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 Delaware County, Iowa  



The Manchester Press

July 16, 1896



Re-printed here with permission by Iowa Old Press

The Manchester Press
Manchester, Delaware Co., Iowa
Thursday, 16 July 1896

- See the notice on another page, headed "Money to Loan."
- See advertisement for rooms to rent over Beacom's agriculture implement warehouse.
- Miss Fannie King, of Waterloo, is in the city, a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. H. Odell.
- Mr. John Young and a son of the Rev. Platts, of Earlville, were callers at The Press yesterday.
- Rev. C. W. Ericson, of Delaware, has gone to Milwaukee, to attend the R. P. U. convention in that city.
- The Woman's Home Missionary Society will meet with Mrs. P. C. Yoray, next Wednesday, at 3:30 p.m.
- L. R. Stout has a new advertisement in this issue, which treats of summer suits for men. We direct your attention to it.
- The Rev. E. P. Bartlett will preach at the Baptist church at Delaware tomorrow (Friday) evening. Go and hear a good sermon.
- We had a splendid rain, Tuesday night, which came at the right time, it has been delightfully cool since the rain - a welcome change.
- A healthy boy baby, weighing nine and one-half pounds, made its appearance at the home of Rev. C. F Lust Tuesday night. Congratulations.
- Miss Frost, formerly in the employ of Henry Goodhile, but now at West Bend, this state, returned to that place yesterday, after a short visit with friends here.
- Miss Edith A. Dunham, deputy recorder, left for Madison, Wisconsin, this morning, where she will be the guest for several weeks of her uncle, Gen Ed. H. Bryant.
- The ladies of the Universalist church will serve supper in the church parlor
Tuesday evening, July 21st, from half past five until all are served. Everybody invited.
- Major Morisey, yesterday morning picked up a pocket book on Franklin street, containing a small sum of money. He left it at the office of The Press for the owner.
- We are indebted to Secretary Peter Broadway, of the Agriculture Society for a copy of the Iowa Agriculture Report for 1895 and for a copy of the new premium list, just out.
- We are requested by County Superintendent L. T. Eaton to say that parties who desire to secure boarders during the Normal Institute should leave their names with him at once.
- Miss Minnie Miller, of Laramie, Wyoming, a daughter of Andrew Miller, former resident of Manchester, is visiting relatives at Sand Creek. ...
- Mrs. C. E. Smith was shopping in Cedar Rapids yesterday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ward Kirk, of Hopkinton are Manchester visitors today.
- Mr. Christopher Brewer of Ryan, was here Monday. He has bought the R. M. Merriam property, in Ryan, and is going to live in town and rent his farm.
- Miss Grace Johnston, of Storm Lake, who has been visiting at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Allen, for several weeks, left for home this morning.

Y. M. C. A. Notes
- Last Sunday's meeting for men ranked right up with the best of them. Lots of spiritual energy and life made it a remarkable service.

- Lewis Seward, who has been dangerously ill, is slowly recovering.
- Amos Perry has a sister from Story county visiting him.
- Children's Day program passed off nicely last Sunday, and the antiphonal service in the evening was also much enjoyed. The choir from the Baptist church in Strawberry Point, was present and assisted in the meeting.
- Ash Hollenbeck, is in very poor health. His son, Granville, of Oklahoma, is visiting the old home.
- John Indersoll, of Fayette, spent a part of last week on his farm east of town.
- Rev. Wm. Madison, of Denver, will preach in the M. E. church Sunday morning.
- Jennie Robison has returned home...

- MEN'S FROCK SUITS. Made up in blue and black, all-wool cheviot serges and clay diagonals, brown and steel gray fancy worsted, cheviot and cassimere in all sizes, $5, $7.50, $10 and $12.50

[transcribed by team C.D & S.W., August 2005]