History of Franklin
County, Iowa by I. L. Stuart. 2 vols. Chicago: S. J. Clarke Pub.
Co., 1914.
Transcribed by Don Turner, former coordinator of this website.
Emanuel H. Capellen
Emanuel H. Capellen is a successful agriculturist of Morgan township, giving much attention to the cultivation of sorghum. He has been quite successful along this line and has demonstrated that Iowa land is well adapted to this plant. His efforts, therefore, have not only been beneficial to himself but have been of value to the general farming community. Mr. Capellen was born in Franklin county, July 30, 1868, and is a son of Henry and Magdalena (Kaiser) Capellen, natives of Germany. As a young man the father came to America, locating at first, in Wisconsin and making his way to Franklin county in 1863. He was a wagon maker by trade but in later years followed farming. He died in Franklin county, December 16, 1882, highly honored and respected. The mother survived him for a number of years, her death occurring August 5, 1911. Of their twelve children seven are now living: Henry, of Nebraska; Mary, the wife of H. Rankin, of Dows; James, also of Dows; Lydia, who married George Rankin, of Dows; William, of Morgan township; Emanuel H., our subject; and Sarah, the wife of F. Hackbarth, of Morgan township.
Emanuel H. Capellen early took up farm labor, assisting his mother on the old homestead after his father's death. In 1891, when about twenty-three years of age, he bought eighty acres on section 28, Morgan township, and on this land he has made a specialty of raising sorghum. He has been highly successful along this line and has made many improvements upon his property. His buildings are kept in excellent repair and his machinery is of the most approved type. Mr. Capellen has had the honor of supplying sorghum for the table of Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States, and a local paper has the following to say in regard to his shipments to the White House: "Few of our people know it, but according to press reports President Wilson uses good old-fashioned sorghum oil his table. Not only that, but it is Iowa sorghum and is furnished by E. H. Capellen, a Franklin county farmer, who lives in Morgan township. A special dispatch in Saturday's daily papers says: 'While William Jennings Bryan is getting close to the common people by using grape juice on his table, Woodrow Wilson is making a strong bid for the farm vote of the great midwest by using Iowa sorghum as a lubricant for his plate of flapjacks every morning. E. H. Capellen, who lives in Franklin county, Iowa, has just dispatched the president's winter supply of old-fashioned sorghum to the White House. And taking cognizance of the government's endeavor to make it interesting for the express companies, the Iowa farmer forwarded the president's supply of the thick, sweet cane juice by parcel post. The Iowa sorghum supply is short this year, too, so the president's appreciation of the product should be correspondingly high. Mr. Capellen was able to squeeze out only seven hundred gallons of the sweet this year as against almost twice that much last year. Fifteen acres of cane yielded his supply this year and it will bring him in above four hundred dollars. In addition, however, he will have three hundred bushels of cane seed, which will bring him another four hundred dollars, or a total income from fifteen acres of rich Iowa soil of about eight hundred dollars.' "
On October 17, 1894, Mr. Capellen married Miss Emma Schwieger, who was born in Franklin county and is a daughter of John C. and Gertrude (Blum) Schwieger, natives of Germany, who came to Iowa about 1870, locating in Morgan township. The parents were widely and favorably known among farming people of this section. The father died January 16, 1913, and the mother, March 21, 1912. They were the parents of eight children: Emma, the wife of the subject of this review; John William, a farmer of Morgan township; Martha, the wife of H. J. Benz, of Charles City, Iowa; Lydia R., who married Rev. A. W. Gauger, of McGregor; Louis E., of Dows; George B., of Twin Falls, Idaho; Fred C., who resides on the old family homestead; and Grace E., of Franklin county. Mr. and Mrs. Capellen have three children: Ruth Beatrice, born October 16, 1897; Fern Esther, November 12, 1903; and Gerald E., December 12, 1909.
Mr. Capellen has always taken a deep interest in the cause of education and for fifteen years was secretary of the township school board. His religion is that of the Methodist church. In politics he is a republican and staunchly upholds the candidates of his party. He enjoys a high reputation in his neighborhood and is esteemed for his good qualities of character. Such success as has come to him is well merited, and none can begrudge him his prosperity.
Brown Carhart
Lester Brown Carhart, a prosperous and prominent citizen of Franklin county, is engaged in the general banking, real-estate and insurance business as sole owner of the Sheffield Bank, which he established on the 1st of January, 1880, in partnership with Messrs. Taylor and Evans. His birth occurred near Syracuse, New York, on the 1st of January, 1850, his parents being John and Angelina (Cheseboro) Carhart, likewise natives of the Empire state. In 1855 they settled on a farm in Scott county, Iowa, but in 1871 John Carhart disposed of the property and removed to Grinnell, Poweshiek county, this state, where he passed away at the age of seventy-two years. The demise of his wife occurred in Scott county when she had attained the age of fifty-five. Lester B. Carhart was five years of age when the family home was established on a farm in Scott county, Iowa, and there attended the district schools in the acquirement of his early education. At the age of seventeen he entered Cornell College at Mount Vernon, Iowa, and after completing the classical course spent a year as principal of schools at Eldora, Hardin county, Iowa. In 1873, he embarked in the book and music business at Hampton in association with T.B. Taylor, his college classmate, and a year later purchased his partner's interest, continuing the enterprise alone for four years. Subsequently he was engaged in the lumber business at Grinnell in partnership with his father and brother for two years. On the 1st of January, 1880, he formed a partnership with T. B. Taylor and W. D. Evans, now judge Evans of the supreme court, for the conduct of a banking business in Sheffield. They occupied a frame building on the same corner where the present institution stands, and the name Sheffield Bank was adopted at the beginning. The partnership was maintained for a period of eighteen years or until 1899, when Mr. Carhart purchased the others' interests and became sole proprietor. He carries on a general banking, real-estate and insurance business, and the continued growth and success of the institution are ample evidence of his splendid executive ability and keen discernment. Mr. Carhart is likewise the vice president of the Sheffield Brick & Tile Company, a concern which was organized five years ago and of which our subject and his sons are the controlling