Fremont County, Iowa

Businesses (1912-1913)
Anderson, Bartlett, Farmer City, Farragut, Imogene, Knox,
Nebraska City Junction, Percival, Randolph, Riverton, Sidney, Tabor, Thurman
- Anderson
Population, 100. On the C., B. & Q. R. R., in Sidney township, Fremont county, 5 miles n. e. of Sidney, the county seat. Has a Presbyterian church and a bank.
Telephone connection. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams. Ida V. Page, postmaster.
- Anderson Savings Bank (capital $15,000), W B Miller pres, A E Strait cashier.
Brandon Bros Lumber Co, L D Wright manager.
Chambers Bros, live stock buyers.
Composite Brick Co.
Henderson Jessie, live stock buyer.
Hutchison Bros, hardware.
Hutchison Thomas W, grain elevator.
Hutchison T W, live stock buyer.
Hutchison & Co, general store.
Newlon D C, meats.
PAGE IDA V, Postmaster and Hotel.
Price L O, rr, exp and tel agent.
Redenbaugh Taylor, mason.
Wright L D, mngr Brandon Bros Lumber Co.
- Bartlett
Population, 100. On the Burlington Route, and on the Missouri river, in Scott township, Fremont county, 20 miles n. w. of Sidney, the county seat, and 28 from Council Bluffs. Has a Christian church and a bank. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams. Telephone connection. A. Thornton, postmaster.
Aitken Charles, auctioneer.
Balier L S, hotel.
Baker L r r, exp and tel agt.
Bank of Bartlett, C H Harris propr.
Chambers C M, live stock breeder.
Clapper M W, paperhanger.
Eyler Daniel, hides and furs.
Harris C H, general store and propr Bank of Bartlett.
Harris V E, hardware.
Hopkins C C, general store.
Hubbert J P, carpenter.
THORNTON A, General Store and Postmaster.
- Farmer City
A discontinued post office in Fremont county. Send mail to Imogene.
- Farragut
Population, 431. An incorporated town on the C., B. & Q. R. R., in Fisher township, Fremont county, 110 miles s. w. of Des Moines, and 11 e. of Sidney, the county seat. It has Christian, Congregational and Methodist churches, a graded public school, 2 banks and a weekly newspaper, the Leader. Ships hay, grain and live stock. Telephone connection. Tel, W. U. Exp., Adams. Arthur J. Vaughan, postmaster.
Bopp Myre, apiarist.
Brown D E, lumber.
Campbell & Sons (Archibald, Archibald G and Frederick E), hdwre and furn.
Carter Samuel, junk.
Case W H, live stock.
Clark James H, hardware and furniture.
Clark Wm B, live stock.
Coleman Carl, drugs.
Coleman H L, physician.
Coleman J E, poultry breeder.
Commercial Savings Bank (cap $10,000), E H Mitchell pres, F E Ruby cashr.
Dickey John S, live stock.
Eaton Wm, veterinary surgeon.
Farragut Leader, J A Johnson publr.
Farragut Light & Power Co, H C Loonan manager.
Farragut Telephone Co, Jesse Whisler manager.
First National Bank (capital $30,000), T H Reed pres, W Rogers cashier.
Johnson J A, publr Farragut Leader.
Jones John C & Son, agri implts.
Kelly Edward R, painter.
Kitchner Lora C, auctioneer.
Long Fred, carpenter.
Long Wm H, cement blocks.
Loonan H G, grain.
Miller C S, restaurant.
Miller John H & Son, grocers.
Nebraska & Iowa Grain Co, Louis McPherson manager.
Paulson T E, livery.
Pease John, apiarist.
Phillips B G, harness.
Reid A I, hotel.
Rice H H, cement walks.
Robbins Charles W, painter.
Roberts Edward F, carpenter.
Roberts Frank H, poultry breeder.
Rogers & Herriman, general store.
Ross & Ferrell, seed corn and grain.
Sanderson James A, carpenter.
Scott Wm C, general store.
Sheppard J F, drugs.
Speers Thomas, apiarist.
Stewart C A, dentist.
Vansant W W & Sons, seed corn.
Vaughn Bros, drayage.
- Imogene
Population, 341. An incorporated town located on the Wabash R. R., in Monroe township, Fremont County, 130 miles southwest of Des Moines, and 20 northeast of Sidney, the county seat.
It has 3 churches, a graded public school, an academy, a convent and a bank. Tel., W. U. Exp., W., F. & Co. M. M. Halbert, postmaster.
