Burlington Courthouse
1840 United States Census
Transcribed by Don Kelly
Formatted by R. Harrison
The 1840 Census listed all household members by gender and by age using the following age categories:
Under 5 years
5-10 years
10-15 years
15-20 years
20-30 years
30-40 years
40-50 years
50-60 years
60-70 years
70-80 years
80-90 years
90-100 years
For example, a code of 01120001 in the males column indicates 1 male 5-10, 1 male 10-15, 2 males 15-20 and one male 50-60. A code of 30001 means 3 females under 5 and one female 20-30.
Abney | Leonard | 100001 | 1220001 | |
Adams | R. S. | 001002 | 010001 | |
Adamson | Joseph | 100011 | 121001 | |
Alcorn | Charles | 10001 | 10001 | |
Alexander | Urban | 10001 | 10001 | |
Alfred | J. M. | 110001 | 00001 | |
Allen | Joseph B. | 100101 | 00001 | |
Allen | Willard | 011001 | 010001 | |
Allison | Benjamin | 000001 | 11002 | |
Alter | Francis | 300101 | 00001 | |
Alvorer | Prosper | 100001 | 000001 | |
Anderson | Charles | 00001 | 1001 | |
Anderson | James | 010171 | 1102 | |
Anderson | John | 01120001 | 00100001 | |
Anderson | Josiah | 201001 | 01001 | |
Anderson | Levi | 10001 | 00001 | |
Andress | James | 000001 | | |
Archer | Hesekiah | 0022201 | 1101001 | |
Arentz | Lewis | 00110001 | 00000001 | |
Armstrong | James | 00001 | 00001 | |
Arnold | Rodney | 0000001 | 330001 | |
Arrington | Joel | 101001 | 221001 | |
Arsinger | Underish | 01100001 | 00210001 | |
Artzeng | George | 000001 | 110001 | |
Asbury | Francis | 01001 | 2001 | |
Aspaugh | John | 102011 | 1102001 | |
Atchinson | Frederic | 02001 | 20001 | |
Avery | Robert | 0011001 | 0011001 | |
Babb | John | 00113001 | 10113001 | |
Babbitt | Lysander W. | 10001 | 10001 | |
Bacon | Selah | 111001 | 001101 | |
Badgley | Absolum | 011001 | 111001 | |
Bailey | John | 0020101 | 110001 | |
Baily | John | 2230011 | 30001 | |
Baine | Daniel | 110001 | 01001 | |
Baine | John | 0102001 | 011001 | |
Baine | William | 000001 | 200001 | |
Bains | Daniel | 000030001 | 00010001 | |
Bake | Joseph | 10001 | 01001 | |
Baldwin | S. L. | 010011 | 0100001 | |
Ballard | John | 010001 | 12001 | |
Ballard | Philip | 100101 | 032010 | |
Ballard | Wiley | 1100101 | 000100101 | |
Ballard | William | 011001 | 20001 | |
Ballerd | William A. | 00001 | 00001 | |
Ballinger | John | 001200001 | 0100101 | |
Bandy | John | 2223001 | 100101 | |
Bane | Martin | 00002 | 100001 | |
Barnes | Comfort | 20004 | 00011 | |
Barnes | Gaiter S. | 010000101 | 002000101 | |
Barnes | Garland B. | 00001 | 10001 | |
Barton | Hiram | 121011 | 00101 | |
Barton | Joseph | 1010101 | 002001 | |
Basey | Isaac | 001100001 | 00200001 | |
Bashow | John | 3100001 | 041001 | |
Batchelder | John | 100001 | 000001 | |
Beach | Purnell | 100001 | 20001 | |
Beams | William | 300001 | 00001 | |
Beard | John | 111001 | 1112001 | |
Beard | Oliver | 011001 | 00101 | |
Beck | Conrod | 00001 | 0000 | |
Beckel | William | | | |
Becton | Harvey | 2300001 | 002001 | |
Beeler | George H. | 01200001 | 101001 | |
Beeman | Chancy | 100031 | 111001 | |
Beeman | Madison | 00001 | 10001 | |
Beenblossom | Abram | 111111 | 001101 | |
Beeton | Harvey | 2300001 | 002001 | |
Bell | Adam | 010001 | 01 | |
Bell | Henrey | 121001 | 110001 | |
Bell | L. G. | 01003001 | 00110001 | |
Bell | Peter B. | 000011 | 21101 | |
Bell | Robert W. | 20002 | 10001 | |
Bell | Samuel | 0000001 | 0000001 | |
Bell | William | 100010 | 00001 | |
Bellknap | S. G. | 01220001 | 11000001 | |
Bennett | Elmer | 100001 | 210001 | |
Bennett | Hiram C. | 1010001 | 010101 | |
Bennett | William | 00032001 | 00002001 | |
Bercht | Francis | 1000101 | 10001 | |
Bergen | George | 2011001 | 0110001 | |
Berry | John | 01000001 | 0010001 | |
Berry | Samuel | 00001 | 1001 | |
Berry | William C. | 00001 | 00001 | |
Black | Alexander | 100001 | 10001 | |
Blair | David P. | 0012001 | 0110001 | |
Blair | Thomas | 00011001 | 00131001 | |
Blake | Luther | 0000110001 | 01011 | |
Blanchard | Ezekial | 112200001 | 0200001 | |
Bledsoo | John | 000101 | 000001 | |
Boley | Nicholas | 00012001 | 0001 | |
Boley | William W. | 30001 | 00001 | |
Bolick | David | 00111001 | 1101101 | |
Bolick | Moses | 10001 | 00001 | |
Boman | George | 100001 | 010001 | |
Boman | William | 011011 | 1000101 | |
Bomparsier | ??? | 121001 | 0010001 | |
Bonar | James | 10101001 | 0212001 | |
Bonigle | George | 000001 | 0000001 | |
Bonney | Sherwood | 10012 | 01001 | |
Bougher | John | 1101001 | 011001 | |
Brenbs | Lewis | 00110001 | 00000001 | |
Brewer | Abraham | 000001001 | 000010000 | |
Brewer | Peter | 00001 | 020001 | |
Bridges | James | 01112001 | 0101101 | |
Bridges | John | 101011 | 102001 | |
Bridges | Samuel | 12120001 | 1101001 | |
