Surname |
Given name |
Occupation |
Residence |
Receives mail |
B |
Bacon |
Bertrand |
farmer |
sec. 2 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Bacon |
Charles |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Bacon |
I |
farmer |
sec. 32 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
Bacon |
J. |
renter |
sec. 21 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Bacon |
J. C. |
farm hand |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Bacon |
J. M. |
laborer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Baker |
John |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Barnes |
F. S. |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Barnes |
James |
farmer |
sec. 19 |
P. O. Uniontown |
Barrows |
L. S. |
farmer |
sec. 23 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
renter |
sec. 32 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
born in
Pennsylvania in 1855, and lived there until he was 16 years of
age; he then came to Delaware County and has made it his home
since then; was married in 1875 to Caddie Hogg, who was born
in this county; Democrat.
Aaron P. |
farmer |
sec. 22 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Curtis |
laborer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Perry C. |
laborer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Charles |
- |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Charles D. |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
John |
farmer |
sec. 9 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Burnight |
J. |
farmer |
sec. 31 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
Byam |
Oliver |
farmer |
sec. 30 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Byrom |
Benj. |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Uniontown |
C |
E. G. |
farmer |
sec. 22 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
O. C. |
farmer |
sec. 4 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
L. D. |
farmer |
sec. 33 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
was born in New Hampshire in
1813, and lived there until 18 years old ; removed to State of
Vermont, and remained there until he was 21 years old; then
moved to Hartford, Ct., then to Lowell, Mass., from there to
Illinois, and then to this State; has lived in Delaware Co.
thirty-five years; was married in 1840 to Phoebe Bullard, of
Mass., one child living: Orlando M.; one, Caroline, dead;
Republican; Baptist. |
Danford |
Joshua |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Danford |
Em. |
farmer |
sec. 8 |
P. O. Union |
renter |
sec. 29 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
was born in Illinois in 1852;
came to this county when about 2 years old, and has been here
since. Married Melvina Everhart, of
Pennsylvania, in 1874. Has one child: Grace. Republican.
H. |
farm hand |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
G. |
farmer |
sec. 31 |
P. O. Uniontown |
H. |
farmer |
sec. 29 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
S. |
farmer |
sec. 23 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Dufoe |
Oliver |
farmer |
sec. 21 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
E |
Wm/ |
farmer |
sec. 20 |
P. O. Uniontown |
G |
George |
voter |
- |
P. O. Uniontown |
Thos. S. |
farmer |
sec. 20 |
P. O. Uniontown |
David |
farmer |
sec. 19 |
P. O. Uniontown |
D. W |
farmer |
sec. 23 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
C. |
farmer |
sec. 17 |
P. O. Uniontown |
J. |
farmer |
sec. 19 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
J. |
renter |
sec. 29 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
H |
Haigh |
James |
- |
sec. 4 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
farmer |
sec. 2 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
was born in Ohio March 2, 1844;
lived there until he was 7 years of age, when he came to Jones
Co., Iowa; owns 120 acres of land, valued at $3,000. Married
Mary Lambert, of Ohio, in 1874; has one child, named James J.
Democrat. |
Hickman |
K. |
farmer |
sec. 30 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
farmer |
sec. 23 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Merchant and Postmaster; Grove Creek; was born in
this county in 1850. and has made this his home all his life.
The father of Mr. Hogg was engaged in the mercantile business
for a number of years, the son being in partnership as soon as
he was old enough; last September, the father died, and the
son has since carried on the business alone; has a stock
valued at $5,000; intends to start a creamery soon; has been
Postmaster five years. Married Emma Berlin, of Pennsylvania,
in 1871; two children: William W. and Ora E. Democrat. |
Hogan M.
M. |
farmer |
sec. 35 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Chas. R. |
clerk for his father |
- |
P. O. Grove Creek |
John M. |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Sidney |
- |
sec. 23 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Watson |
- |
sec. 9 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
J |
A. R. |
farmer |
sec. 22 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Jos. |
farmer |
- |
- |
K |
Lewis |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
R. |
- |
sec. 12 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Patrick |
- |
sec. 35 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
BENJ. Jr. |
farmer |
sec. 20 |
P. O. Delhi |
was born in Ohio in
1819, and lived there until 1854, when he came to this county;
owns 200 acres of land valued at $6,000. Married Sarah Danford.
of Ohio, in 1840; has had twelve children, eight of them now
living; Republican; Methodist.
Keith |
Clifford |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Keith |
Jno. |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Keith |
J. S. |
- |
sec. 33 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
farmer |
sec. 6 |
P. O. Delhi |
Farmer; Sec. 6; P. O. Delhi; was born in
Pennsylvania in 1834, and lived there until — years of age; he
then removed to Wisconsin and remained there until 1872. when
he went to Iowa; came to this county in 1875. Married Athalia
Keith, of Rockford, Ill., in 1802; has six children: Emma,
Sherman, Walter. Minnie, Harmon, Nellie. Republican.
farmer |
sec. 7 |
P. O. Delhi |
was born in Ohio in
1825, and lived there until 1851; then came to this county,
and has been here engaged in farming, since that time; he owns
160 acres of land, valued at $4,800. Was married in 1S72 to Cihney Webb,
of Pennsylvania; has four children: Francis M., Lewis H.,
Martin T. and Mary A. Republican. Methodist.
