James A. Morse, a well known agriculturist and esteemed
citizen of Coffins Grove township, has for more than four
decades resided on his farm of one hundred and sixty three
acres on section 25. His birth occurred in Vermont on the
2d of April, 1839, his parents being E. P. and Rachel (Kimpton)
Morse, who were likewise natives of that state. They came
to Iowa in 1853 and located in Jackson county, where they
passed away on the 12th of August, 1954, within a half hour
of each other. Although the father entered land in Delaware
county he never resided here. They had four children, three
of whom still survive, as follows: Albert D., who is a
resident of Adel, Iowa; James A., of this review; and
Alpheus A., living in Florida.
James A. Morse attended the common schools in the
acquirement of an education and when a youth of fourteen
began working as a farm hand. Subsequently he cultivated
rented land for two years and then embarked in the livery
business at Manchester, Iowa,
conducting an
enterprise of that character for eight years. On the expiration
of that period, he purchased a farm of one hundred and sixty
three acres on section 25, Coffins Grove township, which he has improved by the
erection of excellent buildings and which he has operated continuously
and successfully since. He has made a specialty of dairying and
has won a gratifying measure of prosperity in both branches of
his business. He and his wife took first premium on butter at the
State Dairymen's Association, November 2, 1887.
On the 16th of March 1862, Mr. Morse was united in marriage to
Miss Angeline A. Roe, who was born in Michigan on the 31st of
January, 1844, her parents being Lawson A. and Susan (Knight)
Roe, natives of Indiana and Vermont Respectively. They came to
this county in 1852, settling on a farm in Honey Creek township
and subsequently removing to Manchester, where Mr. Roe conducted
a furniture store for some time. Later he again took up his abode
on a farm, and both he and his wife spent the remainder of their
lives thereon. They were the parents of five children,
three of whom still survive. To Mr. and Mrs. Morse have been born
three children, namely: Luella is at home, Lorena is the wife of
I. W. Lampman, of Manchester, Iowa, by who she had three
children. Mildred A., deceased. Joseph Alfred and Carlton
Webster; Howard is deceased.
Mr. Morse gives his political allegiance to the prohibition party
and has always served in the capacity of supervisor and also as a
member of the school board. His religious faith is that of the
Christian church, to which his wife also belongs. He has
now passed the seventy fifth milestone on life's journey and
enjoys the respect and veneration which should ever be accorded
one who has traveled thus far on this earthly pilgrimage and
whose career has been at all times upright and honorable.