Brooks | Harrison | 20001 | 00101 | |
Brown | Clarissa | 002 | 0100001 | |
Brown | John W. | 00001 | 10001 | |
Brubb | Alexander | 00001 | 100011 | |
Bruce | Ann | | 11001 | |
Bruce | James | 00001 | 10001 | |
Bufford | Jeremiah | 10001 | 02001 | |
Buhmaster | Frederic | 3200015 | | |
Bumbiger | Jacob | 1210001 | 0001001 | |
Bunnell | Elmer | 100001 | 210001 | |
Bunnell | William | 00032001 | 00002001 | |
Burger | George | 000051102 | 00100001 | |
Burh | Abraham | 0111101 | 1111101 | |
Burk | Abraham | 0111101 | 1111101 | |
Burkhart | John | 10112001 | 1110001 | |
Burkholder | John | 111101 | | |
Burman | William | 1000001 | 1001001 | |
Burns | Robert | 000011 | 00111 | |
Burris | Charles | 10012001 | 0200101 | |
Burton | Thomas | 200001 | 110001 | |
Bush | Abraham | 0111101 | 1111101 | |
Buster | A. | 31101001 | 120101 | |
Byers | Fleming | 10001 | 00001 | |
Cady | Edwin | 0220001 | 1000001 | |
Caine | Daniel | 10002 | 10001 | |
Cainins | David | 000001 | 10001 | |
Cameron | James | 2200201 | 0120011 | |
Camino | David | 000001 | 10001 | |
Camnon | James | 2200201 | 0120011 | |
Campbell | Daniel | 00002 | 00001 | |
Campbell | John | 20001 | 00001 | |
Cannon | James | 2200201 | 0120011 | |
Canterberry | Carlisle | 10002 | 1001 | |
Canterberry | Isaac | 011001 | 21001 | |
Carnes | William | 21001001 | 00001 | |
Carr | Austin | 310001 | 00001 | |
Carr | Benjamin | 201001 | 123001 | |
Carr | James | 11001 | 00001 | |
Carr | James W. | 000001 | 1310001 | |
Carr | Jonathan | 011000001 | 00100001 | |
Carr | William | 121001 | 011 | |
Carter | Charles | 001001 | 00001 | |
Carter | Daniel S. | 200011 | 01101 | |
Carter | James T. | 1200211 | 110201 | |
Carter | Owen | 100011 | 10001 | |
Cartwright | Daniel G. | 0211001 | 101001 | |
Cartwright | William F. | 010001 | 00001 | |
Cary | Morris | 1000101 | 10001 | |
Cash | David M. | 10011 | 00001 | |
Cassel | Henry | 0000000001 | | |
Casterline | Jonathan | 0010101 | 02010001 | |
Castor | James T. | 1200211 | 110201 | |
Chamness | Israel | 100001 | 10001 | |
Chance | Daniel | 220101 | 021001 | |
Chance | David R. | 0310101 | 0001101 | |
Chance | Reuben | 000001 | 240001 | |
Chapman | William | 300002 | 01001 | |
Chase | Kimball | 000001 | 201001 | |
Chase | Nihemiah | 00002 | 00001 | |
Chubb | Michael | 0001001 | 00120001 | |
Churchwell | Alva | 210001 | 01201 | |
Churchwell | Lewis | 100011 | 10001 | |
Clark | Alfred | 100101 | 20011 | |
Clark | Benjamin W. | 210011 | 10001 | |
Clark | Chauncy L. | 100001 | 110001 | |
Clark | Jacob | 101101 | 003001 | |
Clark | James | 12000001 | 0101001 | |
Clindivin | S. B. | 200001 | 000002 | |
Cline | George | 0010001 | 222001 | |
Clymer | Christian | 0211011 | 1110001 | |
Clymer | Nancy | | 000000001 | |
Cock | Oliver | 100011 | 100001 | |
Cock | Robert | 210011 | 002001 | |
Comstock | Joab | 011101 | 111001 | |
Conlee | Reuben | 11311001 | 0020001 | |
Cook | George W. | 000111 | 11001 | |
Cook | Joseph | 00101 | 001 | |
Cooley | John | 0001001 | 0110001 | |
Coon | Isaac P. | 10001 | 00001 | |
Cooper | Thomas | 112011 | 10001 | |
Cornick | Samuel | 10001 | 0001 | |
Cossill | Michael | 011001 | 120001 | |
Cottle | Royal | 00012 | 00202 | |
Cowhick | Alexander | 01010001001 | 0110001 | |
Cowperthwait | William | 10001 | 11011 | |
Cox | James W. | 00001 | 000001 | |
Crane | Jacob | 0131001 | 0111101 | |
Crawford | John | 4312001 | 011001 | |
Crenshaw | Daniel | 11011 | 0100101 | |
Crews | John | 0000001 | | |
Crosby | Colambus | 00001 | 00011 | |
Crutchfield | James | 1211001 | 001101 | |
Cummins | James | 01000001 | 00100 | |
Cummins | John L. | 020001 | 00001 | |
Cuthbuth | Jenny | 110001 | | |
Cuthbutte | Benjamin | 112000001 | 1101001 | |
Darbyshire | John | 01020001 | 0121001 | |
Daun | John | 0001001 | 0022001 | |
Davenport | William | 10001 | 101001 | |
David | Barstow T. | 00011 | 20001 | |
Davidson | James | 0121101 | 2110001 | |
Davis | Barstow T. | 00011 | 20001 | |
Davis | David L. | 200001 | 010001 | |
Davis | Thomas R. | 00001 | 00001 | |
Davis | William F. | 00001 | 00001 | |
Davison | Stanley | 000 | 000 | |
Dayton | Nicholas | 200102 | 02001 | |
Dee | Warren | 00001 | 01001001 | |
Deemstiff | Cornilius | 13400001 | 000 | |
Deerduff | David | 210001 | 000001 | |
Deerduff | Jacob | 100001 | 120001 | |
Deerduff | John | 002100001 | 00011001 | |
Dehavin | Katharin | 111 | 11201 | |
Delashmut | Elias N. | 1111001 | 110101 | |
Delashmutt | Butler | 210001 | 01101 | |
Delashmutt | John H. | 00012 | 10001 | |
Delashmutt | Peter L. | 000001 | 0001 | |
Delashmutt | William | 110001 | | |
Denison | Stanley | 000 | 000 | |
Despaine | James | 01003 | 00001 | |