Keith |
Robt. |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Keith |
Wm. B. |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Kelly |
T. |
- |
sec. 10 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
King |
O. |
farmer |
sec. 17 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
L |
Wm. A. |
renter |
- |
P. O. Grove Creek |
J. |
farmer |
sec. 3 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Lyon |
J. |
farmer |
sec. 28 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
M |
E. S. |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Union |
N. W. |
farmer |
sec. 18 |
P. O. Uniontown |
S. |
farmer |
sec. 19 |
P. O. Uniontown |
A. |
farmer |
sec. 5 |
P. O. Delhi |
Christopher P. |
- |
- |
P. O. Uniontown |
C. |
farmer |
sec. 2o |
P. O. Union |
Michael |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Reuben |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
O |
J. C. |
- |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
P |
Place |
R. W. |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
farmer |
sec. 6 |
P. O. Delhi |
was born in New Jersey in 1848.
When about 6 years old, moved to Wisconsin, where he remained
12 years. From there he went to Iowa, Nebraska and Dakota,
remaining from three to six months in each place, and finally
settling in Iowa, and has been living in Delaware Co. since.
Married Patience Healy, of Iowa, Feb. 14,1876. One child:
Henry C. |
J. |
farmer |
sec. 20 |
P. O. Uniontown |
T. C. |
farmer |
sec. 32 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
W. B. |
farmer |
sec. 20 |
P. O. Union |
Andrew, Jr. |
farmer |
sec. 28 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
D. S. |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Purkey |
Levi |
farmer |
sec. 34 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
R |
Radcliff |
Thos. |
farmer |
sec. 11 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Radcliff |
W. |
farmer |
sec. 11 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Ratliff |
F. |
farmer |
sec. 23 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Robinson |
Henry |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Robinson |
O. |
renter |
sec. 20 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
S |
Sanner |
George |
farmer |
sec. 8 |
P. O. Uniontown |
Smith |
A. G. |
farmer |
sec. 18 |
P. O. Uniontown |
Smith |
Frank |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Smith |
John |
farmer |
sec. 18 |
P. O. Uniontown |
Smith |
J. D. |
farmer |
sec. 18 |
P. O. Uniontown |
Smith |
J. N. |
farmer |
- |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Squires |
Salem |
farmer |
sec. 28 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
C. |
farmer |
sec. 29 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
Joseph |
farmer |
sec. 29 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
T |
I. C. |
renter |
sec. 31 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
J. C |
farmer |
sec. 27 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
W |
Welch |
John S. |
farmer |
sec. 19 |
P. O. Uniontown |
W. M. |
Attorney at Law |
sec. 19 |
P. O. Uniontown |
was born in Frostburgh, Alleghany Co., Md., April 14, 1852, at
the age of 9 years. He came with parents to Clayton Co., Iowa,
where they remained until Sept., 1867, then coming to Union Twp.
and settling where they now live. He was educated at the
Hopkinton Collegiate Institute, Iowa, and Western College,
Linn Co., Ill. Mr. Welch was admitted to the bar Sept. 3,
1874, by Hon. David S. Wilson, Judge. Since then he has
devoted his time to practicing law in the Summer and teaching
in the Winter. He is now teaching in Coffin's Grove, where he
has taught for four Winter terms. Mr. W. took an active part
in the county seat fight of 1875 between Manchester and Delhi,
working for Manchester, having obtained over 1,000 names. |
farmer |
sec. 32 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
was born in Ohio
in 1838, and lived there six years, then came to Iowa,
stopping in Dubuque Co. four years; came to this county in
1850, and has been here ever since; married to Mary Bacon, of
Ohio, in 1863; have four children—Clara E., Anna L., Martin H.
C., and Jennie W. Owns 150 acres of land, valued at $4,500.
Democrat; Universalist. Mr. W. has held the office of Township
Trustee and President of School Board.
W. B. |
renter |
sec. 32 |
P. O.Grove |
S. P. |
farmer |
sec. 29 |
P. O. Hopkinton |
Guy |
renter |
sec. 29 |
P. O. Grove Creek |
farmer |
sec. 6 |
P. O. Delhi |
was born in Pennsylvania in
1820, and lived there until 23 years of age. At that time
moved to Ogle Co., Ill., where he remained six years, then
came to this place. Owns 390 acres of land, valued at $11,700.
Married Jemima Martin, who was from Pennsylvania; has five
children living and two dead. Republican; Methodist. |
Peter |
farmer |
- |
- |