Des Moines County News



DECEMBER 31, 1887


What the Year Has Brought to Burlington.


Deaths and Marriages, Accidents, Fires, Entertainments,

and Social Events.

Culled from "The Gazette's" Columns.




1,  Death of H. R. Rhein.  Kate Forsyth in "Marcelle."

2.  Death of Peter Klopfenstein, who was struck by an engine two days before.  Formal Dedication of the First Baptist Church.

3.  County officers sworn in.  Death of Mrs. Joseph Gafford.

4.  Eightieth birthday of W. E. Brown celebrated at First M. E. Church.  Burglars on North Hill.

5.  Death of Mrs. Frederick Schramm.  Installation of officers S. O. V. Effie Ellsier in "Woman Against Woman.

6.  Marriage of Rev. John W. Ross, D. D., and Miss Mattie J. Power.  Death of Walter A. Runge.

7.  Order of Railway Conductors surprise Mr. And Mrs. W. C. Cross.

8.  Death of Ira Gile.

9.  Farewell to Miss Mary E. Vance at First M. E. Church.  Death of Dennis Foley.

10.  Public installation of officers Flint Hills Lodge K. P.

11.  Election of bank officers.  Conductor Al. Dern killed at Keokuk.

12.  Mort Haight steers a sleighing part to Carman and gets lost.

13.  Annual election of officers of the Board of Trade.  Marriage of Chas. E. Schramm to Miss Emily L. Putnam.

15.  Death of Mrs. Ada F. Cary.

17.  Mrs. Dr. Pilling injured in a runaway,  Kate Beusberg English Opera Company.

18.  "Muggs' Landing" at the Grand.  Death of Mrs. Sarah Meek.

19. Election of officers by the Water Company.

22.  Explosion at the gas works.  Fire in Burlington Furniture Factory.

23.  Mr. and Mrs. Florence in "The Mighty Dollar".

26.  John Thies killed by falling from Skunk River bridge.

28.  Death of Carl Heitmeyer.

29.  Death of Mrs. Catherine Mespeit.

31.  R. L. Alspach appointed postal clerk.





1.  Death of Jacob Salinger.

2.  Celebration of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner.

3.  Milton Nobles in “ Love and Law.”

4.  Death of Miss Anna Warth.

6.  G. C. Muir’s jewelry store burglarized.

7.  Steen Family, mind readers, at the Grand. Y. M. C. A. exhibition at the Peoples.

8.  Annual meeting of the Crystal Lake and Eagle Grove club.  Silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. H. Schmidt.

10. “The Silver King” at the Grand.

11. John Sater sent to the Insane Asylum.

13. Mrs. Ward and her daughter Rose burned to death in a house on Valley streets, between Seventh and Eighth streets.

14.  Death of Charles P. DeHas.  Swedish Lutheran Church conference.

16.  Termoelen's concert at Trinity Lutheran Church.

17.  Elvin Grove masquerade at the Grimes.

18.  W. J. Fleming in "Around the World in Eighty Days."

19.  W. J. Scanlan in "Shane na-Lawn."

22.  Annual reception of the Burlington Rifles.  Turners' masquerade.

23.  Death of Mrs. Mary J. Todd.  Arizona Joe sheds a few buckets of blood on the stage of the Grand.

25.  Democratic city primaries.

28.  Democratic city convention  H. E. Hunt nominated for alderman-at-large.





1.  Hermann's shoe store badly damaged by fire and water.  Temperance conference of the First District at First M. E. Church.  Party at E. W. Connor's.  Evans and Hoey in "Parlor Match."

2.  Last day of registry;  2,723 voters registered.  Musicale at residence of W. B. Gilbert.  J. C. Bonnell takes command of Company H.

3.  H. C. Eads killed by the cars.

4.  Boat Club Band entertainments at the Grand, immense audience.

6.  Adam Braunberger breaks an arm.

7.  Mrs. Lucy V. Culler and Mrs. Belle Hammack nominated for school directors.

8.  Election of officers of the school board.  Death of Mrs. W. R. Stephenson.

9.  S. W. Smith, of Company H, becomes the owner of the Guest medal.

10.  Louis Aldrich in "My Partner."

12.  Death of Georgianna Duncan Samuel J. Lane falls down an elevator hatchway at Wyman & Rand's and is instantly killed.

14.  Death of Mrs. Margaret Erickson.  School election. - J. R. Nairn and E. Hagemann elected directors.  City officers elected by the council.

