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Lake Delhi Dam Fails

The Lake Delhi dam is 81 years old.  The dam was completed in 1929 by the Interstate Power Co., according to Gazette archives. The dam generated power until 1973. In 1974, Interstate Power sold the dam to the Lake Delhi Recreation Association, a group of residents seeking to preserve recreational opportunities at the lake. The association still owns the dam.

Multiple efforts had been under way to again generate power from the dam, with the latest effort starting in 2008. Lake Delhi is roughly a 450 acre lake, according to the United States Geologic Survey.


Downstream residents dodge bullet after Lake Delhi dam fails

The Lake Delhi dam failed Saturday as rising floodwater from the Maquoketa River ate a 30-foot-wide hole in the earthen dam, causing water to drop 45 feet to the river below and threatening – at least for a while – a few towns downstream....  Click on the above link for many photos and a video

Dam failure threatens Iowa town

Aerial photos of the flood caused by the dam failure at Dyersville, Hartwick and Manchester as taken by Leon Goerdt

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Dam failure could spell the end of Iowa's Lake Delhi
By Jennifer Jacobs and Tony Leys
The Des Moines Register
Published: Sunday, July 25, 2010 1:58 p.m. MDT


Delhi, Iowa — Lake Delhi, which has provided a summer retreat for generations of northeast Iowans, could be history.

The lake was created in the 1920s, when a hydroelectric dam was built on the Maquoketa River. The dam was breached Saturday after extraordinary rains pushed the lake level to unprecedented heights. Most of the lake water is now headed downstream.

About 900 cottages and homes line the lake, and owners fear their property values will drain away. "We just don't know," said Maggie Burger, a cabin owner and executive director of the Lake Delhi Recreation Association, which owns the dam. "We're kind of in a place today where we're not going to have lake water for a while because there's nothing to hold back the water."
The home values range from about $50,000 to $500,000. The properties are now sitting dry docked.

A state expert said the dam had a typical design, and although it was 88 years old, it was well maintained and operated.
"There was just more water than it was designed for," said Jon Garton, a dam safety engineer for the Department of Natural Resources.

If it is rebuilt, the dam would have to meet modern design requirements, Garton said. That could prove costly. "We would hold them to a higher standard so this couldn't happen again," he said of the failure. The decision on whether to rebuild would be up to the homeowners association.

The dam was built in 1922, and it originally had turbines to generate electricity, Garton said. The turbines were removed around the 1960s, he said. Ever since then, the dam served solely as a way to maintain Lake Delhi for recreational purposes, he said. It was not meant to serve any flood-control function, as some Iowa reservoirs are.
The dam's center is made of concrete, and it appeared to hold up, Garton said. The sides are earthen, and the south side failed after water poured over it.

Garton said Iowa has dozens of similar "low-head" dams, though most are smaller than the one at Lake Delhi. He said most are about 10 feet tall. The one at Lake Delhi was about 50 feet tall.

The natural resources department inspects dams every five years. The Lake Delhi dam was last checked in 2009. The inspector found minor damage left over from 2008 floodwaters, but nothing that could have led to the dam's failure, he said.
The dam didn't have an emergency spillway to keep water from going over the top, he said. It had three gates to regulate outflows. He believes they all were wide open, but they couldn't let water out fast enough to keep water from pouring over the side of the dam.

The 900 property owners on the lake pay $4 extra per $1,000 valuation on their property taxes each year to cover the upkeep of the dam, recreational areas on the lake and an office building for the association.
But the special lake district, created with a vote of the property owners in 1989, has no savings account. Instead, it has debt on a $3.5 million dredging project from 2004-2005 that won't be paid off for 15 or 16 years. "We don't have a pool of money to pay that off or do anything else right now," Burger said.

The $4 special assessment brings in about $180,000 a year, and each year, that's what the budget has been, she said.
After the 2008 flooding, sediment again left some areas of the lake too shallow for boating. Residents were relieved and happy when FEMA recently approved a project to re-dredge the lake, Burger said.

