
      Transcribe and submitted by Cay Merryman

Reader, H. L., died Wednesday of paralysis, he having previously suffered two slight strokes.  On Tuesday he was up and around, apparently as well as usual, going to the P.O. at 8 in the evening to get his mail.  Owing to the inability of absent relatives to get here, the funeral will not be held until Friday morning at 10:30 in the Baptist Church.  Henry L. Reader was b. in Columbus OH, 28 Jul 1829 and died at Tabor IA on 29 Dec 1896, age 67 years ? months 1 day.  Early in life he removed to the state of IL where at the age of 21, he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Reed, to whom 6 children were born, four having preceded him to the Home beyond, and two daughters remaining to mourn his departure, one, Mrs. Dora Boyer lives in Verdon IL and one, Mrs. Florence Holloway at Marshfield MO.  On 7 Nov 1871 at Tabor IA, he was again united in marriage to Sarah J. Wilson.  By this union one son was born, Hubert, who with his mother, remain to mourn the loss of a kind father and loving husband.  He was a member of the Baptist Church.  Cause of death: paralysis of the heart.  Funeral services took place from the Baptist Church on Friday at 10:30 conducted by his pastor W. H. Curtis, assisted by Dr. Thain, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Tabor Cemetery.  Tabor Beacon - 8 Jan 1897
Howard, Harvey.  Word has been received by Tabor friends of the death of Harvey Howard, which occurred at Springfield MA, 25 Dec 1896 caused by paralysis.  The deceased was a resident of Tabor from 1851 to 1857, removing to MA from here.  Two brothers, Lester and H. W. Howard are yet residents of the county.  One sister, Mrs. Pease recently removed from Tabor to Salt Lake City UT, and another brother Joel lives in Council Bluffs.  The deceased was in his 64th year.  He leaves a wife and two grown daughters.  Tabor Beacon - 8 Jan 1897
Lankton.  7 year old daughter of Chas. Lankton died last Saturday at 10:30 A.M. (Sidney news item)  Tabor Beacon - 29 Jan 1897
Dalton, Samuel, one of the oldest residents of southwest Iowa, died at his residence in north Tabor this (Thursday) morning at the age of 76 years.  Mr. Dalton was taken sick about a week ago with the grippe or pneumonia resulting in his death.  Uncle Sammy, as he was familiarly know, removed to IA sometime in the 50's and was for many years engaged in farming and buying and shipping livestock in Fremont and Mills counties.  He leaves a wife, two sons and 4 daughters to mourn his death.  The funeral will be held on Saturday, 6 Feb 1897 at 2 o'clock from the Congregational Church.  Tabor Beacon - 5 Feb 1897 (see below)
(see above) Dalton, Samuel, died at his home in Tabor 4 Feb 1897 of pneumonia age 75 years 6 months.  Samuel Dalton was born 25 Jul 1821 at Auburn, England, and died 4 Feb 1897 at Tabor IA.  Deceased was the son of a British soldier who died when Samuel was 12 years of age.  At the death of his father, Samuel was compelled to support himself, thus being deprived of a school education.  He was married in 1843 to Miss Frances Asman, 2 sons and 6 daughters being the result of this union, all of whom are yet living excepting 2 daughters.  He came to OH in 1852, and to IA 3 years later, locating in Fremont County, where he has made his home ever since.  He was for many years prominent in business affairs, and contributed largely to the building and support of the Congregational Church.  He was also a member of the Board of Trustees of Tabor College at one time.  By his death, a wife, two sons, and 4 daughters are deprived of a husband and father.  The funeral occurred from the Congregational Church 6 Feb 1897 and the remains were laid to rest in the Tabor Cemetery.  Tabor Beacon - 12 Feb 1897
Gibson, son and 2 daughters of George Gibson.  A very distressing and sad accident occurred Tuesday of this week near the schoolhouse at Eastport, just across the river from Nebraska City, resulting in the death of 5 children, aged 10 to 15 years.  The children were attending the school taught by Mr. Ed Hackett, and at the noon hour had gone to a pond nearby to play.  Their absence was not noticed by the teacher until the hour for school to resume work, and search was at once made for them.  When found, they had a hold of each others hands, and it is presumed that they had been playing in this manner when the ice gave way.  They had probably been in the water for 1/2 hour or more when discovered.  Tabor Beacon - 5 Feb 1897