stockholders. He also acts as vice president of the Grinnell Canning Company at Grinnell, Iowa. Mr. Carhart has been married twice. On the 1st of August, 1872, he wedded Miss Addie M. Wright, of Clarence, Cedar county, Iowa, by whom he had two sons. She passed away at Grinnell in 1878, and in December of the following year Mr. Carhart was again married, his second union being with Miss Nettie B. Bryan, a distant relative of the present secretary of state. By this marriage there are four sons. The six children of Mr. Carhart are as follows: Edward B., assistant cashier of the Goodman & Company Bank at Napa, California; Herman L., assistant cashier of the Sheffield Bank; Charles C., secretary, treasurer and general manager of the Sheffield Brick & Tile Company and general manager and owner of the Sheffield Electric Light & Power Company; Harry H., who is engaged in the automobile business at Minneapolis; Forrest F., who represents the Sheffield Brick & Tile Company as salesman; and Ralph R., a bookkeeper in his father's bank. In politics Mr. Carhart is a staunch republican and his fellow townsmen, recognizing his worth and ability, have chosen him for positions of public trust. As mayor of Sheffield he gave the city a progressive and beneficial administration, and he also did valuable service as a member of the council, while many years he was on the school board. For several years, as treasurer and director, he was active in the work of the Camp Meeting Association, holding Chautauquas at Clear Lake. Both Mr. and Mrs. Carhart are devoted and consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is a handsome and vigorous gentleman and has won many friends in the various walks of life by reason of his unfailing courtesy and unfeigned cordiality. |
E. Carr
The agricultural development of the middle west is largely due to such energetic men as John E. Carr, who owns one hundred and seventy acres of land on section 22, Oakland township, which he devotes to general farming. The Carr farm is in a high state of productivity and by its appearance bespeaks that the latest methods of farming are employed there. Mr. Carr is also interested in other real estate and is president of the bank at Popejoy. He was born in Grant county, Wisconsin, November 18, 1859, and is a son of Nicholas and Mary (Richardson) Carr, natives of England, who came to America about 1845 and located in Wisconsin. There the father lived for about twenty years, his death occurring in 1865. The father was a shoemaker by trade but during the last four years of his life, followed agricultural pursuits. His wife survived him many years, her death occurring January 24, 1909. To this union were born seven children: Henry H., of Popejoy; Sarah, who married William Doran, of Volin, South Dakota; William, of Bowman, North Dakota; John E.; Minnie, who married C. H. Meyers, of Traer, Iowa; Eva, deceased; and Cora, the wife of Pierce Cole, of Traer, Iowa. When John E. Carr was about nine years of age his mother married again, and he shortly thereafter left home and until fifteen years of age remained with strangers. On April 17, 1875, he made his first appearance in Oakland as an agriculturist. He was married when twenty years of age and in 1881 bought eighty acres of land in Oakland township. This property he sold two years later and then acquired title to one hundred and seventy acres on section 22, of which he is now the owner. He has instituted a number of valuable improvements, and his buildings are kept well in repair and are splendidly equipped. Mr. Carr is an up-to-date agriculturist and such success as has come to him is welt merited, as it is due to close application, unceasing industry and unflagging energy. Mr. Carr is also interested in real estate in Popejoy. Moreover he is president of the bank there and in the management of its affairs displays executive ability and knowledge of financial needs and Conditions. In 1880, when about twenty-one years of age, he married Miss Nellie Baker, a native of Franklin county, who passed away in 1886. Of this union three children were born: Lucia V., the wife of C. C. Hart, of Kerman, California; Luella, who married Dr. W. G. Brady, of Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Nellie, who died in infancy. On January 29, 1889, Mr. Carr married Miss Alice Corbin, a native of Indiana, and they have five children: Lorena, who married Floyd Runnell, of Dows, Iowa; Inez, at home, who teaches school at Popejoy; J. E., Jr., also at home; and Gladys and Woodrow C., at home. Mr. Carr is a republican and has always upheld the principles of that party. For six years he has been township assessor and is now president of the school board, the cause of education finding in him a valuable champion. For seven years he has been a member of the board of supervisors and in the Government of Franklin county has taken a laudable interest, always turning his efforts to good account. His religious faith is that of the Methodist church, while fraternally he is a Mason and a Modern Woodman. Mr. Carr is a successful agriculturist who has helped to make possible the prosperous conditions now existing. He is a man of high character and a valuable and public-spirited citizen. Such men as he are the backbone of the nation. |
Christian Peter Christiansen
Christian Peter Christiansen, of Morgan township, Franklin county, is a representative of the greatest industry in the United States--that of farming. Although a comparatively young man, he has already attained a position which places him among the substantial agriculturists of his district. He was born in Wisconsin, April 30, 1876, his parents being Nicolay and Hannah (Hanson) Christiansen, natives of Denmark, who about 1870 came to America. They first located in Illinois, where the father for nine years was connected with railroad work. At the end of that time he took up farming in Franklin county, locating in Hamilton township. He. became a respected resident of his neighborhood and now lives near Coulter. His wife passed away in 1883, having borne him six children. The first two were twins, of whom one died in infancy. The other, Hans, is living. The third in this family is Christian P. Christiansen, of this review. The others were: John, of Coulter; Henry, also of that city; and Hannah, who died in infancy.
Christian Peter Christiansen remained with his father until 1897, in which year he reached his majority. He had such school education as the neighborhood afforded. After leaving home he worked at tiling for some time and also engaged in carpenter work for two years. He then rented one hundred and sixty acres, cultivating this tract for three years, and at the end of that period bought eighty acres on section 1, Morgan township. Mr. Christiansen has labored indefatigably to place his land under cultivation, and his acres are in a high state of productivity. He has made a number of excellent improvements, and his buildings are substantial and well equipped. He has erected a silo of two hundred tons capacity, and implements and machinery of modern manufacture bespeak his progressiveness and his up-to-date methods.
