Honor Roll of Boys who Died Going Over 


Paul R. Dixon, Corporal Company D


Paul R. Dixon


Corporal Company D




          Killed July 29, 1918 at Chateau Thierry. Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dixon, Mystic, Iowa. Graduate of Centerville High. A fine upright young man with a smile for everyone.


Alva M. Burgess


Private Company D




        Killed at Chateau Thierry July 29, 1918. Buried in Grave No. 72-C, Map of Fere-en-Tardinois. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burgess, Centerville, Iowa. Private Burgess was advancing with his company towards Sergy when he was wounded by a fragment of high explosive shell. He crawled into a shell hole and while waiting to be taken to the dressing station another shell exploded near him killing him almost instantly. He was an automatic rifleman and had made a good record as a soldier. Born at Centerville, Iowa, December 17, 1894.

Alva M. Burgess, Private Company D


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~ scanned and submitted by Cay Merryman