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Delaware County, Iowa


 Biography Directory

Christian Coonrod

1841 - 1892



      Christian farmed 60 acres in Coffin's Grove Township, Delaware County, Iowa. Christian was over 30 when the War of 1812 broke out. He heard the news from a cousin. Then leaving the farm he joined serving on the Niagara Frontier. He was with Col. Miller's successful assault on Queens town Heights. Christian witnessed Perry's victory in the battle of Fort Erie. He ended his career at Sackett's Harbor. Christian lost his discharge papers and received no pension. He then returned to Pennsylvania to farm. Christian ran a line boat on the Erie Canal for several years after it opened. Previously he operated a small boat on the Schvlkill River when Philadelphia was only a few thousand. Reading was a small town, and Pittsburgh had two stores and a boarding house. Christian started West in 1850 to McHenry County, Illinois. He purchased 640 acres and farmed on an extensive scale. There was a Prairie fire in 1856. He then sold out and went to Colony Township, Delaware County, Iowa. Christian drank freely until around the age of 100. He used tobacco since age 16. Christian heard Washington make a speech. Saw LaFayette and Stephen Girard and others. He went to Illinois in 1841, then back to Colesburg, Iowa. Then moved to Coffins Grove Township in 1856. He was a strong and ardent supporter of Grover Cleveland. He sold pictures of himself for 25 cents and signed them with a cross because he shook to much at 95 to write. He enjoyed running away.


reference:  Biography Souvenir of Delaware and Buchanan County , 14 June 1892



~ transcribed & submitted by Colleen Smith <sammy644@gmail.com>