15.  Testimonial concert to C. C. Smith at Congregational Church.  Mrs. T. R. Rankin seriously injured.

16.  Rev. T. J. Myers surprised and presented with a well filled purse.

17.  Grand entertainment in honor of St. Patrick at People's Opera House.

19.  Lecture by Hon. Wm. Parsons on "The Mediterranean, its Men and its Memories,"  at the Grand.  Benefit Young Peoples' association of the Presbyterian Church.

22.  "Si Perkins" at the Grand two nights.  North Oak school building partially burned.

28.  Reception at N. R. Derby & Co.'s mill attended by many ladies.

24.  Annual meeting of the Des Moines County Temperance Alliance at First M. E. Church.  Death of Mrs. D. Y. Overton.

26.  Death of Maude F. Tucker.  Death of Geo. Whittaker.

28.  Sudden death of B. F. Eck.

29.  Andrews "Michael Strogoff" at the Grand.

30.  Lecture at Trinity Lutheran church on "Three Sunny Spots in Italy" by Mrs.  Lucy V. Culler.

31.  Arthur Rehan's company in "Nancy & Co."






1.  Death of Mrs. A. E. Helscher.  Frederick Darius drowns himself in Flint Creek.  Lecture by Henry George to a very small audience.  Golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Seibert Magle.  The usual number of April fools found in Burlington.

2.  Kate Claxton in "The Two Or pbans."  John M. Mercer takes charge of the office of Surveyor of Customs.  H. H. Goodell has a leg broken.

4.  Frank McCalum killed by the cars.

5.  Mayor Adams delivers his annual address to the City Council.  Edwin Mayo in "Davy Crocgett."

6.  Mr. A. C. Hutchinson retires from THE GAZETTE;  E. M. Wesner elected manager.

7.  "Titania" at the Grand two nights and matinee, under the auspices of the Sons of Veterans.

10.  Death of E. D. Rand; of Joseph W. Cain.

11.  Mr. Lindauer s'ugged and robbed.  Death of Mrs. Mary Coenenberg.  Annual ball of Excelsior Lodge No. 168, I. O. O. F.

12.  Death of Mrs. Maria Barbara Beck.  Modjeska in "Adrienne Lecouvreur.

13. Death of Stephen T. Acres; of Clara Leicht.  A little son of Isaac Pierson drowned in a vault.

14.  Suicide by shooting of Adam Thurman.

15.  "Drummer Boy of Gettysburg"  two nights, under auspices of the Burlington Rifles.

16.  E. C. Cary succeeded by Fred E. ???ppe as director of the Boat Club Band.

17.  Mrs. Charles Kraul severely burned.

18. Henry McComas fatally injured in Gilbert, Hedge & Co’s lumber yard.

19. W. J. Perkins, his wife and daughter arrested for infantcide.

20. Death of Mrs. Lena Flint; of Mrs. Hughes and her father-in-law, Andrew Hughes; of Henry Holman.  Henry Cooper stabbed by Peter King.

21. J. J. Fleming succeeds T. G. Foster as Cashier of the National State Bank.

23. Incendiary fire corner Main and Court streets. Death of Mrs. Jane Whittaker; of Louisa Singer.

24. Death of Mrs. John G. Singer, mother of Louisa Singer.

20. Jubilee 8ingers at the Grand, u n der the auspices of the Young People’s Association of the Presbyterian Church.  Marriage of D. G. Kirschbaum and Miss Grace A. Wood.

27. Marriage of Frank A. Kennedy and Miss Kate E. Reed; of John D. Clayton and Miss Annie Price; of Chas. Fridel and Miss Emma Koch; of C. H. Keegan and Miss Anna Chalmbach; of Chas. Hood and Miss Sarah M. Johnson. Death of Ted Meecham.

29. Death of T. B. Ray.

30. First base ball game of 1887, Burlington Insurance Co. employes and Wholesale Grocers; game given to B. I. C’c, 26 to 26.






1. Murray Iron Works foundry destroyed by tire; loss, $40.000.

2. Queen Kapiolani, of the Sandwich Islands, passes through Burlington. Fifteen coopers in Moehn’s factory strike. “ Spring Chickens” at the Grand, benefit of Al. Wilkin. Pat Ward clubbed. Wm. Butterfield, of Red Oak. slugged and robbed in C., B. & Q. yards. 