Devoe | William M. | 0010001 | 00001 | |
Dickey | Ebenezer | 2221001 | 010001 | |
Dizney | Charles | 203030001 | 00201 | |
Dizney | Elizabeth | 01011 | 1021001 | |
Dodd | William D. | 20001 | 00001 | |
Dolber | Peter | 000002 | 21001 | |
Dolber | Robert | 110101 | 01001 | |
Dolbu | Peter | 000002 | 21001 | |
Dolbu | Robert | 110101 | 01001 | |
Donnel | Jonathan | 000001 | 10001 | |
Dowell | Jacob E. | 010001 | 100001 | |
Downer | Robert | 300001 | 021001 | |
Driskill | Angelo | 100001 | 10001 | |
Druland | Rebecca | 21 | 00001 | |
Dugen | Edward | 000001 | 10001 | |
Dulaney | William | 00001 | 20001 | |
Dunham | Elijah | 000101 | 21001 | |
Dunham | Samuel A. | 000001 | 210010 | |
Dunn | William | 0000001 | | |
Durham | Amos | 000100001 | 01010001 | |
Dutweiler | Christian | 20002 | 10001 | |
Duval | Daniel | 001100001 | 2102 | |
Dyer | Elisabeth | | 101 | |
Dyer | James | 110001 | 00001 | |
Dyer | John | 10001 | 00011001 | |
Dykins | Pitney | 200011 | 1001 | |
Eads | William | 1120001 | 001001 | |
Eddy | J. P. | 00003 | 11001 | |
Edmonson | William | 100011 | 010002000 | |
Edward | Joseph | 0011001 | 0111001 | |
Edwards | George B. | 0011001 | 000001 | |
Edwards | James G. | 000302 | 20110201 | |
Eikanbery | Samuel | 020011 | 112001 | |
Elder | Robert | 10111001 | 2100001 | |
Eliot | Allen | 100001 | 11001 | |
Eliot | Patrick | 220001 | 10001 | |
Elliott | Samuel | 10000101 | 02121001 | |
English | Levin N. | 02002001 | 011001 | |
English | William T. | 00001 | 00001 | |
Enoch | Samuel | 10001 | 10001 | |
Eoff | J. L. | 00001 | 01001 | |
Erwin | John | 111001 | 11 | |
Eslingarrt | ??? | 00001 | 110001 | |
Eslinger | Jacob | 02001 | 201001 | |
Evans | Alexander | 110001 | 101001 | |
Evans | Walter | 00001 | 00001 | |
Ewim | Isaac | 0000001 | 110001 | |
Ewing | William B. | 0001001 | 000101 | |
Fairweather | James R. | 20001 | 00001 | |
Falliday | James | 2212001 | 0101001 | |
Faris | William | 200101 | 10001 | |
Farley | George | 0100101 | 21001 | |
Farlin | Joseph | 1111001 | 001101 | |
Farrel | John O. | 1000001 | 211001 | |
Faxon | Thomas | 0000001 | | |
Fees | David | 10001 | 31201 | |
Fees | Jacob | 00210001 | 00010001 | |
Ferry | Silas | 110001 | 100001 | |
Fife | Coonrod | 00001 | 10001 | |
Finimore | William S. | 0201011 | 110001 | |
Finny | William | 00110001 | 0110001 | |
Fisher | Hesekiah | 022201 | 1101001 | |
Fleenor | Abraham N. | 0010101 | 0202001 | |
Fleenor | Isaac | 0011101 | 00100001 | |
Fleenor | Joel | 000001 | 00001 | |
Fleenor | Michael | 11001 | 111001 | |
Fleenor | Thompson | 100020 | 111001 | |
Fletcher | John C. | 101133141 | 11117 | |
Foss | Joseph | 110001 | 00001 | |
Fouts | Andrew | 010011 | 100001 | |
Fouts | Benjamin | 00001 | 30001 | |
Frasier | Jesse | 0100001 | 0010001 | |
Frilick | Francis | 210001 | 120001 | |
Fritz | John | 100011 | 10001 | |
Frodney | Adam | 000032 | 000001 | |
Fronk | Peter | 00001101 | 00110001 | |
Frost | John B. | 00001 | 10001 | |
Fullenwider | Samuel | 010001 | 200101 | |
Funk | J. Adam | 100211 | 11011001 | |
Funk | J. P. | 00003 | 0001 | |
Gaer | Ransom | 000020001 | 00111001 | |
Gallaher | George | 100001 | 121111000 | |
Gannaway | John | 10001 | 0001 | |
Garret | Isaac | 1200001 | 21001 | |
Garrison | Laban | 01111 | 11001 | |
Garrison | Pelina | 00001 | 0001 | |
Garsie | Henrey | 1120001 | 1000001 | |
Gatewood | Philip | 00000001 | | |
Gaylor | Rueben | 000010 | 101010 | |
Gearhart | George | 210001 | 0001 | |
Gearhart | Peter | 00000000001 | | |
Gearhart | Stephen | 210221 | 112001 | |
Gester | George | 10011 | 1001001 | |
Gester | James | 000011 | 10001 | |
Gilliland | Thomas | 0000101 | 1222001 | |
Gilmer | James | 0022101 | 0110001 | |
Gilmore | Gilleon B. | 10001 | 10001 | |
Gilsner | James | 0022101 | 0110001 | |
Glade | Helen | 00102 | 0001001 | |
Goble | Elias | 1100001 | 021001 | |
Gooden | Edward | 10001 | 0001 | |
Gordon | Alexander W. | 00003 | 00011 | |
Gore | William | 00002 | 10001 | |
Goudey | Gilbert | 1000001 | 020001 | |
Graham | James | 310001 | 110101 | |
Greenman | William | 00001 | 1001 | |
Greenwood | William | 100001 | 10101 | |
Greer | Henry | 2011101 | 111101 | |
Greesman | A. | 001001 | 100001 | |
Gregg | Azariah | 10111 | 1002 | |
Gregg | Benjamin S. | 200011 | 11001 | |
Gregg | John M. | 10111 | 00001 | |
Griffey | William | 20000101 | 152101 | |
Griffith | Belitha | 1010101 | 10011 | |
Grimes | Dolphin | 10001 | 00001 | |
Grimes | Matthias | 1110101 | 0111001 | |
Grines | Jonas | 011101 | 000001 | |
Groosbeck | John | 000002 | 1100001 | |
Grotz | Peter | 101001 | 000001 | |
Grubb | John | 00000001 | 00010001 | |
Gulick | Francis | 210001 | 120001 | |
