Harrison County Iowa Genealogy |
Page 414
ELIDA BARRETT Elida BARRETT, one of the leading farmers in Harrison Township, who resides on section 4, where he owns two hundred and eighty-six acres of land, which he purchased in July, 1883, and the following October moved to the same, will form the subject of this notice.
He was born in Monroe County, N. Y., February 25, 1823, and is the son of Dyer and Sarah (ROB) BARRETT, natives of New York and New Hampshire respectively, and of English-Irish extraction, but whose American history is of many generations. Our subject's parents are both deceased. The father was a farmer, consequently our subject was raised midst time scenes of rural life. Elida was the fourth child of a family of thirteen children, and is the only one, in this part of the country. When fourteen years of age he accompanied his parents to Ohio, and they located in Huron County.
Mr. BARRETT was united in September 3, 1850, to Miss Wealthy A. BLACKMAN, who was a native of Huron County, Ohio, born December 11, 1829, and is the daughter of Simeon and Wealthy (BARRET) BLACKMAN, who were natives of the Empire State, and of Scotch-English ancestry. The father has laid down the burden of life, but the mother still survives and is living in Huron County, Ohio, at the exceptionally advanced age of ninety-one years.
After the marriage of Mr. BARRETT, he located upon a farm and through the united efforts of himself and good wife they accumulated and purchased more real-estate, which they disposed of before they came to Iowa, when they purchased their present home. Our subject originally bought one hundred and ninety-six acres, to which lie has since added ninety acres, the whole constituting one of the finest farm homes in eastern Harrison County. Mr. BARRETT, like most intelligent farmers of to-day, turns his attention to a good grade of stock in connection with his general farming.
Politically, our subject exercises his right of franchise by casting his ballot with the Republican party. In 1865, he enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Nintety-first, Ohio Infantry. He belongs to Shields Post, No. 89, Grand Army of the Republic, Is a member of New London (Ohio) Lodge, No. 615, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The family attend time Congregational Church, and are classed among the worthy and representative families of Harrison County.
Mr. and Mrs. BARRETT are the parents of two children, -- Cassius E., who is married and the father of one child; is a traveling salesman residing in Illinois. Frank B., is a resident of Omaha, Nebraska, the proprietor of a merchant tailoring establishment, No. 318, S. 15th Street.Return to 1891 Biographical B Surnames Index
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