3. Arbor Day observed by the public

5. Sudden death of Hattie Gobin.

6. Rose Risse testimonial at Peoples Opera House. Mrs. M argaret Hill died.

7. Geo Whitlow drowned in Heuderson slough. Suicide of Miss Mary Lahee. “ Titania” matinee and evening.

8 John Menen drow ned in Flint Creek. Hiram Purdy’s country residence burned. Annual meeting of the District Turn Bezirk.

9. Chas. Weiss severely injured by John Waldhoff. Fred E. Hoppe arrives and takes charge of the Boat Club Band. Second series of brake tests on Middletown hill begins.

10 McNish, Johnson & Slaven’s min strels.

11. Light W eights defeat Keokuk, 17 to 5.  Marriage of Chas. W. Randall and Miss Anna Abercrombie. Death of Wm. Kirschoff.  Chas. Willner elected Captain of Co. H.

12. Death of Grant Donahue. Flag social by Daughters of the Regiment at Co. H armory.

14. Miss Clara M. Smith elected to succeed Miss Mable Gordon as public libraiiau.

15. Chas. Gibbs becomes violently insaue on a train.

18. Marriage of James Schoenemann and Miss Laura Lehmann.

19. Jury in Perkins infanticide case disagree. St. Omer Commandery K. T decorate graves of deceased Sir Knights

21. B. I. C’s defeat Business College 7 to 10. New Murray Iron Work’s foundry completed.

23. Samuel Lynch knocked down by an engine.

25. Kate Bensberg English Opera Co. at the Grand.

26. Dedication of the new Odd Fellows’ building. Suicide by shooting of Fred. H. Brooks.

27. Cradle song entertainment at Congregational Church.

29. Suicide by hanging of F. Aprisz. First sermon at First M. E. Church by Rev. C. H. Stocking.

30. General observance of Memorial Day, with exercises at the Grand in the evening. Light Weights defeat Kewanee 19 to 7.

31. May concert at the Academy of Lourdes. Ferry boat John Taylor goes to Fort Madison






I. Thalia Opera Co. in “ Beggar Student.” E. C. Gnahn purchases Love’s Book Store.

3. Young People’s Association moonlight excursion on the steamer Rescue.

4. The “ Reading Club” picnic near Augusta. Smither’s factory scorched. Baptist sociable at residence of Hon. John S. Penny attended by Boat Club Band and a number of Burlington people. B. 1. C’s defeat Business College 17 to 7.

5. Anniversary sermon of Burlington College by Rev. E. C. Spinney.

7. Annual meeting of the Mississippi and Missouri Valley Hardware Association at Hotel Duncan.

8. M. C. McArthur’s barn burned. Shooting tournament of Union Gun Club across the river.  Death of John Philip Kriechbaum. Thirty fourth annual commencement of Burlington College. Major E. C. Blackmar elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Iowa. Attempted suicide, with laudanum, by James E. Bowman.

9. Frank Allen’s foot crushed by cars. Burlington College alumni meeting.

10. Carl C. Christensen’s concert at First M. E. Church.

11. Light Weights defeat Fort Madison 33 to 3.

12. Death in Chicago of Samuel Hambleton Jones.

13. Marriage of Miss Minnie C. Wiese to Wm. A. Miller, of Logansport Ind.  Annual meeting of the Opera House company.

15. Mayor Adams suddenly stricken with serious illness.

16 Artesian well company started. A. H. Kuhlemeier retained as Collector of the new Fourth revenue district.  Derby’s prize bread contest.  First prize, $20. won by Mrs. Julia L. King; second. $10, by Mrs. Geo Vogt; third, $5, by Mrs.  John Daab.   A. O. U. W. picnic at Rlitter’s park.

17. Water works pumped 927.440 gallons of water, greatest amount in one day since the works started.

18. Death of Mayor A. G. Adams.

19. Laying corner stone of new St. Francis Hospital by Bishop Cosgrove.

20. Tributes of respect to the memory of Mayor Adams passed by the city council, board of trade and his employes. 21. Graduating exercises at South Hill school. Funeral of Mayor Adams.

22. Annual convention of the Roman Catholic Mutual protective Association. Death of Frank Allen from effects of railroad accident two weeks before. Marriage of Fred C. Kammermeyer and Miss Minnie L. Tillman.

23. Steam Supply Co., after an existence of seven years, declared its first dividend of 3 per cent. Light weights defeat Keithsburg 22 to 14.