King, Charles died at his home last Tuesday of quick consumption.  Funeral on Thursday of this week to be held at the Congregational Church.  He leaves a wife and two small children. (Percival news item) Tabor Beacon - 12 Feb 1897 
Newton, Mrs. Wm. died last Friday morning at 5 o'clock, aged 76 years 4 months 5 days....(C. W. Lawrence and wife of Prairie Twp. were over attending the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Will Newton last Monday)  Tabor Beacon - 12 Feb 1897
Jones, Solomon died at his home in Tabor IA of heart disease, age 84 years 22 days.  Mr. Jones was born in Dover, Windham Co VT.  He was the youngest son of Whitney Jones.  He moved to Tabor in 1857, and has been one of Tabor's most valued citizens.  He has been a trustee of Tabor College ever since its foundation.  He professed religion at an early age, and has been a member of the Congregational Church since that time, being one of the earlier members of the Tabor church.  He buried his first wife in VT; his second passing away several years before him.  3 sons and 5 daughters are left to mourn his death.  Thus passes one of the kindness of husbands and fathers, and most enterprising and efficient citizens that Tabor has ever been honored with.  Funeral services were held at the Congregational Church, Thursday 11 Feb 1897.  Rev. Hill of Atlantic performing the rites of burial.  Tabor Beacon - 12 Feb 1897. (Tabor Cemetery - Solomon Jones, b. 18 Jan 1813  d. 9 Feb 1897).  The following week more information was given in a 2nd obituary as follows: "Ancestors were among the early settlers of southern VT and were prominent in church and public affairs. Taught school in his native town and surrounding towns for several years. In 1835 he was married to Mary Esterbrooks, the daughter of the leading physician of the town.  His wife died in 1850 and he subsequently married Minerva Howard, who died in 18??."  Tabor Beacon - 26 Feb 1897
West, Mrs. Carlos, widow of Carlos West, died at Riverton last Saturday and was brought to Tabor and buried beside her husband on Monday.  Tabor Beacon - 12 Feb 1897 (This item is from 10 years earlier 11 Feb 1887)  (Tombstone in Tabor Cemetery next to Carlos West says Betsey Fletcher West, wife. 1801 - 1887)
Hicks, Louis B. was born in Louisville KY, 20 Jun 1839, died in Tabor IA, 14 Feb 1897, age 57 years 8 months 24 days.  Spending the day in the shop as usual, he went home and attended to his evening chores, entering his home only to fall, never to rise again.  This fatal stroke came about 6:30 Saturday evening, and a little after 2 o'clock Sunday morning, he breathed his last.  Born and raised in the sunny South, his sympathies were naturally there during the late war.  He enlisted and served as a recruiting officer.  Since the war he has spent much of his time in the north, working at his trade for several years here in Tabor.  He was a good workman, and to know that Lou Hicks did a job of work in his line was to know that it was well done.  This was characteristic of his life - honesty.  For the greater part of his life, he was his own worst enemy.  On 5 Apr 1881 at Council Bluffs, he was united in marriage to Sallie W. Hales, who is left with their two children to mourn this sudden loss.  The funeral took place from the Baptist Church, 15 Feb 1897 at 4 P.M.  Tabor Beacon - 19 Feb 1897 (Stone in Tabor Cemetery - Louis B. Hicks.  d. 14 Feb 1897, Co. K 2 KY Reg. CWV-GAR)
Ross, Miss Jennie, who has been bedridden with consumption for the past year, died Tuesday morning at 5 o'clock.  Jennie R. Ross was born 29 Jan 1870 and died 2 Mar 1897, age 27 years 1 month 3 days.  Thus after a lingering illness of nearly a years duration, death has claimed another from among us.  A home is deprived of the sunshine that only comes thru the life of a kind, tender, loving daughter and sister.  Funeral conducted by her pastor, W. H. Curtis, at the home south of Tabor, 4 Mar 1897 at 11 A.M. after which the remains were laid to rest in the family burying ground.  Tabor Beacon - 5 Mar 1897  A card of thanks was signed by Mrs. M. A. Ross and E. C. Ross.
