![]() | Harrison County Iowa Genealogy |
That Daniel Brown of Calhoun was the first person to select a
claim in the county, is now unquestioned, and that Mr. Uriah Hawkins of Cass
township was the first person to permanently locate in the county, is conceded
by all. Mr. Hawkins located on the claim on which he died, having lived there
thirty years, during the former five of that thirty, as isolated from white
society as Alexander Selkirk while on the Island of Juan Fernandez:
"Monarch of all he surveyed, his right there was none to dispute,"
from Six Mile Grove westward to the Pacific Ocean, to the north pole, east
nearly or quite to the present city of Des Moines. This condition remained
until three years had elapsed before there were any additions in this locality
in the way of settlement, when the spring of 1850, Mr. George Mefford and his
family located near him in Twelve Mile Grove, and away to the southeast some
twelve or fifteen miles at the same time, Mr. Samuel Wood, Wm. W. Wood and
Uncle Billy Cox located at Union Grove, in Union township.
Daniel Brown upon settling on his claim about the 7th of April, '48, was not
that sort of personage who permitted the affairs of this life to cumber his
liberty to any extensive degree, and being the first white settler west of the
Boyer river, I will take the liberty at this time to give the reader a short
biographical sketch of this old pioneer from the time of his location here
until the time of his death. This warm-hearted old pioneer, having quarreled
with the Prophet, Brigham Young, in the spring of 1847, and being of that
fearless disposition that would not brook insult from King, President or
Prophet, at the date last named, while the Mormons were in winter quarters at
Florence City just north of Omaha, and west of the old village of Crescent City
in Pottawattamie county in this state, severed his connection from this
peculiar people and struck out his own hook to seek a new home for himself and
family where he could enjoy greater freedom. To this end he and a few others
started out on a tour of exploration, crossing the Missouri river at Council
Bluffs and from there kept up the Missouri bottoms on the left bank, at which
time not a bridge was upon any of the streams between that place and the north
How to cross these streams, when the same were swollen to the extent that they
were, as full as the banks would hold, was the question, but the ingenuity of
the pioneer is nearly always equal to the occasion; so fastening a large dry
log, one to each side of the wagon and then forcing the oxen to swim the river,
the driver swimming by the side of the team to give proper direction, brought
the craft safely to shore on the side required. In this manner the Pigeon and
Boyer rivers were crossed, and the party shortly after their start, camped in
Harrison county at or very near the place where now is the residence of Mr.
Tim. O'Conner, in section 35, township 79, range 43, at the place where the
little stream now know by the classic name of "Hog Creek" emerges
from the bluffs and enters the Boyer bottom. At the time of going into camp the
sun was a little more than an hour high, and Uncle Dan wishing to have some
venison for supper, shouldered his rifle and passed out from camp a short
distance, and ia less than one hour had killed five large fat deer, and as he
has frequently said, "It wa'nt a very good time for deer neither."
From this camp they passed up the Boyer valley and came to the present site of
Logan, at which place they halted and expressed themselves as never having seen
so beautiful a situation in all their lives, but supposing that there were
better than this elsewhere, they followed up the Boyer until they came to the
lands on which Woodbine is now situated, and, being highly pleased with this
location, thought they were getting too far inland; they struck across to the
Willow valley and followed this down to the place where this stream enters the
Missouri bottom, and there felt satisfied that they had struck the place, for
"which they long had sought and mourned because they'd found it not,"
but having found this, were wholly satisfied that, bhis of all others, was the
Here Mr. Brown staked out his claim and immediately went bo work building a
shanty, getting out rails and preparing a place for his family to be properly
housed, when they should be brought to this newly discovered "Eden,"
in the spring following.
Returning to his home, he spent the following winter there, and early in the
spring, with transportation in the form of a covered wagon, and the propelling
power two yoke of cattle, the wife and children snugly stowed away under the
white canvass, bhe old patriarch, wife, children and all effects are on this
unlimited highway for the "palace" on the Willow, which I bave stated
was prepared the year previous.
The incidents of travel across swamp, river, and over hill and dale, are the
same as before stated, only, in this passenger car, the freight is more
precious than in that of the year before, but soon they arrive at this
beautiful spot on the table lands of what was once and still is Calhoun, and
are now masters of their own situation, happier than the Czar of the Russias,
the Queen of England or even the then President of the United States.
