![]() | Harrison County Iowa Genealogy |
BAIRD, Samuel Proprietor of Baird's livery stable, established in 1869, was born in 1847; removed with parents to Pa.; thence to Cumberland, Md., and in 1861 to Galesburg, Ill., when he engaged with his father and brother in the coal business. In 1863 he enlisted in the 139th Ill. Inft., and afterwards enlisted in the 8th Ill. Cav.; was discharged in 1865, and returned to Galesburg, and was employed in the flouring mills until 1869, when he moved to Dunlap and engaged in his present business. He was elected justice of the peace in 1877, which office he still holds; was mayor of Dunlap in 1877, and the first marshal of the city; is at present district deputy grand marshal of the Odd Fellows lodge. He was married in 1865, at Henderson, Ill., to Miss Sears, and has one son and two daughters. BRYAN, Geo. D. Stock dealer and shipper, was born in Howard county, IA., in 1857; moved with parents to Burritt, Ill.; thence in 1869 to Dunlap, lA. In 1875 he was employed in Jackson's hardware store; in 1877 engaged in the stock business with his brother, T. J., as partner. They bought and shipped from Col. and Wyoming, as also in this vicinity. They also raised thoroughbred cattle. In Dec., 1880, they shipped a car load to Chicago which averaged 2,080 lbs. Geo. D. B. is now sole proprietor of the business at Dunlap. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. order. BURCH, E. K. Attorney at law, was born in 1852, in Steuben county, Ind.; removed with his parents to Hillsdale, Mich., where he attended the Hillsdale Baptist College for five years; graduated from the law department of the Union University of Albany. N. Y., in 1876, and the same year was admitted to the bar, at the general term of the supreme court. He commenced practice in Dunlap, la., in Jan., 1879. He was admitted to the circuit court in the fall of 1878. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. order. He was married in Sept., 1880, at Denison, to M. S. Kuhn. BUSH, W. H. Of the firm of Lowell & Bush, harness makers and dealers in all kinds of horse furnishings, was born in 1849, in Morris county, N. J.; moved to Des Moines, IA., in 1869; there learned the mason's trade with Morris & Naphey, and moved to Denison, IA., in 1873; worked at the trade until 1881, when he formed his present partnership. They keep two men employed, and in the spring of 1882 will move business to larger building. CHAMBERLAIN, G. W. Of the firm of Chamberlain & Lyman, dealers in groceries and queens ware, was born in Feb., 1838, at Grand Detour, Ill. He enlisted in the 75th Ill. Inft., and was discharged in 1863, on account of lung disease; returned to Ill., and in 1868 came to Dunlap, IA., and opened a restaurant, which he sold in 1874; remained out of business two years; then engaged in his present business with Geo. Baker, who sold to H. Gleason, and he to Mr. Lyman in 1881. He was town recorder two years, and member of the city council. He was married in Sterling, Ill., to Mary Ellmaker, who engaged in the millinery business in 1869, which she still continues, carrying a large and complete stock of goods, at her location on Upper IA. avenue. CLEMENTS, Thomas M. Grain dealer, was born in Sheffield, Ill., June 6th, 1865; moved with parents to Geneseo, Ill.; thence to Greenwood. He attended the High school at Chicago two years; came to Dunlap, IA., in 1879, and formed a partnership with F. E. Pike in the grain and agricultural implement business; sold his interest in agricultural implement business to Mr. Pike in Feb., 1881; bought Mr. P.'s interest in the elevator in Dec, 1881, and now occupies what is known as the old Grange elevator. CRONKLETON, E. J. Of the firm of Cronkleton & Warren, contractors and builders, was born in Delaware county, O., in 1835; learned his trade at Columbus, and in 1856 moved to Lyons, IA., and the next year moved to Davenport. In 1861 he enlisted in the 2nd IA. Cav. He was in a number of important battles, and was taken prisoner at Ripley, Miss., in July, 1861, and imprisoned at Cahaba, Ala.; was released at the close of the war and discharged in 1865, at Davenport. In the spring of 1866 he went