Wine, A. S.  An old resident of Sidney, was run over by the outgoing passenger train last Thursday morning and instantly killed.  The old man was very deaf and the engineer was unable to attract his attention.  Tabor Beacon - 9 Apr 1897
Pippitt   Parties were up from Randolph Tuesday to secure a casket for an 11 year old child of Mrs. Alice Pippitt, who died of diphtheria Monday night.  Tabor Beacon - 16 Apr 1897
Duncan, Mrs. M. C., a wealthy widow lady residing between Tabor and Randolph died from pneumonia Thursday morning of last week.  Funeral services were held at Imogene Saturday. Tabor Beacon - 16 Apr 1897
Moomaw, Rev. Jacob B. of Sidney died Sunday 4 Apr 1897, age nearly 97 1/2 years.  He was born in Bankton Co VA in October 1799.  He was ordained to preach for the Newlight Church at the age of 22.  He had married during his lifetime 539 couples and had preached more or less each year for 75 years without charge.  He came to Fremont Co in the early 50's.  Tabor Beacon - 16 Apr 1897
Burson, Eaton, an old resident of the county, fell dead from heart disease Monday morning.  He and Isaac Fletcher, another elderly man, have been in the habit for a number of years of going to camp on the Nishna and spent their summers fishing.  It was at this camp that Mr. Burson died.  Tabor Beacon - 23 Apr 1897
Sheldon, Henrietta, died on Thursday, 13 May 1897 at their home on Center Street (Tabor), after a severe illness of 9 weeks.  She was the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Foster, and wife of Benjamin O. Sheldon, in her 49th year.  Mrs. Sheldon was born in Cannonsville, Delaware Co. NY on 15 Sep 1848.  She removed with the family in 1855 to Rosedale in the vicinity of Monmouth IL, thence to Mills County IA in 1858.  She attended Tabor Literary Institute in 1864-1865.  She was united in marriage to Benjamin O. Sheldon, 22 Aug 1867 and made their home in the vicinity of Malvern, Mills Co IA.  Valuing educational advantages for their children, they removed to Tabor in 1891.  The father mourns the loss of a loving companion, and the 11 children who survive, a faithful mother.  Funeral services were conducted at the Congregational Church by Rev. Q. C. Todd, and with her sons as pall bearers.  The remains were laid to rest in the Tabor Cemetery.  Tabor Beacon - 21 May 1897 (Note: She was the daughter of Mrs. Nancy Foster, and a sister of the late Mrs. H. P. Patrick)
Wellar, John, a prominent man in the county and for many years President of the Fremont County Agricultural Society, died of paralysis at his home in Percival last Thursday, at the age of 79 years.  Interment was made in the Sidney Cemetery, Friday, the services being conducted by Frontier Lodge, I.O.O.F., of which he had been a member for 29 years.  Tabor Beacon - 4 Jun 1897. Tabor Beacon - 4 Jun 1897
Rossiter, Grandma, died Wednesday evening.  She has been failing very rapidly from a stroke of paralysis.  She was an old lady and has been in poor health for a number of years.  The funeral services will be held at her home on Line Street on Friday morning at 9 o'clock.  Mrs. Maria Gaston Rossiter, was born near Ithaca NY, 14 Oct 1816.  In 1834 she removed with her father's family to OH, and the next year was married to Mr. Samuel Rossiter of Berkshire Co MA.  The newly married pair settled on a farm adjoining the village of Oberlin.  There and in the town, more than 30 years of Mrs. Rossiter's life was spent, and during those years, 11 times she received the crown of motherhood.  Of her children 7 sons and 3 daughters still live to rise up and call her "blessed."  How she was appreciated by those who have known her best during her 20 years stay in Tabor was proven to us as we watched the faces of those who came to her home at her request for the last adieu.  Tabor Beacon - 2 Jul 1897 (Stone in Tabor Cemetery:
Maria Gaston Rossiter, wf /o Samuel  d. 23 Jun 1897 age 80 years 8 months 9 days)