Abbott C B, insurance.
Addy R, general store.
Addy & Hillian, hardware.
Allen Sherman A, physician.
Allhouse Michael, painter.
Androy C, restaurant.
Baker Louis L, physician.
Borene Fred, meats.
Bussard A, carpenter.
Bussard I, carpenter.
Clark Implement Co.
Dempsey John, drayage.
Dempsey Michael, furn and undertaker.
Depper Charles, harnessmkr.
First National Bank (capital $25,000), T H Read pres, Elbert A Read cashr.
Greenwood Lumber Co, lumber and coal.
Gwynn James L, grain elevator.
Halbert Auto Co.
HALBERT M M, Drugs and Postmaster.
Hayes D W, restaurant.
Hayes J G & Co, general store.
Head M W, drugs.
Kammerer George, carpenter.
Kammerer Will, carp and painter.
Kenward W H, r r, exp and tel agt.
McCrackin L S, insurance.
McGargill W H, grain elevator.
O'Connor T G, physician.
St Patrick's Academy.
Sweeny & Laughlin, general store.
Wells, Fargo & Co Express, W H Kenward agt.
Western Union Telegraph Co, W H Kenward agt.
- Knox
In Sidney township, Fremont county, 3 1/2 miles from Sidney the county seat, shipping point and bank location. Has rural delivery from Thurman.
- Nebraska City Junction
On the C., B. & Q. R. R., in Fremont county. The postal name is Payne.
- Percival
Population, 150. A village on the Missouri river and on the C., B. & Q. R. R., in Benton township, Fremont county,
11 miles w. of Sidney, the county seat. Has Baptist, Congregational and Methodist churches, a graded public school and a bank. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams. W. H. Sheldon, post master.
Bailey C E, general store.
Bank of Percival, L D Butterfield pres, M Morrow cashier.
Clanton J S, r r, exp and tel agt.
Coe Frank, lumber.
Keyser J S, lawyer and justice.
Morton Grain Co.
Parkinson A H, grocer.
Rogers A C, livery.
Rogers Will, hotel.
Sheldon E W & Co, grain and implts.
SHELDON W H, Grain, Agrl Implis and Postmaster.
Wiese H G, physician.
- Randolph
Population, 304. An incorporated town on the C., B. & Q. R. R., and on the Nishnabotna river, in Riverside township, Fremont county, and 13 miles n. of Sidney, the county seat, and 42 s. e. of Council Bluffs. Was originally settled in 1875. It has Methodist and Presbyterian churches, a graded public school, a bank, an opera house and a weekly newspaper, the Randolph Enterprise. Exp., Adams. Tel., W. U.; A. V. Gillette, postmaster.
Addy Bros, genl store.
Armstrong R R, genl store.
Berry C C, r r, exp and tel agt.
Carter M T, mayor.
Co-operative Harness Co.
First National Bank (cap $25,000), A W Murphy pres, H M Townsend cashr.
Freeman A, genl store.
GILLETTE A V, Postmaster.
Keysor Bros, meats.
Randolph Enterprise, C C Sheaffer propr.
Rogers Wm, builder.
Sells & Martin, hardware.
Thomas David W, drugs.
- Riverton
Population, 583. In Riverton township, Fremont county, on the C., B. & Q. R. R. and West Nishnabotna river, 8 miles s. e. of Sidney, the judicial seat. Has a bank, Baptist, Christian and Methodist churches and a graded school. Stages daily to Sidney fare 75 cents. Exp., Adams. Tel., W. U. George W. Fouts, postmaster.
Boone E H, blksmith.
Christianson Christian J, painter.
Crowell A D, blksmith.
Fox W M, harness.
Hatton Sebastian C, physician.
Kerschner D H, livery.
Kidd Mercantile Co (Isaac R, Albert F and Ernest Kidd), general store.
Lamb A R, restr.
Lee M L, jeweler.
McIntosh V V, lawyer.
McMichael & Shoemaker, lumber and implements.
Manrose B E, locksmith.
Manrose Charles, carpenter.
Meyers Melville, carpenter.
Nishna Valley Bank, Joseph Samuels propr.
Parkinson Wm F, house mover.
Parkinson & Son (Samuel E and Charles E), hardware.
Randall Charles, live stock.
Russell C L, hotel.
Samuels & Montrose, autos.
Scott O D, confectionery.
Sherman W G, grain elevator.
Shull Lot, live stock.
