 Clay
Chatburn, Jonas 1852 Magnolia
Cleveland, G 1847/48 Calhoun
Coleman, Erastus 1852 St Johns
Condit, Silas W 1848 Little Sioux
Cooper, P G 1853? 1st elected County Treasurer
Cooper, William 1853? 1st Clerk of the Courts
Copeland, Wickliffe C Nov,1852 Jefferson
Cutler, C I 1853 Magnolia
Dakan, William 1851 LaGrange/St Johns
Davis, Eleazer 1847/48 Calhoun/St Johns
Deal, Joseph A 1852 St Johns
Divelbess, Benjamin 1852 LaGrange
Dobson, Thomas 1849 Union
Dow, S E 1851 Jefferson (founded Dow City)
Dungan, James 1852/53 Jefferson/Cass
Earl, Asa 1848 LaGrange
Farnsworth, Samuel 1852 Douglas
Follet, Nelson 1851 Raglan
Fry, Amon Feb,1853 Boyer
Fry, David 1853 Boyer
Gamet, David 1853 Magnolia
Gamet, James 1851 Raglan
Gilmore, Charles 1850 Raglan
Hall, Mathew 1850/51 Douglas
Hall, Robert 1853 Taylor
Hamilton, Capt. Chester 1852 Raglan (1st elected Sheriff)
Hardy, James 1852 Magnolia/Calhoun
Harris, John 1848 LaGrange (Harris' Grove)
Hawkins, Uriah Jul,1847 Cass
Henderson, John W Apr,1853 Jefferson
Hester, Stephen A 1853 Clay
Holeton, John 1853 Boyer
Hough, Riley 1849 Union
Houghton, Edward 1850/53 Cass
Howard, William 1850/51 LaGrange
Hunt, Alonzo 1848
Hunt, Jason Z May,1850 Jefferson
Jefferson, Luke 1853 Boyer
Jeffrey, John 1851 Boyer
Jewell, Daniel 1850/51 LaGrange
King, Stephen 1852 Jefferson (1st County Judge)
Kirk, Jacob 1853 Jefferson
LaPonteur, Charles 1853 Jackson?
LaPorte, B F 1852 Jefferson
Lawrence, George 1848/49 St Johns
Litz, William 1847/48 Calhoun
Lockling, Artemis W 1851 Raglan/Magnolia
Longman, Alfred Sr 1853 Jefferson/Taylor
Maule, Donald 1851 Raglan
McCurley, James 1851 LaGrange/Jefferson
McGavren, Dr Robert 1850 just over the Pott. Co. line
McGavren, Samuel Feb,1853 Jefferson
McIntire, John 1853 Boyer
McKenney, Michael 1851 LaGrange
McKenney, Thomas 1851 LaGrange (fa.of Michael/John)
McKenney, John 1851 LaGrange
Mefferd, William 1850 Douglas
Merchant, Lucius 1851 Magnolia
Mongrum, Mr 1848/49 St Johns
Motz, Jerry 1853 Clay
Musgrave, Richard 1851 Boyer
Neeley, Nathaniel 1852 Little Sioux
Neeley, Thomas 1850 Little Sioux
Orinder, Mr 1850/51 LaGrange
Palmer, Seth 1852 Little Sioux
Perjue, Ira 1847/48 Calhoun
Perkins, John L 1853 Little Sioux
Reeder, Thomas 1850/51 LaGrange
Reel, Henry 1853 Jefferson
Reynolds, John 1848 St Johns
Rogers, John 1852 LaGrange
Sellers, Alfred 1853 Union
Sellers, Thomas 1850/51 Union
Shupe, Peter R 1851 Calhoun
Smith, Charles 1849/50 Boyer
Smith, Charles Jr 1848/49 St Johns
Smith, H S 1853 Union
Smith, William Sr 1848/49 St Johns
Spencer, William 1849 St Johns
Steele, William 1848/49 St Johns
Stevens, Adam 1848/49 St Johns
Streeter, Morton 1851 Raglan
Thompson, John 1852? 1st elected School Fund Comm.
Thompson, Thomas 1852 Boyer
Thorpe, George 1853 Jefferson
Thorpe, Owen 1852? Jeddo (defunct)
Tucker, William 1853 Union
Vanderhoof, Thomas May,1852 Jefferson/LaGrange
Vincent, Ezra 1847/48 Calhoun
Walker, Alfred 1853 St Johns
Walker, Hugh 1849 Morgan
White, George S 1852 LaGrange (1st Cnty Surveyor)
Wiemer, Robert 1848 LaGrange
Wild, Thomas 1851 Douglas
Wills Family, Jesse,.. 1847/48 Calhoun
Wood, Samuel 1850 Union
This information was extracted from the 1891 History of Harrison County.
