Fremont County, Iowa

The Courthouse
The First Probate
September Term, 1850

In the early days of the county, one may judge from the probate records, that one or another of two conditions prevailed; either no one died, or none left any property to be adjusted among their heirs and no debts to be settled.

Be that as it may, the first probate (bearing no date whatsoever) recorded, is that of the adjustment of the estate of Francis Benoist, deceased, by T. S. Benoist. There appears against the administrator a credit of $232.40, and a debit of $998.50. There is no balance to the account, and, so far as the records go, the estate is still unsettled.

The first probate bearing a date is that relating to the estate of Henry Watts, deceased, which was presented for probate in the September term, 1850. It does not appear who the administrator to this estate was, but the last record in the case reads as follows:

Total amount charged the administrator . . . . . . . . . $ 534.15
One heifer, sold at private sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00

In the year following the office of probate judge was abolished and the business pertaining thereto transferred to the county judge. Since that day the probate business, of all kinds, has been steadily increasing, and estates to the value of thousands of dollars are annually settled in the county.

Some wills and probates have been posted to our boards. See our "Docs",

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Page updated on March 25, 2023 by Karyn Techau