But the damage from the breeched dam is far worse than the 2008 flooding, she said, and the FEMA project is probably on hold.
"We're hoping the state and federal government is willing to help again," Burger said. "You've got 900 residences out here that have value. This whole area is a big chunk of value — it's like a small town."

The area is alive Sunday morning with the spray of power washers, the hum of dehumidifiers and the sight of cranes brought in to carry away mangled steel shore stations where boats were tied up just a day or two ago.
On Saturday, water surged toward the home where Burger, her sister and her parents come nearly every weekend in warm weather to share meals and family time.

Water snaked onto the screened-in porch, but stopped there about 20 minutes after the dam collapsed. The cabin is located about six miles upriver from the dam.

Burger and her relatives and neighbors woke up Sunday with fresh attitudes, she said. "Yesterday, it was destruction. Yesterday, you watched your investment wash away," she said. "Today, it's clean-up mode."
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Fresno, California

The National Guard has been deployed in eastern Iowa after a dam failed, flooding nearby communities.

Officials say massive rain and floods caused water to go over the Lake Delhi dam, causing a breach. The National Weather Service reports a 30-foot wide gap at the dam.

Evacuation sirens sounded this afternoon for hundreds of residents who only had minutes to get out. But one homeowner said he's taking the disaster in stride. "We're going to sit back and watch it come. We can't do anything about it. You know, good Lord willing, everyone will be able to get out of the way, but there's going to be a lot of people -- a lot worse shape than we are."

Residents downstream from the dam worked feverishly to fill sandbags to protect their homes from flooding.

The dam is about 45-miles north of Cedar Rapids. Officials from department of natural resources last inspected the dam in May of 2009. At that time, only minor repairs were order.

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Delaware County Sheriff John LeClere said flood waters heading toward Hopkinton had largely dispersed in farm fields on the city's outskirts, according to CNN affiliate KCRG in Iowa.

"To my knowledge, there's been no injuries," LeClere said, according to KCRG. "Just an awful, awful mess."

Fred DeShaw, of Worthington, told KCRG that he was at Lake Dehli when he witnessed the earth collapse, opening up a swath about 125 feet wide and 30 feet deep . Then came a "roar" of gushing water.

“Anything and everything was going through,” DeShaw said, according to KCRG. Their were reports of large debris being carried through the floodwaters.

“I’ve seen fully grown trees washed downstream in less than a minute,” DNR Environmental Specialist Tom McCarthy told KCRG.

The cities of Hazelton and Manchester were asking residents to conserve water because of the impact of the flooding to the cities' water systems, according to CNN affiliate KWWL.

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Downstream residents dodge bullet after Lake Delhi dam fails

Gazette online

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Posted on Jul 25, 2010 by Orlan Love.

see updated photos

The Lake Delhi dam failed Saturday as rising floodwater from the Maquoketa River ate a 30-foot-wide hole in the earthen dam, causing water to drop 45 feet to the river below and threatening – at least for a while – a few towns downstream.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” said DNR Environmental Specialist Tom McCarthy who was on the scene Saturday.

Aerial view of the Lake Delhi Recreation Association Dam after it had been  compromised. (Mark Benischek) Fred DeShaw, 52, of Worthington, said he was only about 150 feet away when the earth gave way at the dam in Delaware County. He estimated a swath about 125 feet wide and 30 feet deep opened up before his eyes as a “roar” of water went through.


See all the photos

“Anything and everything was going through,” DeShaw said.

As the river began to flow over the top of the dam, the man who knows the most about the structure discussed its demise not in terms of if it would be breached, but when.

“This is a warning, not a watch. I don’t like the look of it,” Dave Fink, dam operations supervisor for the Lake Delhi Recreation Association, said around 11 a.m. Saturday.

With water coursing across the south approach to the dam and half the roadway on the north side undermined by moving water, Fink said, “I think one of the approaches would be the one to go.”