to Montana; returned in the fall, and located at Fort Dodge; in the summer of 1867 came to Dunlap and established his present business. He married Julia O'Hare at Boone, IA., and has four children. DALLY, M. C. Of the firm of Patterson, Dally & Co., dealers in general merchandise, was born in Hamilton county, IA., in 1857; came to Harrison county with parents in 1859. He was bookkeeper for Mitchell & Lamb, for three and one-half years previous to engaging in his present business. EATON, Frank P. Painter and auctioneer, was born in Concord, N. H., in 1844; removed with his parents to Cass county, Mich. In 1862 enlisted in Co. I, 4th Mich. Cav.; was in several important battles; was discharged in Sept., 1864, on account of injuries received from being thrown from a horse; returned to Mich, and became a member of the firm of Eaton Bros. & Co., carriage and wagon manufacturers, at Dowagiac. In 1867, he engaged in traveling for a Chicago house, which he continued until 1871; then settled at Dunlap, IA., and engaged in farming in Harrison township for three years, and in 1874 was appointed deputy sheriff, under J. J. Peck; was also constable, marshal and street commissioner of Dunlap. He is a member of J. G. Shattuck's detective association of Dubuque, IA. He was married Dec. 17th, 1868, to Florence Thomas, at Dowagiac, Mich. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge. ERISMAN, D. B. Wholesale dealer and manufacturer of cigars and tobacco, factory No. 220; was born in Lancaster, Penn., in 1844. He learned his trade there, and then established business in Lincoln. Neb., which he continued four and one-half years, and in July, 1881, established his present business in Dunlap, IA. Keeps three men employed, and has a fine trade. FOX, S. D. Of the firm of Fox & Dabelstein, dealers in an 1 manufacturers of boots and shoes, was born in Manchester, Eng., in 1847; learned his trade, and in 1869 came to America; located at Sylvania, O., where he engaged in boot and shoe making. In 1874 he removed to Bolton City, Col., and engaged in business; the next year came to Dunlap, IA., and engaged in his present business and partnership. In 1875 he was married at Grand Rapids, Mich., to Miss Dabelstein, and has three children. HAZLETT, A. H. (M.D.) Born in Richland county, O., in 1837; attended the Hayesville Academy, and in 1857 removed to Toledo, IA., where he studied medicine with Dr. Baldy. In 1861 he enlisted in the 14th IA. Inft.; was in a number of important battles; was promoted to first lieutenant, and discharged in 1865; returned Iowa and located in Johnson county. He resumed the study of medicine, and engaged in teaching school until 1872, when he went to lowa City and attended the medical department of the Iowa University, and the next year attended the Eclectic Medical Institute at Cincinnati, O., from which he graduated in 1874. He engaged in the practice of his profession at Grand Junction, IA., until, 1878, when he moved to Dunlap, where he has established a large practice. In Sept., 1866, he was married to Miss Kibler of Johnson county Iowa. HILLAS, R. B. Dealer in general merchandise, was born in Vt. in 1836; moved to Detroit, Mich., at an early age. He enlisted in the 19th Ill. Inft.; was with the Army of the Cumberland, under Gens. Sherman and Thomas; was discharged in 1865; went to Chicago and was engaged in the house of J. V. Farwell & Co.; in 1876 removed to Dunlap, IA., and engaged in his present business, which was the first business house established in the town. The establishment was destroyed by fire in 1873. His present store building was erected in 1878, is filled with a fine stock of goods, and has merchant tailoring in connection. He has been a member of the city council several years. HOWARD, W. T. Saddler and harness maker, was born in Mercer county, Pa., in 1846; moved to Fayette county, IA., locating near West Union, in 1855, with his parents, who engaged in farming. In 1867 he removed to Kossuth county, and two years later to Denison, Crawford county; engaged for a time in teaching school at Dow City, and in 1870 removed to Dunlap, and engaged in his present business. He keeps three men