Arlington News Office, Brush Creek/Arlington Fayette Co., Iowa

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Photo Courtesy of Nancy Espersen

West Union Gazette
West Union, Fayette Co., Iowa
Friday, July 24th, 1874
Page 3

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Column one
A home wanted for a bright and interesting boy 8 years old. Enquire of M.V. HENDERSON, Poor Farm.
I offer for sale one of the best farms in Fayette county at a price far below its value. There are 103 acres, 75 acres under cultivation, add the balance good timber. Good buildings, springs, and running water. This farm is within half a mile of the courthouse in West Union. The town property consists of two acres of ground and a new brick house. For terms enquire of M.L. WELLS, West Union.
--Sin is very much the offspring of physical ill health and feeble stomachs. During one-third of our time the process of digestion is going on in our bodies, and if the stomach and bowels are not well, nothing is well. To be dyspeptic is to be miserable; moreover, dyspepsia is the  foundation of fevers and diseases of the blood, liver, skin, and kidneys. Dyspepsia invariably yields to the virtues of the vegetable ingredients
contained in that great' purifier of the blood and restorer of health, Dr. Walker's California Vinigar Bitters.
To the Republican Voters of Fayette County, Iowa:
We, the Undersigned, would suggest the name of our unfortunate but worthy neighbor. J.S. Burzee, for the office of County Recorder, at our coming election. Mr. Burzee, while engaged in his legitimate business during the past winter, his team that he had just assisted from a stream,  left him on the bleak prairie, and he being a cripple, did not reach a dwelling until morning, he was so badly frozen that be lost both feet and two fingers. Still he can write, and as he cannot support his family, and being a man of strict Integrity and good moral character, possessing also good business ability, we do most cheerfully present his claims to the favorable consideration of the Republican voters of this county at their coming convention.
Dr. O.B. DODD,

Bethel, July 3, 1874.

A caucus of the Republican electors of West Union township is hereby called to be held at Thomas' Hall on Saturday July 25, 1874, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of selecting Township Caucus. A caucus of the Republican electors of West Union township is hereby called to be held at Thomas' Hall on Saturday July 25, 1874, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of selecting delegates to represent said township in the County
Convention to be held at West Union, July 27th.
--Mr. and Mrs. Charley Woodard have gone eastward.
--Bricklaying goes slow on account of the short supply of brick.
--Dorland and Garvey have gone to Illinois to sell meal sifters.
--Miss Crater, sister of Mrs. Henderson, has returned to her home in Ohio.
--J.M. Lewis, Esq., of Center, made us one of his brief calls the other day.
--O.G. Blodgett received at his warehouse last Monday, 20th, the first new barley of the season.
--John Cook has just received 50,000 sections for all the different machines used in the county.
--The little folks, and big folks, too, we guess, enjoyed a paper balloon ascension Wednesday evening.
--Matthew Wells has the Oregon fever and wants to sell his farm as the only way to effect a cure. See his ad.
--If you want the Best and Whitest Bread you ever saw, try S. M. Leach Purified Flour at the Nimble Sixpence Store.
--We have in manuscript more about that Clear Lake expedition; but the typos say that there is no room for it this week.
--Blodgett sports a handsome new carryall, which for comfort and beauty is not surpassed by any carriage we have seen in this region.
--No. 1. J. G Nefzger, on the Clermont road, did the first harvesting of spring wheat this season. On Thursday, the I6th, he cut eight acres.
--The Ladies' Society of the M. E. church meets this afternoon and evening at the residence of Wm. McClintock. The invitation is general.
--The Oelwein ball players were too much for our boys at the Fair Ground last Saturday. That makes a game each, and now for the rubber!
--Elder Smith, is the happiest looking man on our streets, and well he deserves to be, for a ten-pound girl arrived at the parsonage last Tuesday.
--D.W. Redfield, Surgeon Dentist will be at the United States House on the first and third Mondays and Tuesdays of each month for the practice of dentistry.
--It is a misfortune to us as well as our readers that the Fayette letter failed to arrive yesterday. The reason of its non-appearance is not known at this writing.
--A gay party of young people gathered at T.L. Green's new residence, north of town, Tuesday evening, and chased the glowing hours with flying feet.
--Amos Jones, G.W.C.T., will be here today and tomorrow for the purpose of organizing a lodge of Good Templars; and at Fayette Sunday and Monday.
--Tomorrow afternoon and evening is the time fixed for holding caucuses in the different townships. It is a busy time; but none should neglect so important a matter as this.
--The Clear Lake Expedition returned intact last week Thursday evening, and the members of the party are engaged in their usual avocations as quietly as if nothing had happened.
--The B.C.R. & M.R.R. Company is now selling excursion tickets from Waterloo to Denver and return for $33.15; to St. Paul and return for $12; and to Clear Lake and return for $5.
--D. Vines, Esq., of the late V.V. Times, made us a social visit Monday. He has had six consecutive years of work in the editorial harness, and retires the same pleasant gentleman he ever was.
--The reputation of Prof. J.C. Gilchrist is such that many teachers from other counties who are acquainted with him will attend. Fayette County is fortunate in securing so able a conductor.
--Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ash started Tuesday for Thayer county, Nebraska, intending to be absent several months, possibly till next spring. Mr. Ash leaves all business matters in the hands of C.R. Bent.