25. Edward Hagemann appointed mayor by the city council. D. L. Tubbs wins Smith prize trophy at Sioux City shooting tournament.

26. Annual exhibition Society of Decorative Art.  John C. Minton elected manager of the Grand opera house.

27. Annual session of the Normal Institute of Des Moines county at the High school.

28. Death of Rev. Phillip Kuhl.  Suicide by shooting of Samuel A. Flanders.

29. First home regatta of the Boat Club.  E. C. Gnahn elected First Lieutenant, and E. M. Wesner Second Lieutenant of Co. H. Marriage of S. T. Huebner and Mis9 Emily Cook.

30. Death of John M. Swan.





1. Board of Trade meeting in memory of John M Swan. Emil Bandleon and Frank Bosse each break an arm.

2. Death of Fritz Beline.

3. Five hundred Turners go on an excursion to Davenport.

4. The Glorious.  A O. H. picnic at Henry's Park.  Odd Fellows excursion on the Rescue. Wm. Gallagher run over by the cars, losing a leg.

     West Ends of Chicago defeat Light Weights 10 to 8.  Company H takes first prize at Oskaloosa.

5  Fourth annual convention of the Hawkeye Amateur Press association.

6.  First Park concert by Boat Club Band.

8.  Suicide in calaboose by cutting is throat with a knife of Peter McDonougb.  Wagon Bridge company formed with capital of $300,000.

9. Death of Conrad Kassell.   Harry Damrosch seriously injured by runaway horse.

10.  Death of William Williams.

12. Death of Mrs. J. J. Hormann. Baptist excursion on the J. C. Atlee.  Street Evangelists come to town.

18. Sells Bros. circus exhibit in Burlington.  Peter Johnson killed by falling down stairs.  Gottlieb Scheihing killed by a kick from a horse.  Burlington connected with Illinois by telephone.

14.  Second Band concert on South Hill at residence of Wm. Gillies.  $1,500 subscribed to buy the John Taylor.

15. Officials of the C. B. & Q. confer with Burlington shippers.  Death of Cornelius Bernard.

16. Five-year-old child of J. P. Linstadt drowned.

18. G. A. R. social. Mrs. A. A Perkins presented with an elegant badge.

20. Haverley’s Minstrels. Residence of H. Moore damaged by fire.

21. Light Weights defeated Creston 7 to 5.

23. Mike Shanahan drowned. Ferry boat John Taylor returns to Burlington.

24. Death of Wm. H. Dempsey.

25. Freight wreak in C. B. & Q yard caused by a small boy. Ignatz Hoppman badly kicked by a horse.

26. Marriage of John H. Gallagher and Miss Nellie V. O’Donnell.

27. Marriage of Mr. F. B. Jaggar to Mrs. S. E. Barnes, Cottage City, Mass.

29. Death of Mrs. G. W. Snyder. Testimonial to R. M. Washburn at the Grand.  Fred Muenzenmeier drowned.

30. Light Weights defeat Mt. Pleasant 21 to 12.





1. John C. Minton assumes management of the opera house.

2. Iowa Road Grader and Ditcher Company's works removed to this city. Death of Thomas McKitterick at Harman, Minn.

3. Death of Mrs. C. B. Lemberger.

4. Death of John Artz; of Jacob Scholl.

5. Flag presented to Company H by the Ladies’ Flag society.

6. Chas. Ward, Quincy murderer, arrested in Burlington.  Death of Mrs. Catherine M. Sherfey.

7. Death of William Bell.  Company H leaves for the encampment at Ottumwa.

8. Marriage of Jas. Wering and Miss Walburgia Beck.

10. H. B. Lawrence and Chas. Carter injured in Chatsworth wreck.

11. Death of Major William Horner.

12. Band concert in new stand North Hill park, enlarged by private contributions. Company H returns from encampment, met by Boat Club Band and a large number of people and given a supper by the ladies of the Flag society

14. Announcement of the transfer of Father Lowery to Keokuk. Death of Nicholas Graesser.

16. Death of Ignatz Hoppman from the effect of a recent injury; of Richard A. Taylor; of Joseph Heath. Printers beat the moulders at base ball 32 to 9.

