IAGenWeb Project.

 Dubuque County, Iowa  

 Miscellaneous File


Poor Relief Index
Submitted by  Kathy Spangler of Dubuque

Dubuque Herald
Dubuque, Dubuque, Co., Iowa
June 20, 1877
Complete list of those who depend on the County for Support.
A glance at the shrine upon which the tax-payers deposit part of their money. 

One woman got enough flour, wood, soap and provisions to supply a whole family for keeping one feeble old man.

Below we print the names of those who have been drawing poor relief from the county outside of the poor house. A great deal has been said in respect to a matter of so vital importance to the tax payers, and it has been rumored that a number of paupers were drawing relief who were able to care for themselves. The list will enable those interested to ferret out the truth. The amount paid out during the month of March (an average month), 1876, was $1,587.20. The amount paid out for the month of March this year was $998.20 thus showing that the "new dynasty" have reduced the expense somewhat. The list amounted to but one hundred and four names for the month ending June 1st, 1877.

We also give a few specimens of the manner in which relief was issued. It will be seen that Mrs. Philip Smith, for boarding an old man, received 100 pounds of flour, and a half cord of wood nearly every month of the year. To summarize, she received 1,150 pounds of flour, 6 cords of wood, 131 bars of soap, 24 pounds of candles, 1 bushel of potatoes, and 4 pecks of meal, for the support of one feeble old man. Mrs. Mary Boyle received for the support of a stout, able-bodied family, most of whom were able to earn their own living, 1,350 lbs of flour, 5 bushels of potatoes, 15 pecks of meat, 72 bars of soap, 17 lbs. of candles, 4 cords of wood. Elizabeth McAlleece received 1,025 lbs of flour, 51 bars of soap, 19 lbs of candles, 16 pecks of meal, 3 bushels of potatoes, 3 cords of wood, and so on to the end of the calendar.