--New goods just received at Heiserman & Nefzger's, among which the best stock of prints in Fayette county. Come soon and examine for yourselves.
--We can recommend most heartily the quality of Cap. Swank's lemonade. In addition to his bakery, Cap, is building up quite a trade in groceries and confectionery.
--The "Anti-Monops" of the 4th District are talking of using the name of W.V. Allen, of Ackley, with which to beat Pratt. As Mr. Allen once lived in West Union he has something to recommend him.
--F. Goodsell, Esq., of the firm of Harwood & Goodsell, arrived a few days ago from Northfield, Minn., and is now one of us. We hope and believe that Mr. G. will never have cause to regret the change.
--During the two weeks we were absent from this post of duty the GAZETTE was managed by F.Y. Whitmore, Esq., and A.E. Winrott. It is our opinion they did the work so well that the readers lost nothing by the change.
--J.C. Burch, of the soon-to-be Fayette News, introduced himself to this office Tuesday. We like his appearance, and are inclined to the opinion that a little practical experience will develop him into a No. 1 newspaper man.
--Mr. Colvig, agent for A.T. Andreas, was in town Wednesday, making the preliminaries for a map of this county, to become a part of an Iowa Atlas which is to be issued in a year or so. We shall have more to say of this by and by.
--"The Last Will and Testament of the Volga Valley Times" has been received. The retiring editors say their last say, each in his own characteristic way, and retire to private life and freedom from the vexatious cares of the profession.
--Can teachers afford to stay away from the first Normal Institute? Will it be justice to the schools which they expect to teach, or to themselves?
   Will not the patrons of the school and the directors who are to hire them, expect them to attend?
--Charley Applegate, of Oelwein who has dropped railroading and gone into trade, made us an agreeable visit a few mornings since. Through our columns he invites custom) and we are confident he will receive a goodly share of the large trade tributary to Oelwein.
--The nomination of Hon. H.O. Pratt in the 4th District meets the disapproval of a very large number of the Republicans of that District, and a "bolt" is talked of.  But we do not imagine that very much can bb effected against him, for his nomination was almost unanimous.
--KILLED. Last Saturday a German farmer named John Schiel, or Siegel, living a few miles west, undertook to use a colt in a sulky hay rake.  The colt became frightened, and ran, striking the rake against a post and throwing the man into a rail fence, crushing his skull and killing him instantly.
--Every business house should possess a cistern as one security against fire. Our water supply is not very large, and should a fire break out in any part of Vine Street there would be danger of losing the entire row. A large cistern at the right place might be the means of averting such a terrible disaster.
--J.D. Ainsworth has bought a half interest of the Elkader Journal, and goes in with Shannon to continue making one of the liveliest and best papers in Iowa. These gentlemen constitute a whole team with a dog under the wagon, and Elkader ought to be proud. What Jim has done with his Denison Revieie is not stated by our informant.
--It will probably startle people, as much as if the comet had struck the earth, to know that we need money, greenbacks, spondulux, shinplasters, or anything else that will buy bread and print-paper. It takes heaps of the oleaginous stuff to keep the machines well greased, and it is only a  little we can get in one locality, depending upon the mites from hundreds to make up the sums we require. There, is not that a polite one?
--BROKE A LEG.  Last Monday P.F. Sturgis and his son Lewis were near the residence of Mr. Hackett, in lumber wagon, when a bolt, holding one side of the tongue to the axle, became misplaced, letting that side of the tongue drop to the ground. The team became frightened and ran, and, as the wagon could not be guided, the horses became unmanageable. Both jumped out, and in striking the ground Lewis sustained a fracture of the leg, in or near the ankle joint, which will confine him indoors for sometime. To a boy as full of life as Lewis the confinement will be the worse feature of the accident; but he should remember that patient waiters are not losers.