17. Republican primaries.

18. Light W eights defeat Peoria Reds 13 to 12.

20. Republicans select delegates to state convention.

21. Soldiers reunion at Fort Madison attended by many Burlington people.

22. Death of Harry G. Edwards.

23. Fairfield defeats Light Weights 10 to 2.

24. Marriage of Rev. A. F. Hertzler and Miss Lydia Kammermeyer.  Marie Prescott in “ Ingomas.”

26. James Bowman shoots himself through the head. Two year-old daughter of Mr. Hurley run over by wagon and killed.

27. Democrats select delegates to state convention. McIntyre & Heath’s minstre’s.

28. B. I. C.’s defeat the printers 18 to 15.

29. Formal openening of the opera house under Manager Minton with Hoyt’s “Tin Soldier.”

30. Commercial Club organized.  Light W eights defeated Ottumwa 7 to 3.

31. Concert in North Hill Park.






1. Suicide of Wm. G. Brach, of this city, in Boston. Marriage of Rev. J . A. Ross and Miss Nettie Phillips.

2. Taylors’ drug store purchased by Wyckoff & Simon.

4. Death of Walter J. Bock.  Conrad Dreher hangs himself.

5. Opening of public schools.  Bell Smith Grocery Co.’s stock purchased by the Brooks, Smith & Taylor Co.

6. Death of Warren Crumpton. Lecture to students of Elliotts Business College by Rev. Lloyd of New York.

7. Suicide by strychnine of Mrs. Bettie Snell.

8. Mattie Vickers in “Jacquine.”

10. Fire damages residence of Jacob Sheehan.

11. Light Weights defeat  “C. B. & Q Routes” of Chicago 11 to 9.   Louis Matson found dead in bed at Denver House. 12. Residence of John Barnhill dam aged by fire.   Death of Patrick Murray.

13. Forepaughs show exhibits in Burlington.   “ Silver King” at the Grand.

14. Death of Miss Caroline Ganz. “ Rag Baby” at the Grand.

15. Labor convention with five delegates at the court house.  North Hill hose team struck by locomotive, one horse killed.

16.  Mrs. A. W. Lloyd’s shoulder broken by a fall.   Death of Phillip Thoman.

17.  Judge Michael Fleming presented with a fine gold beaded cane on his sixty-fourth birthday.

18.  Keokuks defeat the Light W eights 9 to 8.

19.  Chas. Calhoun killed by the cars. P. McDermott's barn destroyed by fire.  Presentation of a beautiful banner to Matthies Post No. 5;  Prof. Foster and family sing an original song, “ The Banner.”

20. Louis H Biklen injured by jumping from B. C. R. & N. train.   Arthur Haskell pounded by two saloon keepers. Angular street branch of Union Street railway completed and cars run over it.

21. Dan Sully in “ Daddy Nolan.”  Light Weights defeated Chicago Kents 7 to 2.   Marriage of Frank A. Millard and Miss Mable Gordon; of Park Strickland and Miss Jennie Coad.

22. Democratic primaries select delegates to county convention.   Dan Sully in “Corner Grocery.”

23. Last Boat Club Band concert in North Hill Park.

24. Democratic convention nominates candidates for county offices.

25. Old Settlers’ praise service at Congregational Church.

26. Many Burlington soldiers leave for G. A. R. encampment at St. Louis.  First day of the county fair.

27. Wet weather interferes with the fair.

29. More bad weather for the fair.

30. Franz Hug found dead in a gutter on Mt. Pleasant street.





1. Death of Mrs. W. H. Sheldon.   Old Settlers’ reunion at the county fair. Carl Vagt terminates his connection with The Gazette which began in May 1880.   Mrs. Mary Walbridge injured by a fall.

3. A big day at the fair. City council passes artesian well ordinonce and Alderman Kleppisch resigns.

4. Marriage of Mr. Dudley A. Tyng of Peoria and Miss Sada A. Tracy.

5. Marriage of M. W. Kennedy and Miss Nellie Mack. The Hanlon’s in “ Le Voyage en Suisse.”

6. The Rock Island railroad comes to Burlington. The Rolling Mills plant purchased by a new company. Road Grader works begins operation. Marriage of Vernon C. Gray and Miss Violetta May Ettien. Republican primaries held. Mowl’s restaurant damaged by fire.

7. Frank Dougherty slashed across the back by Win. Ford, both colored waiters at the Gorham.

8. Republicans nominate victims for the county election. United Labor party also puts up part of a ticket. Sol Smith Russell in “ Bewitched.”   Death of Louis H. Biklen from effects of injuries.