Shull & Son, hardware and furniture.
Smith Coleman, live stock.
Smith Isaac, live stock.
Smith John J, live stock.
Swanson Harry C, drugs.
Utterbach J Harrison, vet surg.
Wenn George, apiarist.
Williams & Louis, grocers and dry goods.
Wise F L, meats.
- Sidney
Population, 1,019. The county seat of Fremont county, is an incorporated town located at the southerly terminus of the Hastings & Sidney br. C., B. & Q. R. R., 21 miles s. of Hastings, 40 s. e. of Council Bluffs and 149 s. w. of Des Moines. It is the trade center for a rich agricultural section and has 4 churches, a graded public school, 2 banks and a newspaper, the Fremont County Herald. Stages daily to Riverton. Ships grain, live stock, butter, eggs and produce. Tel., W. U. Exp., Adams, E. Stiles, postmaster.
Abshire & Hill, pumps.
Adams I B, hotel.
Ambler Samuel B, physician.
Ambler S B & Co (Samuel B Ambler), drugs.
Anderson E J, recorder.
Beale S P, jeweler.
Bickel C J, meats.
Brandon Bros Lumber Co, Frank Brandon mngr.
Bunnell L W, livery.
Burdick N, harness.
Carl Martin, mason.
Carlisle Mrs James, carpet weaver.
Carlson C J, tailor.
Carter Samuel O, brick mnfrs.
Chappell George G, osteopath.
City Telephone Co, J W Tillman mngr.
Clark M H, restaurant.
Corey Frederick J, physician.
Draper George E, lawyer.
Eaton Wm, lawyer.
Eclipse Lumber Co, C Wilson mngr.
Esden Clarence J, hardware.
Fletcher Hiram D, plasterer.
Forbes Wm, painter.
Forney C W, physician.
FREMONT COUNTY HERALD, George M Waterman publr.
Giesler & Lamb (Edward Geisler, Fred Lamb), grocers.
Hatten G F, painter.
Heckel George M, shoes.
Hiatt F R, hardware.
Hiatt Stephen A, poultry.
Hiatt & Hiatt, genl store.
Hickman R F, county attorney.
Hodges, Goy & Co John T Hodges, John Goy, E A Engelke), general store.
Hoop Philip H, lawyer.
Jordan Nathaniel, carpenter.
Kinney Theodore A, insurance.
Lamb F J & Sons, meats.
Lankton John D, painter.
Lovelady James M, physician.
Lutz John B, feed mill.
McKean C C, restaurant.
Mitchell Willard, real estate.
Murphy A C, carpenter.
National Bank of Sidney (cap $60,000), A F Metelman pres, C A Metelman cashier.
Nelson Audrey E, physician.
Penn Alphonse V, drugs.
Penn & Gore (Wm A Penn, Frank A Gore), dentists.
Pressly Belle M, milliner.
Reade James N, dray and bus line.
Runyon E Walter, real estate.
Shannon & Axtell (Felix R Shannon, Elmer E Axtell), grocers.
Sidney Abstract & Loan Co (R F Hickman, C B Hatten).
Sidney Band, H H Stich leader.
SIDNEY BANKING CO (Capital $10,000), H C Byars Propr.
Sidney Elevator Co (R P Lindsay, R S Tate), grain.
Sidney Grocery Co (L R De Freece, R B Lindsay, R S Tate), grocers.
Sidney Light, Heat & Power Co, H B Day mngr.
Spratlin C E, general store.
Stephens Clothing Co.
Stephens Thomas G, physician.
Stich H H, photographer.
Thorne T W, pianos.
Thornell A V, lawyer.
Throckmorton James, nurseryman.
Travis Mrs C E, hotel.
Travis & De Freece (E A Travis, George T De Freece), hardware.
Trewet Thomas, machinist.
Van Eaton J J & W W, grocers.
Wankel & Co (Louis Wankel, Thomas E Newby), general store.
WATERMAN GEORGE M, Publr Fremont County Herald.
Webster Bros (Walter A, Lester T. Joseph E and Wm C), real estate.
Wildberger Albert, furn and undertaker.
Wightman & Magel, real estate.
Wilson Miss C, milliner.
Yowell Wm J, abstracts.
- Tabor
Population, 909. An incorporated town on the Tabor & Northern Ry., in Ross township, Fremont county, 12 miles n. w. of Sidney, the judicial seat. Has 4 churches, Tabor College,
2 banks, an opera house, and a weekly newspaper, the Beacon. Exp., Adams. Tel., W. U.; U. G. Mauk, postmaster.
