Fremont County, Iowa

The Sidney Argus-Herald

The Sidney Argus - Herald
Sidney, Fremont County
January 12, 1928
"HIGH UP IN HIS PROFESSION Sidney Born Man Law Partner of Ex-President's Son".-- It is hardly likely that anyone in Sidney will remember
Trafton M. Dye, born in Sidney January 11, 1886, because he was only six months old when he left here, consequently his acquaintance could not have been
extensive. But there are plenty of old timers who will readily recall his parents, Professor and Mrs. Charles H. Dye, at that long-gone date residents of
Sidney, Prof. Dye being superintendent of the local public schools.
Now comes a story from Oregon City from the boy's mother, Eva Emery Dye, now a noted writer, author of "McLoughlin and Old Oregon," "The Conquest" and a few other works of merit. Mrs. Dye tells friends there that her son has become a law partner of James R. Garfield, son of ex-President Garfield, with offices established in Cleveland, Ohio.
The elder Mr. Dye after leaving this section took to the law and became a prominent figure in the west. Now the son comes to the fore and promises to even eclipse the father's career.
Source: Transcribed by Walter Farwell.