Fremont County, Iowa

The Little Church that Alan Built
by Rev. Claude Westerfield

View from the Attic ~ A Weekly Series
Fremont County Historical Society
Week of Week of November 2, 2009

In the year 2000, I attended the senior citizens luncheon in downtown Farragut. There I met Alan Fichter. He was displaying his miniature round house and his equally small double ferris wheel. After I studied his work I approached him about making a miniature of the Congregational Church building in Farragut .

Our church started with the organization of a Sunday school class in 1872. In 1875 it became the Congregational Church of Farragut.

In 1881 the congregation built the current church building. Since that time a number of improvements have been made to the building. In 1957 the church joined the newly formed United Church of Christ.

So now, in the year 2000, Alan looked at the venerable church building, measured several times and took out a 2 x 6 board and started cutting small pieces off the wood.

You need to know that Alan has to be close to a bottle of oxygen and has to be hooked up to help him breath. That did not stop him from this labor of love. He took his time and wanted everything to be exactly like the church looks, even to some of the warped boards.

One day he called me and said, "Your church is done." After two year of diligent effort it was finished, inside and out. At that moment I asked him what I should have asked at the beginning. "How much do I owe you?" He said, "It is my gift to you."

Now the church folks of Farragut have given their miniature church to the Fremont County Historical Society and it has been lovingly placed in their museum. Here many more people will enjoy the beauty of Alan's work.

Like God, Alan took castaway material and created a perfect creation. We thank Alan for his freely given gift and the message that it brings of God's love .

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