Hackleman | Abner | 011031 | 021101 | |
Hagar | Levi | 010031 | 10002 | |
Hagey | Andrew | 1012001 | 0011001 | |
Haight | Aaron | 010001 | 120001 | |
Haight | Cornilius | 00001001 | 00110001 | |
Haight | Moses | 000001 | 20001 | |
Hale | Gardner | 0220001 | 21001 | |
Hale | Richard | 01111001 | 0102001 | |
Hall | Gillson | 002001001 | 00002001 | |
Hall | Jeremiah | 100001 | 10000011 | |
Hall | Oliver | 00001 | 10011 | |
Halleary | James | 20021 | 00001 | |
Hammer | Dr. T. B. | 0001122 | 00024 | |
Hammer | John | 1000001 | 011001 | |
Hanes | Jeremiah | 00001 | 10001 | |
Hanes | Zechariah | 100011 | 2 | |
Hanis | Cooper | 110001 | 1100001 | |
Hanis | Hosea | 200001 | 020001 | |
Hanks | Andrew J. | 00001 | 20001 | |
Hanna | Crawford | 00001 | 00001 | |
Hanna | Eleanor | 0111 | 0010001 | |
Harlin | Joseph | 1111001 | 001101 | |
Harris | Cooper | 110001 | 1100001 | |
Harris | Michael C. | 000001 | 10001 | |
Hart | Henry | 0010001 | 000001 | |
Harty | Abraham | 110001 | 001001 | |
Harty | Daniel | 10011001 | 00010001 | |
Harty | Jacob | 00001 | 2001 | |
Hasbrouk | Whelin Dru | 3200013 | | |
Hasty | Abraham | 110001 | 001001 | |
Hatcher | James | 00200001 | 00011 | |
Hawkins | Joseph C. | 00000011 | 000000001 | |
Hayden | David N. | 00001 | 22001 | |
Haydon | Stephen | 000020001 | 00010001 | |
Healy | Samuel | 000000 | 000000 | |
Hedges | Joash | 120001 | 00001 | |
Hedges | Joshua | 00001001 | 00100001 | |
Hedges | Joshua Jr. | 00001 | 00001 | |
Hedges | William | 211001 | 00002001 | |
Hedrick | Henry | 21001 | 1001 | |
Helcher | Henry | 00003 | 10001 | |
Helleary | James | 20021 | 00001 | |
Hemphill | James | 101001 | 01001 | |
Hendershott | David | 01211001 | 0100101 | |
Henderson | John | 121001 | 0000001 | |
Henderstron | David | 01211001 | 0100101 | |
Hendrick | James | 2001001 | 021001 | |
Hendricks | Jacob | 11001 | 10001001 | |
Hendrix | Isaac S. | 10001 | 10001 | |
Hepner | George | 10001 | 1001 | |
Hepner | Washington | 00001 | 2011 | |
Herd | Forest W. | 010001 | 31101 | |
Herr | Lewis | 000001 | 00001 | |
Herral | Coleman | 2111001 | 011101 | |
Hester | Stephen | 010001 | 11011 | |
Hibard | Olfred | 000001 | 000001 | |
Hight | George W. | 02023001 | 0112101 | |
Higley | Ezra C. | 00001 | 20001 | |
Hile | Eben | 0122001 | 00100001 | |
Hill | Charles | 122001 | 0201 | |
Hilliary | Alexander | 000022 | 20001 | |
Hilliary | Charlotte | 0011 | 00010001 | |
Hinson | Joab | 100001 | 11001 | |
Hitch | Isaac | 00001 | 00001 | |
Hitchcock | John | 00001 | 00001 | |
Hitchock | John C. | 0101001 | 0121201 | |
Hobert | E. | 00001 | 00012 | |
Hoffman | Phillip | 0001100001 | 00010001 | |
Hogen | Jacob | 00001 | 0001 | |
Hoggen | John | 00012101 | 00111101 | |
Holland | John W. | 00001 | 00001 | |
Holland | Joshua | 1101001 | 011001 | |
Holland | Laban | 110001 | 10002 | |
Hollinsworth | J. B. | 00001 | 00001 | |
Holmig | Adolphies | 10001000001 | 2111001 | |
Hopping | Buckley C. | 200011 | 011001 | |
Hosea | Kendal | 0000111 | 10001 | |
Houston | Col. Willis Fr | | | |
Houston | Samuel | 10001 | 10001 | |
Howard | Ignatius | 0211201 | 111101 | |
Huffman | Peter | 110001 | 11101 | |
Hughes | Carleton | 210001 | 000001 | |
Hull | Peter | 010001 | 20001 | |
Hull | Silas | 10011 | 00001 | |
Hummell | Jacob | 00001 | 00001 | |
Humphreys | Henry | 010001 | 11001 | |
Humphreys | Thomas | 100001 | 120001 | |
Humphry | Haman M. | 10001 | 00001 | |
Hunt | Jesse | 000011 | 121001 | |
Hunt | John | 000100001 | 01100001 | |
Hunt | Samuel | 10002 | 0001 | |
Hunter | William | 100010001 | 20011001 | |
Huntington | O. L. | 00001 | 010001 | |
Inghram | Arthur | 000100001 | 00110001 | |
Inghram | John | 000002 | 00001 | |
Inghram | Thomas | 10001 | 0001 | |
Jackson | Samuel C. | 000021 | 10010 | |
Jackson | Enoch | 21001 | 020001 | |
Jackson | George | 000001 | 00001 | |
Jackson | John | 02001 | 30001 | |
Jackson | Nehemiah | 110001 | 121001 | |
Jagger | Luther | 10110001 | 0010001 | |
Jagger | Samuel B. | 0011001 | 0011001 | |
James | Edwin | 0010001 | 000001 | |
James | Philip | 121001 | 100001 | |
Jarvis | George | 210001 | 120001 | |
Johnson | Benjamin | 00013 | 00001 | |
Johnson | Hezekiah | 1100001 | 101001 | |
Johnson | Jesse J. | 10011 | 0001 | |
Johnson | Joel | 2110001001 | 011001 | |
Johnson | Joseph S. | 0000001 | | |
Johnson | William F. | 101011 | 10001 | |
Jones | Henry | 0000101 | 0010011 | |
Jones | John | 000001 | 10001 | |
Jones | Lucinda | 00102 | 0011001 | |
Jones | Thomas | 00011 | 2001 | |
Jones | William | 01001 | 210001 | |
Jordan | Moses | 110021 | 12111 | |
Judd | James | 1401001 | 201001 | |
Keaner | Hosea | 200001 | 020001 | |
Kearny | James | 00001 | 10001 | |