On January 15, 1899, Mr. Christiansen married Miss Mary Winters, a native of Illinois and a daughter of Christian and Nelcina (Knudsen) Winters, natives of Denmark, who upon their arrival in the United States located at first in Illinois. They came to Franklin county about 1880. Here they made settlement in Hamilton township, and they now live in Coulter. The eldest of their three children is the wife of Mr. Christiansen while the other two are: Henry, of Hamilton township; and John, of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Christiansen have five children--Hannah Josephine, born November 7, 1899; Leslie H., November 11, 1901; Everett K., May 13, 1906; Floyd W., November 7, 1900; and Hazel Nelcina, October 10, 1913. Mr. Christiansen is well and favorably known in Morgan township. Not only has he acquired a competency for himself, but he has been a valuable factor in promoting agricultural development in this district. Politically he is a republican, and his faith is that of the Lutheran church. He is interested in the growth and advancement of the community and gives his material and moral support to all public enterprises of a worthy character.
Fred W. Clawson
Fred W. Clawson, engaging in general farming and stock-raising upon two hundred and forty-seven acres of land near Ackley, is a native of Iowa, born August 11, 1875. He is a son of Jacob and Annie Clawson, natives of Germany, who came to America in 1870. They located near Des Moines, Iowa, and came from there to Franklin county in 1901, taking up their residence on a farm on section 35, Osceola township. They now reside in Ackley. To their union were born fourteen children: John, deceased; Samuel, a resident of Hampton; Leonard, of Franklin county; Fred W., of this review; George, of Butler county; Herman, a resident of Geneva; Elizabeth, the wife of W. Byers, of Franklin county; Anna, who married S. Kramer, of Butler county; Nellie, William and Mary, who live at home; and three children who died in infancy.
Fred W. Clawson was reared upon his father's farm in Franklin county and acquired his education in the district schools. At the age of twenty-one he began his independent career, renting land from his father in Butler county. In 1911 he purchased the home place of two hundred and forty-seven acres on section 35, Osceola township, and here he carries on general farming and stock-raising, his interests along both lines being extensive and important. The farm is well improved in every particular and reflects the labor and care which the owner bestows upon it.
On the 2d of January, 1905, Mr. Clawson married Miss Lydia Baurer, a native of Franklin county, and to this union have been born two children: Elizabeth, whose birth occurred December 12, 1906; and Pearl, born August 20, 1911. Mr. Clawson is a member of the Methodist church and gives his political allegiance to the republican party. He is a man of high moral character, industrious and enterprising, and his honesty and integrity have always merited him the confidence and respect of his neighbors.
B. Claypool
Newton B. Claypool, living in Hampton, is the owner of a quarter section of valuable land in Franklin county and derives therefrom a substantial annual income. He was formerly actively engaged in farming, but now in the evening of life, is living retired. He was born in Sangamon county, Illinois, May 14, 1836, and is a son of Milton and Rosanna (Higgins) Claypool, who were natives of Ohio and Illinois respectively. The father was a farmer by occupation and after removing westward to Illinois continued to reside there until called to his final rest. In the family were the following children: Newton B.; James M., deceased; Alvira, the widow of Frederick Rendisbacher, living at Stockton, Illinois; Martha and William, both now deceased; Benjamin R., who is engaged in the banking business at Orleans, Nebraska; Milton, who has passed away; Elmira, who is the widow of George Claywell, of Austin, Minnesota; Louise, the wife of T. L. J. Clapp, of Chicago; Edward, a resident of Spencer, Iowa; and Joseph, who is living in Minnesota. Through the period of his boyhood and youth Newton B. Claypool remained upon the home farm and assisted his father in the work of the fields from the time when he was old enough to handle the plow. On starting out on his own account he leased a farm and continued to cultivate rented land for thirteen years. In 1872 he arrived in Franklin county and purchased a farm of one hundred and twenty acres, then all wild and unimproved land. With characteristic energy he began its development and transformed the tract into rich, cultivated fields. He followed farming until October 29, 1908, when he removed to Hampton. He still owns a quarter section of valuable land and derives therefrom a substantial income. In all of his farm work he was persistent and energetic, and as invention brought forth new and improved machinery he used it to facilitate the work of the fields. On the 4th of July, 1855, Mr. Claypool was united in marriage to Miss Annett Townsend, a daughter of George N. and Mary (Miner) Townsend, whose ancestors came to the new world as passengers on the Mayflower. Her parents eventually settled in Illinois and her father built the first house in the township in which he lived in that state. In their family were the following children: Samantha, who married E. M. Backus and who is now deceased; Amanda, who is the wife of A. B. Chambers, of Boone, Iowa; Asher and Nelson, who have passed away; Mrs. Claypool; Joseph, who has departed this life; Jennie, the wife of H. Z. Tucker, of Walnut Grove, Illinois; Susan, the wife of W. B. Bryan of Hampton; Olive; Gazelle, the widow of Charles Pulfrey, of South Dakota; Mary, the widow of' J. G. Renwick; Emeline, the wife of T. L. Stayer, of Chicago; and Hugh, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Claypool had a family of eight children: Ebenezer E., living at Hansler, Iowa; B. Edward, who is located in Minnesota; Rosanna, the wife of Sam McDowell of Hampton; Mary, the wife of E. F. Klinefelter, of Alexander, Iowa; George M., of Alberta, Canada; Phillip H., living in Chapin, Iowa; Altha, deceased; and Newton B., of Franklin county. Mr. Claypool belongs to the Baptist church, and his life has ever been in accord with its principles. He also holds membership with the Masonic fraternity and with the Grand Army of the Republic. He is entitled to wear the little bronze button of the Grand Army from the fact. that he enlisted in 1865 as a member of Company K, Ninety-sixth Illinois Infantry. He was afterward transferred to Grant's regiment, twenty-first Illinois, and was honorably discharged at San Antonio, Texas, in November, 1865. In politics he has always been a republican, thus supporting the party which was the defense of the union in the dark days of the Civil war and has always been the acknowledged party of progress and reform and improvement. |
Dewitt W. Clock
Dewitt W. Clock, a well known and progressive agriculturist of Reeve township, is operating a farm near his birthplace, as he was born in Maysville, Franklin county, September 20, 1860, a son of E. L. Clock, of whom further mention is made elsewhere in this work. The subject of this review was reared upon his father's farm and acquired his education in the district schools. He has given his entire active life to agricultural pursuits and is now an extensive landholder, owning one hundred and sixty acres on section 23 and two hundred and forty acres on sections 21 and 22, Reeve township. Upon this property he has made extensive improvements, erecting a good house and substantial barns and outbuildings, making his place second to none in the township.
