Harrison County Iowa Genealogy |
Page 874
OSCAR L. SMITH Oscar L. SMITH, whose pleasant farm-house may be found on section 31 of Lincoln Township, near the waters of the Willow River, will form the subject of this notice:
Oscar was born in Joliet, Ill., in 1855, and is the son of Martin G. and Margaret E. (JOHNSTON) SMITH, natives of New York, who were the parents of four children -- Albert S., Adelbert, Oscar L., and Frank M. The father was a machinist, and worked for the McCormack Reaper Company, and finally removed to Stearns County, Minn., and in fighting the Indians, he overworked in building a fortification, and caught cold which terminated in death.
Our subject worked on a farm until sixteen years of age in Delaware County, N.Y., then at blacksmithing in Broome County, N.Y., from which State he came to Iowa, in 1881, and settled at Woodbine, where he wielded the sledge, and fanned the forge until he came to Lincoln Township.
He united in marriage, October 24, 1880, to Miss Mary M. OWEN, daughter of James K. and Mary M. OWEN, natives of New York. Mr. and Mrs. SMITH are the parents of one child -- Myrta R., born February 24, 1889. The parents are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Upon coming to Harrison County, our subject was in his own language "seventy five dollars worse off than nothing." His good wife taught for five years in Woodbine while he pounded at the forge. They bought a lot, built a house and shop and paid for it, and continued work at Woodbine for eight years, and then purchased eighty acres of land in Lincoln Township, upon which he now lives. He did considerable building, fenced his farm, set out one hundred and thirty fruit trees, and has followed farming and blacksmithing ever since. To one who succeeds through the role of industry, midst smoking forge and clanking anvil, there must be ascribed much credit, and it will also be remembered, that this man's companion, true to her marriage vows, has ever been a faithful helpmate.Return to 1891 Biographical S Surnames Index
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