Honor Roll of Boys who Died Going Over 


Melvin L. Crandall


Private First Class Company D




       Killed at Chateau Thierry, near Sergy, July 27, 1918. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Crandall, Pittsford, Michigan. At Chateau Thierry the company had "dug in" for the night a few kilometers from Sergy. The Germans concentrated a heavy artillery fire on the sector and Private Crandall was killed by a high explosive shell. In the trenches in Lorraine and during the bombardment at Champagne, he made a good record as a brave and fearless fighter.   


Methias Higgs


Corporal Company B




      Killed near Sergy, July 28, 1918. Buried in grave No. 70, Map of Fere-en-Tardinois. Relative's address, Miss E. Higgs, Rumsey, Kentucky. Corporal Higgs was instantly killed by a high explosive shell while the company was consolidating a new position after crossing the Ourcq
river. He was formerly a member of the regular army and was in the engagement at Badonvillier, March 5th.





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~ scanned and submitted by Cay Merryman