Honor Roll of Boys who Died Going Over 




Guy Rison


Private, Company A




      Killed July 25, 1918 at Chateau Thierry. Buried in grave No. 17, Map of Conde-en-brie. Relative's address: Mrs. Frank Carner, Versailles, Connecticut. In the big offensive at Chateau Thierry, while advancing through a wood, the platoon of which Private Rison was a member, was held up by heavy machine gun fire, yet he never hesitated. He charged forward through the deadly fire and was hit by machine gun bullets. His work during the Champagne Battle will never be forgotten. His numerous deeds of heroism and courage were a shining example to all.      


Luis G. Gonzales


Sergeant, Company B




   Killed at Chateau Thierry near Le Charnel, July 26, 1918. Son of Mrs. Natalia Gonzales, Arroya, Puerto Rico. Sergeant Gonzales was killed by a machine gun bullet while leading his platoon in the advance near Le Charnel. He was a member of the party that went out on a daylight patrol and locked a German pillbox and threw away the key. Advancing to the German second line, he brought the information back that they were going to attack. Sergeant Gonzales was known for his courage and leadership.


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~ scanned and submitted by Cay Merryman