Howe, Millie Howe, Jonathan Howe, Sardis Howe, Alfred Howe, Jacob
Howe, Philetus Howe, Harvey Luce, Mary M. Luce, Albert Luce, Amanda
Luce, William Marble, James H. Mattock, Mary M. Mattock, Alice Mattock,
Daniel Mattock, Agnes Mattock, Jacob M. Mattock, Jackson A. Mattock,
Robert Mattheson, Lydia Noble, Alvin Noble, John Noble, Enoch Ryan,
Bertel E. Snyder, Joshua Stewart, wife and two children, Elizabeth
Thatcher, Dora Thatcher, William Wood, George Wood.
"Mrs. Margaret Ann Marble, Mrs. Lydia Noble, Mrs. Elizabeth
Thatcher and Miss Abbie Gardner were carried into captivity. Mrs.
Marble was rescued May 21st and Miss Gardner June 27, 1857, through
the efforts of Gov. Sam Medary and Hon. Charles E. Flandrau, of Minnesota.
"Mrs. Noble and Mrs. Thatcher were murdered by the Indians."
On the west tablet is the following:
"Roster of the Relief Expedition, Fort Dodge, March 24, 1857.
"Major Williams, Commanding.
"Company A
"C. B. Richards, captain; F. A. Stratton, 1st lieutenant; L. K. Wright,
sergeant; Solon Mason, corporal.
"Privates: William Burkholder, G. W. Brizee, C. C. Carpenter,
L. D. Crawford, Julius Conrad, Henry Carse, Chatterton, William
Defore, J. W. Dawson, William Ford, John Farney, John Gales, Andrew
Hood, Angus McBane, William McCauley, Michael Maher, E. Mahan,
W. P. Pollock, W. F. Porter, B. F. Parmenter, L. B. Ridgeway, Winton
Smith, R. A. Smith, George P. Smith, 0. S. Spencer, C. Stebbins, Silas
Van Cleave, R. U. Wheelock, D. Westerfield.
"Company B
"John F. Duncombe, captain; James Lane, 1st lieutenant; S. C.
Stevens, second lieutenant; W. N. Koons, sergeant; Thomas Calagan,
"Privates: James Addington, Asa Burtch, Hiram Benjamin, D. H.
Baker, Orlando Bice, Richard Carter, A. E. Crounse, R. F. Carter,
Michael Cavanaugh, Jere Evans, John Heffley, 0. C. Howe, D. F. Howell,
A. S. Johnson, Jonas Murray, Daniel Morrisey, G. F. McClure, A. H.
Malcome, Michael McCarty, J. N. McFarland, Robert McCormick, John
O'Laughlin, Daniel Okeson, Guernsey Smith, J. M. Thatcher, W. Searles,
John White, Washington Williams, Reuben Whetstone.
"Company C
"J. C. Johnson, captain; J. N. Maxwell, first lieutenant; F. B. Mason,
second lieutenant; H. Hoover, sergeant; A. N. Hathaway, corporal.
"Privates: Thomas Anderson, James Brainard, T. B. Bonebright,
Sherman Cassaday, W. L. Church, Patrick Conlan, H. E. Dalley, John Erie,
John Gates, Josiah Griffith, James Hickey, H. C. Hillock, M. W. Howland,
E. D. Kellogg, W. K. Laughlin, A. S. Leonard, F. R; Moody, John Nowland,
J. C. Pemberson, Alonzo Richardson, Michael Sweeney, Patrick Stafford,
A. K. Tullis.
"G. R. Bissell, surgeon. G. B. Sherman, com'ary."
On the south tablet is inscribed the following:
"Captain J. C. Johnson, of Webster City, and William Burkholder,
of Fort Dodge, were frozen to death on the return march in Palo Alto
County, April 4, 1857.
"Persons who fled from the Attack on Springfield, Minn., and were
Rescued by the Relief Expedition:
"John Bradshaw, David Carver, Mrs. S. J. Church and two children,
Eliza Gardner, George Granger, Mrs. Harshman and children,
Mr. Harshman (son of preceding) and wife, Morris Markham, Mrs.
William Nelson and child, Jareb Palmer, A. B. Shiegley, J. B. Skinner
and wife, Mr. Smith and wife. Dr. E. B. N. Strong, wife and two
children, John Stewart, Drusilla Swanger, J. B. Thomas, wife and five