10. Mr. J. R. Niran refuses to accept the nomination for representative.   Ida Clark Concert Co. at Presbyterian church.

11. Burlington Syrup factory established.   Mrs. Elizabeth Beard has an unpleasant experience with a gasoline stove. 12. TheFlorences in “ Uncle Bob.” Wm. Utesh falls down a stairway and is badly bruised.  Marriage of Robert M. Smyth and Miss Willie Schamp.  Death of Hiram Leonard.

13. Miles White & Co decide to bring their dry goods store to Burlington.

14. Gus Williams in “Keppiers  Fortunes.”  Silver wedding Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams.

17. Death of Helen M. Danner.

18. Installation of Rev. J. H. Culler as pastor of Trinity Lutheran church. Registration of voters begins.

19. Katie Putnin in  “Erma the Elf.”

21. W. T. McLane’s barn destroyed by fire.  Chas. Winzer badly injured by falling down an elevator hatchway. First social party of the season by the Burlington Rifles. I. O. O. F entertainment, social and dance.

22. I. Peipergerdes found dead under a wagon load of brick on the Danville road.   Vernona Jarbeau in “ Starlight.” 23. Mrs. J. W. Thornton dies under very peculiar circumstances, in which a “ magnetic healer” occupied a prominent position.

24. Hon. Theodore Guelieh requested by a large number of citizens to become a candidate for mayor.

25. Inquest in the Thornton case. The months of the year beautifully illustrated at the Congregational church. Democratic city primaries. Marriage of Albert L. Troxel and Miss Cora B. Heaton.  Death of Edgar F. Nelson. “ Keep it Dark” at the Grand.

26. J. M. Scott held up and robbed on Boundary street.  St. Omer Commanderv attends the institution of Delta Commanderv at Fort Madison.  Marriage of Walter Connolly, of Tyler, Texas and Miss Gretta I. Brokaw; of James R. Corcoran, of St. Paul, and Miss Marie S. Gnahn; of Judge A. W. Powers, of Salt Lake City, and Miss Anna Whipple. Death of Chas. B. Waldin.   Mrs. Clark Marble run over by a wagon and seriously injured.

27. Geo. A. Duncan nominated by the democrats for mayor. Marriage of James W. Wherry and Miss Mattie L. Hanna.

28. Death of Mrs. Clark Marble. Brutal assault on a young woman on Franklin Street by a cowardly wretch. The withdrawal committee drives up the country to see Nathan Huston.

30. Harvest praise service at the Congregational church.

31. The usual Halloween pranks indulged in by the children and those of a larger growth, including Bismarck.






1. John Rabbitt killed by the cars. Nathan Huston hustled off the republican ticket. Republican primaries. Annual convention of Des Moines County Sunday School Association at First Baptist Church. Minnie Maddern in “ Caprice.” 2. Republicans nominate Thomas Hedge for Mayor Registration finished; 3,662 voters registered.

3. Grand democratic rally at the Grimes, the meeting addressed by Major  T.J. Anderson, candidate for Governor. Policemen’s first annual ball at Turner Hall.

4. Second social party by the Burlington Rifles.

6. Death of Harry T. Cook, at Colorado Springs, Col.

7. An affidavit bomb explodes and has fun with certain politicians. Annual meeting of the Burlingtou Boating Association,  Death of Lee Hawkins at Merkel, Texas; of Geo E. Heffner at Rockwall, Texas.

8. Election day.  Democrats elect all county officers but sheriff, and also elect Geo. A. Duncan, Mayor of the city, and Chris Bonn alderman from the Fourth ward.

9. Death of Mrs. Mary Scotten.

10. Mestayer’s “ We, Us & Co.” John Barnickel killed while trrimming an electric lamp.

11. Frank Fasold killed by the cars.  Bomb found in the Hawkeye office scares the porter, Mr. Albert Woods.   Party at H. W. Chittenden’s.  The Crescents dance at Maple Hall.

