The town of Austin was originally known as the Fremont County seat. It was located in what was known as Franklin township. Austin was
about seven and a half miles south of the
town of Sidney and comprised the northeast
quarter of the southeast quarter of section
10, township 67, range 42.
The little town consisted
of one or two houses, the main one of which
was the store and residence of A. H. Argyle.
The Austin Cemetery was listed on the WPA records
in the 1930's, but no names can be found on
the list of burials. The exact location
of the cemetery is rather vague. Some
sources indicate that the bodies were moved
to the Hamburg Cemetery.
In 1983, when the Fremonty County Cemetery Record book was issued, the Austin schoolhouse was still in the area; however, it was no longer in use.
Source: Information from The Fremont County, Iowa, Cemetery Records; printed by the Fremont County Historical Society ~ Used with permission by Sandra Bengtson.