--It sometimes happens that our mailing machine accidently passes by a name in addressing, and when that occurs there is somebody who fails to get their paper. If any subscriber fails to receive their GAZETTE at the proper time they can attribute the cause to accident, and by informing us of it we will make all reparation possible.
--We have before us No. 1 of The Patron's Helper, and Grange Instructor, a new eight page periodical devoted exclusively to the interests of farmers, and published weekly at Des Moines by N. W. Garretson, Secretary of the State Grange. This initial number promises brilliantly for its proprietor as well as for the Order he represents. Its price is $1.50 a year; or 10 copies for S13.50
--NEW AD.--None of our readers will fail to discover the illustrated advertisement of the well-known Decorah firm of Ammon, Scott & Co. Their manufactory is becoming the largest and best known establishment in the State, and their work always recommends itself and the house. John Cook is agent for this county, and can supply any demand for the articles they manufacture.
--The fourth Quarterly meeting of the M. E. church will (D. V.) be held next Saturday and Sunday. The Rev. W.F. Paxton will officiate. Preaching  Saturday evening, and Sunday morning and evening at the usual hours. Quarterly Conference after service Saturday evening--Love feast, 9:15 Sunday morning, and Sacrament of the Lord's supper at the close of the
morning service.
--On Monday evening last Mr. H. Rickle, of West Union, delivered one of his rousing trenchant argumentative Temperance lectures at the Baptist church. We would like to give it entire to our readers, but being extemporaneous we cannot. Those who were not there missed a rare speech. He will come this way again sometime and will be heartily welcomed. A fall and rising vote of thanks was given by the audience as indicative of their appreciation- of it.-- Waukon Standard.
--Mr. Quivey's address to teachers in reference to the Normal Institute will be found on the first page. He reports that the teachers generally arepreparing to attend this very important adjunct to our school system, and that its success is already assured. The future of these Normal Institutes will depend largely upon the interest taken in the first, and we hope all who possibly can will attend, that this method of imparting instruction may have a thorough trial.
--Randalia is the name of the town owned and laid out by Mr. Randall, in Center, at the junction of the B.C.R. & M. with the Iowa Pacific. We learn that lumber has already been purchased for the construction of a depot, and that other buildings will be erected there before winter. A good country surrounds the place, which in time will become quite a business point. A Grange Elevator is one of the talked of features of the new town.
--Hon. Wm. Larrabee has been appointed by Gov. Carpenter to represent Iowa in the interest of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers improvement, on the Standing Committee appointed by Western Governors. Mr. Larrabee's previous connection with this important enterprise has given him a thorough understanding of the subject, and his honesty, sagacity, and
devotion to the interests of Iowa render this the best appointment that could have been made.
--Such is the Dubuque Times' endorsement, with which we most heartily coincide.
--Harvesting has begun in real earnest, with crop's ift excellent condition, a prospect of a general good yield, and indication is that prices will be fair. If the result proves this true Fayette county farmers and business men generally will have cause to rejoice. This fall's trade promises to be large, and there will be more money left at home after crops are sold than ever before, for the reason that there less debt. This county has reached the turning pointing the scale of its existence, and the truly independent farmer will hereafter be the rule in stead of the exception. There is no better county in the State, and only few its equal; but 10 per cent, has been its curse, as it has of a large portion of Iowa.
--THE CHICAGO ALLIANCE.--This religious paper is growing largely into favor with the public, as it meets a long felt want in the world of religious literature. It is the organ of no denomination, but is friendly to all, and aims to report in a concise manner everything of religious interest. Prof. Swing is one of its able corps of editors, and he soon will begin the publication of a serial, written especially for the Alliance, which will continue most of the year. Every number contains a sermon by Prof. Swing. The publishers offer us such reduced rates that we are enabled to furnish the Alliance and GAZETTE one year for $2.50. All wanting this excellent weekly should avail themselves of the offer herein made.