Adams Express Co, D Houston agt.
Avery Harriet G, librarian Tabor Coll.
Basye Edward, drayage.
Barbour John, general store.
Barnes C A, pres State Bank of Tabor.
Bartholomew W J, shoes.
Bell Implement Co.
Bloedel A S & Co, hdware and furn.
Boyd W E, livery.
Chantry A L, lawyer.
Council Bluffs, Tabor & Southern Electric Ry Co, W J Dobbs pres, A T West sec.
City Telephone Co.
Crocker Richard, tailor.
Dietz C F, physician.
Ellis & Mann (Charles L Ellis, Bascom E Mann), general store.
Faith Home.
Farmers' Department Store, Henry Parkinson mngr.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK (Capital $25,000), H R Laird Pres, Ira McCormick Cashr.
Gibbons L C, garage.
Green Bros (M W and N G), livery.
Greenlee George, drayage.
Hackett M T, real estate.
Hall C L, fire insurance.
Henderson Fred, dentist.
Henshaw Lumber Co.
Hillhouse R H, jeweler.
Hotel Tabor, W F Walker propr.
Houston D, r r, exp and tel agt.
Hurlbutt Ellen S, artist.
Iowa Telephone Co.
Laird Porter B, agrl implts.
Ledgway George, carpenter.
Long James, housemover.
Lyman M L, real estate and ins.
McClelland Robert, pres T & N Ry.
McClintock W C, publr Tabor Beacon.
McCormick A G, carpenter.
McKitrick Salathiel C, physician.
MAUK U G, Postmaster.
Mawher R J, real estate.
Miller B B, physician.
Myers T W, carpenter.
Nichols Dorr, painter.
Otis Clarence M, drugs.
Sevart W A, grocer.
Shull M S, restr and moving pictures.
Starr Fred R, painter.
State Bank of Tabor (cap $25,000), C kA Barnes pres, C L Hall cashr.
Stevenson & Orton, hdware and furn.
Straw A L, restaurant.
Stuhr J R, dry goods.
Swart W A, grocer.
Tabor Beacon, W C McClintock publr.
Tabor Drug Co (Adams & Kline).
Tabor College, F W Long pres.
Tabor College Library, Harriet K Avery librarian.
Tabor Opera House, John Weatherhead propr.
Tabor & Northern Ry, Robert McClelland pres, R S McClelland auditor.
Tweedy C L, restaurant.
Tweedy John T, physician.
Walker W F, propr Hotel Tabor.
Walling A B, clothing.
Weatherhead John, brick mnfr.
Wells, Hunter & Co (E Wells, Edward Hunter, George M Smith), carpenters.
Western Union Telegraph Co, D Houston agt.
Williams D M Drug Co.
Wyant W H, mayor.
Wyant & Gowdy, real estate.
- Thurman
Population, 336. Formerly known as Plum Hollow, is an incorporated town in Plum creek, in Scott township, Fremont county, 12 miles n. w. of Sidney, the judicial seat, and 3 from McPaul, the nearest shipping point. Has Christian and Methodist churches, a bank and a weekly newspaper, the Times. Stage four times daily to McPaul; fare 25 cents. Mail daily. George Cupp, postmaster.
Adamson Wm H, restaurant.
Baylor Randall, live stock.
Benner Elizabeth, carpet weaver.
Boyle B F & Co, general store.
Burson Riley, carpenter.
Cole Theodore C, physician and drugs.
- Frederickson & Co, meats.
Hicks Wm H, harnessmaker.
Hindman Thomas T, carpenter.
Hutchinson E C, hardware.
McCandless E S, propr McCartney Hotel.
- McCartney Hotel, E S McCandless propr.
Mann Archibald, live stock.
Martin Albert J, livery.
Martin Charles M, quarry.
Orr Stephen S, apiarist.
Paul's Bank, W M Paul pres, I A Loose cashier.
Paul Charles, furniture and lumber.
Porter Richard, auctioneer.
Rapp Noah, carpenter.
Roberts Thomas M, live stock.
Samuel Effle, milliner.
Stevenson Michael A, live stock.
THURMAN TIMES, C E Witherow Publr.
Warner E L, general store.
Witherow C E, publr Times.
Source: Fremont County entries, R. L. Polk & Co.'s Iowa State Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1912-1913, Vol. XVI
Transcribed by Volunteer Sheryl