Cowles, Perry G.  Word was received in Tabor last Saturday of the sudden death of Perry G. Cowles. which occurred Friday.  Mr. Cowles came to Tabor from his home in Sidney last Tuesday to meet the general agent for the NW Insurance Company of Milwaukee.  Mr. Cowles had been engaged as special agent for the NW for some time.  He registered at the Tabor House on Tuesday and remained in Tabor until Thursday morning, when he left, presumably for home, going by way of Malvern and Hastings.  While here, Mr. Cowles complained of not feeling well but those with whom he had talked thought nothing about it, and the news of his death was a great shock to a large circle of acquaintances in Tabor.  It seems that after leaving Tabor, Mr. Cowles changed his mind about going to Sidney and went to Red Oak.  He died at a hotel in Red Oak before a Dr. could arrive.  His death occurred at 10:30 o'clock.  The coroner's inquest showed death was caused by heart disease.  The remains were prepared and sent to Sidney on the same train that he would have gone on, had he lived.  Funeral occurred at Sidney on Sunday 4 Jul 1897 at 2 o'clock.  Camp 1999 Modern Woodmen of America of Riverton, assisted by the Lodge of the same Order at Sidney, and Sidney Lodge #10 Patriots of America, in charge.
Perry G. Cowles was born 28 Mar 1852 at McKissicks Grove, Fremont Co. IA, and was at the time of his death 45 years 3 months and 4 days old.  He had been a resident of Sidney 33 years.  He leaves a wife and 5 children, 4 sons and one daughter.  The oldest, Miss Edith, is 21 years old, and the youngest, little Carl, is 4 years old.  Mr. Cowles commenced life for himself as a school teacher.  He finished his career as a school teacher in the high schools of Sidney.  He then went into the real estate and abstract business, in which he continued 2 years when he was elected Recorder of Fremont County.  He was re-elected to this office and filled it for 4 years when he was elected county clerk which office he also filled for 4 years.  Immediately after retiring from office, he formed a partnership with M. M. McCartney, Jr. under the firm name of McCartney and Cowles and engaged in business as general merchants.  He remained in this business for 3 years when he was forced to retire because of failing health.  He had been in poor health from that time until his death.  His family and his other relatives in Sidney, and his old mother and brothers and sisters who reside at Riverton, have the deepest sympathy of the whole community.  Tabor Beacon - 9 Jul 1897
Driscoll, John, a farmer, about 26 years of age, living near Hamburg, was kicked in the abdomen by a horse Monday afternoon, causing a rupture of the intestine, death resulting at 9 o'clock that evening. Tabor Beacon - 9 Jul 1897
Nies, Lewis, proprietor of the Hamburg Bottling Works and a prominent Odd Fellow, died last Friday night of cerebral consumption, after an illness of two years.  Tabor Beacon - 9 Jul 1897
Prouty, A. S.  Members of the G. A. R. will act as pallbearers and a guard of honor at the funeral of Mr. Prouty on Friday afternoon.  Mr. Prouty fell from a load of hay and died shortly thereafter, last Saturday afternoon.  On account of his children being so far away, it was thought best to embalm the body in order to preserve it, until they could get here.  This was done that same evening and the members of the family were immediately notified of the accident by telegram.  Their daughter, Mrs. Mabel Landis arrived from OK Monday morning; their oldest son, Charles arrived from MA Monday evening, and Edward is expected to arrive from CA today.  The funeral will be held tomorrow 16 Jul 1897 at the house at 2 P.M. and in the Congregational Church at 2:30.  Mr. Prouty has been a resident of Tabor for about 15 years and was one of the most prominent citizens here.  He was actively connected with the T & N RR from its inception to the time of his death, and was and had been for a number of years its general superintendent.  He was 67 years of age, but very robust, and would go onto the road and do a days work with the best of them.  For two years, he served the town faithfully and well as mayor.  Tabor Beacon - 16 Jul 1897 (Tabor Cemetery stone reads Albert S. Prouty 1830-1897