Keeler | William S. | 00004 | 010011 | |
Kellit | Charles | 00000011 | | |
Kelly | George W. | 00001 | 10011 | |
Kesler | Frederic | 00001 | 010001 | |
Kimball | David | 000001 | 20302 | |
King | Jeremiah | 00001 | 1001 | |
King | Katherine | 00003 | 00000001 | |
King | Robert C. | 013001 | 121101 | |
Kirton | Stephen | 010001 | 11011 | |
Kitchen | Thomas | 1100111 | 10011 | |
Kite | Eben | 0122001 | 00100001 | |
Knapp | Seymour | 200001 | 101002 | |
Knight | Caleb | 01104001 | 01001 | |
Krum | Jacob | 100001 | 20001 | |
Kurts | James | 000001 | 100001 | |
Lackett | Elizabeth | 0112 | 00200001 | |
Ladd | Christopher | 00000001 | 00001 | |
Ladd | William H. | 00111 | 0001 | |
Lambard | Samuel | 1200001 | 100001 | |
Lamme | William Jr. | 00001 | 1001 | |
Lamme | William Sr. | 00100001 | 00000001 | |
Lamson | Jeremiah | 10001 | 00001 | |
Land | Richard | 000121 | 0111001 | |
Larkin | Elias M. | 20001 | 00001 | |
Larkin | Levi T. | 001011 | 010000101 | |
Laton | Andrew | 1212001 | 01212001 | |
Laton | Beard | 10001 | 00001 | |
Laton | Richard | 10001 | 00001 | |
Latty | Matthew W. | 2100011 | 001001 | |
Lauderdale | Robert | 010001 | 2101 | |
Laughlin | Lewis | 11001 | 10001 | |
Lawrence | James M. | 00002 | 10001 | |
Lawson | Jeremiah | 10001 | 00001 | |
Leasure | George | 00001 | 10001 | |
Lee | Coonrod | 2000010001 | 010000100 | |
Lee | Robert | 200001 | 011001 | |
Lee | William | 100001 | 20001 | |
Leebrick | Samuel | 10101 | 10001 | |
Leffler | Absolum | 0221001 | 201011 | |
Leffler | Isaac | 201020001 | 111111 | |
Leffler | William | 110102 | 112001 | |
Leibrick | George | 00012 | 100101 | |
Leonard | Andrew | 00001 | 00001 | |
Leonard | Bradford | 00011 | 00001 | |
Lester | William | 2111001 | 001000 | |
Leusure | John | 000000001 | 00000001 | |
Lewin | Samuel | 100001 | 0201 | |
Lewis | Daniel | 010001 | 01011 | |
Lichtenstein | Henry L | 0000001 | 10001 | |
Lightfoot | George W. | 11101 | 20011 | |
Linder | George | 100001 | 210001 | |
Linder | John | 110001 | 10001 | |
Lines | Aaron R. | 210001 | 001001 | |
Lines | John R. | 2132001 | 110101 | |
Ling | Bolen | 001301 | 0011001 | |
Lingo | James | 1120001 | 001101 | |
Lockwood | L. J. | 1361000001 | 001 | |
Logan | William | 000001 | 10001 | |
Long | Daniel | 01001001 | 01111 | |
Loper | Daniel | 0012101 | 22210001 | |
Lorton | James | 110001 | 10001 | |
Lorton | Jon Sr. | 12002101 | 0022001 | |
Loton | Beard | 10001 | 00001 | |
Loton | Richard | 10001 | 00001 | |
Loughary | John | 1220001 | 0001101 | |
Love | David | 2200001 | 01111 | |
Lowe | Enos | 001011 | 00011 | |
Lowrey | J. W. | 0000101 | 00001 | |
Lowry | D. H. | 00001 | 000100 | |
Luckey | William | 210001 | 010001 | |
Ludt | Margaret | 00102 | 0000001 | |
Lurd | William | 000001 | 000001 | |
Magel | Seybert | 00001 | 00001 | |
Maines | George | 00000001 | 00000001 | |
Maines | Robert | 000011 | 101001 | |
Manley | William | 0000011 | 11001 | |
Manly | Elijah | 00001 | 00001 | |
Marsh | Samuel | 01001 | 210001 | |
Marshall | Benjamin M. | 00002 | 30001 | |
Marshall | Oliver | 200001 | 11001 | |
Marshall | William | 020001 | 200001 | |
Maser | Valentine | 010001 | 0200001 | |
Maskill | Phillip | 101001 | 100101 | |
Mason | Charles | 000001 | 000002 | |
Mason | Reuben E. | 101001 | 200001 | |
Masters | Nathan | 000001 | 0000 | |
Masters | Nathan R. | 00001 | 00000 | |
Matthews | Hepsah | 0000 | 00001001 | |
Matthews | James | 10001 | 10010 | |
Matthews | Jose | 10001 | 12001 | |
Matthews | William | 122001 | 11000101 | |
Maxfield | Clement | 001002 | 01101 | |
Maxwell | Ludlow | 110001 | 10001 | |
McAlister | Randal | 0000101 | 10001 | |
McCark | William D. | 00001 | 10011 | |
McCaslin | Andrew | 00011001 | 100102 | |
McCauley | Gordon | 10001 | 00011 | |
McCellin | Owen | 200011 | 00101 | |
McClure | John | 0002211 | 001000001 | |
McClure | John R. | 10001 | 00001 | |
McClure | William | 10001 | 2001 | |
McCombe | Thomas | 021111 | 0010001 | |
McCullough | Isaac | 000001 | 1001 | |
McDonald | Hugh | 010000001 | 2010011 | |
McDonald | John | 1111001 | 011001 | |
McDonald | Lucinda | 00112 | 021001 | |
McGaha | Asa | 00001 | 20001 | |
McGowen | John | 2100001 | 101101 | |
McGuffin | James | 100101 | 112001 | |
McGuire | Francis | 10003 | 00001 | |
McIntire | Robert | 10102001 | 0201301 | |
McIntire | William | 00001 | 20001 | |
McKell | James | 0010101 | 10101 | |
McKenny | John H. | 00022 | 10001 | |
McKinney | James | 2202001 | 0011101 | |
McKinney | William | 211002 | 020001 | |
McKinny | John | 00030001 | 000010001 | |
McKnight | David G. | 2000001 | 100001 | |
McKray | Thomas | 00012 | 20011 | |
McMahan | Danil | 000001 | 01001 | |