12. Murray & Murpby at the Grand

13. Death of Moses Dillon Jordan; of Mrs. Henry Baker; of Jacob Weingardner.

14. Miss Ella Brown and Steve Ernst shot in North Hill Park by Edward Gill.

15. Marriage of Geo. H. Kriechbaum and Miss Carrie Johnson.

16. The grand jury examines a large number of witnesses. The A. G. Adams residence burglarized.

17. Tom Donlan found senseless in Hawkeye Creek, badly bruised.

18. Death of Mrs. M. H. Gahegan.

19. Conductor John Tierney loses a foot by the cars at Rome.

20. Union meeting of the Y. M. C. A at the Congregational church.

21. Dunlap Opera Co. in “Indiana.” Twenty-seven new members added to the Board of Trade.

22. Dunlap Opera Co. in “The Black Hussar.”

23. Geo. Fulton instantly killed and his body horribly mangled at West Burlington by the shop train.

24. Thanksgiving Day. Union services at First Baptist Church. Marriage of Clarence M. Howard and Miss Minnie Bryan.  Modjeska in “Much Ado About Nothing.”  Policemen Tubbs, Hendee, and Zorn discharged. A number of houses of ill-fame raided. Printers’ ball at Turner Hall. Annual party at the Boat House.

25. Kaufer & Weber’s unlocked safe blown open by burglars.

26. “Skipped by the Light of the Moon,” at the Grand.

27. River closed at 10 o’clock p. m.

28. Homer D. Cope in “ Demon and Pythias” at the Grand, under the auspices of Excelsior Lodge I. O. O. F. W.  C. Coup’s Equescurriculum at the People’s, one week.

29. Home of Mrs. Maria Patterson partially destroyed by fire.

30. Successful coon hunt by the police; thirteen colored men and women arrested.



1. Death of Jacob Yanaway, marriage of Frank Day and Miss Sadie Rowan.

2. Fourth social party of the Burlington Rifles.  Banquet tendered them by Mayor Duucan.

3. Death of Miss Emily L. Kriechbaum; of Mrs. Charlotte Osborn. Thos. F. Hastings appointed to succeed Mort Haight as city passenger agent.  W. J. Cunningham appointed deputy sheriff.

4. The “ Burlington’s No. 1” makes its first trip and marks the beginning of a new era in western railroading.

7. St. Francis Hospital reception.  New building formally opened.  “Brigand Queen” at the Grand.  Election of officers Sons of Veterans.

8. Reception given by Mrs. J. C. McKell.

9. Joseph Kern sent to the Mt. Pleasant hospital for the insane.  Count Magri and wife at the Grand.

10. First quarterly meeting of the Christian Endeavor Union at Congregational church. Merchants’ police and fire patrol established.

12. T. J. Copp appointed day sergeant of the police force.

13. Sunday school congress at the First M. E, church, Fanny Davenport in “Fedora.”  Cicero Ender loses his hand by a shotgun accident .

14. Entertainment at First Baptist church.

15. “Two Johns” and Fatty , the barber. make a grand street parade and appear at the opera house in the evening. 16. Office of Collector of Customs at Burlington ordered discontinued.  Party by the Rifles at their armory.

17. Marriage in Chicago of Otto Moeller and Miss Louisa Winzer.

18. The Burlington’s new fast train, "The Eli," makes its first trip.

19. Lecture by A. W. Monfort and Dr. H. B. Young before the Y. M. C. A. The city council makes the Hawkeye an official paper.

20. Annual meeting of the Burlington and Henderson County Ferry Co.  Death of Miss Anna Biklen.  River closed for the second time.

21. Suicide by hanging of John Wollman.  Organ for new Presbyterian church arrives.

22. Frank Mayo in “Nordeck,”  W. H. Dirks instantly killed by B. C. R. & N. train near the city.

23 Ice bridge strong enough to bear teams.

24. Christmas Eve.  Entertainment at U. P. Church. Death of Mrs. Wm. Hannum.

25. Christmas. Services at all the churches.  Dedication of Sunday school rooms of the new Presbyterian Church. Death of Louis Dehner; of Valentine Berterman; of Archibald Sutton; of Mrs. Susan Schneider.   Dr. G. W. Snyder’s barn damaged by fire.

26 .Sunday School entertainments at First M. E. Church and Trinity Lutheran Church.”  John Dillon in "Wanted he Earth."

27. Death of John Bucklew.  Sunday school entertainment at First Baptist church.  Andrew Schencke injured bv falling from train.

28. Marriage at West Point, Iowa, of Arthur J. Worley and Miss Emma C.Torley. Second annual banquet of the Des Moines County Bar Association. Christmas entertainments at Waluut Street Baptist church and at West Hill Mission. 29. Marriage of Andrew and Miss Elizabeth Frantz. Chicago ot Allen Taylor; of Mrs. Barbara Muenzenmeier.

30. Consolidated Tank Line Company buys ground for a large building to be erected in the spring.

31. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” matinee and evening, at the Grand.    Death of Arnold Nelius.


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