Alexander, Ruth
Ansel, Mary
Appleberry, Blanch
Armstrong, Mary
Arthur, Mrs.
Backs, Hannah
Barnard, _______
Barnes, Mary
Barry, Steven
Bayley, Geo.
Beahan, Thos.
Beck, Mary
Becker, Albert
Becker, Elizabeth
Beckershousen, Jas.
Bennet, Mrs Han_rah
Bennett, Edelia
Berner, Emma
Berner, John
Berringer, Emilia
Bettay, Mary
Blackson, Matilda
Blitcher, Susan
Blockle, Anna
Boldin, Mary
Bonath, Frederick
Bonnath, Fred
Boyd, Mrs.
Brady, Margaret
Brant, Fred
Breen, Stacia
Brehm, Gerhart
Brooks, Mollie
Brose, Gustaf
Brown, Ellen
Buckner, Mary
Burk, Mrs John
Burke, Bridget
Burns, Nelly
Burns, Wm.
Cain, Rose
Campbell, William
Canning, Mary
Canning, Mary (repeat)
Carey, Ann
Carney, Michael
Carrill, Bridget
Carroll, Rose Ann
Caskonett, Christine
Caskonett, Jane
Cassady, Bridget
Caughlin, Mrs.
Cavenah, Cathrine
Clark, S.
Clark, Stephen
Clonus, Christ
Cohan, Margaret
Collin, Sara
Collins, Adele
Conklin, Thos.
Conrath, Hannah
Considine, Ann
Cook, John T.
Cook, John T.
Corbett, Mrs Ellen
Corbit, Ellen
Corbit, Ellen (repeat)
Crawford, Peter
Crawley, John
Crotty, Catherine
Cubber, Mary
Currey, Tim
Demphaus, Bernhart
DeWille, John
Dillen, Anne
Dillon, Richard
Dolter, Catherine
Donnehoe, Mary
Donnely, Mrs Patrick
Donnohue, _nity
Dorr, Margaret
Douglas, Julia
Doyle, Ellen
Driskel, Mary
Dubrock, Frank
Duess, Elizabeth
Duher, Mary
Dyes, Ester
Eagen, Ann
Everett, Margaret
Fay, Sarah
Feeney, Margaret
Felz, Martin
Finneran, Michael
Flien, Catherine
Flinn, Mary
Flinn, Mary S. Ave.
Foley, Ed
Foster, John
Fox, Dan
Fox, Daniel
Frame, Catharine
Frank, Henry
Frausch, Mary
Frommel, Mary
Fuller, E. J.
Galliher, Sarah
Gaunia, Abraham
Geisler, John
George, Mary
Glinn, Margaret
Glinnen, Margaret
Gloris, Ann
Gloris, Justine
Gobel, Eliza
Grandfield, Thos.
Greenwood, Joseph
Greenwood, Joseph
Griffin, Jerry
Grim, Garl
Grose, Mary
Gubsen, Walch
Gusler, Eliza
Habersoats, Caroline
Haen, Hannah
Hammer, C
Hardy, Ann
Hecock, Kate
Heinish, Gustave
Hemenelder, F. B.
Herington, P.
Herne, Samuel
Hetherington, Pat
Hetherington, Patrick
Hews, Catherine
Hill, Ann
Hill, Anne
Hoffman, Sophie
Horrig, Chris
Huggert, P.
Hughes, J.
Huntly, Ella
Husmer, A.
Jarrett, Elizabeth
Jarrett, Emanuel
Joesdan, Mary
Johnson, J. M.
Johnson, J. M. (repeat)
Johnson, Joseph
Johnston, W.
Joye, Isabel
Jueguet, Joseph
Kannalt, Mrs. E.
Kaufman, Rosina
Kegevogt, Albert
Keleski, S.
Kelley, Mary
Kelley, Mary
Kelly, John
Kennedy, Catharine
Kennedy, Hannorah
Kikretz, Mary
Klonus, Christoph
Klowether, Wm.
Knapp, Mrs. Chas.
Koenig, Wm.
Konder, Heinrich
Kuntz, O.
Lahan, Thos.
Lambert, Wm.
Lamoreaeex, Jane
LaPage, Mary
Largey, Sarah
Lature, Mary
Lavery, John
Levin, Ellen
Lewis, Mrs. Julia
Licht, Clara
Lipp, Catharine
Locket, G. W.
Love, Frank
Lucas, Christine
Luke, John
Lumbert, William
Lynch, Catherine
Lynch, Mrs Catherine
Lyons, Dellan
Lyons, Martha
Mack, John
Mahoney, Bridget
Maledy, James
Mallery, Mrs.
Malony, Bridget
Mandorfer, Sophia
Marsh, Dora
Mathews, Mrs. Mary
Matuos, Margaret
Mauzeg, Elizabeth
McAliece, Elisabeth
McCabe, Denis
McCloskey, Ellen
McConnell, Wm.
McEvoy, Catherine
McGea, Wm.
McKay, Mrs. Mary
McKenzie, Annie
McMahon, Michael
McMannis, Mary
McNamara, Mrs.
McNerney, Mrs.
Meahar, M.
Melerson, Mrs.
Menzel, Frank
Miller, Hinrich
Miller, Louis
Miller, Robert
Moren, Patrick
Morgan, Ann
Morgen, Ed
Morgan, Ed
Morrissey, Leonard
Mulligan, Pat
Mund, John
Mund, John
Murphy, Johana
Murphy, M.
Nuss, Mary
O'Connel, Mrs.
O'Conor, Bridget
O'Hare, Bridget
O'Hearn, Ann
O'Hearn, Tom
O'Laughlin, M.
O'Sullivan, Florence
O'Tool, Mrs
O'Toole, Mrs
Palmer, S. N.
Parker, Caroline
Patten, Jno.
Pfifner, Margaret
Potter, Edward May
Pressley, Mrs.
Pritchard, Ann
Pritchart, M.
Probst, Maria
Raw, James
Redington, Mrs.
Reed, Mrs.
Reiley, Mrs.
Reimark, Christoph
Remmert, Herman
Riordan, Ellen
Roberts, Mrs Jas.
Robinson, Joseph
Roddey, James
Roddy, Mrs James
Rohles, Peter
Rund, Sophia
Rush, Margaret
Rust, Frederich
Ryan, Mary
Sable, Chas.
Sand, Philip
Sauders, Mary
Schestnot, Frank
Schiler, Catharine
Schlegel, Mary
Schlegel, Mathias
Schuartzback, Jacob
Schugert, Agnes
Schuster, Ignats
Schweeney, John
Seward, C. C.
Shannon, Mary
Sheedy, Bridget
Siege, Mary
Sink, Charley
Sink, Charley
Sisler, Mrs.
Sissman, Sophie
Sloan, Mrs. C. H.
Smith, L.
Smith, Mr.
Smith, Mrs.;
(for boarding an old man)
Smith, Mrs. John
Sommers, Nick
Spahn, Elizabeth
Starling, Samuel
Stempel, Gehart
Steward, Ann
Stresser, Mariah
Sullivan, Ann
Sullivan, Ellen
Sullivan, Johanna
Sullivan, John
Theis, Martin
Thers, Theodore
Thomas, W. R.
Tode, W.
Turner, Elsick
Turner, Jane
Underwood, Annie
Vanderwall, Henry
Vanfossen, A. C.
Volker, Emelia
Walsh, Mary
Wasmer, Peter
Waver, Sarah
Welsh, M.
Welsh, Mrs
Wesser, Frederick
White, Lidy
Wice, Mrs N
Wiehe, Julius
Williams, Jennett
Witton, Frederlek
Wylie, Emma
Young, Wm.
Zollikofer, Michael




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