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August 24, 1935
Emmet County IAGenWeb


Twenty-six cases, including two damage actions and fur divorce petitions, have been filed in district court here for the next term, opening Sept. 3, with Judge George A. Heald of Spencer on the bench.

Time for filing cases for the coming term elapsed today.

The damage suits, both of them growing out of automobile accidents, request defendants to pay approximately $11,000.

The first one is by John Hanson against Kenneth and Florence Garman, proprietors of the Sunset Carnival company. Hanson asks $10,000 for injuries received June 16 of this year when his car was allegedly struck by a machine occupied by the Garmans. The accident happened four miles north of Belle Plaine on a curve. The plaintiff alleges the Garman car, to which was attached a trailer, crowded him off the road, upsetting his machine and causing severe injuries.

The second damage suit is against the Gamble-Robinson company of Estherville and filed by C. E. Trainer of Emmetsburg who is asking $468 for damages allegedly done to his auto when the Gamble-Robinson truck backed into it when the Trainer car was parked in Emmetsburg last June.

Another case which is expected to come up for trial during the next term is the suit of Mrs. Louis E. ost, widow of William Post, who was killed on the highway near Arnolds Park New Year's Eve last year. Mrs. Post is seeking to recover $3,000 on an insurance policy from the Monarch Life Insurance company which she claims is due her husband's estate. Mrs. Post is named as beneficiary in the policy.

County Attorney William Bale also expects to ask Judge Heald to grant two liquor injunctions, one against Henry Walters and one against Korse Ellman, both of whom have been convicted of liquor violations.

The following divorce actions are listed:
Amy fields against Guy Fields
Nancy Gutgsell against Jack Gutgsell
Clara Levell against Charles Levell
Alice Mortensen against Victor Mortensen

[Article in same paper - Mrs. Alice E. Mortensen yesterday filed a petition in district court asking a divorce from Victor Mortensen. The plaintiff charged cruel and inhuman treatment. The couple was married in Fairfmont, Minn., and separated Aug. 10. Mrs. Mortensen also asks the return of her maiden name, Alice E. Carey.]

The petit jury panel is summoned for appearance on Sept. 10 to hear jury  cases. County Attorney Bale said today it would not likely be necessary to call the grand jury unless there should develop need between now and the time of the opening of court.

Below is a list of cases filed
since the June term:

State of Iowa, ex rel, William Bale, county attorney, vs Henry Walters - liquor injunction

State of Iowa, ex rel, William Bale, county attorney, vs Korse Ellman - liquor injunction

Henry J. Anderson, administrator of the Nels Anderson estate vs Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Anderson - promissory note

In the matter of the hearing of the pollution of the Des Moines river - appeal

George A. Heald, Jr. vs. A. V. Bormann, promissory note

The Lincoln National Life Insurance comany vs. Everett Johnson and Mary Johnson - landlord's writ

G. C. Rinderknecht vs George H. Evans - promissory note

Mrs. Belle Scherer vs O. J. Sheldon - promissory note

John Hanson vs Florence and Kenneth H. Garmen - damages.

Amy Fields vs. Guy Fields - divorce

Nancy Gutgsell vs Jack gutgsell - divorce

John A. Olson vs Hannah Gaarde and Christian Gaarde, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Christensen - mortgage foreclosure

Charles Clymer vs Jacob Jensen and Laurens Farm Co. - transfer from justice court

I. O. O. F. lodge No. 423 vs T. J. Hamilton and Mrs. T. J. Hamilton - landlord's writ

Neill Finn vs Harold Ross, Myrtle Ross, Henry Zu Klampen, and Ross Zu Klampen, partnership - writ of attachment

Neill Finn vs Mr. and Mrs. William Ross - account

C. E. Trainer vs. Gamble-Robinson company - damages

Clara Levell against Charles Levell - divorce

Iowa Trust and Savings bank vs Alfred Nelson - promissory note

Walter Koch vs Frank Koch and others - quieting title [confirms ownership, fixes a title error, or settles an ownership dispute]

Margaret Brown vs Regina Zerks - petition to appoint guardian

J. M. Jensen vs Mrs. Anna Larsen - account

Alice E. Mortensen vs Victor Mortensen - divorce

L. E. Crim vs G. E. Paulson and G. P. Paulson - promissory note

L. E. Stockdale vs. Roy Basset - account

L. E. Stockdale vs J. T Johnson and Charles D. Bixby - account

Source: Estherville Daily News, August 24, 1935

Transcribed by Lynn Diemer-Mathews and uploaded September 1, 2024.

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