employed, and does an extensive business. He has been mayor of the city, and is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge and encampment. He was married in 1870, at Denison, to Mary E. Eaton, and has one child. KAVANAUGH, Walter Proprietor of billiard hall and saloon, in basement of Lehan's Opera Block; established in 1879; entrance on first street, dealer in wines, beer, and cigars, and has two fine Brunswick & Balke tables. LYMAN, E. W. Of the firm of Chamberlain & Lyman, dealers in groceries and queens ware, was born in N. Y. in 1850; engaged in milling until 1870, when he removed to Dunlap, IA., and was in the employ of the C. and N. W. Ry. until 1881, when he engaged in his present business. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. order. In 1874 he was married in Dunlap to Miss Lowry. They have three children. MACKENZIE, Chas. Attorney at law, was born in N. Y. City in 1845; removed with his parents to Dubuque, IA., in 1849; graduated from Beloit College, Wis., in 1862, and the same year enlisted in the 9th IA. Vol. Inft.; was in several important battles, and was discharged in 1875 [1865?]. He was secretary of a government commission in New Mexico one year; returned to Dubuque and was engaged as principal of the public schools of that city for one and one-half years, and was associate editor of the Dubuque Times one year; studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1868; engaged in the practice of law, and in 1871 removed to Eldora; thence to Mason City, and in the spring of 1875 located at Sioux City and engaged in the practice of law with M. B. Davis, where he remained until Jan., 1881, when he removed to Dunlap. MITCHELL, C. D. Of the firm of Mitchell & Thompson, dealers in general merchandise, was born in Athens, O., in 1842. In 1862 he enlisted in the 7th O. Cav.; was in a number of important engagements, and was promoted to captain and assistant adjutant general; was discharged July 4th, 1865, and returned to O., and in May, 1866, came to Harrison county and engaged in stock raising; in July, 1867, established his present business with H. C. Laub, of Denison; afterwards, Mr. L. retiring, he carried on the business alone, until forming his present partnership in Sept., 1879. They carry a large stock, occupying the three floors of their large store building. Mr. M. is a member of the A. F. & A. M. order. NOONAN, J. T. Proprietor of the Dunlap meat market, was born in Va. in 1851; removed to Tenn. with parents, and in 1861 to Ky.; thence to Galway, Ireland; remained seven years; returned to America; lived in N. Y., N. J., and Tenn., and finally, in 1872, settled at Dunlap, IA., and for two years engaged in farming; then was employed in the meat market of Dunham& Guilford, and in 1879 established his present business. He is a member of the city council; also the fire department; is president of the Ancient Order of Hibernians; was county delegate of that order in 1881, and is vice-president of the Dunlap land league. PATTERSON, J. B. Of the firm of Patterson, Dally & Co., was born in Highland county, O., in 1847; moved to Harrison county, IA., 1867; was engaged in clerking for R. B. Hillas two years, then for Mitchell & Laub eight and one-half years, and June 26th, 1879, formed his present partnership. He enlisted in the late rebellion in 1863, in the 18th O. Inft.; was in several battles, and was discharged in the autumn of 1865. He was married in Oct., 1871, to Maggie Farren, and has three children. PEASE, H. E. Proprietor of Sheltered Twin livery barn, was born in Mich, in 1845; went to Chicago in 1860, and was employed as newsboy on the C. and N. W. Ry. for about eighteen months; then as brakeman in Tenn. during the war; then promoted to conductor, and at the close of the war, located at Jefferson, Green county, IA., and was engaged in running dray, express, mail and delivery wagons until 1868, when he removed to Dunlap and engaged in his present business. He has been deputy sheriff two terms; also constable, street commissioner, and marshal of this city. He is a member of the Legion of Honor beneficiary insurance society. He was married in Dunlap in 1871 to Julia Ford, and has one child. PEASE, Z. W. Blacksmith and wagon maker, was born in Blissfield, Mich., in 1842; learned his trade at Adrian, and in 1870 moved to Dunlap, IA., and rented a shop and engaged in his present business, which has increased so that he bought the building in 1873, and in 1881 moved it back and erected in front a large two story shop with three forges; keeps three men constantly employed. