Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Jones 50th Wedding Anniversary


Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Jones Celebrate Their Golden Anniversary Under Happy Circumstances

The friends of Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Jones enjoyed a rare privilege when, on July 19th at the hospitable home of their son, L.E. Jones, between the hours of two and five p.m. some two-hundred people, rich and poor, mostly old-time friends, greeted and offered heart-felt congratulations to this worthy couple, who had reached the fifieth anniversary of their marriage, hale and happy, unsoured by the struggles, hardships and misfortunes, incident to their eventful carrer as pioneers in the growth and development of our city.

The home was beautifully decorated, the golden color predominating; beautiful flowers greeted the eye from every nook and corner and the bride and groom of fifty years, received their friends in a bower of golden draperies, nasturiums, and ox-eye daisies. The lovely white-haired bride wa gowned in beautiful lilac silk, with rare, old pine-apple lace on neck and sleeves; the white ostrich-feather fan which plucked from birds on an ostrich farm, near their California home. The only ornament worn was a diamond cluster.

In the dining room delicate refreshments were served, Miss Ellsworth and Miss Louise Tyson presiding at the tables, assisted by the Misses Aileen Patterson and Mary and Grace Griffith, while Miss Mildred Simpson extended welcome a the door, and Miss Lora Wilson presided at the piano. Each guest was presented with a hand painted orange wood card, with the name and date of event.

Many beautiful presents were received to be kept as souvenirs of this happy occasion. Among the out-of-town friends in attendance were, Mr. and Mrs. H. Aldrich of Cedar rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Delos Mott of Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. George and Mel Bigelow Alden, Mr and Mrs. L.T. Briggs, Cottage, Mrs. J.L. Hoag, Pasadena and Mrss Louise Tyson of Emmetsburg.

Mr. and Mrs. L.P. Jones were married July 19th, 1851, at New Haven, Conn., Rev. Edward Strong of the Congregational churce (sic) officiating, notice of their approaching marriage having been published three times, twice in the CIty hall, and once in the church, in accordance with the blue laws of Connecticut. From New Haven they came to Iowa Falls, arriving here April 17th 1859. The career of this couple, during the ever changing years, has been of more than ordinary interest. During their experience in the hotel business they twice lost their all by fire. These calamities however, only spurrred them to renewed energy, reverses lost them no firends, and whether their quarters were large or small, loyal patrons sought them out and were glad to accept hospitality from these people, who were ever striving to make their hotel a home for every pilgrim who came that way. So, when in 1893 failing strength caused them to retire from business and seek a well earned rest, the traveling public received the decision with sincere regret. While California now claims them as residents, no clime nor home can wean them from old-time scenes and present friends in Iowa Falls. The sentiment of all true friends is voiced in Rip Van Winkle's toast "Here is to your good health and your families, and may you live long and proser." A. Guest.