At 12:49 p.m., when the first large chunk of roadway disintegrated before the horrified eyes of more than 100 onlookers on both sides of the river, Fink’s formerly pessimistic assessment suddenly seemed realistic.

With the lake level about 15 feet higher than the openings in the dam, water roared into the ever-widening breach, quickly cutting a gorge through which the impounded water cascaded 40 feet to the river below.

As more of the roadway gave way, utility poles toppled into the flood, and adrift boats and docks from the lake crashed into the opening. A liquid propane tank ignited just below the dam shooting flames high into the sky, adding to the disaster movie impression.

“I’ve seen fully grown trees washed downstream in less than a minute,” said McCarthy, the DNR specialist.

Though Fink and public safety officials feared a catastrophic release of water and pent-up energy, especially in the immediately downstream towns of Hopkinton and Monticello, the surge of floodwater spread out in downstream farm fields and lost most of its punch before arriving about three hours later in Hopkinton.

Delaware County Sheriff John LeClere said an Iowa State Patrol pilot watching the swollen Maquoketa River reported that the water spread into river bottoms along Pioneer Road.

“To my knowledge, there’ve been no injuries, which is the main thing,” LeClere said.

At 3:30 p.m., Hopkinton Fire Chief Craig Wilson estimated that the river had risen 18 inches in three hours. But many of the homes closest to the river were still not in danger, he said. A few miles north of town, firefighters reported to Wilson around 4 p.m. that the water was starting to recede.

Monticello officials warned residents of low-lying neighborhoods to expect a big rise in the river, but no mandatory evacuation orders were issued. With the surge dissipating over thousands of acres of farmland, worries eased, and Monticello Police Sgt. Britt Smith, the department’s acting chief, warned against “rumors you’re hearing about a tidal wave, a tsunami, or anything like that.”

“The local officials seem to be doing a great job getting people out of harm’s way,” said Gov. Chet Culver, at an improvised command post in Monticello.

Culver issued a disaster proclamation for Delaware and Jones counties that allows use of state resources to deal with damage caused by the recent flash flooding.

Culver, who also activated the Iowa National Guard, said assessment teams were in Monticello, Delhi, and points between Saturday afternoon.

The Maquoketa had been expected to crest in Manchester on Friday evening at 22.5 feet before another round of heavy rains fell on its watershed. It finally crested there at a record 24.53 feet about 12:30 p.m. Saturday, according to Jack Klaus, a spokesman for Delaware County Emergency Management.

More than a dozen downtown businesses sustained heavy damage as floodwaters filled them to depths of several feet.

The dam breach lowered Lake Delhi by as much as 10 feet in a few hours, bringing some relief to the scores of lake residents whose homes sustained first-floor flooding.

The Freddy’s Beach area, where homes sit not far above the lake level, was among the hardest hit.

“I never, ever expected anything like this,” said Dorothy Thomas, 85, who with her husband Fred founded the Freddy’s Beach resort area in the 1950s.

For the first time in her 60 years on the lake, floodwaters forced her from her home about 1:30 a.m. Saturday, she said.

Cedar Rapids resident Mike Reutzel, whose weekend cottage flooded for the first time in his 30 years on the lake, said the experience reminds him of the 2008 Cedar Rapids flood, which damaged his home and business.

“We had a lot of rain on top of a record crest,” he said.

The Lake Delhi dam was last fully inspected by the Department of Natural Resources in May of 2009 Although a few minor repairs were still needed following the flooding of 2008, no major structural problems were found on the dam, said Lori McDaniel, supervisor of the DNR’s flood plain and dam safety section.

Jim Willey, president of the Lake Delhi Recreation Association, said it will take a lot of time and effort, but the dam will be rebuilt.

Downstream, a record crest of nearly 35 feet — 11 above flood stage — is expected late this afternoon at Maquoketa. That’s enough to top the levee protecting the industrial section at the north end of town, according to the National Weather Service.



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