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge and encampment. In 1868 he married Lizzie Francisco, at Blissfield, Mich. They have one son and two daughters. PHILBROOK, Dr. B. F. One of the oldest established dentists in the county, was born in Camden, Me., in 1853; removed with his parents to O., and received his education at the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware; moved to IA., and engaged in the practice of dentistry with T. E. Weeks, of Council Bluffs; remained eighteen months, and in April, 1879, located at Dunlap. He has one of the best fitted offices in the west, with Johnson's dental engine, extension instrument, bracket, surgeon's case of liquid nitrous oxide gas, for the painless extraction of teeth, the pedal lever chair, with which any position can be obtained for the ease of the patient and operator. He fills appointments at Logan the first Tuesday in each month, and remains three clays, and also goes to Woodbine one day each month. He is foreman of the fire department of Dunlap, and a member of the Royal Arcanum, beneficiary order. In Nov., 1879, he was married at Omaha, Neb., to Lucy Hartry. PIKE, Frank E. Dealer in agricultural implements, was born in Erie county, N. Y., in 1851; moved with parents to Sterling, Ill., in 1856; thence removed to Boone, IA., and was employed as brakeman on the C. & N. W. Ry., for nine months; then was promoted to conductor, in which position he continued until 1879, when he came to Dunlap and engaged in the grain and agricultural implement business in partnership with T. M. Clements. In Dec., 1880, he purchased Mr. C's. interest in the machinery business, and a year later sold his interest in the grain business to Mr. C. Mr. Pike handles the best goods in his line that are made, and keeps constantly on hand a large stock. He is a member of the beneficiary insurance society. He was married at Carroll, IA., Jan. 1st, 1879, to Emma S. Town. READ, J. H. Of the firm of J. H. Read & Co., bakers, grocers and confectioners, was born in Kendall county. Ill., in May, 1855; removed with parents to Bureau county, and in 1868, came to IA., and located in Cerro Gordo county; removed to Dunlap in 1878, and established his present business; has oyster and ice cream parlors in connection; has Vernon's patent steam coffee and peanut roaster, and keeps constantly on hand new-made candies. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and A. F. & A. M. lodges. He was married at Dunlap in Aug., 1879, to Miss Zimmerman. SCHOLFIELD, Issacher Miller and proprietor of the Dunlap mills, was born in Delaware county, O., in 1833; moved with parents to Wis., and located near Milwaukee, where his father engaged in milling, mercantile business and farming, and he in attending the Quaker Academy in Belmont county, O.; and in 1853 engaged in land speculating in Marshall county, IA., which he continued for three years; then entered into partnership with his brother, and built a mill one-half miles north of Le Grand on the Iowa river; this he sold in 1866, and built a mill on Timber Creek in Marshall county, which he sold in 1869, and came to Harrison county, locating permanently in 1871, and commenced building his present mill on the Boyer river. He has a fine stock farm, adjoining the mill, of two thousand acres, and one of the finest conservatories in the west. He is also proprietor of the Dunlap Reporter. He was married May 7th, 1857, at La Grange, IA., to Mary H. Hanks, who is a cousin of President Abraham Lincoln. She is editress of that portion of the paper devoted to home decoration, by "Aunt Mary.'' SEARS, C. H. Proprietor of meat market, was born Jan. 6th, 1852, in Knox county. Ill.; removed to Dunlap in 1869; was in the employ of S. M. Williams, and