McMaken | John | 0100101 | 2110001 | |
McMaken | John L. | 00001 | 10001 | |
McMichael | A. | 222001 | 020001 | |
Meldrom | John | 200001 | 10001 | |
Merrill | Charles | 10001 | 20001 | |
Messenger | E. O. | 0110001 | 0002101 | |
Messinger | Hiram | 011110001 | 00100001 | |
Michael | Daniel | 00001 | 00000 | |
Miller | A. H. | 1100111 | 0100011 | |
Miller | Abraham | 20001 | 00001 | |
Miller | Charles H. | 10014 | 21002 | |
Miller | John | 00011001 | 00010001 | |
Miller | John S. | 100001 | 10001 | |
Miller | William | 0211101 | 1111001 | |
Miller | William M. | 200001 | 10001 | |
Miller | William Jr. | 100201 | 0001 | |
Miner | Madison | 010001 | 01001 | |
Mise | Milton | 20001 | 00001 | |
Moarer | Prosper | 100001 | 000001 | |
Moffet | Levi | 0120101 | 1111 | |
Monaha | Patrick | 1000001 | 0000001 | |
Mongle | Magdalem | 00100 | 0000001 | |
Moon | Francis | 00111001 | 2002001 | |
Moon | William | 000001 | 000000001 | |
Moore | Francis | 00111001 | 2002001 | |
Moore | Henrey | 00001 | 0002 | |
Moore | John | 000012 | 00001 | |
Moore | Jonathan | 20001 | 00001 | |
Moore | Robert | 10001 | 0000101 | |
Moore | William | 000001 | 000000001 | |
Morebz | Christopher | 1200001 | 101001 | |
Moretz | Christopher | 1200001 | 101001 | |
Morgan | Alexander | 1100001 | 121111 | |
Morgan | George | 212001 | 00001 | |
Morgan | James | 1211001 | 001101 | |
Morgan | John | 00001 | 10010 | |
Morgan | John L. | 1001001 | 020001 | |
Morgan | John M. | 000001 | 00000 | |
Morgan | Jonathan | 0100001 | 0111001 | |
Morgan | Joseph | 10001 | 00001 | |
Morgan | Lewis | 00001 | 0001 | |
Morgan | Marshall | 200001 | 11001 | |
Morgan | Richard | 1020001 | 10020 | |
Morgan | William | 00111001 | 0001001 | |
Morgan | William Jr. | 00001 | 00001 | |
Morningstern | George | 000001 | | |
Morris | James | 10100001 | 0100001 | |
Morris | James M. | 0030101 | 0010001 | |
Morrison | William C. | 10011 | 01001 | |
Mott | Jacob | 10001 | 10001 | |
Mower | John | 21004 | 00001 | |
Moyer | Jacob | 1210001 | 010001 | |
Murphy | Edward | 000001 | 00001 | |
Murphy | John N. | 0120001 | 0000001 | |
Murphy | Thomas | 00110001 | 0220001 | |
Murray | William | 010001 | 01001 | |
Musick | Jonathan | 01001 | 00001 | |
Myres | Michael | 211001 | 1101001 | |
Nealy | James W. | 0101211 | 111022 | |
Nealy | Samuel | 0000 | 000000 | |
Neil | John | 3000001 | | |
Newland | John H. | 0010001 | 1101001 | |
Nicholas | Louis | 000001 | 000001 | |
O'Neal | William | 10222001 | 00001001 | |
Ogg | Elias B. | 21001 | 20001 | |
Ogle | James S. | 10011 | 10001 | |
Olds | Henry F. | 00001 | 00000 | |
Orr | Jefferson | 301001 | 022001 | |
Orton | Roger | 1111001 | 000101 | |
Osborn | Binajah | 10001 | 20011 | |
Pace | Matthew | 220101 | 003101 | |
Packer | Willim | 011001 | 21001 | |
Parker | Benjamin | 0020001 | 0002001 | |
Parker | William | 0200101 | 0011001 | |
Parkes | Richard | 012001 | 101001 | |
Parriot | Simion L. | 000001 | 10001 | |
Patterson | John W. | 20001 | 01001 | |
Patterson | R. W. | 000111 | 221001 | |
Patton | Robert | 1100001 | 010001 | |
Payne | Thornton | 101001 | 0130001 | |
Pcossill | Solomon | 00001 | 02010 | |
Peiner | George | 4700002 | | |
Peirson | John | 01013001 | 0101001 | |
Pelligo | Mary | 01012 | 0001001 | |
Pence | William | 120001 | 012001 | |
Perkins | Solomon | 103301 | 220011 | |
Pettigo | Mary | 01012 | 0001001 | |
Philips | John | 010001 | 1211 | |
Philpot | Jonathan | 221001 | 110001 | |
Pickup | Edward | 3000012 | | |
Pierson | John | 00131001 | 01010001 | |
Ping | Bolen | 001301 | 0011001 | |
Ping | Katherine | 00003 | 00000001 | |
Pitt | Philip | 000011 | 00011 | |
Pitt | Samuel | 200001 | 00001 | |
Pitts | Robert G. | 110001 | 10101 | |
Porlbock | Barnet D. | 0201011 | 211001 | |
Porter | Richard | 201011 | 210001 | |
Portlock | David L. | 120001 | 001001 | |
Potts | Anthony | 1000000001 | 00003 | |
Rallston | Joseph | 110001 | 11001 | |
Ramsey | David | 000010001 | 1001 | |
Ramsey | Michael W. | 200001 | 01001 | |
Ramsey | Priscilla | 00002 | 000220001 | |
Rand | Elbert D. | 10004 | 00101 | |
Rankin | David | 000230001 | 10002 | |
Ransom | S. S. | 110001 | 00101 | |
Ratliff | Thomas | 020001 | 20001 | |
Reas | Christian | 00001 | 30001 | |
Redding | Francis | 0020001 | 0101001 | |
Redding | James | 1020001 | 1111001 | |
Reeling | William | 000101 | 01101 | |
Rees | Edward | 000001 | 02001 | |
Remey | William B. | 00001 | 00011 | |
Rexrote | Jacob | 110001 | 01001 | |
Reybourn | Nancy | 1011 | 1121101 | |
Rice | David | 000021 | 00001 | |
Richards | Annanias | 1100101 | 111001 | |
Richardson | William | 110010001 | 20101 | |
Riddle | Ebenezer | 11101 | 00001 | |