The will power of this old pioneer was always equal to the occasion, hut, at
this time, being thirty miles from any settlement and no neighbors but the
treacherous "dusky men and squaws" of the western prairies, he, at
times, felt a little insecure, not on his own account, but for the safety of
his wife and children.
The corn and potatoes are planted, the fence built, but the meal and flour in
the barrel have become nearly exhausted and the last slice of bacon has been
fried, and where are we to get a recruit of these until the harvest is come for
corn and potatoes? Himself and two of the sons soon started for the State
of Missouri, two hundred miles away, there to assist the people in the
gathering of the harvest, which was then ripe for the sickle. Arriving at that
place, they enter heartily into the labor of gathering and soon have earned
enough to load the wagon down to the guards, and no sooner is the task
completed, than they are all on their way home bringing a good supply of food
for the hungry ones in the cabin on the Willow; but the incidents of travel
caused the utmost vigilance, for upon arriving at one of the branches of the
'Botna, which was bridged by a pole floor, and it having rained only a short
time before, the team, consisting of two yoke of oxen, became frightened and
began pushing in the yoke, when the floor of the bridge parted and the front
yoke, or leaders, slipped through the bridge and hung suspended by their necks
until Brown, grasping an axe, drove the staple out of the wooden yoke, and the
cattle thus freed, fell into the water below, a distance of thirty feet. Brown
was so much interested in the provisions that he did not look after the cattle
which had disappeared, and when the substitute for a bridge was so repaired
that he could bring over the wheel team and load, he began to look around for
his leaders, and to his utter astonishment, saw them quietly grazing on the
same side of the river on which he and the commissary stores then were. But
what was his astonishment on arriving at home and learning from his wife that
the thieving redskins had visited his place and cabin, and had appropriated to
their own nse all the edibles and clothing belonging to him and the family, and
that the family had been for the past three weeks living wholly on milk and
young potatoes, the same being not larger than hulled walnuts. Where were the
clothing and the corn and flour and bacon for the family during the winter to
come from? The freedom of frontier life was affording more freedom than
provisions, and the future did not look very promising; yet out of this dilemma
there yet remained a hope, and this last effort was yet to be made. It was
this: a hunt on the Sioux river near the mouth thereof. So early in the fall,
Brown, with a few others, who had come into the settlement after his return from
Missouri, started on a hunt to the mouth of the Little Sioux river, and when
arriving there found the game so plentiful, that in a day or two they had their
wagons loaded with elk and deer and wild turkeys, and Brown had in addition
quite two barrels of wild honey. A portion of this he carted to Kanesville,
sold the same for a big price, then laid out the proceeds of this sale in
cotton domestics, jeans, shoes, groceries, etc., etc., and returned to his home
with this recruit, the happiest man in all the broad expanse of the United
After this time the Indians were very troublesome, and greatly annoyed the
settlement, but not until 1853 did they and the whites come to open
hostilities; about which the reader's attention will be directed in other portions
of this book.
The writer hereof has oftentimes heard Mr. Brown say, that on his return from
the Bluffs, at the time he sold the honey, he felt like Alexander Selkirk did
while on the Island of Juan Fernandez. He was "monarch of all he surveyed,
his right there was none to dispute."
Here on the site selected by the subject of this sketch, in 1847, lived this
pioneer from '48 until the time of his death, and here the family of two boys
and four daughters developed into man and womanhood, all marrying at this place
with the exception of one of the sons; yet at this date only two of the
children are residents of the county, the others having gone on toward the
setting of the sun, like the father, ever looking to the mighty west for better
lands and more genial climate. Daniel Brown was a man of tremendous physical
power, and a man upon whom nature had been lavish in the way of intellect. His
youthful days were spent in his old North Carolina home without any of the
advantages of common schools which the boys of the present age and place
possess, yet in him was a mind far beyond many of those who had in early life
partaken of the birch limb and small slices of old Kirkham, the Western
Calculator and Olney's Geography. And findly, he was at and during all the time
of the late civil war one of the most uncompromising friends of the Union, and
never could bear to hear any one, at the time the very life of the nation was
in peril, say anything against the administration of the sainted Lincoln.
Men of this cast are always needed for pioneer life. Men who never yield to any
obstacle and finally never surrender until Father Time with his scythe says
" 'Tis enough; this is the end."