Hamilton Heritage Hunters Genealogical Society


Mail to: Hamilton Heritage Hunters Genealogical Society
2479 Virginia Parkway
Webster City, IA 50595

Annual Dues: $10.00
Please send SASE for return of membership card

NEW _____    RENEWAL_____    YEAR_____

Name __________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________
             Street or P.O. Box                                               City              State                    Zip Code  
Phone (            )___________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail __________________________________________________________________________________________
Surnames researching______________________________________________________________________________
Things I can do for the Society _______________________________________________________________________
What I’d like in the Newsletter _______________________________________________________________________
Program Suggestions _______________________________________________________________________________
Hamilton Heritage Hunters is a county genealogical society, not a surname organization.

Hamilton Heritage Hunters meet monthly:
1:30 p.m. on the 4th Monday in April - December. (no meeting in January, February, or March)

Dues cover January-December and include a quarterly newsletter, and one Hour of research for new member, if requested.

Queries are answered by members as time allows. A SASE and donation of at least $25.00/per hour requested, one hour minimum, plus cost of copies. Please include adequate information on names, dates and relationships where possible.

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