Riester | J. M. | 00001 | 0001 | |
Riggs | Stephen | 11110001 | 2112101 | |
Rinearson | Jacob | 100001 | | |
Ripley | John | 1112101 | 0012201 | |
Ritchey | John | 110001 | 00101 | |
Ritner | Henry A. | 121011 | 110001 | |
Roberts | Edward S. | 1 | 20001 | |
Roberts | Ephriam | 000000001 | 000000001 | |
Roberts | Jeremiah | 10002 | 20001001 | |
Roberts | John | 2111001 | 000002 | |
Roberts | Jonathan | 032001 | 011001 | |
Roberts | Reuben | 001220001 | 01001001 | |
Roberts | Reuben P. | 001030 | 10001 | |
Roberts | William | 110001 | 12001 | |
Robertson | Israel | 00020001001 | 1102001 | |
Robertson | J. M. | 0110011 | 000101 | |
Robertson | Stephen | 000021001 | 1002001 | |
Robinson | Alexander | 1100101 | 112001 | |
Robinson | Henry | 000021001 | 000001001 | |
Robinson | Richard | 00000111 | 00021 | |
Roderic | Simeon | 1101001 | 011201 | |
Ronny | Timothy | 00001 | 0001 | |
Rorer | David | 011001 | 02001 | |
Ross | James R. | 120001 | 10001001 | |
Ross | William R. | 100011 | 10001 | |
Rullston | Jeremiah | 1111001 | 00101 | |
Russell | David | 000011 | 20101 | |
Ryan | David | 100001 | 201001 | |
Ryles | Joseph | 000021 | 00101 | |
Sackett | Elizabeth | 0112 | 00200001 | |
Salliday | James |
2212001 | 0101001 |
Samuel | Silas | 021001 | 001301 | |
Sappenfield | Jacob | 0000000001 | 0101 | |
Sappenfield | John | 600001 | | |
Sappinfield | Katharine | 11001 | | |
Sappinfield | Nancy | 01 | 010001 | |
Sargent | William H. | 0100001 | 120011 | |
Sater | Joseph H. | 001000001 | 0000001 | |
Schooler | Henry H. | 1020001 | 1221101 | |
Schwather | Frederic G. | 000001 | 31001 | |
Scott | David | 01122001 | 0101001 | |
Scott | Levi | 0011001 | 1010101 | |
Seamans | Benjamin B. | 2100001 | 000001 | |
See | Michael | 00001 | 10001 | |
Seelye | Justus A. | 000020001 | 000000001 | |
Seelye | William S. | 100010001 | 10001 | |
Sells | Abraham | 000000001 | 00100001 | |
Sells | Elijah | 000001 | 0001 | |
Sells | John | 01001 | 11001 | |
Seward | Daniel | 000001 | 11001 | |
Sexson | Enoch | 10101 | 10001 | |
Sexson | Jacob | 00010001 | 00000001 | |
Seymour | Henry | 1100101 | 100011 | |
Shafer | Martin | 100001001 | 00001 | |
Shaver | William | 0110101 | 1020001 | |
Shelden | Ruth | | 000000001 | |
Sheres | Solomon | 111001 | 211001 | |
Sherfy | Solomon | 030032 | 00101 | |
Short | Benjamin | 01110001 | 0112001 | |
Shuck | Andrew | 00001 | 10001 | |
Shuck | Jacob | 00012 | 01100001 | |
Shuck | Josiah | 0001 | 0001 | |
Shuck | Michael | 000001 | 001001 | |
Shuck | Peter | 10001 | 0001 | |
Shuck | William | 000001 | 30001 | |
Shul | Nicholas | 100001 | 10001 | |
Shupe | Daniel M. | 01000001 | 02 | |
Sicurd | Francis Sr. | 01021001 | 0112 | |
Simmons | Adam | 0110001 | 211111 | |
Simpson | John | 220001 | 01001 | |
Sims | Aaron R. | 210001 | 001001 | |
Sing | Bolen | 001301 | 0011001 | |
Sleeth | J. C. | 00210001 | 1312101 | |
Sleeth | O. P. | 10001 | 0001 | |
Smith | Abraham | 201001 | 020011 | |
Smith | Anthony | 00001 | 00001 | |
Smith | Baltra | 00001 | 20001 | |
Smith | George | 001010 | 10020 | |
Smith | James Preston | 10001 | 00001 | |
Smith | Jeremiah | 112101001 | 02011 | |
Smith | Joseph | 20011 | 00001 | |
Smith | Josiah T. | 10001 | 10110 | |
Smith | Moses | 00001 | 1001 | |
Smith | Peter | 1132011 | 1001101 | |
Smith | Samuel | 2000111 | 00002 | |
Smith | Tillman | 11001 | 11002 | |
Smith | William | 011001 | 110001 | |
Snelson | Charles H. | 321001 | 210011 | |
Snelson | John W. | 11001 | 220001 | |
Snow | James | 00001 | 000000001 | |
Sowers | Mary | 00101 | 1111001 | |
Spalva | George | 00002 | 00001 | |
Speilman | John | 020001 | 100001 | |
Springer | J. N. W. | 011032 | 010011 | |
Stafford | Tyre | 0112101 | 011101 | |
Stansbury | John | 11000101 | 21001 | |
Starr | William H. | 10001 | 10011 | |
Staub | Horatio | 020001 | 20001 | |
Steele | John | 20100101 | 020001 | |
Steele | N. C. | 011064 | 012202 | |
Stephinson | Frederic | 02001 | 20001 | |
Stepo | Katharine | 00111 | 022101 | |
Sterling | Josiah | 00011 | 0001 | |
Stevens | Samuel F. | 100201 | 00002001 | |
Stewart | Robert | 00012 | 00200001 | |
Stewart | Stephen | 13202 | 0101 | |
Stewart | William | 021001 | 0011 | |
Stimpson | Gilbert | 1112101 | 001001 | |
Stormer | Isaac | 10001 | 10001 | |
Stormer | John | 0000000001 | 000020001 | |
Stormer | John Jr. | 00001 | 00000 | |
Storts | Andrew | 0010101 | 00101 | |
Storts | George | 20001 | 110001 | |
Stout | Thomas | 20001 | 01001 | |
Strang | Daniel | 121011 | 010001 | |
Stufflebean | John | 1110001 | 01021 | |
Sunderland | William | 10011 | 00001 | |
Suttle | Henry | 0011001 | 012001 | |
Suttle | Josiah | 00002 | 000110001 | |
