Harrison County Iowa Genealogy |
Page 898
ALEXANDER M. MCCULLOUGH Alexander M. MCCULLOUGH, a resident of Little Sioux Township, came to Harrison County, twenty-seven years ago, in 1864. He is a native of the Buckeye State, and was born in Tuscarawas County, August 4, 1841, and is the son of John and Sara J. (LEEPER) MCCULLOUGH. His grandfather, Andrew MCCULLOUGH, was born in Ireland, while his mother's people were of English origin. The early years of our subject were spent in Ohio, where his education was mostly obtained, with the exception of what common schooling he had in Harrison County. The family removed to Decatur County, Iowa, in 1854, and the father there engaged in agricultural pursuits, and Alexander began to work for himself in 1859, following farm life in Decatur county until 1864, and then came to this county, and worked for Seth PALMER and Amos CHASE for nine months. He then went to Jasper County, where he located and remained until 1876, and then went to California, where he farmed and mined and remained two years. From there he went to Nevada, remained one year, and in 1883 returned to Iowa. Shortly after this he went to railroading in Colorado, which he continued to follow for three years, and again returned to the Hawkeye State. He was married June 8, 1890, at River Sioux, to Mary J. NEELEY, a daughter of Nathaniel and Melinda (BUTLER) NEELEY).
Politically our subject is identified with the Democratic party, believing that party best represents the interest of the masses. Mrs. MCCULLOUGH is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and an exemplary lady.Return to 1891 Biographical M Surnames Index
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