Harrison County Iowa Genealogy


Page 702

Lorenzo D. BUTLER, one of the early settlers of Harrison County, and a man who, in his day, was prominently identified with the interests of the county, came to Twelve-Mile Grove in the month of February, 1851, where he purchased a claim which he sold the following spring, and purchased another on section 15, Boyer Township. He built one of the first mills in Harrison County, it being a combined grist and saw mill. It was on the site of the present (1891) Woodbine Roller Mills. In 1855 he started a general store at the mill, and his wife was post-mistress until the railroad days. Mrs. BULTER named Woodbine from her old home in England.

Mr. BUTLER was engaged in mercantile business at Woodbine, also handled lumber, and suffered great loss from fires. He was originally a Mormon, but severed his connection with that church in 1851.

He was married in Birmingham, England, in 1848, to Ann BINNALL, and they were the parents of eleven children: Mary A., Frank A., Agnes J., Thomas W., Edmond, Emma, Lorenzo D., James, Ellen E., Frederick and Albert B.

Mrs. BUTLER was born in England, October 24, 1824. Her father, Thomas BINNELL, with his family, came to America in 1848 with Mr. BUTLER and settled at Council Bluffs, where his wife died of cholera shortly after their arrival.

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