Thompson, William.  The body of a man found in the Nishna River at Hamburg by some boys last Thursday has been identified as that of William Thompson, a former resident of Hamburg.  For sometime he had been making his home with Si Thompson in Locust Grove Twp.  The deceased was last seen alive in Hamburg on Tuesday of last week.  Interment was made in Hamburg Cemetery.  Tabor Beacon - 16 Jul 1897
Rhode, Uncle John, died at his home southwest of Tabor last Thursday night 22 Jul 1897.  He was born 12 Sep 1817 in Wayne Co IN and was nearing his 80th year when he died.  On 5 Apr 1838 he married Miss Mary Cobb at Warren Co OH.  The year following this marriage he removed to Carroll Co AR, a new and unsettled region.  After 4 years, he returned to Warren Co IN where after a three year stay, his faithful wife died.  3 children were the result of this marriage, who still surive.  He then re-married to Miss Martha Scott,  9 Mar 1848, she passing from this life some 6 years ago.  Of this second marriage were born 8 children, of which all but 2 survive.  He came to this county in 1851 and has since lived on the old homestead 1 1/2 miles SW of Tabor, completing 46 years of residence here.  The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Q. C. Todd, Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at the home, and at the Congregational Church at 10 o'clock assisted by Rev. Dr. Askin.  The remains were laid to rest in the Tabor Cemetery.  Tabor Beacon - 30 Jul 1897
Good, John N. was shot and instantly killed Monday night by J. Marrow, a farmer living about 7 miles south of Hamburg.  Young Good had called to take Miss Marrow to a social, and just as he was getting into the buggy, the girl's father opened fire with the above result.  The murderer then shot at his daughter, but his aim was bad and she escaped unhurt.  Dr. Johnson was summoned, and as he appeared, Marrow shot at him without effect.  He then took a dose of poison and is not expected to live.  J. N. Good was a prominent and respected citizen and his tragic death has cast a gloom over the community.  J. Marrow, his slayer, is an influential farmer, but has been considered flighty lately, and is supposed to have been insane when he killed his daughter's escort.  There is no other apparent reason for the tragedy.  Tabor Beacon - 30 Jul 1897
King,  the infant child of Mrs. Minnie King was buried last Wednesday. (Percival item) buried 18 Aug 1897.  Tabor Beacon - 20 Aug 1897
Blank,  The 7 year old son of M. Blank of Essex died last week from lockjaw, caused by running a sharp stick into his right leg just above the knee.  Tabor Beacon - 20 Aug 1897
Blair, Uncle Will died last Tuesday evening.  The funeral services were held at Thurman, conducted by Rev. Boyd. (Percival new item).  Tabor Beacon - 3 Sep 1897
Youngs, Anson, a resident of Randolph, died last Thursday from the effects of an operation performed on him a few days before for appendicitis.  Deceased was in his 29th year, and leaves a wife and one child.  Tabor Beacon - 10 Sep 1897
Story,  Mrs. M. M. residing east of Sidney died suddenly Friday of heart disease.  Mr. Story was in attendance at the reunion and did not reach home until after his wife's death.  Mr. and Mrs. Story are old residents of Fremont County and highly respected.  Tabor Beacon - 10 Sep 1897
Teele, Mrs.  A telegram received in Tabor (22 Sep 1897) Wednesday evening from Miss Julia Teele at Sioux Falls SD announced the death of her mother, and that the funeral would be held in Tabor.  Mrs. Teele was for a number of years a resident of Tabor and will be buried by the side of her oldest son in the Cemetery here.  Services held Saturday morning on the lawn at J. M. Barbours 25 Sep 1897.  Tabor Beacon  Sep 1897 (Stone in Tabor Cemetery, Sarah D. Teele 1825-1897)
Thompson, Robert B., a respected citizen of Hamburg, died 5 Oct 1897.  Deceased was 37 years of age and had been engaged in business in Hamburg for 14  years.  He was a member of the I.O.O.F. and Masonic Orders, under whose auspices the funeral was conducted. Tabor Beacon - 15 Oct 1897
