Without the generosity of the people listed below, this web site could not
provide the quantity and quality of genealogical and historical data which
is extremely important to those researching their family history. To not
only donate their valuable time but to do it without asking to be reimbursed
and to do it with distinct instructions that their contributions be free to
everyone is most commendable. The very least we can do is acknowledge their
generosity and provide their names to those who benefit from their efforts.
Some Of These People Provide Volunteer Lookups From Historical / Genealogical
Records in their possession.
Visit the Volunteer Lookups Page.
IaGenWeb Dickinson County Coordinator
(5 November 2014- )
Krys Archabald
Amy E. Armstrong
Sharon Becker
Bil Brasington
Colleen Boose
Kim Callahan
Peggy Caress
Marc Christensen
Dennis Corbett
Brian Craig
Marlene Donlon
Sharyl Ferrall
Lori Fortner
Debbie Clough Gerischer
Doris Goodale
Gayla Gray
Ruth Hackett
Steve Kiner
Mona Knight
Roy and Linda Linn
Sheryl McClure
Jerry Nelson
Wendy Pearson
Mike Peterson
Lydia Seabol
Patricia Strot
Patrick Sullivan
Sheryl Suttle-McKevitt
Peggy Tebbetts
Chuck Tutt
Paul Vasold
Layton W. Vick
Nancy Webb
James Williams
Sharon Workman
Linda Ziemann