Swan | Henry | 211001 | 110001 | |
Swank | Joshua | 0220001 | 010001 | |
Swank | Wesley | 20001 | 00001 | |
Swinhart | Tewalt | 10001 | 11001 | |
Tallman | Deborah | 000022 | 0002001 | |
Tallman | George | 010001 | 00001 | |
Tallman | James | 001011 | 0001001 | |
Tally | William | 00001 | 1001 | |
Tavern | Dr. T. B. | 0001122 | 00024 | |
Tavern | James B. | 0000711 | 0111001 | |
Taylor | T. A. | 10001 | 01001 | |
Teion | John | 10001 | 100010001 | |
Temple | George | 112001 | 000001 | |
Terrel | Joel | 2000011 | | |
Tharp | Abraham | 0010001 | 20001 | |
Thomas | John | 210001 | 010001 | |
Thompson | Samuel C. | 000011 | 001010 | |
Thompson | Samuel M. | 000011 | 12001 | |
Tibbott | James | 0000201 | 00001 | |
Tieman | William | 0010001 | 0000001 | |
Tillett | James | 0000201 | 00001 | |
Todd | Jonah | 03112001 | 0010101 | |
Toun | John W. | 100101 | 001010100 | |
Tour | John W. | 100101 | 001010100 | |
Trent | Williamson | 000020001 | 000100001 | |
Tucker | Benjamin | 010011 | 20001 | |
Tucker | Gorge | 010001 | 100010002 | |
Tucker | Samuel | 200001 | 01001 | |
Tucker | William | 00001 | 10001 | |
Tull | Lewis | 01001 | 100001 | |
Tyson | John | 000001 | 00001 | |
Van Antwerp | V. B. | 000001 | 110101 | |
Van Dyke | Benjamin | 10001 | 10001 | |
Vance | H. M. | 01200001 | 0000001 | |
Vandyke | John F. | 20001 | 10001 | |
Vanloon | John | 0102001 | 0020001 | |
Vannin | Cornilius | 000001 | 11001 | |
Varney | Cornilius | 000001 | 11001 | |
Veach | Purnell | 100001 | 20001 | |
Vincent | James S. | 100011 | 01001 | |
Waddle | James | 00001 | 00001 | |
Waddle | John | 00101001 | 000121000 | |
Waddle | William | 00001 | 01001 | |
Wade | Enoch | 000001 | 11101 | |
Wade | William | 110200001 | 0010001 | |
Wait | Richard | 110001 | 10001 | |
Walker | Eli | 111001 | 11011 | |
Walker | Henry | 1111001 | 2011001 | |
Walker | Horatio | 00111001 | 01010001 | |
Walker | James | 00001 | 00001 | |
Walker | Jesse | 00004 | 00001 | |
Walker | John | 202001 | 111001 | |
Wallbridge | William | 10001 | 00002 | |
Waller | James W. | 0000001 | | |
Wallers | Lewis | 111001 | 020001 | |
Walters | Lewis | 111001 | 020001 | |
Walters | William | 11100001 | 01010001 | |
Walton | Jason | 200001 | 000001 | |
Walverton | John | 01210001 | 01010 | |
Washburn | Isaac | 00011 | 0002 | |
Washburn | James | 000021 | 10011 | |
Webb | Isham | 0000001 | 00001 | |
Webber | Jesse B. | 000101 | 00011 | |
Wells | Daniel | 001001 | 010001 | |
Wells | James | 1000101 | 01001 | |
Welsh | Henrey | 010001 | 110001 | |
Wendel | John | 000010001 | 00001 | |
Westfall | Alva | 010111 | 110001 | |
Westfall | James | 210001 | 100001 | |
Westfall | Jemima | 011 | 011101 | |
Westfall | John | 01001 | 00001 | |
Westfall | Lorenso D. | 00001 | 00001 | |
Westfall | Nathan | 10001 | 00101 | |
Westfall | Reubin | 001212 | 1001001 | |
Wheelock | Sophia | 0003 | 01101001 | |
White | Abeather | 0011001 | 0020001 | |
White | Jeremiah F. | 000001 | 11001 | |
Wicard | Francis Jr. | 00101 | 1101 | |
Wight | George W. | 02023001 | 0112101 | |
Wilcurd | Francis Sr. | 01021001 | 0112 | |
Wiley | James B. | 0000711 | 0111001 | |
Wilhelm | Jacob | 100001 | 10001 | |
Willhite | G. W. | 101001 | 132001 | |
Williams | Alexander | 0000001 | 10101 | |
Williams | Daniel | 1010001 | 0200001 | |
Williams | Isaac | 10001 | 00001 | |
Williams | John | 20001 | 020001 | |
Williams | Joseph | 2100001 | 001001 | |
Wills | James | 20001 | 0001 | |
Winters | Jacob | 331110001 | 1111201 | |
Winterstein | Nicholas | 1010001 | 030001001 | |
Winterstein | William | 00001 | 0001 | |
Wise | Milton | 20001 | 00001 | |
Wiseman | Hinson | 10001 | 0001 | |
Wolf | Jacob | 0110001 | 2210001 | |
Wood | Elijah | 00001 | 00001 | |
Wood | James W. | 100001 | 000001 | |
Wood | John | 00001001 | 00002 | |
Woodmanser | James | 0120001 | 110001 | |
Woods | Adelphia | 00001 | 01100001 | |
Woodsilles | Polly | 00111 | 0020001 | |
Worrell | Tobias | 000001 | 001101 | |
Wort | Casper B. | 10001 | 11001 | |
Wort | J. C. | 00001 | 20001 | |
Wort | John | 00010001 | 0012001 | |
Wosson | John | 10012 | 10001 | |
Wosson | Joseph | 1001210 | 100010001 | |
Wosson | Robert | 10133000 | 000110001 | |
Wren | Charles L. | 010011 | 200001 | |
Wright | Alexander | 22200011 | 000001001 | |
Wright | Edward | 000001 | 00001 | |
Wright | John | 00001 | 00001 | |
Wright | John D. | 100001 | 11001 | |
Wright | Nancy Q. | 01111 | 0100001 | |
Wright | William | 02211001 | 0001101 | |
Wyat | Thomas | 010011 | 010001 | |
Young | James | 001001 | 230001 | |
Young | William | 000001 | | |
Zion | J. C. | 11200001 | 122001 | |
Zion | John | 10001 | 00001001 | |
Zion | McCormack | 0100101 | 0000101 | |