Mr. Clock married Miss Nettie Green, who was born in Dodge county, Wisconsin, and who came to Franklin county in her girlhood. Mr. and Mrs. Clock have a son, Merle John. Mr. Clock is a member of the Methodist church and gives his political allegiance to the republican party. He is now serving as township trustee and is interested in everything that pertains to community welfare. Having resided in this township during his entire life, he has become widely and favorably known here, and his personal characteristics have gained him the esteem and confidence of his neighbors and friends.
L. Clock
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Clock
In early childhood Edward L. Clock began contributing to his. own support, riding a horse for plowing at ten cents per day. He also cut cord wood and grafted fruit trees and engaged in various other similar occupations. In 1856 he came to Iowa, locating in Maysville, Franklin county, where he engaged in the mercantile business in partnership with his brother-in-law, Henry Wheeler until the latter's death. In 1865 Mr. Clock formed a partnership with his brother, H. C. Clock, which continued until the entire stock was purchased by H. C. Clock, Edward Clock turning his attention to farming. He followed this occupation successfully until 1902, when he moved to Geneva and erected a comfortable home, in which he has since lived in retirement. On the 21st of January, 1857, Mr. Clock was united in marriage to Miss Fannie E. Wheeler, who was born in Ohio, December 24, 1833. They became the parents of seven children: Harry E., who has passed away; Dewitt, of Franklin county; Edith M. and Rogene, who have also passed away; Jean H., of Geneva township; Julian, deceased; and Ned L., who died in Chattanooga, Tennessee, while in the army during the Spanish-American war. Mr. Clock is a member of the Methodist church, is connected fraternally with the Masonic lodge and chapter and gives his political support to the republican party. He served as enrolling officer during the Civil war and has been three times county supervisor. He is a man whose high moral character, public spirit and industry have placed him in high standing in the community, and he is acknowledged to be a substantial and representative citizen. |
C. Clock Hezekiah C. Clock, who in partnership with his two sons operates a large general merchandise store in Geneva, is numbered among the early settlers in Franklin county, having come here in 1861. He was born in Painesville, Ohio, July 24, 1839, and is a son of Ebenezer and Lucinda (Jarvis) Clock, natives of Long Island. The-father died in Ohio in 1847, and the mother passed away in Illinois. To their union were born eight children: Alonzo, of Geneva; Jarvis, who died in Franklin county; Edward L., of Geneva; Hezekiah C., of this review; Charles L., of Redlands, California, formerly county auditor and county treasurer of Franklin county; Henry A., of Long Beach, California; and Sarah Ann and Nancy, both of whom died in childhood. Henry A. was for thirty years a resident of Franklin county and with his brother Charles founded the town of Latimer. He served as county treasurer for four years. When Hezekiah C. Clock was nine years of age he was bound out as an apprentice and continued in service until 1853, when he moved to Illinois. Four years later he came to Franklin county, but shortly afterward returned to Illinois where he spent six months. About 1859 he came again to Franklin county and engaged in teaching school here for one winter. He enlisted in Company C, Sixth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, being mustered into service June 24, 1861. He served for three years and then reenlisted at Scottsboro, Alabama, January 1, 1864. He went with his regiment to Jonesboro and from there was sent to a hospital at Lookout Mountain. He was discharged as captain of his company in February, 1865, and returned to Iowa, where he has since resided. Mr. Clock formed a partnership with his brother Edward L. in 1865 and together they operated a mercantile establishment in Maysville until 1870, when he purchased his brother's interest and removed to Geneva. There he erected a store and conducted it until the building was destroyed by fire in 1896. This he replaced by a fine steel and frame structure in 1897 and here has since engaged in business, having his two sons in partnership with him. They carry a full line of general merchandise and in the course of years have built up a large and representative patronage, for they have steadily adhered to straightforward and honorable business methods. In May, 1865, Mr. Clock was united in marriage to Miss Emily J. Roberts, a native of Pennsylvania, who died in November, 1899. By that union he had the following children: Claude J., employed in the auditor's office of the Chicago & Alton Railroad at Bloomington, Illinois; Doris Le Verne, a resident of Geneva, Iowa; Laura, deceased; Earle R., of Grinnell, where he is engaged in manufacturing; Ernest E., of Hampton; Sherwood A., represented on another page of this volume; Oakley J., also a resident of Geneva; and Mabel, who died in infancy. Mr. Clock has also an adopted daughter, Irene, who assists in the store. In 1904 he was again married, his second wife being Miss Amanda B. Harris, a native of Painesville, Ohio. Mr. Clock is a member of the Grand Army post at Geneva and belongs to the Masonic chapter at Hampton. He gives his political allegiance to the republican party and served with credit and ability as postmaster of Geneva for over fifteen years, being the first postmaster there. He has lived in Franklin county for almost fifty years and during that period has become known as a man of energy, honesty and enterprise, who has made his individual success a factor in the promotion of general progress. |
![]() ![]() Mr.& Mrs. Hezekiah C. Clock |
Sherwood A. Clock
Sherwood A. Clock, engaged in the practice of law in Hampton, where he has made his home since 1905, has gained a large and representative clientage that has connected him with the most important litigation heard in the courts of the district during the past eight years. He was born in Geneva, Franklin county, Iowa, on the 2d of August, 1879, and is a son of Hezekiah C., and Emily J. (Roberts) Clock, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Pennsylvania. The mother has passed. away, but the father still resides in Geneva. He came to Iowa about 1860, settling at Maysville, where subsequently he removed to Old Chapin, there remaining until he went to Geneva, where he is now engaged in the merchandising business, being the oldest merchant in the county today. He has contributed largely to the commercial development and as a citizen his worth has never been questioned. He served on Governor Geir's staff and has otherwise been known in public connections, yet has always preferred to live a quiet life, concentrating his energies upon his business affairs. To him and his wife were born eight children: Claude J., in the auditor's office of the Chicago & Alton Railroad at Bloomington, Illinois; Laura, deceased; Doris Le Verne, living in Geneva; Earle R., of Grinnell, where he is engaged in manufacturing; Ernest E., of Hampton; Sherwood A.; Oakley J., also a resident of Geneva; and Mabel, who died in infancy.