Harrison County Pioneers Settling
PIONEER NAME YEAR OF HOMESTEAD TOWN and/or TWP Smith, Solomon Jennings 1854/55 Little Sioux (Smith's Lake)
After 1853
Smith, James M. 1855 St. John Twp
Henry Hushaw 1855 Lincoln Township, Section 36
Noyes, John 1856 Morgan Township
Armstrong, James L. 1856 Jefferson Township, Sec. 24
Armstrong, Harvey V. 1856 Union Township, Sec. 5
Snyder, Lewis S. 1856/57 Magnolia
Noble, Josiah Amos 1857 Cincinnati Twp, Section 36
Parkin, John A. 1857 Harris Grove - Union Twp, Sec. 6
Tolle, Lewis E. 1857 Jackson Township
Moore, Hiram 1857 Lincoln Township, Sec 36
Martin, John c1858 St. John twp (Civil War veteran)
George Franklin Rigg 1860 Boyer and Harrison Twp
Barnes, Nathan Dodson 1866 Six Mile Creek, n of Six Mile Grove
Spracklin, Solomon G 1866 Taylor Township, Sec 19
Alexander, Benjamin F 1869 Clay Township, Sec 14
Greene, Benajah Samuel 1870 Harrison Township, Sec 22
Norman, James H. 1871 Union Township, Sec 35
Powley, Abel (pictoral bio.) 1873 Lincoln Township, Sec 36
Nielsen, Thor c1882 Little Sioux twp (aka Thomas Nelson)
IOWA PIONEERS LIST (IPL) - Harrison and Neighboring Counties
PIONEER NAME SPOUSE NAME BYEAR SYEAR TOWN and/or TWP HARRISON COUNTY, IOWA ACREA, Thomas J. DEAL, Sarah Ann 1837 1855 Jefferson Twp BERRY, William Henry ??, Palmira 1839 1853 PARCEL, Ulysses S. RUTTER, Fannie 1881 1881 PEYTON, Lacey JONES, Eliza 1816 1855 PEYTON, Lacey PURCELL, Nancy 1816 1855 PEYTON, Lacey MONROE, Catherin 1816 1855 SHUPE, Peter Cynthia Lockling 1830 1852 SHELBY COUNTY, IOWA ROUNDY, Washington WILLIAMS, Alvira 1825 1850 TAGUE, Jacob J. POLING, Peree 1846 1849 PIONEER NAME SPOUSE NAME BYEAR SYEAR TOWNand/orTWP POTTAWATTAMIE COUNTY, IOWA DERMODY, Anna Sarah 1881 1881 AvocaTwp GAHNSTROM, Jacob 1799 1865? Council Bluffs GAHNSTROM, Magdelana 1841 1865? Council Bluffs GAHNSTROM, Mary ? 1865? Council Bluffs HAYWOOD, Mary BENNEHOFF, Georg 1847 1860? JOHNSON, George W. -----, Mary Ann 1824 1860 RockfordTwp JOHNSON, Horace W. RICHARDS, Julia 1860 1874 Council Bluffs OTTO, James FIELD, Mahettabl 1796 1851 Kanesville POQUET, Paul BECKSTED, Mary L 1814? 1849+ PRICE, Rees D. JONES, Jane 1813 1850 Log City ROBERTS, Benjamin M. BULLOCK, Mary A. 1827 1846 SHEARER, Joel BLACKWELL, Phoeb 1791 1853? Council Bluffs SMITH, John KOONTS, Elizabet 1799 1847+ Grove Twp. STEBLER, Fred -----, Eva 1834 1860 CouncilBluffs STEBLER, Jacob ADAMS, Jennie 1842 1872 Minden STEBLER, Jesse 1876 Minden STEBLER, Nancy AINLSIE, Wm 1881 Minden STEPHENS, John BRIGGS, Elizabe 1811 1849 Council Bluffs TAGGART, George W. PARKS, Fannie 1816 1846+ TAYLOR, Pleasant ALLISON, Jane 1811 1850 Silver Cr. Twp. WELBOURN, Frederick MOORE, Ann 1825 1850? MONONA COUNTY, IOWA WILEY, William H. BEATLEY, Eliz. 1825 1855