afterwards with Mitchell & Laub; then engaged in farming for six years, and Dec. 1881 purchased the present market of B. J. Moore. In 1875, he was married in Ill. to Ida C. Hickman. They have three children. SHERMAN, L. A. Dealer in groceries, queens ware, boots and shoes, was born in Fairfield, Vt., in 1854; moved with his parents to Texas in 1860, and in 1870 they came to Dunlap, and his father, J. H. Sherman, established the present business; in 1876 he became a partner with his father, and two years later bought him out; has been town treasurer one term, and is a member of the Iowa land league. In 1877, he was married at Elk Horn, Wis., to Fannie Sabine, and has one child, a daughter. SIMMONS, D. P. Of the firm of Simmons & Co., dealers in hardware and agricultural implements, was born in Courtland county, N. Y., in 1849; removed with parents to Beloit, Wis., in 1854, where he attended the Beloit College; then traveled for Northwestern Paper Co., of Chicago; then for Booth & Hinman, of Beloit, and in 1873 engaged in the boot and shoe business. In 1879, he removed to Dunlap, IA., and bought out the stock of Mr. Jackson, and with T. S. Simmons, engaged in his present business. They handle goods from the leading manufactories, and employ a first-class tinner. He is a member of the Morning Star lodge, number ten; also the A. F. & A, M. order. He is a member of the city council. In 1876 he was married at Rockford, Ill., to Alice Early, and has one child. THOMPSON, Geo. W. Of the firm of Mitchell & Thompson, was born Mar. 26th, 1842, in Whiteside county. Ill. He enlisted in Aug., 1862, in the 8th Ill. Cav.; was in several important battles, and in Dec., 1863, was transferred to the command of Co. C, U. S. colored troops; was discharged in Dec., 1865, and returned to Morrison, Ill., and engaged in the study of law; was admitted to the bar in Nov., 1866, and practiced there until the spring of 1869, when he came to Dunlap, IA., where he continued the practice of law until the organization of the Dunlap bank in 1871, of which he was a stockholder and cashier; remained in the banking business until Sept., 1879, when he formed his present partnership. He has been chairman of the county republican central committee, and a delegate to state conventions, and is well known as one of the county's leading republican politicians. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., K. of P., and G. A. R. orders. Dec. 21st, 1865, he was married to Susan Forrer, and has five sons. TILTON & WEEKS Proprietors of livery, feed and sale barn, have stable room for thirty horses; board private rigs, and keep fine rigs for hire. They came to Dunlap from Ogle county. Ill., in 1878, and engaged in farming until entering their present business in the spring of 1881. WHEELER, J. R. Dealer in lumber and coal, was born in N. Y. in 1834; removed to Eau Claire, Wis., in 1854, and engaged in the lumber business. In 1861 he enlisted in the 16th Wis. Inft.; was wounded in the face by a bullet at Shiloh; carries two gun-shot wounds in his legs, and received injuries at Atlanta; was discharged in April, 1865; returned to Wis. and engaged in shipping lumber, and in Nov., 1866, established lumber yards at Denison and Woodbine, and the next year established a yard at Dunlap. He sold the first lumber sold in Crawford and Harrison counties. He established a yard at Blair, Neb., in 1868. He has been a member of the city council of Dunlap for several years. In 1875 he was married in Fremont county, IA., to N. E. Tyler, and has one child, a son. WEED, John Contractor and builder, was born in O. in 1825; learned his trade at Orrville, and moved to Mich. In 1850, went to Cal., and in 1853 returned to Allegan county, Mich., and worked at his trade five years; then moved to Kane county, Ill.; engaged in farming until 1S61, when he enlisted in the 8th Ill. Cav.; was in numerous engagements, and July 20th, 1865, was discharged, and returned to Ill., and worked at his trade until 1866, when he moved to Dunlap, IA., there being at the time only one house where the city now stands. He was married in May, 1870, at Woodbine, to Martha Willey, and has three children. |