Hunter, Mrs. John (Mary) died very suddenly Thursday morning at her home two miles south of Tabor.  She had been seriously ill for several weeks but had appeared to be considerably better on Wednesday and up to within a short time before her death.  The cause of her death was heart failure.  Mrs. Hunter was in her 60th year.   The funeral will be held from the Congregational Church Saturday at 2 o'clock and the remains will be laid to rest in the Tabor Cemetery.  Mrs. Hunter moved with her husband to a farm south of town in 1860.  A few years ago, the farm management was left to the two youngest boys, and the parents moved into town, occupying their residence in north Tabor.  It had always been Mr. and Mrs. Hunter's hope to build a new and modern residence on their property in north Tabor, in which to spend their last days in happiness and comfort.  With this end in view, work was commenced on a new residence this fall.  But as the structure was about to be enclosed, disease laid its hand upon the wife and in a few short weeks death claimed her.  Tabor Beacon - 5 Nov 1897  (See below)
Hunter, Mary Martha (Morford), born in Sharon, Mercer Co. PA, 18 Jun 1837.  In the spring of 1856, she and her parents moved to Hickory Grove, Mercer Co IL.  On 18 Apr 1858 she was married to John H. Hunter.  Living in Mercer Co. two years, they moved to Tabor in Nov 1860.  To this union were born 6 sons and 1 daughter.  After a sickness of 4 weeks, she fell asleep (of heart failure) at 8:30 A.M. 4 Nov 1897.  Her husband, one daughter and 4 sons survive her.   Tabor Beacon - 12 Nov 1897  (Stone in Tabor Cemetery: Mary M. Hunter, b. 18 Jun 1837, Mercer Co PA d. 4 Nov 1897) (Card of thanks signed by J. H. Hunter, Alma M. Hunter, H. M. Hunter and family, E. J. Hunter and family, Merwin Hunter and J. Leroy Hunter.
Nichols, James.  Hamburg people have been very much interested in the fate of James Nichols, a colored man found dead in the MO River, below Omaha.  Nichols was a former business man  of Hamburg.  He was an intelligent colored man of light complexion.  In his early days, he had traveled in Europe as the servant of a wealthy CA family.  Those acquainted with him do not believe he was destitute of funds when he left Hamburg.  Tabor Beacon - 19 Nov 1897
Fitzgerald, Mrs. Mary who lived about 6 miles SE of Hamburg, died on Monday of last week age 102 years.  The deceased leaves children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. 50 years ago she made Irish point lace for a cap, stating her wish to have the cap put on her head when she died.  This was complied with.  Her mind was clear until half an hour before her death. Tabor Beacon - 3 Dec 1897
Lyman, Mrs. Isabelle E., died at her home in Gillette AR on 22 Nov 1897 age 51 years 2 months 4 days.  Her maiden name was Barnes.  She was born in Wakeman OH 1846 and was married to Geo. W. Todd, a Lieut. in the Federal Army in 1864.  Of this union there were 3 children, Mrs. S. Mytinger of Council Bluffs IA, Mrs. S. W. Kelly and Frank H. Todd of this place.  She moved to Tabor IA in the spring of 1866 and on 9 Jun 1873 at Omaha NE, she was united in marriage to Dr. M. E. Lyman.  They made their home at Tabor IA until 1887 when they removed to Champion NE.  In the fall of 1894, on account of failing health of her husband, they came to this place, where he died about two years ago.  There were 5 children as the result of this marriage, 3 of them are dead and the other 2, twin daughters, reside here.  She united with the Baptist Church at Tabor about 30 years ago and remained a member of that church until it went down.  Then about 26 years ago she joined the Congregational Church and remained a member of that church until her removal here, when she united with the First Methodist Church in Gillette. Tabor Beacon - 3 Dec 1897 (Note: notice of this death was sent to the Beacon by C. L. Clark, this was published in the Gillette Herald 22 Nov 1897
Stevens, Mrs. J., the wife of a farmer living bout 10 miles east of Hamburg, committed suicide Thursday evening of last week by shooting herself in the head with a revolver.  Mrs. Stevens was 23 years old and leaves a husband and two small children, one 3 years old and the other 10 months.  The remains were shipped to Leon IA, her former home for burial.  Tabor Beacon - 10 Dec 1897.
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