Fremont County, Iowa

Administrator Page


Welcome to Fremont County IAGenWeb. We are glad you are here.

Our goal is to provide Free genealogical resources for anyone with ancestral ties to the area.

All the historical and genealogical information found on our Fremont County website has been generously contributed by researchers, and volunteers just like you.

We help each other by sharing different resources, we have on hand, or find, as we work on our own research.

Your suggestions, contributions, photos, cemetery readings, article transcriptions, original research information, and much more is always welcome. We are always looking for new transcribers.

If you can contribute to our Fremont County website, please contact Karyn.

Please be sure to put "Fremont County" in the subject line. I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank You!

Karyn Techau

Fremont County, IAGenWeb Coordinator

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Page updated on March 5, 2024 by Karyn Techau