B. N. Phillips, Esq., our postmaster, has received official information that from the 1st of July there is no postage on papers in the county where published. Those of our subscribers who have paid postage on the GAZETTE for the entire year are entitled to recover the amount for half theyear, and those who subscribe now will have no postage to pay. We have frequently expressed ourselves as confident that as soon as Congress could realize how unjust it was to impose the same postage on country papers as on other papers carried thro' the mails thousands of miles, the odious measure would be repealed. When the bill finally passed, we supposed it did not take effect till January next; but the P.M. General says
differently, and we all are pleased.
Wednesday afternoon a terrible accident occurred on the farm of Knud Johnson, in Dover township, directly north of the river and adjoining Mr. Paulson's farm. A little daughter of Mr. Johnson, only five years old, was in the field where oats were being cut with a reaper. She had wandered into the oats unobserved, and before the driver was aware she was directly in front of the sickle. Both legs were severed just below the knee. Dr. Lewis, of Clermont, was called immediately, and about midnight Dr. Armstrong was sent for. They found the bones so badly fractured that there was no chance for amputation be low the knees, and as an amputation now would be almost sure to result in death, the surgeons deemed it best to do no more than make the little one as comfortable as possible at present. It is probable that death will soon come
to the relief of the little girl; and who can say it would not be better so than to be a poor cripple for a life-time? We get the above particulars direct from Dr. Armstrong.
The Dubuque Times of Tuesday says that rumors are on the streets to the effect that Mr. Graves is soon to return from London without having effected a loan on the Iowa Pacific railroad, and therefore the prospects of the road are discouraging. The Times says:
    President Graves, it is said, on his return to London, found capitalists fighting shy of western railroads, alleging as their cause that Grange action was making the bonds of even some of the old roads very poor investments, and those of the new roads about worthless. They preferred to look to other sources for investment. So the good prospects Mr. Graves supposed he had before him when he left Europe the first time were knocked in the head. Mr. Graves is said to have sought syndicate after syndicate; always with the unfailing response that the Grangers were ruining western railroad bonds as investments. Some of the capitalists were disposed to consider the proposition Mr. Graves had to offer, and hence the hope that has been held out to him; but he was referred from one to the other, until hope eked out.
DAVIS.--In West Union, Wednesday morning, July 22d, 1874. Mrs. Minerva Davis, wife of Lewis H. Davis; and daughter of E. Van Dorn, died at the age of 32 years and 5 month.
Mrs. Davis has been an invalid for several months. She was a loving and kind mother, wife and daughter, and in dying leaves an aching void in many hearts.
BOWERS--ASH---At the residence of the bride's father, Wm. Ash. Esq., Sunday, July 19th. 1874, by Rev. M.H. Smith, Mr. J.W. Bowers, of Center Co.. Pa., and Miss Evangeline S. Ash, of Fayette County, Iowa.

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