Sherwood A. Clock spent his youthful days under the parental roof and passed through consecutive grades in the public schools until he became a high-school student at Geneva, where he was graduated. Later he attended the high school at Bloomington, Illinois, and was graduated therefrom in 1899. Subsequently he entered the University of Illinois at Champaign, where he completed the law course with the class of 1903. He next went to Seattle, Washington, where he remained for two years, and in 1905 he came to Hampton, where he has since followed his profession. His record stands in contradistinction to the old adage that a prophet is never without honor save in his own country; for in the county of his nativity Mr. Clock has made continuous progress since starting upon the practice of law here and now has a good clientage.
On the 21st of November, 1902, Mr. Clock was united in marriage to Miss Fannie Nobles, a native of this county, and to them have been born two daughters, Helen May and Laura A. In his political views Mr. Clock has ever been a stalwart republican since age conferred upon him the right of franchise, and for two terms he has capably and acceptably filled the office of county attorney. He belongs to the Knights of Pythias lodge which indicates much of the nature of his interests and the rules which govern his conduct. He is prompted by laudable ambition in all that he undertakes in a professional way, and his advancement follows close study, careful preparation of his cases and clearness and logic in the presentation, of his cause.
Lewis D. Coble
A fine place of-four hundred and sixty-three acres on section 33, Geneva township, is the property of Lewis D. Coble, and in its cultivation he follows always the most practical and modern methods, with the result that it is today one of the finest agricultural properties in his locality. He was born near Hampton, in this county, on the 19th of February, 1861, and is a son of Amandus and Emma (Schmidt) Coble, natives of Pennsylvania. The parents came to Iowa in 1859 and located on a farm near Hampton, where the father engaged in agricultural pursuits for many years. He is now living retired in Hampton, having survived his wife since October 14, 1898. Three children were born to their union: Robert, of Dows, Iowa; Lewis D., of this review; and Minnie, the wife of Frank Rutt, of Hampton.
Lewis D. Coble acquired his education in the public schools of Franklin county. He remained at home until he was twenty-one years of age and since that time has been engaged in farming independently. He has become a large landholder, owning four hundred and sixty-three acres on section 33, Geneva township, known as the Walnut Grove Stock Farm. One hundred and thirty acres are planted in corn, one hundred and five in small grain and ninety acres in hay, all of this produce being used to feed the fine herds of registered shorthorn cattle which Mr. Coble makes a specialty of raising. The farm is provided with a one hundred and sixty ton silo and other substantial buildings and machinery is all of the most modern character. Nothing is ever neglected which would add to the attractiveness or value of the place, and the owner is widely known as a progressive and practical agriculturist.
On the 19th of November, 1882, Mr. Coble was united in marriage to Miss Ella Klump, a native of Pennsylvania and a daughter of Lewis Klump, who was born in Germany, September 17, 1819. After he came to America he made his home in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and during the latter years of his life spent his summers in Iowa. He bought from the government at one dollar and twenty-five cents an acre, four hundred and sixty-three acres in Geneva township, Franklin county, and this farm his son-in-law now operates. He was for many years in the bakery and confectionery business and also conducted a drug store for some time. He died in Allentown, Pennsylvania, December 11, 1889, and is survived by his wife, who has reached the advanced age of ninety-two. To their union were born five children: Charlotta A., deceased; Charles C., who is associated with his mother in the drug business in Allentown, Pennsylvania; Louisa K., the wife of Rev. W. K. Frick, who was the first English Lutheran minister in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and who has started four Lutheran churches there; Ella, wife of the subject of this review; and George L., deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Coble became the parents of a daughter, Luella, the wife of Terry Grice, who is aiding in the operation of the Walnut Grove Stock Farm.
Mr. Coble and family are members of the Congregational church and he is connected fraternally with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. His political support is given to the republican party, and he has held various township offices, proving reliable and prompt in the discharge of his duties. He is interested in all that pertains to general progress and cooperates in many movements for the good of the community, being at all times a public-spirited and progressive citizen as well as a representative agriculturist and successful business man.
Jackson Cole One of the finest and most modern farms in Franklin county is that owned by Andrew Jackson Cole. It is a tract of two hundred and twenty acres on sections 4, 5 and 8, Osceola township, and in its excellent condition reflects the intelligent care and labor which its owner has bestowed upon it. Mr. Cole was born in Troy, New York, November 19, 1855, and is a son of Reuben and Bridget (O'Brien) Cole, the former a native of New York and the latter of Ireland. They came to Franklin county in 1856 and located on a farm in Geneva township, the father engaging in agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred May 25, 1889. He had survived his wife only a short time, her death having occurred in February, 1887. To their union were born five children: Andrew Jackson, of this review; Mary Jane, the wife of John Ray, of Waterloo, Iowa; Jefferson; deceased; Clarence, of Geneva; and Helea, of Des Moines. Andrew J. Cole was but one year old when his parents came to Franklin county, and in this locality he was reared and educated. He remained upon his father's farm until he was twenty-four years of age and then rented an eighty acre tract, whereon he resided for one year. He then rented one hundred and twenty acres and afterward another eighty acre tract. One year later he made his first purchase of land, buying one hundred and twenty acres on section 4, Osceola township. To this he has since added one hundred acres lying on sections 5 and 8 and upon this fine property he engages in general farming and stock-raising with richly merited success. His farm is completely equipped with modern machinery and is provided with substantial barns and outbuildings as well as a fine fifteen-room brick house lighted with gas and complete in every detail. On the 9th of March, 1881, Mr. Cole was united in marriage to Miss Martha Childs, a native of New York, and to their union were born four children: Henry, at home; Cora, a music teacher in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Mabel, who is attending Ellsworth College at Iowa Falls; and Nellie, the wife of Peter Thompson, of Dike, Iowa. On the 5th of June, 1912, Mr. Cole started on a trip around the world, going from New York to Germany and thence to England, Ireland and Scotland, traveling afterward through France, Italy, Spain, the island of Ceylon, the Malay peninsula, Egypt, Africa, China, Japan, Honolulu and thence back to America, the entire trip taking over six months. Mrs. Cole is a member of the Seventh Day Adventist church. Mr. Cole gives his political allegiance to the republican party. His business success is well merited, for he is capable in management and displays untiring industry in carrying forward his interests. |
