Fremont County, Iowa
Newspaper Archives
Tabor Beacon
Sidney, Fremont County, Iowa
July 1902
- July 3,1902
Mr. W.S. Rupp, living on the old Brewer place southwest of Tabor, died
Wednesday night of paralysis, aged about 74 years. The remains wil be taken
to Elliot, Iowa, for interment Friday.
Mr. D.E. Low, former auditor for the T. & N. Ry., is visiting his family in
Tabor this week. Since leaving here Mr. Low has been in the east settling up
his father's estate. He will probably remain Tabor several weeks.
Miss Hazel Rock went to Council Bluffs last Friday to visit friends a short
time and will then go to Silver City. After a short visit there she will go
to California where her mother lives. She does not expect to return to
school this year.
Mr. Denise Wyant of Newman Grove Neb., son of Mr. W. H. Wyant of Malvern, and
brother of Mrs. W. B. Bell of Tabor, was operated upon last Friday at Omaha
for appendictis. At last reports he was getting along as well as could be
Edward C. Bricker, who has served in the capacity of a Merganthaler
typesetting machine in the Beacon office for the past two years, left
Saturday for Chicago. He will take a six week course in the Armour
Institute of Technology. Mr. Ben Williams is assisting in the office during
Mr. Bricker's absence.
The first catalogue ever issed by Tabor College Conservatory of Music in now
being distributed. Hertofore the information contained in this catalogue has
been sandwiched in the regular catalogue, but under Prof. Pierce's
directorship the conservatory has shown such a remarkable growth the
trustees advised the publication of a separate catalogue. The book
contains much information for music students. Any person interested can
secure a copy free by addressing Tabor College, Tabor, Iowa.
Source:submitted and transcribed by Stephanie Pierce: