1903 Alden Times

Fred L. Spencer and Miss Lotta Taylor Marriage

The home of Mrs. Louisa Taylor, where so many of Alden's pleasant social gatherings have been held, was beautifully decorated. Wenesday evening with roses, smilax, carnations and ferns, in honor of the most important event that ever took place within its walls, for then it was that the daughter of the house, Mis Lotta Taylor was united in marriage with Fred L. Spencer. The guests, who consisted of only the near relatives and a few of the most intimate friends of the parties, were received on their arrival by the prospective bride and groom assisted by Dr. A.E. Taylor, of Philadelphia. Just as the clock was striking the hour of eight, Fred and Lotta walked into the parlor and took their positions under a dainty bower of hoya, similax and white roses when Rev. C.N. Lyman pronounced the words that made them man and wife, using the beautiful and impressive ring ceremony. After receiving the hearty congratulations of all present, the company sat down to an elaborate banquet which was sumptuous and perfect in every detail. The wedding presents were duly admired and pronounced the most dainty and beautiful ever received by an Alden bride. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer took the 11:48 train for New Orleans and they expect to spend about a month in the sunny sourthern land before returning home.

Tha the full measure of hppiness which is vouchsafed (sic) to human beings, may fall to their lot, is the sincere wish of every one who knows them, for they are certainly worthy of it all. Both Fred and Lotta were born in this town and from boy and girl have grown to be man and woman, never having known any other home but Alden, and both have ever been active and liberal in all good works. The groom is now one of the proprietors, and has the exclusive management of an extensive mercantile establishment and in his business he has shown an enterprising spirit and an ability which is the essential quality of success, while the bride is one of our truest and noblest girls. Both have chosen well the morning of their new life dawns fair and good, giving promises which we believe will be fully realized as the days and years glide by into eternity.