![]() Andrew J. Cole |
L. Collins, M. D.
Dr. James L. Collins, a successful representative of the medical fraternity in Franklin county, has practiced his profession at Sheffield since January, 1910. His birth occurred in Lee county, Iowa, on the 25th of November, 1875, his parents being R. B. and Thankful (McGregor) Collins, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Columbus, Ohio. R. B. Collins spent his early life in Louisville, Kentucky, and when a youth of sixteen came to Iowa, following agricultural pursuits in Lee county throughout his active business career. Both he and his wife have passed away. James L. Collins spent his boyhood in his native county and attended the district schools in the acquirement of his early education, while subsequently he pursued a course of study in Cotner University of Lincoln, Nebraska. He then prepared for the practice of medicine in the St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons and following his graduation from that institution in 1909, spent six months with Dr. Haecker at Hampton, Iowa. In January, 1910, he located at Sheffield and has here remained to the present time, his practice having steadily grown as he has demonstrated his skill and ability in coping with the intricate problems which continually confront the physician in his efforts to restore health and prolong life. He keeps in close touch with the progress of the profession through his membership in the Franklin County Medical Society, the Iowa State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. For one year he served as health physician of Sheffield. As a companion and helpmate on the journey of life Dr. Collins chose Miss Bertha Carter, a native of Steelville, Missouri, and a daughter of George F. Carter. They have three children: Marion C. and James W., who are seven and two years of age respectively; and Lillian W., who is in her first year. Dr. Collins is a member of the Christian church of Lee county but attends the services of the Methodist Episcopal church in Sheffield. He is a stalwart friend of the cause of education and is now serving as president of the school board. His fraternal relations are with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is most conscientious in the performance of his professional duties and in every relation of life is actuated by high and honorable principles. |
Cook James Cook is cashier of the Alexander Savings Bank, one of the solid financial institutions of Franklin county and this section of the state. His has been an active, useful life, crowned with success which results from close application when combined with earnest effort and honorable purpose. He was born in England, January 23, 1864, a son of James and Hariette (Newby) Cook. The father was a farmer by occupation and followed that pursuit throughout his entire life. He died in 1900, and the mother passed awav in 1896. She never came to the United States. James Cook of this review was educated in the common schools of England and after completing his studies he worked on his father's farm until he reached the age of eighteen years. He then determined to try his fortune in America, for he had heard many reports concerning the country and its opportunities. On the 15th of June, 1882, he arrived in Jo Daviess county, Illinois, where he engaged in farming for about twelve years, or until 1894, when he came to Franklin county. He then engaged in the restaurant business for awhile and in 1895 built a hotel in Alexander, which he conducted until 1900. He then turned his attention to the real-estate business in which he was engaged for two years. In 1902 he took charge of the Alexander Savings Bank as its cashier. He may well be proud of his success, for since he has become one of the officers the bank has steadily grown and prospered, owing in no small measure to his efforts and capable management. This is today one of the strongest financial institutions in central Iowa. On the 10th of June, 1884, Mr. Cook was united in marriage to Miss Sarah M. Cook, who was born October 11, 1857, and was educated in the common schools of Canada. They have no children of their own, but have adopted two daughters: Bessie, now nineteen years of age; and Myrtle, aged eight. Mr. and Mrs. Cook are members of the Congregational church, loyal to its teachings, active in its work and generous in its support. In his political beliefs Mr. Cook is a republican and keeps well informed on the questions and issues of the day, but does not seek nor desire public office. He holds membership with the Knights of Pythias and with the Modern Woodmen of America. He is genial and companionable, possessing many attractive social qualities which have made him popular with those with whom he has come in contact. In spite of the fact that his early advantages were comparatively few, he has steadily worked his way upward, and he stands today among the prosperous and enterprising business men of the town in which he makes his home. |
![]() James Cook |
John E. Coonley
John E. Coonley, who since 1895 has been connected with mercantile interests of Hampton, was born in Kenosha county, Wisconsin, February 20, 1864. He is a son of Edward R. and Ulilla (Titus) Coonley, natives of New York. The father was a building contractor by trade and died in 1885, having survived his wife ten years. To their union were born ten children: Charles T., who served as a member of the state legislature for two terms and is now a resident of Bristow, Iowa;, William Henry, of Racine, Wisconsin; Obadiah G., a farmer near Pickrell, Nebraska; Hiram F., who is engaged in mining in Rapid City, South Dakota; Gilead G., engaged in the implement business in Bristow, Iowa; Mary, deceased; George H., a contractor of Racine, Wisconsin; Ella, the wife of G. H. Harris of Racine; John E., of this review; and Lewis I., a resident of Waverly, Iowa.
John E. Coonley acquired his education in the public schools of Racine and when he began his independent career turned his attention to the mercantile business in Bristow, continuing for ten years. In 1895 he moved to Franklin county and settled in Hampton, where he has since been connected with mercantile interests. He owns two large modern stores, incorporated and conducted as the Coonley Grocery Company and controls a representative patronage, for his stock is well selected, his prices reasonable and his business methods beyond reproach. Mr. Coonley has erected more buildings in Hampton than any other one man, seventeen residences and a fine brick block on Reeve street evidencing his business enterprise and progressiveness. His interests are all carefully conducted and have brought him a gratifying degree of success.
On the 4th of June, 1909, Mr. Coonley was united in marriage to Miss Sadie Trier, a native of Delaware county, and they have become the parents of two children: James Edward, born March 27, 1910; and Robert Trier, born June 4, 1911. Mr Coonley is a member of the Methodist church and is connected fraternally with the Knights of Pythias. His political allegiance is given to the republican party. In business circles he has made for himself an enviable position, and he is one of the most popular and representative citizens of Hampton.
