Harrison County Iowa Genealogy


Page 817

Charles D. STEVENS, merchant at Woodbine was born in Schoharie County, N.Y., March 7, 1846, and is a son of Col. Ozias and Mercy D. (SOWLES) STEVENS. The father retired from the mercantile trade when our subject was one year old and engaged at farming and as our subject remained at home until he had reached his majority, he was reared amid the scenes of rural life, assisting on the farm, and attending the country schools. He also attended the Acadamy of Charlotteville and the Binghamton Commercial College, after which he went to Xenia, Ohio, where he engaged for a time as a clerk, after which he went to Illinois, where he traveled for the Rochester (N.Y.) Nurseries. We next find that he spent a year in Chicago, as Conductor on the State Street car-line, after which he returned to his old home in the Empire State, remained some months, and then started West again, arriving at Woodbine, in the month of July, 1867.

He was engaged in business here a year, then was employed as a clerk at the village of Magnolia for Dalley & Yeisley, but the following year went to Woodbine and became salesman for Laub & Harshbarger, which engagement continued several years. He was next employed by Satterlee & Patterson, of Dunlap, and again returned to Woodbine, in 1876, at which time he purchased his present business.

He was married July 21, 1887, to Ella M. MINTURN, who was born in Pomeroy, Ohio. Her father was Charles R. MINTURN and her mother , Mary E. (LOVETT) MINTURN. Mr. And Mrs. STEVENS are the parents of one child�Arthur W., born May 7, 1888.

At the time Mr. STEVENS came to Woodbine, it was but a mere hamlet, and the building in which he is now doing business , was built by Fransworth, Kellogg & Co., in 1874, who operated a general store, which they sold to Mr. STEVENS in 1876. In August, 1882, our subject built as addition to this building, which is now 45x60 feet, with a public hall on the second floor.

Mr. STEVENS, who is a member of the Masonic order, belongs to Charter Oak Lodge, No. 401, of A.F.& A.M.; Ark Chapter, No.89, of Dunlap and Ivanhoe Commandery, No. 17, of Knights Templar, at Council Bluffs.

Mrs. STEVENS is a member of the Episcopal Church and politically, he is identified with the Democratic party. Among the local offices held by our subject it may be stated that he was a member of the first town council when Woodbine was incorporated and is also amember at the present writing (1891).

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