Dedicated May 30, 1911
Names of Soldiers Buried in Lakeview [Cemetery]
Observance of Memorial Day and Monument Dedication Marked by Large Attendance
From Spirit Lake Beacon June 1, 1911
Honor to the nation's dead was properly observed in Spirit Lake and other towns of the county on Tuesday. Where no formal exercises were arranged loving friends decorated the last resting places of the nations honored ones with floral tributes of respect. Altho the day is one always sacred to the memory of the heroes of the civil war, the observance this year in Spirit Lake had a more marked significance owing to the dedication of the monument recently erected by the Ladies Cemetery Society in memory of the brave soldiers who lie buried in Lakeview Cemetery.
Following is the list of names of the soldiers now buried in Lakeview Cemetery together with that of John Uptagrafft, who lies buried in the old cemetery, and whose names are inscribed upon the new soldiers shaft.
CIVIL WAY SOLDIERS' NAMES Arthur, H.D. Bennett, Daniel Blackert,G. Blanchard, G.W. Baxter, G.W. Baxter, Henry Barren, F.W. Crosby, N.B. Ellis, Ethel Francis, JohnFerguson, Hugh Farmer, Newton Flemming, Peter Goodrich, Silas Hetherington, T. Hodge, Perry Hale, James Kingman, Alvarado Kelsey, T.A. Lemon, M.W. Ladoux, Peter Mott. Octavious Mott, Gideon McKinney, Aaron Miller, S.B. Price, W.B. Phelps, J.R. Riley, D.L. Sharpe, G.B. Shepherd, W.H. Unknown (One) Vreeland, Wm. Wells, Edward Wheeler, E.F. Wilson, Ole Wann, George Yarns, A.J. MEXICAN WAR SOLDIERS' NAMES Wm. Byerly A.J. Welch WAR OF 1812 Joseph Clark Wm. Osborn BURIED IN OLD CEMETERY John Uptagrafft was originally buried in Rose Hill Cemetery but moved to Lakeview BURIED ELSEWHERE Flemming, Peter is Buried in St. Margaret Cemetery
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