A. Corning, M. D. G. A. Corning, M. D., is the oldest practicing physician in Hampton and is still an active follower of the profession, although he has now passed the seventy-eighth milestone on life's journey. He was born in Manchester, New Hampshire, August 18, 1835, and is a son of George and Phoebe (Webster) Corning. The mother was a relative of America's eminent statesman, Daniel Webster, and as a representative of one of the old American families represented in the war for independence, she is eligible to membership in the Daughters of the Revolution. Her youngest brother, J. P. Webster, was a noted musician and song writer. On leaving New England, George Corning, father of Dr. Corning, removed westward to Wisconsin, where he engaged in farming to the time of his death. His wife, however, passed away in New Hampshire. Dr. Corning is the fourth in order of birth in a family of six children. He went to Wisconsin in 1855, where he took up the profession of surveying, and also engaged in teaching school there. Desirous of improving his own education he entered the Portage City Classical Institute of Portage, Wisconsin, and completed his classical course in that institution in 1860. He next located at Kilbourn, Wisconsin, and was principal of the schools there for two years. Later he went to Union county, Illinois, and when his health failed he abandoned professional activity to engage in the fruit business. At the time of the Civil war his patriotic spirit prompted his enlistment and in 1863 he offered his services to the government, but was rejected on account of the condition of his heart. He found that he was a failure in the fruit business; and in 1865 he went to Bureau county, Illinois, where he resumed the profession of teaching which he followed until 1868, when his wife died. He then gave up teaching and built a home for his brother and sister-in-law. The latter was his wife's sister and had previously been given a position as teacher in the schools of Bureau county, through the influence of Dr. Corning, but later she resigned and moved to Wisconsin. After building the home previously mentioned Dr. Corning traveled extensively over the southwest, visiting various sections and working in different places. Eventually he worked his way back again to Iowa and thence to Minnesota, after which he returned to his old home in Wisconsin, where he was welcomed with open arms. Later he went to Bureau county, Illinois, and there engaged in teaching in the graded schools for several years. He then entered Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, and graduated two years later. He first took up the practice of medicine at Marseilles, Illinois, in 1875, and in 1878 he came to Hampton, where he has since been practicing, being now the oldest physician of the town. Dr. Corning has been twice married. He first wedded Isabelle Town, who died leaving a son, Ernest Banks Corning, who is now a surveyor of Loup City, Nebraska. Dr. Corning afterward married Josephine Town, a sister of his first wife and they have become the parents of two children; Edward Ray, of Hampton and Stanley Town, who is a farmer of this county. Dr. Corning attends the Universalist church and is affiliated with the Masons and Odd Fellows lodges, the beneficiant principles of which he exemplifies in his life. His political allegiance has long been given to the republican party which has indeed found in him a stalwart supporter. Dr. Corning is still active, though well advanced in age. He bears his seventy-eight years lightly and in spirit and interest seems yet in his prime. |
![]() Dr. G.A. Corning |
G. W. Crawford
G. W. Crawford, one of the venerable and respected citizens of Chapin, where he has lived retired for the past six years, was one of the earliest settlers of Ross township and has been a resident of Franklin county for the past forty-eight years. During his active business career he successfully carried on general agricultural pursuits and merchandising and also conducted a lumberyard at one time. His birth occurred in Fulton county, Pennsylvania, on the 17th of February, 1838, his parents being J. V. and Melinda (McGee) Crawford, likewise natives of the Keystone state. The father was a blacksmith by trade.
G. W. Crawford learned the milling trade, and worked at that occupation in Pennsylvania until twenty-one years of age, removing to Illinois in 1859. He spent a year at Mount Carroll and in 1860 went to Pike's Peak in search of gold, remaining there during one summer. Returning to Illinois, he continued in that state for another year and then came to Iowa, working at the cooper's trade in Cedar Falls, Blackhawk county, until 1865. In that year he made his way to Franklin county and located on the farm of one hundred and sixty acres which he had purchased in the previous year. General agricultural pursuits claimed his attention for many years, and he likewise conducted a mercantile establishment in Chapin for several years, as well as a lumberyard. Subsequently he returned to his farm and in 1907 took up his abode in the village of Chapin, where he has since lived in honorable retirement. His undertakings both as an agriculturist and as a merchant were attended with a gratifying measure of success, and he has long been numbered among the prosperous and esteemed citizens of his community.
In 1862 Mr. Crawford was united in marriage to Miss Celia E. Willis, a native of New York state, by whom he had eleven children, nine of whom still survive, as follows: Charles A., and Edward V., both still at home; Sidney H., who conducts a lumberyard at Swaledale, Iowa; Garfield, living on a claim in Wyoming; Annie M., who is the wife of N. E. Thomas, of Franklin county, Iowa; Gertrude, who gave her hand in marriage to E. S. Leech, of Dexter, Minnesota; Florence, the wife of M. R. Dickson, of Marmarth, North Dakota; Clara, who is the wife of D. E. Kenyon, cashier of the Chapin Savings Bank; and Paul, assistant cashier of the Chapin Savings Bank, who wedded Sabina Sullivan.
In politics Mr. Crawford is an old-line republican. He has held a number of minor township offices and has ever discharged his public duties in a creditable and efficient manner. Formerly he was identified with the Masonic fraternity. He has for several years been afflicted with asthma and has suffered much therefrom. Mr. Crawford has passed the seventy-fifth milestone on life's journey and enjoys the respect and veneration which should ever be accorded one who has traveled thus far on this earthly pilgrimage and whose career has been at all times upright and honorable.
Alva M. Creighton
Franklin county numbers among its most progressive and successful native sons Alva M. Creighton, who owns and operates two hundred and eighty acres of land on section 22, Reeve township, and who by constantly following the most practical and modern agricultural methods has surrounded himself with a gratifying degree of success. He is a native son of Franklin county, born in Reeve township, January 23, 1868, his parents being David and Sarah (Bird) Creighton, the former a native of Ohio. The father engaged in farming during his entire active life and is now living retired -in Hampton. He and his wife became the parents of eleven children: Alva M., of this review; Edmund of Lee township, Franklin county; James A., operating the homestead in Reeve township; Elmira, Oliver, Melvin, Ellen and David, all of whom have passed away; Beryl; May, the wife of E. N. Wolford, of Reeve township; and Elsie Vere, of Geneva.
