Harrison County Iowa Genealogy


Page 456

Daniel P. BAKER, an energetic business man of Missouri Valley, will form the sibject of this biographical notice. He was born in Mills County, Iowa, November 1, 1861. He is a son of Daniel B. and Martha (STRINGFIELD) BAKER, the former a native of Pennsylvania, descending from the Pennsylvania German stock, while the latter was a native of Kentucky. The Stringfields are of Scotch descent.

Our subject's father was a soldier in the Rebellion, and went from Mills County, Iowa. He was through the whole war and serve one year and a half after the general surrender. He held the rank of Captain and was wounded in battle, from which he never fully recovered. After the war he followed farming, and was a blacksmith by trade. He now resides in Jefferson County, Kansas, at Meriden, near Topeka. The mother died in the spring of 1888, and was buried at Meriden, Kansas. Their family consisted of three children, of whom our subject was the second.

Daniel received his education in Kansas, to which State the family moved in the spring of 1867. When twelve years of age he left home and began to serve an apprenticeship as a printer. For three years he followed railraoding in Missouri and Iowa, and was engaged in the pump, well and windmill business since that time. He has for a partner, E.F. JAMES.

Our subject was married, July 29, 1884, at Sioux Falls, SD, to Miss Maude DAY. Here parents are Scotch, and she herself was born in Scotland. Her father was a farmer, and now lives a retired life at Sac City, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. BAKER are the parents of one child -- Gertie, born July 4, 1886.

Mr. BAKER in his political choice affiliates with the Democratic party. He was a member of the City Council one term and has been Water Commissioner ever since the waterworks were provided.

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