Alva M. Creighton acquired his education in the public schools of his native township and when he began his independent career turned his attention to farming, an occupation which he has followed during the entire period of his active life. His first purchase of land consisted of one hundred and twenty acres on section 22, Reeve township, and to this he has since added one hundred and sixty acres. His farm is well improved in every particular, and his farming and stock-raising interests have grown every year more extensive and important. Mr. Creighton has followed always the most practical methods in the improvement and development of his homestead and stands today in the front ranks of progressive agriculturists of this locality.
On the 1st of January, 1891, Mr. Creighton was united in marriage to Miss Elma Nichols, a native of Butler county, and they became the parents of three children: David D., deceased; Glenn D.; and Arthur C., who is also deceased.
Mr. Creighton is a member of the Christian church and connected fraternally with the Independent Order of Odd Fellow, the Modern Woodmen of America and the Mystic Workers. His political allegiance is given to the republican party and he has held a number of township offices, proving capable and reliable in positions of trust and responsibility. He is widely and favorably known in the county, his business enterprise having carried him forward into important relations with agricultural interests and his personal characteristics having won him the warm and lasting regard of all with whom he has been brought in contact.
Benjamin G. Cunningham
Benjamin G. Cunningham, a well known, highly respected and influential citizen of Alexander is spending the evening of life in honorable retirement and justly merits the ease and comfort which he now enjoys. His birth occurred in Randolph county, Indiana, on the 21st of October, 1844, his parents being Stephen B. and Mary P. (McPherson) Cunningham, the former born in Lancaster-county, Pennsylvania, on the 9th of April, 1813, and the latter in Miami county, Ohio, on the 20th of January, 1823. In June, 1854, they came overland to Iowa, taking up their abode among the earliest residents of Anamosa, Jones county. A year later they removed to Hardin county and on the 1st of October, 1855, located on a farm two and a half miles northeast of Steamboat Rock. The district was but wild, unbroken prairie and the nearest trading points were Iowa City and Dubuque. Stephen B. Cunningham passed away at Chadron, Nebraska, in April, 1892, while the demise of his wife occurred at that place in April, 1889. Their family numbered thirteen children, five of whom grew to manhood and womanhood, as follows: Benjamin G., of this review; Mrs. Phoebe A. Root, of Howard, South Dakota; Mrs. Martha M. Wardwell, who passed away in May, l912; Stephen L., a resident of Pasadena, California; and Mrs. Cora Clark, living in Saskatchewan, Canada. Nora died at the age of thirteen years. The four oldest children of the family were born in Indiana, while the rest were natives of Iowa.
Benjamin G. Cunningham, who was about ten years of age when he came to this state with his parents, remained on the home farm until July, 1863, when he enlisted for service in the Union army as a member of Company G, Ninth Iowa Cavalry. He was mustered out at Little Rock, Arkansas, on the 3d of February, 1866, and finally discharged at Davenport, Iowa. His health was much impaired when he returned from the war, and he did not regain his normal strength until an entire year had passed. He was employed as clerk in a store for one year and following his marriage turned his attention to general agricultural pursuits, being engaged in farming until the fall of 1873. During the next nine years he worked as a clerk in Steamboat Rock, while subsequently he conducted a harness shop at that place for two years. In 1884 he came to Hampton, Franklin county, and was here engaged in the harness business until 1892, when he returned to the farm, continuing its operation for four years. On the expiration of that period, in 1896, he disposed of the property and returned to Hampton, again embarking in the harness business here. In April, 1897, he was elected superintendent of waterworks in Hampton and in the following year sold his harness shop but continued to serve as superintendent of waterworks until 1902. In June of that year he resigned his position and purchased a comfortable home in Alexander, where both he and his estimable wife are spending their declining years. Mr. Cunningham has always been a loyal and public-spirited citizen of the community, ably serving as superintendent of roads in Scott township, while for the past four years he has acted as superintendent and manager of the Farmers Cooperative Creamery of Alexander.
On the 12th of October, 1867, Mr. Cunningham was united in marriage to Miss Josephine Wales, who was born in Macomb county, Michigan, on the 13th of August, 1845, her parents being Albion W. and Henrietta (Walton) Wales, the former born in New York on the 12th of October, 1813, and the latter near Utica, that state, on the 13th of September, 1820. In 1866 they established their home at Steamboat Rock, Hardin county, Iowa. Albion W. Wales there served as justice of the peace for a score of years and was one of the town's most influential citizens. His demise occurred at Steamboat Rock on the 11th of April, 1891, while his wife there passed away on the 24th of September, 1884. Their three children, all natives of Macomb county, Michigan, were as follows: Mrs. Marietta, Spencer, who died on the 20th of January, 1896; James P.; and Mrs. Josephine Cunningham. Our subject and his wife have one son, Bennie Wales Cunningham, whose birth occurred in Steamboat Rock, Iowa, on the 19th of November, 1871, and who now resides on a farm near Steele, Kidder county, North Dakota. He acquired his education in the graded and high schools at Hampton, Iowa, and also completed a course in bookkeeping. He is the father of eight children, namely: Clare, Boyd D., Wilma, Nona G., Howard, Harry, Lloyd and Raymond. The three eldest are high school students at Steele, North Dakota. The five eldest children are natives of Franklin county, Iowa, while the three younger were born near Steele, North Dakota.
Benjamin G. Cunningham is a republican
in his political views and has always been an active worker in
the local ranks of the party. His religious faith is indicated by
his membership in the Methodist Episcopal church at Alexander, to
which his wife also belongs. He is likewise connected with J. W.
McKenzie Post, No. 81, G. A. R., of Hampton, and thus still
maintains pleasant relations with his old army comrades. Mr.
Cunningham has now passed the sixty-ninth milestone on life's
journey and enjoys the veneration and respect which should ever
be accorded one who has traveled thus far on this earthly
pilgrimage and whose career has been at all times upright and
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